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Why people have given up on SWTOR, and why you should keep your opinion.


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This is not in anger, and a lot of people are quitting the game. Many see it as "these are pro players, they are right." I tried to watch the novare coast preview on YouTube, and all the comments where talking about why they hate SWTOR, and others saying why they're wrong.

I can't stand watching people quit, and all are saying it's bland. But I know this sounds cliche, but they just don't understand it.

About 70% of them Are from other, older, mmos, and return to them. This is not a problem with me, but the thing is, what does every classis MMO have in common? Here's a hint-

Rift is based off the mos magicy magic of all time. Warcraft is based of the classic fantasy. LotRo is based off (obviously) lord of the rings.

What do all these have in common? Medieval.

What's SWTOR? A star wars game. Based off the old republic era.

They just don't understand it. I run a guild built upon KOTOR fans, and we are all devote to it, no one has even thought about quitting (except one person, but he was having a bad day, and even he was only going to delete the character). the point is, people are quitting as they are just more into the medieval stuff (I'm a bit of a nerd too) and it just suits them more. The other issue is that people don't like to make a new character after the max level. I am not "trolling" or angry, I just want to tell you guys- don't give up. This is, a star wars game after all, and it is natural for non-star wars fans to dislike it. So, don't give up after level 50. If your a star wars fan, you'll enjoy a new class. If not, oh well, I won't force you to keep playing. All those people quitting for 1.2 (not sure why, honestly...) it is more of just lighting the dynamite, they just have there reason. Don't think that's a problem.


Again, this game is not like every other MMO, so don't expect it to be. I look forward to seeing you in the game, and after 1.2. This game is a star wars game, for star wars fans. I have met lots of friends who just fell in love with it.


P.S.- How many hate posts do you think we are going to get for this thread?

P.S.S.- This is not a hate thread, bioware, please don't end this thread. It's a symbiotic relation; I get more players to hang out with, you get your business! (not like that...)

P.S.S.- my KOTOR fan guild is on ebon hawk server, we are republic, and are called: The Knights of the Old Republic.



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People are not quiting because they are not used to the space theme of the game.


They are quitting because they are not used to the lackluster endgame that is provided.Which is even more disappointing since there werent very high standards to live upto. People left wow due to the terrible endgame as of recent and came here to find less, and worse. This is from the pve standpoint


Pvp-wise it is because its just a grind to get what you want with no skill involved whatsoever then just terrible RNG on top of that,and ofcourse the population issues, oh and then nothing left to do when you have beaten the grind/rng


The space part of it was refreshing

Edited by nametakenz
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People are quitting because they spend too much time playing a single online game and burn themselves out then complain when there is "nothing to do" right this minute. They need moderation and balance.
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People are quitting because they spend too much time playing a single online game and burn themselves out then complain when there is "nothing to do" right this minute. They need moderation and balance.


Quoted for absolute, blazingly clear truth.

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Every MMO has quitters.

And every MMO has bored players who dont do these things:


1.Replay missions


2.Help Guild mates


But they do these things:

3.Stop microwave at 59 seconds on a 1 minute frozen burrito and dont wait for the safety beeps to end, then die of radiation poisoning years later.

Edited by CygnusMX
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People are quitting because they spend too much time playing a single online game and burn themselves out then complain when there is "nothing to do" right this minute. They need moderation and balance.


Nuff said. Seriously, like take a week off and visit some family or something. Read a damn book, play ME3 and have a good cry. If you blaze through this game like a crack-head on a pipe, and then act surprised when there's nothing left to do in a game that has been out for like 4 months, you must be quite the bonehead.


Sure, you'll get the "Swtor shakes" for a while, but you'll appreciate the game more after cutting yourself off for a bit. Reality isn't THAT bad...damn.

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This could be /A/ reason, but /THE/ reason? For many and most, no. I personally am a fan of both high fantasy/middle aged settings just as much as I am of Star Wars itself. I would not quit this game or grow bored merely because I am used to previous MMO's I have played that, agreeably, are all set in a similar setting.


