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FULL resolve yet still getting pulled into fire, getting


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Then you still can not clearly understand what I said then? You are still having difficulty understanding what I clearly stated twice (actually more but twice to you specifically)? Then there is nothing more I can do to help you. You will have to help yourself.


The fact is I have seen, hell I just had it happen to me again where I was chain stunned with a full resolve bar no more then 10 minutes ago. I was stunned twice, my resolve bar was full, I broke the stun and proceeded to get stunned and ganked no less then 3 times while my resolve bar was still white as a babys *** on a December morning in the snow.




On a side note I just had a Jugg force leap to me while I was clearly behind my cover screen too. SO who knows maybe the bigger issue on my server is cheating.


Nonsense you are writing is not meant to be understand. On the other hand, I have no difficulty in understanding that you, Sir, are a LIAR. And you are not the misinformed type you are the "Lying through my teeth" liar type. It's the only logical conclusion.


Yeah , yeah go ahead and flag me. If the Mods see fit to ban me for stating the obvious then so be it.

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Yea, I am trolling a bit now, sorry, couldnt stop myself;)


Thank you. I downloaded it and will figure out how to use it. Can't promise immediate results though. So don't go trolling over that. :)


And a lot of people are trolling in this thread. I think I even did that at some point. I'm just always amazed at how people go from just discussing a subject to attacking people.


Again sorry for exaggerating to make a point. Oh well... next time I will try to time it :).

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I actually saw exactly this take place tonight with my character. Will try to remember to run fraps next time.


On the other hand, I also watched someone with zero resolve become immune to all CC abilities, snares and what nots. Meh...will try to remember to fraps it next time I see it may happen.


Some classes get CC immunities. Snipers/GS get a 20-second total CC immunity while in cover (Entrench/Hunker Down), Juggernaughts and Guardians get 4 seconds of CC immunity after a charge if they talent for it. Im sure other classes have similar talents.


Also, the biggest thing: Unless your bar is SOLID WHITE and COUNTING DOWN, you're not full on resolve. It takes 1000 resolve to trigger immunity/countdown, but the bar above your portrait only shows 800 resolve.


Sooooo many people see a full bar above their head, arent staring right at it to realize it isnt solid white and draining, and assume they should be immune.

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Just my piece from a level 50 sentinel.


I despise the force leap and equivalent sith warrior leap, because the effect is a stun (and not a root) and stops your run completely while your resolve bar is up.


Then as a melee player I despise the "root" not counting for resolve because, I have one attack at 10meter and that is it, it is much more incapacicating than for range classes.


Ranged classes only have to use their 2 minute CD stun breaking capacity for effective stun, melee player need to use it for stuns and for roots if they want to be useful.


As for grapplin or bump being effective despite resolve being running, that is the game design, grapplin as a long cool down so you should be able to pass the ball, bumps are just damn crazy against melee in huttball because it leaves you out of the fight as you usually used your jump/charge to get to the fight so it is on CD. (ranged can still fight from their bumped position or just by moving a bit).



The problem is more in huttball (and voidstar bridges) than in pvp fights. (the civil war is not marred by those spatial abilities, they can be useful to avoid a tower tag but they are not overpoxering those without.



But then when I play a range class I despise the transcedence of the sentinels (50% more speed for 10 seconds) combined with their guarded by the force and awe (mass stun going through fire and speed...) meaning that if the grapplin is on CD or bump people are not up there or defending (force leap) then you have just taken lost this point.



Meaning that all classes have something "gamebreaking" for otther classes in huttball but the pvp is quite balance as long as team are quite balanced. (meaning healers on both sides/ ranged on both side or none, not 5 or more of one class - can be good for on warzone, bad for another and usually leads to boring game because there is not many strategies for the opposing team if they have 5 from one advanced class - especially the dps only one)

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Just my piece from a level 50 sentinel.


I despise the force leap and equivalent sith warrior leap, because the effect is a stun (and not a root) and stops your run completely while your resolve bar is up.


Then as a melee player I despise the "root" not counting for resolve because, I have one attack at 10meter and that is it, it is much more incapacicating than for range classes.



So you have a level 50 sentinel, you think force charge/leap is a stun, you have 1 attack with 10m range and you use CC breaker to break roots. Why exactly anyone should listen to your opinion?


Force charge is a stun only for immortal juggs who choose appropriate talents (and no one do that for pvp).


You have (I will use marauder terminology) force scream, deadly throw, dispatch and (to some extend, I dont know the exact range) ravage + obliterate (I was never rage specced so I dont know if it can be used while rooted) and force crush when you spec rage.


Only situation when breaking root with CCbreaker is even remotely wise is when you have white resolve, ball and you stand in the last fire pit before enemy defense zone and then someone roots you.

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Some classes get CC immunities. Snipers/GS get a 20-second total CC immunity while in cover (Entrench/Hunker Down), Juggernaughts and Guardians get 4 seconds of CC immunity after a charge if they talent for it. Im sure other classes have similar talents.


Also, the biggest thing: Unless your bar is SOLID WHITE and COUNTING DOWN, you're not full on resolve. It takes 1000 resolve to trigger immunity/countdown, but the bar above your portrait only shows 800 resolve.


Sooooo many people see a full bar above their head, arent staring right at it to realize it isnt solid white and draining, and assume they should be immune.



