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Quite Simply One of the Best MMOs I've Ever Played


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It's nice to see a post not hating on TOR. It may be 2012, but that doesn't mean that a game isn't allowed to have bugs. How many games for consoles and single-player non-sub games have been released that DON'T have a twenty page long list of bugs, cheats and hints? Give TOR time, and Bioware will make it better.


Personally I hate super-crowded worlds, which is why I absolutely loathe going through Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, because there's always 50+ people on a good day, with 120+ on a bad day. Everyone is camping spawns, stealing mobs and dueling each other, thus slowing down the framerate. I enjoy grouping with other players occasionally, talking to them in general, sometimes even a flashpoint. But until I need you, kindly stay out of my way. I know and don't care that that statement seems selfish, that's how I play my game. Don't like it? Sorry we have different views.


I'm a big fan of the voice acting, class stories and environment. Nothing soothes the soul quite like Alderaan, and nothing gets me more in the mood to kill stuff like Balmorra. I've plowed through the Bounty Hunter, Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight stories, and I've just started Act II on my Imperial Agent (the Bounty Hunter story was so good I deleted my 50 and I'm going to level him again. Part of it may have been because I didn't like his hair though...). I'll be checking out Diablo III in May, and I might check out the MoP beta when I get my invite from the annual pass, but until then, TOR's got my attention, and I'm more then happy to play it.

Edited by Meluna
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I am really enjoying SWTOR. It is the first MMO I have played where I am not constantly anticipating getting to X level and being disappointed when I get there. My level never really mattered to me because of the story progression. I also love that my alts only need to do the class story line (which is unique) and can get XP through other means. Though I do find myself doing some of the side quests anyway because I like how the NPC interaction is slightly different between a Jedi and smuggler.


I do agree that my server does seem quite at times and it would be nice to have server merges. I am fortunate to have a guild that makes up for that problem.

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I also agree with the OP. I've been in it since EGA first started and just recently got my wife to play it (posting on her account as mine has a security key tied to it and it's at home).


Sure it has some features that it needs to truly shine, but what we have right now is a very polished experience, if a bit bare boned. All of the game's shortcomings can be alleviated with time, and nearly all of them have already been acknowledged by the developers.





On a side note, I like the majority of the new end game armor, and to me it falls in line with what it should be for Star Wars. There is plenty of movie styled armor already in game. The end game armor falls directly in line with Star Wars comics, and you can easily find design cues taken from them. That makes sense since end game armor is always extravagant.

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Well I know few people do post that like the game, and it's probably because there aren't that many. If there are those out there that like the game, it's because they are dedicated and can look past the thousands of flaws this game has. I love the game myself, but i'm not ignorant, and I know when there are flaws in the game. Bugs everywhere, like an infestation of cockroaches. I can easily look past a few bugs, it's understandable in a new release of a game. But when the bugs get to a point that's stops a player from being able to play their toon. That's when it gets pathetic.


A friend of mine has a female BH Merc, going to nem'ros palace and the floor was gone. It's known issue that hasn't been fixed and the devs stated, in simples, "tough *******". We are aware of the issue, and sux to be you. So we had to find other people in the game that had the floor there, and download their files, to get it fixed. Really? SWTOR can't figure that out? I have yet to have any issues myself, with the exception of the HOTH spaceship crash site, walkway floor missing. Which I believe everyone has an issue with this. Everyone that goes to recharge the datacron, will see a missing walkway. And again, they are aware of it, and nothing is done about it.


The game's design itself, I love, the concept is great. The design crew did a great job the textures, the storyline crew, just f-ing WOW, awesome. I've only complete a few sith story lines, and only have a few 50's but so far, great job. The bug crew, the patches, and everyone else, fire them. They suck. If you want this game to continue to be as awesome as it can be. Get the lazy people out of your crew.


It's fairly safe to say, that this game will most likely be like that of a one hit wonder album. Everyone buys it, when it comes out, for the one song. Then the rest sucks. And they stop buying it. I'm staying to the end of my subscription. Which is only about a month left, as I'm sure that's what most people are doing. By then 1.2 will come out, and we'll see how many bugs were fixed, or if the bugs stay where they are, you add new content with bugs, and then just expect everyone to deal with it. The servers are dieing, and people stop playing everyday, even when they have 2 months subscription left. 3 guilds that I have been in on Master Gnost-Dural have disbanded and quit the game.


