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Server population is dropping...


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This thread is still alive? Its just a constant troll vs troll. lol.


I wish people just face the fact that the servers are fine and so is the game.


That's why I'm on my third server and the guild I'm now in has also just moved from another server...


This game is not doing well, they are lucky so many of us took on 3 or 6 month subs or the sub numbers would be really bad. I want to see what the sub numbers are after April, less than 900k would be my guess, that would mean that the majority of people who bought the game left before 4 months of playing.

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interview with James Ohlen on Darth Hater.



DH: Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?


JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.



The rest of the interview.



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JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future.



Good luck with the game then.


Faction balance - failed.

World PvP / Ilum - failed (see guild summit notes).

Server population - failed.

Bugs in the game people have waited on to be addressed - failed (warzone start/abort/cycle?)


List goes on and on and on. LFG tool isn't going to fix faction balance let alone empty servers. The whole social aspect of the game is gone when one plays on empty servers. To those who say the game is healthy - please re-roll to any of the servers people say have less than 30 in the fleet or 5 on a planet. It isn't healthy and it isn't fun.


People will be doing one of two things.


A. Cancel

B. Re-roll


Those who don't want to re-roll to another server will leave. Those who are tired of the game for any other reason, will leave. Those who enjoy the game and willing to give it another go will either stick it out on their server and wait for BioWare, or move to another server.


Note this though - it is easier to either go back to where you came from in another MMO when you have a established character or start a new game. D3 and GW2 are around the corner. There are two other big titled not associated with EA due out in the later part of the year.

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Good luck with the game then.


Faction balance - failed.

World PvP / Ilum - failed (see guild summit notes).

Server population - failed.

Bugs in the game people have waited on to be addressed - failed (warzone start/abort/cycle?)


List goes on and on and on. LFG tool isn't going to fix faction balance let alone empty servers. The whole social aspect of the game is gone when one plays on empty servers. To those who say the game is healthy - please re-roll to any of the servers people say have less than 30 in the fleet or 5 on a planet. It isn't healthy and it isn't fun.


People will be doing one of two things.


A. Cancel

B. Re-roll


Those who don't want to re-roll to another server will leave. Those who are tired of the game for any other reason, will leave. Those who enjoy the game and willing to give it another go will either stick it out on their server and wait for BioWare, or move to another server.


Note this though - it is easier to either go back to where you came from in another MMO when you have a established character or start a new game. D3 and GW2 are around the corner. There are two other big titled not associated with EA due out in the later part of the year.


Yep. If GW2 comes anywhere close to having a dynamic world, and the server vs server vs server warzones are as cool as they sound, you might as well kiss goodbye to anybody who dislikes the monotonous and static ghost town SWTOR offers.

Edited by Gungan
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Need server transfers and xserver queues for pvp and FPs or many players will just quit the game instead of rerolling again. Xserver queues by themselves might fix things though they really should have been in since launch to handle things like this happening, "community" whines be damned.
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interview with James Ohlen on Darth Hater.



DH: Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?


JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.



Thats disgusting, how can they be so out of touch when they can see the numbers? Or are they hoping to somehow attract a massive flood of people to fill up all the medium to low pop servers (most servers)? The server I am on has lost 45% of its population since release, do you really consider that "healthy"? For reference I am on Mandalore the Indomidable, and we had 180+ on fleet during peak hours, now we hit 100 if we are lucky.


I was one of those who grabbed a 6 month sub thinking it would be worth it, and honestly after its up I really dont think I will renew, not for a good couple months atleast. I mean hell if it takes 4 months for ANY new content, I could take most of a year off and only come back to mediocre amounts of new content. It takes 4 months to come up with 1 new OP and 1 new Flashpoint, and extremely minor pvp changes? REALLY?


Meh, we will see I guess. But they have certainly disillusioned me. After I finish the storylines of each class (done all 4 of the imp's, all thats left is repub), I honestly dont see any point to staying subscribed. Maybe I will respub every 6 months or something.

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Quite simply put to make this as succinct as possible:


Low server populations will result in more people quitting the game than any other currently available variable. Server mergers, cross server warzones or some way of repopulating servers have to be the number 1, biggest priority for SWTOR at this time.

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That's why I'm on my third server and the guild I'm now in has also just moved from another server...


This game is not doing well, they are lucky so many of us took on 3 or 6 month subs or the sub numbers would be really bad. I want to see what the sub numbers are after April, less than 900k would be my guess, that would mean that the majority of people who bought the game left before 4 months of playing.


Less than 900k players? Only?!? OHMYGOD HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!


IT IS THE END!11!111!!!!11

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EA is probably using the bare minimum in terms of game server hardware to cut down on costs. They probably cannot merge servers without a massive hit to game performance on an already poorly optimized game.


My servers are dead whenever I log on. I don't feel like starting over again. My faith in Bioware caused me to buy a six month sub, but that was a huge mistake.


