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Truly disappointed with Trooper\Commando

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I love the single player game, but I would never choose the trooper again when I play the game over. A good PvP class the trooper is not.


My experience with PvP is that the commando is useless when confronting melee units - even a solitary one can be challenging to deal with if he\she knows what they're doing. The few instant-cast spells are incredibly weak, and the only reasonable spell - the Grav Round is being nerfed "to encourage more active rotation".


I couldn't believe it when I saw that. There is a very good reason why Grav Round is so heavily used; because there isn't any thing else that can deal out decent DPS.


I feel like I spend most of PvP running around firing off Hammer Shots, the occasional Full Auto, concussion charge etc. but always dealing out tiny amounts of damage. The Sith, on the other hand, are being buffed even though they have enormous DPS dishing capacity. A good Sith player seems to have extraordinary spells at their disposal. They can interrupt me; incapacitate me for twice as long as I can to them; etc.


Nobody can convince me the trooper class is a balanced class. I find it frustrating in PvP and pathetic in melee matches. The scary thing is, I'm more than halfway to maximum level and I have invested so much time in a class that seems to be a total dud.


Looks like Patch 1.2 will make things worse. Wonderful.

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A good PvP class the trooper is not.


only reasonable spell - the Grav Round


Grav Round is so heavily used; because there isn't any thing else that can deal out decent DPS.


I spend most of PvP running around firing off Hammer Shots


but always dealing out tiny amounts of damage


pathetic in melee matches.


halfway to maximum level



To save you some embarrassment I have quoted all of the area's above where you are failing, please correct these and post your findings. Chin up champ.

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Utter tosh. Sorry but commando's are a great pvp class. Just because you can't spam one button and defeat every other class in the game doesnt mean the rest of us are struggling with it.


Yes, melee are a problem for us but thats part and parcel of the game, it isnt supposed to be easy. How do you beat melee, well, sometimes you wont, but if you use you abilities correctly and your lucky with your cooldown timing then yes, you can beat melee. You have shields, healing buffs, healing abilities, knock backs, stuns, damage buffs, all sorts of stuff. Learn to use them. Learn to position yourself so that your least likely to draw the attention of melee fighters.


Grave round isnt spammed because of the awsome damage it does, its spammed because people dont know any better. Those that do, dont spam grave round and whilst 1.2 will affect us slightly in that regard it wont stop spam. You use grav round to get your buffs up for HiB and demolition charge. Then you use other abilities, because they do more damage.


PLaying commando isnt about being a one button turret.


The only issue I have with commandos is no ability to cross gaps in huttball. Thats really frustrating but you learn to live with it.

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The Sith, on the other hand, are being buffed even though they have enormous DPS dishing capacity. A good Sith player seems to have extraordinary spells at their disposal. They can interrupt me; incapacitate me for twice as long as I can to them; etc.


lol troll post?

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Well, I cant speak for the Commando in PvP since he's level 35 and i aint used him in PvP very much but he does pretty good in PvE. However, my Vanguard who's Tacitcs specced does pretty well in PvP and PvE. Not awesome by any means but with Ion Cell active he has a good combination of DPS and survivability. Edited by ReddNekk
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I'm full gunnery, with most points in that tree. I agree with the post above that mentions positioning and cooldown timing versus melee. As Kenny Rogers once said, "know when to fold em, know when to walk away, and when to run.." Understand your strengths and weaknesses.


Line of sight and the objectives need to remain the concern and at the core of your game play. If you continually make an effort to remain in correct position, you will have teammates close by to help. You will be able to change your attacker's focus to survival versus poaching if you keep yourself focused on the team's needs. Trophies, kills, and scoring flow when you do your job.. play your role.


AoE damage can be a huge difference maker in PvP so I can't see how Commando is not a good PvP class. Not to mention how fun it is to hide behind something on a flank and mow down wounded enemies so the melee can get back to terrorizing their back row. We have to make sure focus fire is a priority. We finish them off as well as anyone.


I feel commando is easy to learn, but experience makes the difference as you need to often predict the ebb and flow of battle to maximize your team's efforts.


And remember, sometimes things are out of your hands. I'm guildless still, so as a constant PuGger, I don't get frustrated in the least, as too many factors come into the results, you can't take it personally or blame one thing or another.


Don't underestimate that hammer shot and HiB giving you mobility to remain aloof in the fray. Sorcerers tend to not like being hassled with the constant Hammer Shot. At least they might feel harrassed and move off their spot, I find myself running through their back row to use my knockback to distract them if even for a moment.


Lastly, grav round will always have to be used for me. Gunnery relies on it, so it isn't because it's easy, it's because most of my enhancements stack 5 times and it's cheap for me to use because of gunnery tree, it debuffs, increases damage of other abilities, and gives me increased survivability thanks to another ability.


So, for those people, and Bioware, who desire a different rotatlion, well... the entire Gunnery tree revolves around it, they designed it that way. I don't have a choice but to use it in order to play my toon as designed. Bounty Hunters have their tracer missle, we have grav round.