Adding new content, is great, but it's like putting a cherry on top of a turd. Fix the issues, go ahead with this update, but after that, if you don't want the game to be left like the StarWars galaxies, having to close down shop. Fix your bugs. Stop sending out patches, that don't fix anything and cause more bugs. Fix your launcher and patching system, as shown in numerous posts by thousands of people. The launcher is updating incomplete files.


Players should not be patching and fixing the games themselves, with website, p2p and torrents sites, dedicated to giving out the fixed content.


But again, I love the game, as its a continuation of the story, though pre-stroy of the kotor series. And star wars. It will be sad to see this die like star wars galaxies, due to developer ignorance.


And for those that disagree with this, go ahead and read in on the issues in the bug section. Just wow. Can't believe it. But luckily after my subscription, if this is as it's been, I'll be getting my money back, as many already have.

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Why is it so hard for you to accept that the majority of players playing do it because they have fun?


That is an easy one. Because he is awesome and everyone everywhere plays the game for exactly the same reasons he does. If he isn't happy, nobody is happy.


It's an ego trip. Most forum posts are ego trips if you get right down to it. People are more than willing to let everyone know just how awesome they think they are.

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Like the game.


Dislike the complete lack of functionality. I had more control of my UI in 2001 with EQ 1.


There are really no excuses for a game with a lousy UI, a lousy auction system, and poor optimization. These issues have long-since been hammered out by any number of previous MMOs.


It is frustrating to enjoy a game that is out-dated in so many ways.

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This game is already dead.. its bleeding subs left and right.


The fact that even with a 4 day free pass weekend that we didnt see a million gold farmers spamming everyone is a good indication that even the flies wont eat a poisoned horse.


The problem lies in 2 parts.


1. the game has issues like FPS problems, launcher stuck and wont even let people in problems, and problems with core things like class quests that even the mods cant fix in game combined with already low server pop.


2. The simple lack of communication from biowares R and D team. I mean.. it would help to at least keep people here if they knew there was a fix coming for the fps issues in warzones etc.



The game is circling the drain and if 1.2 doesnt fix a ton of fps issues etc, so people can at least get on and play the game and enjoy the content there is.. there isnt any use to be adding more.


Why add compeditive warzones IF NO ONE CAN PLAY THEM.. playing at 3-4 or 12-15 fps in a slide show while you get creamed isnt fun.... thats why people are leaving in droves. End game there are only 3 things to do.


Craft for 400 (takes 1 day maybe 2)


PVP which almost no one can do because of low FPS in warzones or low server population and the que simply taking WAY too long.


and finally..


Run Flashpoints and Ops, which a TON of people cant do simply because of FPS issues... or low server pop.



Even when wow was dying and losing subs.. they added a LFG cross server tool to keep the people that COULD do these things interested. No one likes to log in.. beg for a group for a few hours while you stand in fleet and do nothing... then log off.. It gets old.. FAST

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I was just talking about this with another guildmate last night, even though we've seen a large decline in the amount of active play time most of our guild is playing, we're still having a ton of fun and think this is one of the best MMO's in quite some time. Yes there are a number of bugs and things that should be added, but a ton of bugs have been fixed and there few game-breaking bugs left.


I think it boils down to a few things; a lot of people want to do one thing exclusively (most seem to be get to 50 and do endgame raids while others are strictly PvP players). In my guild the ones that I see staying around the most (yes we still raid 3 days a week) are the ones that do a variety of things, between PvP, Raids, and leveling alts.

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This game is already dead.. its bleeding subs left and right.


Just because you don't like the game, doesn't mean it's dead or dying. The majority of players are playing and having fun.



The fact that even with a 4 day free pass weekend that we didnt see a million gold farmers spamming everyone is a good indication that even the flies wont eat a poisoned horse.


Or maybe it has to do with the limits on in-game communications that the devs placed on free trial accounts specifically to prevent spamming.

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Haha, well done Kthx


also, they actively remove gold farmers / spammers like crazy.. in-fact I haven't even gotten a gold spam email in a week now (flagged spam everyone that I got).