Theres no point playing an MMO and paying a monthly fee when you are playing by yourself.


Less than 900k players? Only?!? OHMYGOD HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!


IT IS THE END!11!111!!!!11


This is the exact same thing that happened to Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. It lost most of its user base in the first 6 months and basically went on life-support after that.

And the fanboys ridiculed everyone who pointed out the drastic player subsription falloff.


EA made a huge mistake reusing the Mythic team on SWTOR.

This game is plagued by many of the same problems as their last game, and cost twice as much to make.


Between the Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3 and now SWTOR fiasco, they have dragged Biowares name through the mud.

Edited by theskurGe
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Thats disgusting, how can they be so out of touch when they can see the numbers? Or are they hoping to somehow attract a massive flood of people to fill up all the medium to low pop servers (most servers)? The server I am on has lost 45% of its population since release, do you really consider that "healthy"? For reference I am on Mandalore the Indomidable, and we had 180+ on fleet during peak hours, now we hit 100 if we are lucky.


I was one of those who grabbed a 6 month sub thinking it would be worth it, and honestly after its up I really dont think I will renew, not for a good couple months atleast. I mean hell if it takes 4 months for ANY new content, I could take most of a year off and only come back to mediocre amounts of new content. It takes 4 months to come up with 1 new OP and 1 new Flashpoint, and extremely minor pvp changes? REALLY?


Meh, we will see I guess. But they have certainly disillusioned me. After I finish the storylines of each class (done all 4 of the imp's, all thats left is repub), I honestly dont see any point to staying subscribed. Maybe I will respub every 6 months or something.


First off, they do have access to actual numbers, no one else does. And second, patch 1.2 is the second content update in 4 months not the first.

Edited by Apocalypsezero
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Population is dropping because TORtanic has nothing left to offer people. The only thing this game had going for it was the story while leveling. Once people are done that, they are done the game, its over.


It was never a good MMO, I dont think I grouped with anyone from level 1-50 because there was no reason too and chatting was easy to miss because of the lack of chat bubbles.


So much is wrong with this game, by the time they get half of it fixed new games will be out, there will not be any point in keeping a subscription to this sinking ship.


Planet Side 2,

Secret World,

Diablo 3,




lots of different game types for different folks.


Then of course there is the game that is moving the genre forward into the next generation of MMO with massive innovation and superb design. The game that is basically the saviour of the MMO genre... Guild Wars 2.

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EA is probably using the bare minimum in terms of game server hardware to cut down on costs. They probably cannot merge servers without a massive hit to game performance on an already poorly optimized game.


My servers are dead whenever I log on. I don't feel like starting over again. My faith in Bioware caused me to buy a six month sub, but that was a huge mistake.


Theres no point playing an MMO and paying a monthly fee when you are playing by yourself.




This is the exact same thing that happened to Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. It lost most of its user base in the first 6 months and basically went on life-support after that.

And the fanboys ridiculed everyone who pointed out the drastic player subsription falloff.


EA made a huge mistake reusing the Mythic team on SWTOR.

This game is plagued by many of the same problems as their last game, and cost twice as much to make.


Between the Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3 and now SWTOR fiasco, they have dragged Biowares name through the mud.


Wrong! WAR lost over 50% of subs after 2 months, after 3-4 the ywere already merging servers. Also I can't really see all these problems that plagued WAR and are now plaguing TOR but hey, it's your opinion, for what is worth you can vent aaaaalll day long


If you want to check:

launched september 2008 with 750K users


december 2008 was already down to 300K


Edited by mutharex
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Fat chance that will happen anytime soon. They still have 1.2 bugs to fix, Rated WZ to roll out in phases and 1.3 to begin working on.



Actually I remember reading an interview from them saying they had no intention of doing server merges any time soon (dont have any plans for it at all yet), claiming the server pop's were just fine.


So honestly its likely atleast 8 months off at the absolute soonest, although a year is more likely.

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Less than 900k players? Only?!? OHMYGOD HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!


IT IS THE END!11!111!!!!11


900k would mean at any given time you may have 9000 players spread across how many servers and how many instances? Good luck seeing anyone on any other server than the fatman.


I also like how you ignore the fact that I have rerolled on 3 servers because of how bad the population is.


I'm convinced all the suporters of this game play it as a single player RPG and not a MMO.

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Wrong! WAR lost over 50% of subs after 2 months, after 3-4 the ywere already merging servers. Also I can't really see all these problems that plagued WAR and are now plaguing TOR but hey, it's your opinion, for what is worth you can vent aaaaalll day long


If you want to check:

launched september 2008 with 750K users


december 2008 was already down to 300K



so what do you think there was 3 million units sold for SWTOR? Then we are already at the point of losing half the subs. So not a much better future that WAR had...

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Why Bioware doesn't delete some servers so the population of the remaining servers will increase? Right now my server Firkrham Cristal is more than dead. on the IMP ship there's like 20 people and on the other planets there's like 10 people MAX. I can't believe it...
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