If and when I grow bored, rest assured it will be because I have finally after my 1 1/2 month of playing, I've finally leveled a character to 50, cannot make a new one because they all end up in the same zone anywho and I'm a diehard Rep, and realized that maybe those saying endgame sucks were right.

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People are quitting because they spend too much time playing a single online game and burn themselves out then complain when there is "nothing to do" right this minute. They need moderation and balance.


This is true, too. On gloomy days outside (because I do like the outside world if only to lounge about long enough to get a tan and brag about the life I have) I tend to spend the day on SWTOR, and guess what happens? I grow bored. I grew bored with Skyrim because of this, with WoW, with LOTRO, with any game I've ever gotten into. If moderation is not taken, people will grow bored.


However, the game does need more in it still, but because it is new, that's an unfair thing to bring up right now, and seeing as BW brought us an MMO in a setting nobody could complain about, I think people need to chill and do as you say, moderate and balance their schedules.

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i dont consider anyone who quits an mmo before 6 months of it being out a "pro player"


this, also please post your observation as a opnion, because all financial and numbers are in direct opposition to your statement, However that being typed , I am also sick of what appears to be unbalance in the realms. Tthey are being set as light . I wonder if swtor would create eithier a llfd que or get rid of some of the ligjt servers such as the on I am on ?

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OP@ "People". Right... Generalization is very bad. Next time, please only speak out of your point of view and not for a broad amount. I have counting SWTOR played 21 mmo/mmorpg's and there is no good valid reasons to give up on this game. At least not yet. Edited by rustybook
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I almost gave up in SWTOR. Voiced my opinion quite a few times. I decided I was being stupid and or immature. Decided to give it another try by re-rolling on a populated server and now I am quite happy.
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i dont consider anyone who quits an mmo before 6 months of it being out a "pro player"


Anyone who DOES NOT get paid to play the game is NOT a pro gamer.


Pro gamers have sponsorships, goto tourneys and win money.


Everyone else that labels themselves "pro's" are just wannabe's who didnt make the cut or couldn't make the cut.

Edited by Brool
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This is not in anger, and a lot of people are quitting the game. Many see it as "these are pro players, they are right." I tried to watch the novare coast preview on YouTube, and all the comments where talking about why they hate SWTOR, and others saying why they're wrong.

I can't stand watching people quit, and all are saying it's bland. But I know this sounds cliche, but they just don't understand it.

About 70% of them Are from other, older, mmos, and return to them. This is not a problem with me, but the thing is, what does every classis MMO have in common? Here's a hint-

Rift is based off the mos magicy magic of all time. Warcraft is based of the classic fantasy. LotRo is based off (obviously) lord of the rings.

What do all these have in common? Medieval.

What's SWTOR? A star wars game. Based off the old republic era.

They just don't understand it. I run a guild built upon KOTOR fans, and we are all devote to it, no one has even thought about quitting (except one person, but he was having a bad day, and even he was only going to delete the character). the point is, people are quitting as they are just more into the medieval stuff (I'm a bit of a nerd too) and it just suits them more. The other issue is that people don't like to make a new character after the max level. I am not "trolling" or angry, I just want to tell you guys- don't give up. This is, a star wars game after all, and it is natural for non-star wars fans to dislike it. So, don't give up after level 50. If your a star wars fan, you'll enjoy a new class. If not, oh well, I won't force you to keep playing. All those people quitting for 1.2 (not sure why, honestly...) it is more of just lighting the dynamite, they just have there reason. Don't think that's a problem.


Again, this game is not like every other MMO, so don't expect it to be. I look forward to seeing you in the game, and after 1.2. This game is a star wars game, for star wars fans. I have met lots of friends who just fell in love with it.


P.S.- How many hate posts do you think we are going to get for this thread?

P.S.S.- This is not a hate thread, bioware, please don't end this thread. It's a symbiotic relation; I get more players to hang out with, you get your business! (not like that...)

P.S.S.- my KOTOR fan guild is on ebon hawk server, we are republic, and are called: The Knights of the Old Republic.




