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Are the Sith more powerful than the Jedi?


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The first thing that matters is force sensitivity.


That said, sith are always generally more powerful.Knowledge and understanding is about the same ,but of course they use that understanding for different goals.

Sith generally appear to be defeated because they fight among themselves all the time,constant strife,which is side effect of immersion in the dark side.

And also sometimes some crucial sith are turned to the light side,which of course happens with jedi going dark side too,but despite that it needs to be mentioned.(Ulic Keldroma,Vader,ect.)

Edited by Kaedusz
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Imagine a straigh fight between the Dark Council and the Jedi Council.LOL. The sith with will obliterate them.

After that the Dark Council will kill each other.


Hell ... Tulak Hord would defeat in a fight all Jedi Councils,throughout history,by himself.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Poppycock. Yoda was far beyond into his own, Sidious bested him, sorry but yea. Malgus bested Satele (one is just NOT scared to face someone they beat before, just doesn't happen or make sense). Maul (an APPRENTICE) bested Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn.


Now there are counter instances you can point to sure. You favor the Light Side/Jedi from what I gather. I favor the Dark Side/Sith. So being the fans that we are, we can rehash this debate.


What I think it is, why this is becoming the default SW logic is cuz at the very least, the Sith SEEM more powerful, especially in terms of raw power. Anger & passion are great conductors of this. The Dark Side is obviously more geared towards offense. Hence the plethora of DS techniques such as Force Lightning, Shock, Storm, etc. Force Choke, I can go on. The Light Side just isn't, that I've ever seen. All a LS Jedi can do to counter a Sith in a force contest is project, but surprise, Sith can do that too. In terms of lightsaber combat, anyone's guess. Force combat? Sorry, but I gotta give it to the Sith.


A Jedi Master is supposed to be a Sith Lord's equal, mirror. The Jedi Grand Master is supposed to be the Dark Lord's equal, no? Well take from the movies, books, etc. & judge away kids.

first off, satele was not defeated. I agree, yoda was defeated, but it hardly looked he was fighting back. mace should have and could have defeated sidious. Maul would have been a complete sith except that sidious, the best sith ever, took him as an apprentice.

maul was one of the best sith duelists ever, and qui-gon was not known for his fighting ability. instead of force choke, for example there is force stasis. jedis level headedness also helps them in battle.

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first off, satele was not defeated. I agree, yoda was defeated, but it hardly looked he was fighting back. mace should have and could have defeated sidious. Maul would have been a complete sith except that sidious, the best sith ever, took him as an apprentice.

maul was one of the best sith duelists ever, and qui-gon was not known for his fighting ability. instead of force choke, for example there is force stasis. jedis level headedness also helps them in battle.


Satele was holding her own there, in spite of having her lightsaber chopped in half. COL Malcolm helping her out was probably more to enforce the bond they shared than any real help against Malgus being needed. I mean, she ended up dropping a mountain on the guy.


As for Windu, yes I agree. Watched that scene again and he definitely had Pally down for the count. Anakin was the deciding factor in that fight.


Maul was martially trained since he was a child, so yeah. Of course he's going to be a BAMF when fighting Jedi who had pretty much grown complacent after centuries of relative peace.


Yoda should have beaten Pally easily, but the ol' Emperor had much better plot armor.

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They're two sides of the same coin and barely a physical manifestation of the two sides of the Force. Light and Dark are constant truths just like cold and heat. Neither is stronger than the other, they just take over one another forever.
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Look at Anakin after Kenobi was bested by Dooku. He in turn let his hate get the better of Dookie. Same with Kenobi with Maul. He only beat him due to his anger after watching his master fall. Luke also turned to the dark side thus leading to becoming more powerful.



Then again, I like honey nut cheerios so that is the answer to all of the questions. :p

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Look at Anakin after Kenobi was bested by Dooku. He in turn let his hate get the better of Dookie. Same with Kenobi with Maul. He only beat him due to his anger after watching his master fall. Luke also turned to the dark side thus leading to becoming more powerful.



Then again, I like honey nut cheerios so that is the answer to all of the questions. :p


Actually, Obi-Wan was completely calm by the time he caught Maul off guard. He knew he had to focus, and did so. He actually never used anger or hate in his fights. He fought like Batman or Deathstroke, for lack of better examples. Always carefully planning his next move. Always 2 - 5 moves ahead of his opponent. You see it best in Episode III in his fights against Grievous and Anakin. He controlled his emotions and maneuvered them into making a mistake so he could take advantage of it.

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With out the sun, we have no day, with out the moon there is no night, or is it just the opposite. with out the sun we be in darkness and the moon is all that rises, with out the moon, the Sun Light reigns across the land. This would be a, imbalance indeed. But if both entities just faded or dimmed, then we be left with not black and white but, gray matter.


