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countering Mara combat teams in WZs?


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Snipers are self explanatory, can't be charged, have a long *** root, has a knockback, and does insane burst from 30+ yards--they are the anti-marauder.



Sorry, not quoting the whole thing... :-)


Totaly agree with this...

Snipers and / or gunslingers infuriate me (Sentinel...the mara mirror)


In general, everything starts with a good leap...as soon as these guys are in the fray, strike that out... cover - snipe and slow and bam!:mad:


I ain't complaining, there are ways around it (play LOS, or Force Cloak if it ain't on CD)but it's the most annoying/fatal thing for me. Even more so than OP's out of stealth or Sorc's CC'ing my *** off

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Love these threads about ranged being bad. It's like people come to this game and have no idea what kiting is. Marauders are one of the easiest classes to kite in the game. We have no CC immunity (outside resolve), and still have too deal with all the snares, knockbacks, stuns, and roots that ranged have. We don't even have a single 30m "pity" ability like the other melees.


Anyways, back to the topic at hand. If you're talking 3v1 of any class you're gonna get your stool pushed in. Even without class stacking a group of organized players is probably gonna destroy whatever WZ they're in.


You have a shield, much like paladins in wow that give u another life basically. You hit like a truck and can also vanish.


Not saying you need a Nerf. But to argue marauders are not a strong class is laughable. You are an extremely potent and versatile class. I think you will get hit with the Nerf bat at some point, because the class stands out in comparison to others. It does at top level pvp anyway when geared. They scale well.


It's not easy to kite them either. Because they can catch you with leap, kill you very quickly and if u manage to get the drop on them, they either vanish or put up their shield and heal up. You have to stun them to counter it. Either way they are very very dangerous, the best pvp class, certainly the best melee.


Whether they need a Nerf or not I don't know, that's not for me to decide. Would rather they buff other classes than Nerf marauder. They are very good in pvp, you'd have to be blind not to notice.

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Sorry, not quoting the whole thing... :-)


Totaly agree with this...

Snipers and / or gunslingers infuriate me (Sentinel...the mara mirror)


In general, everything starts with a good leap...as soon as these guys are in the fray, strike that out... cover - snipe and slow and bam!:mad:


I ain't complaining, there are ways around it (play LOS, or Force Cloak if it ain't on CD)but it's the most annoying/fatal thing for me. Even more so than OP's out of stealth or Sorc's CC'ing my *** off


Honestly I specifically go after snipers because they are the easiest class to kill. You just look at them and they die. If anything, sniper/gunslinger needs a buff as they might as well be hitting me with wet paper when they shoot me.

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To the OP your phalynx method would be even better for a team of marauder/sents. I'll use sentinel terms. If organized they can...


1. Force camo in

2. Zealous strike to build focus, you knock them back.

3. Force leap back,

4. Overload saber

5. Force sweep


and each gets a 2500 in 1 hit medal. Any cluster for targets is an open invitation for a force sweep bomb. I do this as a watchman spec but I believe this would be more effective for a focus(the shared) spec.

Edited by PolishRifle
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Honestly I specifically go after snipers because they are the easiest class to kill. You just look at them and they die. If anything, sniper/gunslinger needs a buff as they might as well be hitting me with wet paper when they shoot me.



Your server must have some crappy snipers.

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This ^^^


Maras don't have much team synergy so this kind of set up against another pre-made with more synergy will neutralize them (at worst) or destroy them (at best) depending on the other pre-made make up. Any team with a tank and healer working together will cause them huge problems and if you have decent DPS (especially ranged) you will wipe the floor with them because they can't keep their healer up and you can.

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To the OP your phalynx method would be even better for a team of marauder/sents.......<cites awesome Mara/Sent AoE attacks>


Yikes! Come to think of it, a mantra of 20th century infantry was "don't group up", or something like that.


Well, that leaves tanks. Or perhaps snipers (see a post above).

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