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most overpowered pvp class


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No, this is purely based on 8 vs. 8 warzones. Top 3 Rep healers on my server can be in the match and the PT will still burn through people like paper. That is why I hate playing vs. them. And that is why they are scary.


To this I say kill the Pyro first. There is not one dps class that can destroy a team with three good healers unless the team is letting it. PT Pyros die fast! Don't let us circle strafe the crap out of your teammates. Groups tend to fight in the middle with the healers standing on the outside not moving, casting away. A good dps class is going to key on those healers and make things very annoying, get out of the middle and come get us. I cannot go invisible and sneak up on you or your healer, just a big 'ole target stomping around.


One last thing deserves restating. My railshot (aside from the fight opener) is totally luck dependent. It might take me a few flamebursts or a rocket punch to get another, if that one gets doused I am back to square one with lucky procs and in danger of overheating forcing me to resort to my default attack.

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1.) I think I mentioned it being dependant on the AC's of the defenders. Certain classes are extremely short-lived (regardless of gear difference) to the burst damage a carnage Mara can dish out.


2.) I never stated that carnage mara/sent was the BEST hutt-ball defender, and they shouldn't ever be on the defending side for exactly that reason. I was mearly point out that carnage Mara CAN function efficiently (due to have 3x 3s roots)


If you knew you were going to play huttball in a premade 8 man ranked team. How many Mards/Sents would you bring? I would bring 0. It's not that Sents/Mards are not capable of doing anything in huttball, it's that other classes are better carriers, defenders, and tacklers. Sents/Mards don't have enough burst to drop a protected ball carrier before the other team is on top of Sent/Marad, gang-banging him forcing him to pop cool downs. Given a finite number of slots, their utility is largely mitigated in hutball.



3.) I never said spawn camp.

I wait near the spawn

I wait near the spawn

near the spawn



how not spawn camping?


Sents/mards though are great in void on the attacking phase, the defending phase on the other hand. Sents/Mard struggle in the first two rooms. As they attack door rushers, ranged tends to stay back pelting you. It tends to lead to a higher mortality rate for sents/mards in defe


You have to be active in defense, because you have to be active, you have to be exposed and because you are constantly exposed you tend to have a higher mortality rate than some of the other classes. Playing a large portion of the defense a man or two down is a sure fire way to lose doors in Void.


It will be interesting to see the compositions of Ranked pre made teams and how they evolve. I have a feeling early groups will tend to be Mard/Sent heavy then you'll see the better teams going to be more Assassin heavy.

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Personally I have a Shadow and a Sentinel both main and if I have to join a premade for hutball i am 100% sure I will be asked to bring my shadow


but people here still whine that Sentinel is the true OP...


and honestly in Civil I would probably be asked to bring the shadow as well in order to stealth cap or stealth defend AOE etcetc... (i am pretty good to resist the tentation to fight and just focus on my objective when necessary)


and Voidstar? which one would you honestly want a very skilled top gear Shadow or very skilled top gear Sentinel... (obisouly we are not talking about me :p just a generic quesiton)


They are both nice addiction to the team but if i really have to choose I guess I would go for the tank/shadow once again AOE/super speed anytime he needs invisible cap jumping the gap...


Obviously depend form the composition of the team first of all but lets say u can get the best of what you want would u really bring a sentinel over a shadow in order TO WIN the warzone not in other to steamroll a noobs-team


but the Sentinel is op.... right?


Obviously u can have a strong premade with a sentinel i am 100% even 2 or 3 sentinel.. sure and probably they will make way more damage at the end of the match but i assure you the one with the sentinel will end up winning more game.

Edited by Pekish
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Yeah, I think people need to differentiate between the two:


1. Sentinels/Marauders excel at killing stuff



And yet, as awesome as that may sound, killing your opponents isn't nearly as important as it may seem at first. Holding an objective is far more important. And that's what makes Assassins so powerful.


2. Shadows/Assassins excel at winning



A Tank Assassin can easily hold out 60 seconds at a node waiting for reinforcements to arrive. They make the best Huttball carriers in game thanks to sprint and tanking CDs. Their pulls can control even hostile ball carriers.



They might not be awesome at killing stuff, but their will improve your chances of success more than any other class.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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people can say it's the player and not the class all they want but i disagree in terms of merc's tracer spam and inquis. lightning spam.


(i don't personally have a huge problem with it but i do find it pretty lame and op)


that has nothing to do with the player. just push 1 button over and over.


if the warzone goes quiet for a minute all you will hear in the distance is tracer missile spam, boom... booom... booom... booom.


and any class that can take the elements of huttball out of the equation like consular/inquis are too op.


the elements should kill you or be almost fatal, not just be avoided by a lame shield ability.


so.. i go with:


1> consular/inquis for their huttball ridiculousness.


