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No Auto Attack- good or bad idea


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The auto-attack mechanic in other games works great with their combat mechanics because you would have a lot of different proccing abilities that would trigger on auto attacks on top of the skills you would use yourself (rogue poisons for example, death knight unholy damage, paladin seal damage/stacks, shaman windfury procs etc.) The game is built around it, so it works fine with it.


Now SWTOR on the other hand doesn't have these types of abilities so it's combat works just fine without it. I do think that if it did get some sort of auto-attack mechanic melee damage would seem a bit more fluid and constant instead of burstier, but the game would need to be rebalanced around that extra damage as far as health pools and on use ability damage.


That's close to my thoughts. One reason why I would consider autoattack is attack speed - something that can have big impact on gear selection, which is teribly lacking as it is.

But then, after considering, either abilities would have to be normalized so attack speed won't matter, or only selected few would be viable, so still no selection. It's really hard to find reason for auto attack in SWTOR(other than 20 hp left on mob), so it's fine that it's not here.



One could argue that the existance of abilities that I'd pretty much want to always fire whenever they come up is bad design. Either should be removed or replaced with an automated version.


That's game playing instead of player. And there isn't single skill that you should want to use as soon as it's off CD without regard to combat situation.

It's like saying that in fighting game you should have auto punch.

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Auto Attack would have been nice to fill in down-times in rotations and pressing the attack button isn't all that more challenging and engaging. That said this game could never manage to have auto attack they couldn't handle the animation requirements. Not having it isn't game breaking though.
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Players that uses an auto-attack is a sign of a bad player.


So all players who are in MMO's which have one are bad players? You donot choose to "use" auto attack if it is a feature..it happens automatically. It can be useful if you are fighting a mob and lag or disconnect. If it was a option to turn on in TOR, I would do so in a heartbeat.

Edited by Valkirus
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However the JK (and SW) classes, all their focus/rage building and otherwise 0 cost attacks, should have been replaced by some sort of simple autoattack functionality. Or removed entirely and they should simply slowly build up resource while in combat or something.


One could argue that the existance of abilities that I'd pretty much want to always fire whenever they come up is bad design. Either should be removed or replaced with an automated version.


I'd be on the opposite field. One of the things that I enjoy about my jugg/guards is that they actually have that mechanic. if the gave us an "auto-rage" development I would feel like my shadow consular. automatic rage gain is simply the mirror of force regeration. it takes an element of decision making out of the class that I like.


all class mechanics reduce down to decision making at their core. I feel that the extra choice you have with a warrior class in SW makes it a more interesting class to play. but you bring up some good points and I can understand your point of view. I just disagree is all.


On the OP:


I think that auto attack is old technology. as MMO's have advanced, the need for an auto-attack is simply fading out of the picture. Games like Wow Still have one simply because of mechanics they use that still depend on them, and game balance.


when a game is balanced around an auto-attack, mob health, weapon damage...it all has to be calculated based on the fact that extra damage is occurring at all times you are in combat. A game like SWtOR that starts without, doesn't need to take those things into consideration. Mobs are balance around the damage potential of triggered attacks only, weapon damage doesn't need to take into effect that you will be swinging like a zombie.


not a fan of autoattack. no reason for it to be in a game really. back in evercrack, or vanilla wow, when you were lucky to have 2-3 skills by the time you hit lvl 10, you needed something to fill in the gap. Bio has done a great job of making classes so that you don't even miss it.

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I'd be on the opposite field. One of the things that I enjoy about my jugg/guards is that they actually have that mechanic. if the gave us an "auto-rage" development I would feel like my shadow consular. automatic rage gain is simply the mirror of force regeration. it takes an element of decision making out of the class that I like.


all class mechanics reduce down to decision making at their core. I feel that the extra choice you have with a warrior class in SW makes it a more interesting class to play. but you bring up some good points and I can understand your point of view. I just disagree is all.