Edited by DarkhawkXY
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Just because you don't like the game, doesn't mean it's dead or dying. The majority of players are playing and having fun.





Or maybe it has to do with the limits on in-game communications that the devs placed on free trial accounts specifically to prevent spamming.


Horrible to say it but the fact that the busiest servers on the game have around 100 people in their only major city at peak times on peak days is the proof that it's dying.

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Why do dark side users get physically corrupted over time? Look at Sidious. He's about as dark-side as they come, and he pulled off a normal look until having his face hosed up by his own reflected force lightning.
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Horrible to say it but the fact that the busiest servers on the game have around 100 people in their only major city at peak times on peak days is the proof that it's dying.


Yep, because the sign of an active, vibrant MMO is one where people log in to the capital city and do nothing for a few hours. As opposed to doing warzones, missions, dailies, flashpoints, and ops.



Really, enough with the "there were only X people in Fleet" complaints. I know some servers have population problems and I'm not denying that. But how many people in Fleet isn't a measure of anything. There's nothing to do in Fleet. Once you get out of your starter planet, there's almost no reason to step foot on Fleet until you hit level 50. And even then, there's not much reason to go there for very long.


It's funny, when I played WoW people would complain about how the game was dying because the capital cities were full of people who had nothing to do and just spammed the chat channels all day. And now in SWTOR people complain that the game is dying, and their primary evidence is the fact that there aren't people sitting in the capital cities spamming the chat channels all day.

Edited by amantheil
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Haha, well done Kthx


also, they actively remove gold farmers / spammers like crazy.. in-fact I haven't even gotten a gold spam email in a week now (flagged spam everyone that I got).

It's odd you say that, ever since a week or two into patch 1.2 testing I start to get a lot of gold seller mail ( I can guess because Bioware have introduced a lot of credit sinks ). Before this I wouldn't get any mail or advertising for such services.

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I have also played quite a few MMO's where all people did was sit in the capital city 90% of the time, either LFG or bored. Even on my decked out 50 guardian I spend very little time sitting on the fleet... generally the only time I'm there is when I'm PvP'ing. My lvl 42 alt has spent maybe a total of an hour on the fleet.


Edit: I guess it could be more server dependent, I play on Wall of Light... have seen very few spams. I'd imagine fatman / ajunta pall have a higher rate.

Edited by DarkhawkXY
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Really, enough with the "there were only X people in Fleet" complaints. I know some servers have population problems and I'm not denying that. But how many people in Fleet isn't a measure of anything. There's nothing to do in Fleet. Once you get out of your starter planet, there's almost no reason to step foot on Fleet until you hit level 50. And even then, there's not much reason to go there for very long.


Indeed it is a measure. Once you 50 - there is no reason to go anywhere. Lvl 50th in Fleet wait in queues for WZs and look for groups. And the number of 50th is a valid measure of server's state.

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Why do dark side users get physically corrupted over time? Look at Sidious. He's about as dark-side as they come, and he pulled off a normal look until having his face hosed up by his own reflected force lightning.


He had the "hide sith corruption" option checked off.

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He had the "hide sith corruption" option checked off.


Haha! :D Made me lawl, thanks.


And I also agree with the OP. My husband and I have been playing since beta, and are still enjoying it.


We also played WoW for a number of years and flitted from game to game after tiring of Blizzard's attempts to spoonfeed the new masses. We have found our new home in SWTOR.


And no, neither one of us works for EA or BioWare. I wish I did, though.

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Horrible to say it but the fact that the busiest servers on the game have around 100 people in their only major city at peak times on peak days is the proof that it's dying.


False, I play on fatman and I've never ever seen it lower than 150 at peak times. In fact if you go on at this very monet, in the middle of a monday, you can find 117 players on the fleet.

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False, I play on fatman and I've never ever seen it lower than 150 at peak times. In fact if you go on at this very monet, in the middle of a monday, you can find 117 players on the fleet.


some people just really wanna believe the game is dying. Realistically, its doing fine. Maybe not great but good enough.


One thing to keep in mind with population is A LOT of people are waiting for 1.2 and/or testing it right now. server may look light now, but wait and see how they look after the patch.

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