2> merc bh for that ridiculous tracer spam


that's all.


Tracer spam? SERIOUSLY?

Clearly you've never seen a sentinel take a spammer mercenary apart... =3

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Yeah, I think people need to differentiate between the two:


1. Sentinels/Marauders excel at killing stuff



And yet, as awesome as that may sound, killing your opponents isn't nearly as important as it may seem at first. Holding an objective is far more important. And that's what makes Assassins to powerful.


2. Shadows/Assassins excel at winning



A Tank Assassin can easily hold out 60 seconds at a node waiting for reinforcements to arrive. They make the best Huttball carriers in game thanks to sprint and tanking CDs. Their pulls can control even hostile ball carriers.



They might not be awesome at killing stuff, but their will improve your chances of success more than any other class.


Yeah, massive amount of utility for Shadow, however the Shadow tanking CDs aren't as good as people believe (when compared to other tanks). The utility capabilities are what makes a Shadow Tank 'tanky'.

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To this I say kill the Pyro first. There is not one dps class that can destroy a team with three good healers unless the team is letting it. PT Pyros die fast! Don't let us circle strafe the crap out of your teammates. Groups tend to fight in the middle with the healers standing on the outside not moving, casting away. A good dps class is going to key on those healers and make things very annoying, get out of the middle and come get us. I cannot go invisible and sneak up on you or your healer, just a big 'ole target stomping around.


One last thing deserves restating. My railshot (aside from the fight opener) is totally luck dependent. It might take me a few flamebursts or a rocket punch to get another, if that one gets doused I am back to square one with lucky procs and in danger of overheating forcing me to resort to my default attack.


They do die fast! But they usually play with healers and are guarded. That is the worst part. When people like Boris que solo he is not nearly as deadly as when he is with his group, they don't guard the healer, there is no need. The warrior guards the PT and cc's targets while they run around murdering everyone. I wish Reps were doing this junk, but I have yet to see a Rep class able of the murder that OP's used to deliver and PT's still do. Back when OPs were doing nutty stuff, Scoundrels couldn't pull it off as well because of the stupid animation time tied to flachette round, the damn animation took longer than the global cooldown and totally disrupted the combo, plus the attacks just dont happen with the speed of the knife. Anyway maybe an assault Van could pull it off, I jsut don't know of any who do.

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Yeah, I think people need to differentiate between the two:


1. Sentinels/Marauders excel at killing stuff



And yet, as awesome as that may sound, killing your opponents isn't nearly as important as it may seem at first. Holding an objective is far more important. And that's what makes Assassins so powerful.


2. Shadows/Assassins excel at winning



A Tank Assassin can easily hold out 60 seconds at a node waiting for reinforcements to arrive. They make the best Huttball carriers in game thanks to sprint and tanking CDs. Their pulls can control even hostile ball carriers.



They might not be awesome at killing stuff, but their will improve your chances of success more than any other class.



exactly this but people still think sentinel is op just because it can kill them no matter if the other team lost they got kill then melee is op

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I wait near the spawn

near the spawn



how not spawn camping?


Personally I consider spawn-camping in voidstar to be when I force-charge up to the enemy spawn point (if I'm defending) and KILLING them. Waiting near a spawn point for their group to come out so that I can AoE stun, root one that uses a stun break and force choke another that stun-breaks is just a good tactic for buying time while a teammate plants. You also stated that a good enemy team wouldn't allow "spawn-camping", so I naturally assumed you were referring to what I consider spawn-camping since they can't do anything to prevent me from at the very least getting off my AoE stun.


As for hutt-ball, I can still see carnage marauders (whom will now have the speed bonus from predation that annihilation currently has, and predation will now affect the entire Ops group, not just immediate party members) being VERY USEFUL, since this will give the entire team a huge decrease in time between scores resulting in less frequent ball-carrier deaths due to reinforcements that respawn. I also see both carnage and rage marauders still being very useful at helping to defend since Rage Mara's smash damage will be on par with Rage Juggs (so they'll still rock at putting the hurt on teams that cluster around the ball carrier) while Carnage Marauders will be able to apply their roots and burst-damage any supporting healers.