On the OP:


I think that auto attack is old technology. as MMO's have advanced, the need for an auto-attack is simply fading out of the picture. Games like Wow Still have one simply because of mechanics they use that still depend on them, and game balance.


when a game is balanced around an auto-attack, mob health, weapon damage...it all has to be calculated based on the fact that extra damage is occurring at all times you are in combat. A game like SWtOR that starts without, doesn't need to take those things into consideration. Mobs are balance around the damage potential of triggered attacks only, weapon damage doesn't need to take into effect that you will be swinging like a zombie.


not a fan of autoattack. no reason for it to be in a game really. back in evercrack, or vanilla wow, when you were lucky to have 2-3 skills by the time you hit lvl 10, you needed something to fill in the gap. Bio has done a great job of making classes so that you don't even miss it.


The problem with your statement is that your assuming that is no auto attack in game. Let us examine what auto attack basically is...


Auto Attack: an attack requires no function besides activating it, it takes your weapons damage and deals it over and over when ever your not actively attacking the enemy, and with in range. It is boosted by base stats and talents and usually deals " white " damage is effectived by armor in some cases.


Basic Attack: an attack requires some activation by the player, it takes your weapons damage and deals it over and over when ever your not actively attacking the enemy, and with in range. It is boosted by base stats and talents and usually deals " white " damage is effectived by armor in some cases.


Basically if you really break it down... basic attack IS auto attack you have to actively use. Is no varitaion, no real differant functionality. Sometimes its used as filler sometimes to build resources BUT same could be said of auto attack... really boils down to how its activated BUT mechanically the two function the exact same...and you had better believe devs factor in this damage into encounters because they do trust me they do!

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So the game's been out for a few months now- and long before we were told again and again how great it was that the game wouldn't have auto attack- every time you attack, you're hitting a button.


So has it been good for you? Do you enjoy having that extra button you have to press every few seconds for an auto attack rather than having it built in?


No auto attack means no afk players standing at a spawn spot getting xp or cash when at work or in bed.

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No auto attack means no afk players standing at a spawn spot getting xp or cash when at work or in bed.


Right, because auto attack targets players and moves you around for you.




Auto Attack means NOTHING.


Could you make a toon with auto attack that you need to press 10000 buttons a second to play? Yes.



Could you make a toon without auto attack that takes 1 abillity every 5 seconds to play?



The auto attack can be total independent of your abilities meaning it has 0 effect on game play? Yes

Edited by Lt_Latency
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I'm not a big auto attack fan because it has a Murphy's Law habit of activating at the most inopportune times. Like when a huge fight just finished, the group has one companion to fill the 4th slot, everyone's gear is smoldering from damage, the healer is almost out of force power and a pat sneaks around a corner that the companion can't resist before putting it on passive. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I... think I phrased the question incorrectly, as it seems people are thinking this is some kind of automatic playing the game for you- as I've seen in some Korean mmos (Sword of the New World for example) where your character attacks someone if they get near.



What I meant by auto attack is essentially our basic attacks- like strike or shots- but rather than them taking up a hotbar slot and you having to activate them- they run while you're using different abilities- ie, if you were to use Vicious Slash as a marauder on someone- you'd start doing 'Assault' strikes while you use other abilities.



I think most got what I meant though- and am surprised to see what seems to be almost total consensus on the issue- which is one of the first and only times I've seen something that is pivotal to combat in WoW be completely unwelcome compared to what SWTOR has done.



So- I guess SWTOR did get one thing right over WoW in everyone's eyes :)

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It's the way SWTOR's mechanics work - every ability you use triggers the global cool-down unless otherwise stated. In that sense, auto-attack doesn't exist in SWTOR.


However, I'd be more than happy if they included a function that, on activation, would automatically cast the default 'auto-attack' repeatedly upon engaging a target without having me to click it.

Coupled with an ability queue like in KotOR, that wouldn't be a bad idea.


However, I'm fine with it as it is now. Coming from a WoW background I was concerned at first, but the lack of autoattack has really grown on me.

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Right, because auto attack targets players and moves you around for you.