Absolutely agree with you 100% here. I also should have mentioned it was a Mara that I was referring to with what seemed to be immunity to everything even with zero resolve. I don't know if they have an ability that they can hit to allow this or not (similar to what SI's have) but it just seemed odd. Usually, you can see when they hit such an ability due to a graphics change. None was noticed in this instance.

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So you have a level 50 sentinel, you think force charge/leap is a stun, you have 1 attack with 10m range and you use CC breaker to break roots. Why exactly anyone should listen to your opinion?


Force charge is a stun only for immortal juggs who choose appropriate talents (and no one do that for pvp).


You have (I will use marauder terminology) force scream, deadly throw, dispatch and (to some extend, I dont know the exact range) ravage + obliterate (I was never rage specced so I dont know if it can be used while rooted) and force crush when you spec rage.


Only situation when breaking root with CCbreaker is even remotely wise is when you have white resolve, ball and you stand in the last fire pit before enemy defense zone and then someone roots you.


Do you realize what you just posted and how much of a double standard it is? You turn and say that no one should even read the posters thoughts due to using breakout when rooted. Then you go on to say it is ok to do when you have several factors involved. I wont even mention the fact that you think it is a good thing to continue to insult people for their thoughts.


I really do not think you understand what some are saying nor even realize that your postings try to discredit what they state while just agreeing with them.

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Do you realize what you just posted and how much of a double standard it is? You turn and say that no one should even read the posters thoughts due to using breakout when rooted. Then you go on to say it is ok to do when you have several factors involved. I wont even mention the fact that you think it is a good thing to continue to insult people for their thoughts.


I really do not think you understand what some are saying nor even realize that your postings try to discredit what they state while just agreeing with them.


His post idicates complete lack of knowledge about his class. And I mean complete. And there is big difference between "breaking root on melee class to be useful" and breaking root on any ballcarrier who is in position to score.


I hope you can see it.


When you have a lev 50 char and no idea about this class, how can you post meanigful opinions about game systems, balance etc?


And one more time, to make things clear - I do not agree with any single word of that post.

Edited by Kaarsa
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You know, there's a thread that went to 27 pages and not a single person could provide any proof of Resolve being "broken". Just a lot of "this happened to me, but I have nothing to show for it, and cannot reproduce it".


As a result, most of us have little reason to believe that all of you people saying that this is happening to you are being factual. I've never been pulled or stunned w/ a white bar, and whenever I've had a CC fail on a person, it's been a class that has temporary CC immunity.


If you can prove that this is actually happening, I'd love to see any form of proof, as would the rest of the community. Until then, I'm going to call bs.


Here's the thread, if you want to see for yourself:






Call BS all you want. I know what I see. And I'll tell you just like I told the other guy I feel no compulsion to prove anything to you. The only thing I can say is pay closer attention.

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1. I dont think it was an attack on religion - it was an attack on methodology presented by some posters here: "believe me because I am right, no proof included", exactly like with faith (which by definition is not providing evidences).


2. 30 seconds in the row of stun and root...lets see - 2x4sec stun, 2000 resolve, so you cannot be stunned again up to 24th second of experiment, which leaves 16 seconds gap. Roots are between 1 and 3 seconds long, lets say on average 2 seconds. You want to tell me that you are hit by 8 perfectly timed roots in the row? If enemy team pulls that off they deserve the effect;) Exaggarations like this are not helpful for the discussion and make you look bad.


3. You admitted yourself that some classes can defend themselves against CC effects, so what is the problem again?






I have totaly seen UFO today, but I forgot to use my camera, I will have to take it with me next time I think I will see UFO. And btw, I have critted with my saber strike for over 9000, but I didnt fraps that and I am not going to, you have to believe me.


Seriously, why waste time to post stuff like this?



Again with the "I've never seen it so there is no way it's true and you are lying". I'll say it again, just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean that it isn't happening.

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Roll an Op or Scoundrel just until you get your backstab. Go into a WZ, wait till someone is full resolve /backstab /kill /enjoy /profit.


Why should so many throw you and the "few" videos to prove what we know is happening to us? Ya, I know a lot of complaints are raging about how resolve doesn't work because of snares etc. But to be fully stunned while a resolve bar is white and cooling down is BS.


EDIT: Oh and there was another thread about this with a challenge in it. The OP was supposed to get back to the thread after his testing because him, like you, wanted to prove all of us wrong. Ya he hasn't posted back...


Backstab doesn't stun, or slow, or anything, it's just damage.


Hidden strike does a knockdown, and no, it will NOT knock anyone with white resolve down.

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seems to me most people that say that have problems just don't understand how resolve works. every1 i know that does understand it never said it's bugged. there is a resolve guide stickied, read it.



but to sum it up for those of you who seem confused:



the ability that fills your resolve(aka whitebars it) doesn't cancel because you are whitebarred. it is only subsequent post-whitebar CCs that you are immune to. this means that you can be in a stunned state while having full resolve because it is the stun that filled it.


roots and snares do not fill resolve. For some reason people seem to panic when they get rooted and think because they can't walk they must be stunned(not the same)



Powertech and vanguards can talent their grapple to have a root on it. they can effectively use thier grapple to fill your resolve and leave you rooted in the fire to die if you have no escapes.



I've seen many a noob cry "i just got pulled and stunned in the fire with full resolve zomg broken fix plox" when in reality they are just ignorant of the mechanics.


x1000. The OP starts out with being rooted/snared with full resolve. An obvious lack of understanding.

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss issues you're having with resolve and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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