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snipers are the best and hardest to kill


excellent mobilty

excellent mitigation

excellent damage

lots of defensive cooldowns



meh who am i kidding


1. assasins

2. maras

3 powetechs any


rest are all about as good as each other

Edited by fozbozjimjam
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I dont get it how a sentinel is better then a shadow in defending a ball carrier


carrier..... 2 incoming on the ramp shadow push 2 down the ramp with 1 button and just in case there is a 3th one he can always jump down and pull the 3th one down with him


carrier..... 2 incoming on the ramp sentinel try to dps one slow the other... lots of button lots of action this actualy if someone doesnt just push him down the ramp and in case he is lucky and he can leap back they can actually push him away again resolve doesnt goes on with only 1 push! and if there is a 3th one well it's just ugly



honestly how can u even compare the 2 things?



shadow 1 button very effective 2 button can handle 3 ENEMY!!!!


sentinel 12 button can barely handle 2 if he is lucky and the 2 enemy are a bit dumb and dont push him away


But Sentinel/Marauder is OP



Again i am not say my sentinel is not fun to play or I dont have big numbers at the end of the game i just say I dont help much winning the game yesterday with my shadow we won 5-1 and i scored... let me think ALL FIVE POINTS! and I still was in the middle of the damage score yeah with my sentinel i can easily top the damage count but you know what if i want to do 300+K damage more often then not we lose.



my opinion is that shadow shouldnt be allowed a TANK brench


the brench should be -UTILITY-INVISIBLE-DOT and he should always be squishy

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My three in order of how much I hate going against them:


1. Marauders


To date, I have never beat a Marauders 1v1. In fact, I can't think of a single time I have even gotton one down to 50% of his health before I was dead. And, I'm sure those were the "crappy" players behind that Marauder.


2. Tank-spec'd Assassins


I have held my own against Assassins I meet face to face. They usually turn tail and run when they get low on health if I am able to put up a good fight. If they get the jump on me, I'm done...I just stand there and let them have their kill. It's rather pointless to smash keys when you play a class that has pretty much has no escape ability.


3. Powertechs/Operatives


Powertechs/Operatives. Good god these guys hit fast and hard if spec'd properly. I was just commenting in another thread how me and a guild mate ran into one in Ilum today and how he killed us both in under 8 seconds and combined we barely took 30% of his heath before he dispatched us both. Yeah, we're just newbs and the Op class is perfectly balanced. Pft.


I should add I am a tank-spec'd Vanguard with over 22k health and over 8300 defense in mostly BM gear and a shield rate over of 40%. I'm sure you, the l33tness, run around in dancer attire without any mods/armor/enhancements in any piece killing everyone in 1 second flat with your death ray of uberness because you are just that awesome and it's the player, not the class, that is awesome sauce. :p

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again where is this Arena where u can pvp 1vs1 because i still didn't find it


in warzone i am never 1vs1 so i wouldn't be able to tell at worst i start a 1vs2 at turret or perhaps even a 1vs1 but immediately or few second after it becomes a 1vs2 or 2vs2...


if u are fighting 1vs1 with nobody chipping in u are probably doing it wrong and fighting 1vs1 under the tunnel or far from the door and 99% of the time u are being a burden to your group since u are not helping but just dueling somewhere around the map for the sake of it


yes 1vs1 sentinel is OP because it actually lack utility in group fight is a dps and u are suppose to die if he play his toons right nothing strange there


I would call OP only class that are OP in group since in group is where the game should be balances

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lets start making a ranking of them by your experience. ill go first.











some of them are a little different in some scenarios for example an operative with surgical probe / surgical precision is very difficult to kill.


im not complaining i am an assassin as my main and i have a 50 marauder as well this is just my experience on class balance. discuss.



Not sure what ur looking for...but i kill all thos classes/specs real easy like :p

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again where is this Arena where u can pvp 1vs1 because i still didn't find it


Trying looking up the planet called "Ilum". It's this frozen PvP wasteland where all of us big kids hang out. I 1v1 people a lot in off-peak hours. Hope that helps you out. :p

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You guys have no idea what you are talking about. .


Or you clearly just don't want to lose easy mode.


I have an Assassin and a Shadow, both tank spec. I know all too well how much damage they can deal when used the right way, especially if you equip dps gear set.


Tankasins burst has to be set up. Its not on command. .


Which is quite easy to do. Not to mention the fact you've overlooked. They CAN put out high burst damage, unlike the other tanks. That's the point, the damage is a little bit over the top for a tank spec.


Also If you are making a judgement call based on WZ #s then you are again mistaken. Tankasins have AOE spam and survivability so they will score well in Wz's..


Yes we do dish out lots of aoe damage, but we also have the ability to land high damage single target damage to go with it.


And no im not bad..Im very very good..