For there to be True Balance in the Galaxy, the Galaxy has to have existing, its suns, and moons, its planets and stars, its blacks and its whites. It needs, Light as well as Dark. One doesnt breath with out the other. To have True balance in the galaxy, There has to be the Republic and the Empire, the Jedi and the Sith, and those in between, feeding off one another. With out that True Balance, then there be, NOooooooooooooo!





STAR WARS, oh yeah and with out George Lucas, there be Nooooo! STAR WARS...



May the force be with You, Always.......

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Sorry, but you kinda sound like a Jedi fanboy, or girl, just saying. Darth Tyrannus beat a Jedi Master (Kenobi) & a Jedi Knight (Anakin) at the same time, & even beat Kenobi again aboard The Invisible Hand.


Sidious slew FIVE of the Jedi Order's best Masters/council members in mere seconds, then proceeded to (ultimately) defeat Windu.


I can still go on. I couldn't care less that Lucas saved to societal pressure & said the 'good guys' are supposed to win. Every creator does that blah blah b;ah. Not really opinion here either. So Ima stand by what I said.


1st. Sidious was the best of the Sith. So when you compare him, compare him to the best of the Jedi.


2. He beat Anakin when Anakin was a mere Padawan and Tyrannus knew all of their moves because he taught Qui-Gon. Who taught Obi-wan, who taught Anakin.

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Guys what if the Sith are always more powerful than the Jedi? But they always fail for some clever strategy.


I mean that is how Star wars have always been. Obi-Wan did not out match Darth Maul, he surprised him and took advantage of the momentum. In the the same way Anakin was not overpowered by Kenobi, but instead fell into a taunting trap.


It seems to me, that the Dark side is WAY more powerful than the lightside, the problem then is that with that huge power then comes also great weakness, like dependence on that power, arrogance, and Ambition.

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Don't forget that apprentices can be lords, so don't compare Padawans to every Apprentices. At least thats what the game taught me.


I agree that Sith may be more powerful at the beginning, but no idea if they later on get equal or if any side gets stronger.


Politics wise the Sith suffer from their internal fights and the Jedi for their long discussions.

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I don't think one can argue either side is more powerful. Each side has advantages. I would like to note that a lot of the time the Sith fail is due to fighting and betrayal amongst them. Revan was betrayed by Malak and Sidious was betrayed by Anakin(though not for Sith reasons). In general the Sith tend to be their worst enemies. Their obsession for power consumes themselves.
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I would say they are both equal, strong in their own ways. I think the sith seem the stronger because you can see their strength easier, where as I would say resisting the need to hunt down your rivals and kill them takes alot of strength as well, but also that strength is no good if you cant back it up, so eeeeh *collapses on desk* hard to decide who is the stronger... Edited by XxWattonxX
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It seems to me that based on raw power the Sith are stronger, but if it is a matter of focus and understanding the Jedi are more powerful, time and again we have seen extremely powerful Sith in the likes of Exar Kun and Sidious whose hubris got the better of them and were defeated, but the Jedi, despite being seemingly weaker in raw power compared to the greatest of the Sith Lords were able to unite and defeat them, I have always viewed the Sith as a tidal wave, fast and aggressive but dissipates quickly while the Jedi I see as a flowing river, calm and serene but flows continuously, any thoughts?


The Sith are more powerful than the Jedi, the Sith almost always do themselves in by their arrogance.

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Actually the amount of light side techniques FAR out-number those of the Dark Side.


There dont seem to be many light side force techniques on the list, in fact, some light side techniques have a dark side counterpart.

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More Powerful? Yes Definitely.


Jedi view the force in a different way and learn to defeat opponents by other means than simply overpowering them.


Just because a Sith has a large power advantage does not mean he will win the outcome of the battle.


The fight between Obi Wan and Anakin is the perfect example. Anakin was a whirlwind of hate, anger, rage, and power but Obi Wan who was severely over matched ended up winning in the end by positioning and keeping his thoughts under control.


The best Sith like Darth Sidious for example are able to some what control their anger and are not completely controlled by it. But even these powerful beings will never be as clear minded or under control as some Jedi.

Edited by cupofwater
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I think it's pretty straightforward the way Yoda describes it...


"Is the Dark Side stronger?"


"No. Quicker, more seductive"


In other words, it's probably easier/faster to gain a lot of power by drawing on the Dark Side, but it eventually ruins your body and leaves you open to all of the horrible psychological weaknesses that Sith seem to have that cripple them in the end. Based on that line alone, it seems that given a clear mind and enough time, a Jedi should be able to become just as powerful as any Sith. So, yknow, it depends on the person.


Seems like Jedi is the safer, longer path while Sith is the riskier and faster path, basically.

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