Auto Attack means NOTHING.


Could you make a toon with auto attack that you need to press 10000 buttons a second to play? Yes.



Could you make a toon without auto attack that takes 1 abillity every 5 seconds to play?



The auto attack can be total independent of your abilities meaning it has 0 effect on game play? Yes


You might want to check yourself there, bro. There are quite a few MMOs out there where people DO sit in a spawn site for mobs and go AFK for about 10 minutes at a stretch with their target back setting ON and their Auto-attacks going. I've seen it done in EQ and EQII. It's a gold farming tactic.

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One of the Final Fantasy games had a programmable interface for companion characters, so they would execute functions you pre-programmed them to do. Moreover, you could make such actions conditional, based on health percentage of other characters, strengths of enemies, etc. Would be killer to see something like that adopted for TOR.


That would be nice, but I read somewhere that the devs don't like stuff like that because they don't want macros.



Coupled with an ability queue like in KotOR, that wouldn't be a bad idea.


However, I'm fine with it as it is now. Coming from a WoW background I was concerned at first, but the lack of autoattack has really grown on me.


Sounds nice huh =p. Anyway, my main motivation for having such an option was to allow players to kill targets just by engaging them with right-click - it would save lots of time when farming or when you're not needed to max dps.

All such an option would do is to mimic how a player would right-click (or hit the key on the keyboard) repeatedly.

It could be in the form of an ability or just an option in the interface, whatever, as long as it does what it's supposed to do; although I imagine it would be more convenient as an ability than an interface option.

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You might want to check yourself there, bro. There are quite a few MMOs out there where people DO sit in a spawn site for mobs and go AFK for about 10 minutes at a stretch with their target back setting ON and their Auto-attacks going. I've seen it done in EQ and EQII. It's a gold farming tactic.


Not really anything to do with auto attack. Most games don't target for you and turn it on for you.


That is alot more then just auto attack.



You can easily make a game with auto attack that won't keep fighting mobs while not at the keyboad

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Not really anything to do with auto attack. Most games don't target for you and turn it on for you.


That is alot more then just auto attack.



You can easily make a game with auto attack that won't keep fighting mobs while not at the keyboad


Just sayin. That's the main reason they didn't incorporate it here, imo. If you hadn't noticed, this entire game is a money sink if you don't play the Market and do some crafting. Especially the repair bills at higher levels. lol

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this is exactly like most games with an auto attack as well.


uh no..


in WOW i can stand there and kill an NPC without even touching my keyboard. i just need to initiate the original attack and watch the show.


and if i want IN BETWEEN those auto attacks. after i finish chugging my Red bull i can press the 1 button or the 2 button for more damage.

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So the game's been out for a few months now- and long before we were told again and again how great it was that the game wouldn't have auto attack- every time you attack, you're hitting a button.


So has it been good for you? Do you enjoy having that extra button you have to press every few seconds for an auto attack rather than having it built in?


Most of the time I don't even use the "auto attack", and I'm a Juggernaut so yes, it's a good thing that we don't have one, especially since the standard attack isn't off the GCD. Everyone should be doing their best to not even use it because of how the resource management system works in SWTOR.

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I was a bit skeptical at first, but I think it's worked great. For JK/SW, the "basic" attack moves doubles as a resource generator. For Gunslingers/Shadows, you weave them in to maximize damage while managing your resource. Can't speak for anything else.


I think the point was to get away from a rotation of 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3.......until your resource is depleted. As someone said, there's no ability that I just *have* to press every time it comes up without considering the situation. Such as, hitting Precision Strike on cool-down without having the focus left over to make it worthwhile, or hitting Zealous Strike on cool-down even if you're at 10 focus.

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I miss auto-attack only in rare moments when I need emergency break from computer when mobs pound on me /grin


Otherwise... I don't miss it at all...


lol, yeah ive had that moment


Door bell goes and do you leave and die as your not attacking (to answer door) or do you stay and win the fight!


Been allot of disappointed door to door salesmen I must say!

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