Can't be that good if you aren't aware of how strong a class they are.

Edited by Paelo
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  • 3 weeks later...
The republic is is way over powered. and the only people that complain are the republic players i have both and know that republic is by far easier ever since these changes to are classes you guys are steam rolling most the time in war zone matches. if anything the time limit on def. moves on the republic side need to be reduced and how many stuns or effects similar you have are crazy .:wea_03:
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The republic is is way over powered. and the only people that complain are the republic players i have both and know that republic is by far easier ever since these changes to are classes you guys are steam rolling most the time in war zone matches. if anything the time limit on def. moves on the republic side need to be reduced and how many stuns or effects similar you have are crazy .:wea_03:


lol they're exact mirrors of each other, silly.


My top 3:



Pyro PT

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lets start making a ranking of them by your experience. ill go first.











some of them are a little different in some scenarios for example an operative with surgical probe / surgical precision is very difficult to kill.


im not complaining i am an assassin as my main and i have a 50 marauder as well this is just my experience on class balance. discuss.


Lol school time


assassin - VERY VERY squishy unless tehy are tank spec. still i would rank them number 2 so not far off.


sorcerer - really.. you must be awful at this game. sorcs have 0 defensive cd's and are the squishiest class in game. not to mention their single target damage is considerably lower than some other classes. the only reason you see the high damage numbers in warzones is from the aoe.


marauder - how this is not number one to me is amazing. 2 defensive cd's master strike is currently hitting for 2-3k,2-3k,4-6k.. force sweeps for 3k, impale for 3-5k...


powertech - I can't comment as i have never played this class. but placing them above juggernauts is silly.


mercenary - I can't comment as i have never played this class. but placing them above juggernauts is silly.


operative - i think that these guys are severely under-rated. their survivalbity, cc, and burst damage is crazy.


sniper - they have unholy amounts of ranged damage. i took back to back 4.5k crits last night from a guildy.


juggernaut - are you for real? dps juggs can 1v1 a healer in under 10 seconds if they are competent. In huttball last night my guildy 1v5'd their team and was able to kill their ball carrier through a healer and 3 dps beating on him, and still get away safely with the ball. juggernauts should be top 3 without question.

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1. PT/Vanguard, Pyro/Assault

2. Marauders/Sentinels, both in Watchmen/Annihilation, or Combat/Carnage

2. Juggies/Guardians, DPS spec mostly, especially the one that allows them to be CC immune after leaping to you

3. Assassins/Shadows, tank specced, DPS geared

4. Snipers/Gunslingers

4. Operatives/Scoundrels





10. Sorcs



This is a basic list of how I see the class distribution, as far as it effects my Sage, and the ease of kiting, killing or surviving against a class.


Of course, this is just the basic list and it doesn't apply to all situation, especially when it comes to objectives or usefulness of a class to the team, while it retains it's damage and defensive cool downs, which would really make Marauders and Assassins, pretty much way above everyone else.


I'd say that as far kiting is concerned and a class that literally can keep you in range full time, Juggies are up there and it's pretty much impossible to kite them, while they do pretty crazy damage in the time their CC immunities are up.... and I think that Juggy/Guardian, DPS spec, is pretty much one of the most effective classes to be played by people who have a comprehensive understanding of the game and know how to play as a team.. They have very good damage, by far the best gap closer in the game, very good CC and they can kill and work with their team to easily further their goals in no matter what situation.. To me it seems that they have a extremely high skill cap, mainly because the difference between a good one and a bad one, is really astounding.


The reason why Pyro/Vanguard is up at number 1? The bust damage... They posses, by far, the highest time stamped burst damage in the game and it's not really hard to do, or set up, and again, if they know what they're doing and properly manage heat and kite, they're wrecking machines that no class can survive against for very long.. This problem is very much compounded by having more then one of them in a good team and it's becoming more and more prevalent in higher tier premades.

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Assassins/Shadows overpowered because we DIDNT get nerfed for 1.2. Oh but wait we did get shafted earlier when they decided to make our Combat stances cost 100focus. Therefore making our Deception/Infiltration tree squishy, and the tank spec more appealing.... But nobody was complaining about us then right?


Maras/sents got the love now but everyone hates them.

Mercenaries/Commandos got shafted

OPs/Scoundrils healing still looks good. Not stun killing anymore

Powertechs/Vanguards can give loads of dmg, in good hands.

Assasin/Shadows for the most part stayed the same, so we are OP now

Sorcs/Sages dps seems lacking, healing seems the same

Gunslingers/Snipers do well when they get the rotation off



Just typing off the top of my head, and from my experience.

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