I really don't understand when folks attack a class from one faction or another. Mirrored classes kind of make it a moot point. The other side has the same advantage or disadvantage. That is why Bioware did that, not to be boring. It's nice to see the Imps complaining about Consulars now after the Sorcerer complaints, republic players decided that if you can't beat em, join em. Those statistics will bear out across all servers. .

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Utter tosh. Sorry but commando's are a great pvp class. Just because you can't spam one button and defeat every other class in the game doesnt mean the rest of us are struggling with it.


Yes, melee are a problem for us but thats part and parcel of the game, it isnt supposed to be easy. How do you beat melee, well, sometimes you wont, but if you use you abilities correctly and your lucky with your cooldown timing then yes, you can beat melee. You have shields, healing buffs, healing abilities, knock backs, stuns, damage buffs, all sorts of stuff. Learn to use them. Learn to position yourself so that your least likely to draw the attention of melee fighters.


Grave round isnt spammed because of the awsome damage it does, its spammed because people dont know any better. Those that do, dont spam grave round and whilst 1.2 will affect us slightly in that regard it wont stop spam. You use grav round to get your buffs up for HiB and demolition charge. Then you use other abilities, because they do more damage.


PLaying commando isnt about being a one button turret.


The only issue I have with commandos is no ability to cross gaps in huttball. Thats really frustrating but you learn to live with it.


Do you know the difference between a fact and an opinion? Go ye and learn what that meaneth, and then re-read the OP.



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I think there is nothing wrong with commando in pvp. I started off as a combat medic and played one for months but then for my guild I went dps.


I tried the gunnery and the assault tree as well. I think gunnery is better for pve while, on the other hand, assualt is pretty good for pvp.


With a bit of healing you can just destroy almost every class. You are pretty mobile, can fight at melee range as well. I haven't had this much fun in pvp for a long long while though I have always enjoyed healing with my cm as well.


You should just forget about running into a group of enemies hoping that youll survive. But if you find the good spots and the good targets you can be a killing machine.


I must also add this that I haven't tried any other classes so far.

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If specced and played correctly, the trooper is a strong 1v1 class, even vs. melee with interupts.


Unless you are an Assault Specialist, the Commando is designed to stand its ground, take a beating, and dish out sustained damage. If a determined melee is on top of you, there is no escape, only victory or death.


Full Combat Medic specs are incredibly efficient at supporting team members, and can withstand an incredible amount of damage, helping you last until your comrades charge to your rescue.


Full Gunnery can demolish most classes quickly, efficiently, and consistently, but require gaurd and/or healing support to be truly effective.


Speccing into a 30/11/00 or 24/17/00 will give you enough dps and personal longevity to take on most other classes 1v1 and win. All gear being equal, I have been able to handily beat all but entrenched snipers, and full healers 1v1. And if push comes to shove, those are the classes you can run from...





If you aren't using all of your abilities, you are not doing it right.


Purchase and use pvp consumeables regularly.


Stand in the fight, heal when people are going to die, heal only those who will survive, and damage the weak or concentration targets.


Ledges are the neon signs to marauders that you have fear. Standing in the open near both allies and enemies will result in more gaurds and taunts, and therefore; survival.


CC is there for a reason, but use it intelligently. If the guy has a full white bar, don't use it. If a guy is being attacked or in the dog pile, don't use concussion charge.


Don't knock people out of a cluster, that is where you and your team mates aoe them into oblivion.


Trauma Probe yourself when you are being attacked, or others when you are not. It may not seem like a large amount of healing, but it adds up quickly.


A good sage healer will do 2x the amount of healing you can do, so do 2x the damage that they can.


Hammer shot on enemies near full health is an efficient use of resources, and can save an ally when used with trauma probe. Use your ammo efficiently so you don't run dry.

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Couldn't possibly disagree w/ the OP more. Sorry, but my experiences w/ the trooper (Commando AC/Gunnery to be specific) are essentially the polar opposite of what you describe.


Heck, I just found out this weekend by being a little fly on the wall that me and my pvp teammates are hated.. by name... Can't do that w/ a class that sucks..

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Couldn't possibly disagree w/ the OP more. Sorry, but my experiences w/ the trooper (Commando AC/Gunnery to be specific) are essentially the polar opposite of what you describe.


Heck, I just found out this weekend by being a little fly on the wall that me and my pvp teammates are hated.. by name... Can't do that w/ a class that sucks..


You might be hated but you are very easy to lock down and wreck.


OP if you want to be successful in PVP hide behind your melees and stand in hard to see locations. You'll probably get jumped by multiple juggernauts or marauders at some point, but provided you are very nearly left completely alone you will be able to punch out plenty of damage and/or heals.

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You might be hated but you are very easy to lock down and wreck.


OP if you want to be successful in PVP hide behind your melees and stand in hard to see locations. You'll probably get jumped by multiple juggernauts or marauders at some point, but provided you are very nearly left completely alone you will be able to punch out plenty of damage and/or heals.


I'll never deny that. If a marauder or jugg who knows what they are doing actually gets me 1v1 with the intention of sending me to the spawn point, then chances are that is where I will be shortly after the encounter gets underway.


However, that is easier said than done... I am rarely out of range of at least 2 healers who refuse to let me die.

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