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Player-built cities?


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Star Wars Galaxies (pre-CU) was the most fun I have ever had playing a game. Yes, it had massive flaws, but it did so many things well that no MMO, not even WoW, has ever done.


yes it was...hence the question to start with.

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As much as I would love player built cities, i think it may be difficult to impliment. Player housing is easier although i understand that a city would be that little bit more awesome.


If there is a way to easily put this in, I'm all for it, otherwise, I'll settle for a house



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Raids and battlegroungs are features from other games too player cities gave a feeling of emersion into the world that you are playing and gave people something to do. I don't think they will ever add it in this game evr I would like some type of sandbox features because with them killing world pvp there is nothing to do while waiting forever for pvp ques.

And bw stated before launch that they knew what sandbox features were and thegame would fall in the middle but I see none


But raids and battlegrounds are features of dozens of other MMOs. Player cities only ever existed in SWG, and for some inexplicable, illogical reason this feature is forever tied to the Star Wars franchise.


You hardly ever see any other MMO forums filled with players wanting player cities. Player cities are one of those ideas that the player base thinks is a good idea, but in practice turns out to be not such a good idea. Imagine if you had player cities today. It would take people away from the central socializing hub of Fleet and disperse them. Fleet population would go down. People already cry that fleet pops are low, and use it as evidence that the game is dying. Introducing Player Cities would exacerbate this issue.


In fact, that very thing happened in SWG. A few months after Player Cities were launched, people complained that the social centers were dead...namely the big cities like Coronet and Theed.

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This all pivets upon if bioware wish to create minimal content planets with no quests simply for player housing on this scale, on if they would create 2 planets or one shared planet, the resources that would have to go into creating the diverse structures and possibly a political system ingame for players.


The alternative and much easier option is for phased space zones with guild/alliance space stations or improvemnts to playerships as real player housing.


The least possible effort, as always, will be "heavy instancing"...


One needs to understand, creating content for 1000+ people on one planet is more work than creating content for 10+ people on a planet, and showing the same "ride" 100 times by instancing. 9am-5pm, closed on mondays.


Themepark concept, yay!

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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We need player housing like eq2 has. Not really a fan of player cities for this game though. I mean maybe bioware could figure something out but I doubt they will. Heck I doubt they'll give us customization for ships / houses.
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even in swg i spent most of my effot makeing my ship look lnice and only used a house for storing crap.


ships are houses in this game.


Ships are not houses. Though you could live in a ship, it's not a house. No reason why they couldn't add houses. They would be put in like ships are now.

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Is there an award for the biggest mistake in the history of gaming? If there is, it should go to the person responsible for shutting down SWG.


So true, after all the effort they put into it, after adding so much stuff, after it started taking off and getting more popular....they shut it down.

Maybe not as much a mistake (given they had to make room for swtor and there can only be one star wars mmo :p) but definitely a huge waste, and a big loss for the mmo community.

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Ships are not houses. Though you could live in a ship, it's not a house. No reason why they couldn't add houses. They would be put in like ships are now.
In this we agree. Actually, I'd like to be able to but an estate an Alderaan with a landing pad for my ship.
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They already intend to give us ship customization, and have been working on it off-and-on since beta.


Don't think that was internal custimosation though.


All the things mentioned have been things like laser bolt colours and such.

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Ships are not houses. Though you could live in a ship, it's not a house. No reason why they couldn't add houses. They would be put in like ships are now.


Problem with the ships is everytime you want to go to your ship it has to take off even if you have no intention of leaving the planet. Would be nice to be able to go to your ship without the ship taking off.

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So true, after all the effort they put into it, after adding so much stuff, after it started taking off and getting more popular....they shut it down.

Maybe not as much a mistake (given they had to make room for swtor and there can only be one star wars mmo :p) but definitely a huge waste, and a big loss for the mmo community.


There is another one... the Clone Wars Adventures. So perhaps there was no room for three Star Wars MMOs and the needed to shut down the oldest one.

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This is not the sandbox you are looking for.


Surely you don't believe Hero engine could handle something that complex and dynamic even in theory?


Hero engine almost by definition can handle it. In fact Hero engine excels at that sort of problem. With hero engine the level building is in the running game (that's how most modern game engines work but it was a pretty radical concept back in 2005/2006 when they started this). What I mean is that all of the buildings you already see in the game were placed in hero engine, while it was running, and those changes would have been instantly viewable within the internal bioware austin development team. That's how hero engine works, that was its big selling point. Theoretically this should allow them to make changes like this on the fly in the live game, although networking issues might cause all sorts of problems with that plan.


The engine isn't the issue. The level layouts and theme of the game would mean they want you to have a guild instance, or a guild capital ship or something similar, rather than a player city.

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Problem with the ships is everytime you want to go to your ship it has to take off even if you have no intention of leaving the planet. Would be nice to be able to go to your ship without the ship taking off.


Hey, you're taking up parking spaces for other people. I and many others like me will not sit outside the damn atmosphere waiting for you to finish chatting with your bud on the holoterminal. GET OUTTA THE [bLEEP]ING SPOT!

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