What was SWG there? Star Wars. How big was that? Quite big until the NGE. It was Sci-fi. People are quitting because SWTOR isn't sandbox enough and to path driven. SWG had big, annoying issues but you could pretty much go where you wanted. I run a shop on it, can't do anything like that on SWTOR. 2 day limit on the GTN, 30 day (I think it was) limit on SWG Trade. That's one of that failures, no proper economy.

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Thus thread was not so you can explain why you are bored of it, it is to explain why you shouldn't be.

I'm not entirely sure why they are called "sandboxes", but yes, SWTOR is the farthest thing from it.

I think the lack of "spells" and "zones" was subconscious for why they are disliking it.

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Every MMO has quitters.

And every MMO has bored players who dont do these things:


1.Replay missions


2.Help Guild mates


But they do these things:

3.Stop microwave at 59 seconds on a 1 minute frozen burrito and dont wait for the safety beeps to end, then die of radiation poisoning years later.


You get the difference between a microwave and a neuclear reactor right?

I'd hate to see the aftermath of a dinner party at yours :)

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@ OP:


Normally I follow the "give it 6 months to show where its going" routine.

I have observations from the open beta weekends and early access. My impressions as follows:


Game is not in a state of reasonably finished product, it has numerous bugs that especially on top level prevent completion of objectives in flashpoints and ops.

Admittedly I have focused more on class stories than on endgame, but Ive run into rather glaring bugs in fps and ops. Examples: first droid in BT hm getting pushed into the corner where adds show up and therefore making the fp impossible to complete with melee players (or at least normal geared people who arent decked in columni), second boss in EV have been behaving so erratically that the operation reset itself after wipe so we had the joy of clearing the trash again, SOA floors missing tiles making the jumping down part of it impossible. The list goes on, all those mentioned break the encounters and require a reset, sometimes of the entire instance.


Hearing from guildmates that most of the other fps I still havent played suffer from similar bugs that make the fights nearly impossibly to complete is not a sign of quality. We should whine about a boss being hard to beat, not bugged so he cant be beat, eh? :)


Once you are done levelling up a class, the game offers you this:

level 50 flashpoints


more pvp

daily missions on ilum and belsavis


I addressed the fps and ops already above, and I skip past pvp as I just dont care about that.

On the issue on daily missions I'll add that on ilum there is those daily pve quests, 5 solos, one 2man. Of the solos, 2 of those on empire side regularly bugs out 1-2 days after maintenance, sometimes already on the same day maintenance is done. Seems rebooting sergers on landscape reset properly. Anyhow, this bug was around in january when I hit 50, and I reported both the moment I came across them, have done so a couple times.

To date, I have not seen them fixed. I had a talk with a CSR though, who said it was on the top priority list to fix. Which actually make me raise the question: how many people are working on fixing the existing bugs versus creating new content like this infamous-before-its-released 1.2 patch?


I'd put a bet on the fixer team being smaller by far, and the amount of problems needing correction in game is large enough to cause people to quit from sheer frustration.

My guild went down from 25 online (peak time) in early february to barely 10 on absolute peak time in the end of march. We started running eternity vault on normal mode late february and encountered bugs and wipes (sometimes hard to decide what it was he he) but what Im getting to is, the OPS we ran may have been what made some people simply give up. You can suffer through halfbroken middlegame (flashpoints and dailies) but when even the endgame is broken, what is left?

Waiting for more halfassed content in 1.2 is what it seems to be left. Joy.

For the record Im not quitting (yet) but Im guilty of being very very frustrated. Guild is what keeps me around, nothing else.

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Without being privy to the actual subscription metrics any and all statements made about more and more people unsubing is nothing but conjecture. Like all MMO's there will always be those that rush to endgame before the game is less than 6 month's old and then QQ about being bored..that's thier own dang fault. Just don't come here and whine cuz WE THAT ARE STILL HAVING FUN DON"T GIVE A WAMPA'S POSTERIOR. Edited by Angorak
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