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James Ohlen: Game Update 1.2 Coming Next Week

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At this rate it seems like 1.3 might come before 1.2. Im curious how Bioware intends to keep subs when they keep delaying content? I would suggest releasing patches before everyone leaves the game and my guild falls apart because of lack of content. Additionally some communication from Bioware concerning the release of the patch would be helpful and make people subscribing feel as if the company actually cared about those playing the game (even if they dont).



"Constructive criticism is a well-meant critique intended to help someone improve." I feel this standard has been met.


You're bashing them for "delaying" content and then in the very next breath asking them to give you a definite release date. And people wonder why we are never given ETA's on content :rolleyes:



Edited by VicSkimmr
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At this rate it seems like 1.3 might come before 1.2. Im curious how Bioware intends to keep subs when they keep delaying content? I would suggest releasing patches before everyone leaves the game and my guild falls apart because of lack of content. Additionally some communication from Bioware concerning the release of the patch would be helpful and make people subscribing feel as if the company actually cared about those playing the game (even if they dont).



"Constructive criticism is a well-meant critique intended to help someone improve." I feel this standard has been met.


i dont think ive seen constructive criticism since i joined these boards


pro tip.constructive criticism isnt "give me what i want or im gonna unsub"

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You're bashing them for "delaying" content and then in the very next breath asking them to give you a definite release date. And people wonder why we are never given ETA's on content :rolleyes:




All I heard when I read his post was the losing sound in the Price is Right.

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You're bashing them for "delaying" content and then in the very next breath asking them to give you a definite release date. And people wonder why we are never given ETA's on content :rolleyes:




The original posts were that it would release in march and now its april 9th. They need to give dates in advance and not keep stringing people along, an action that just ticks people off. They should tell people why its delayed and what original date was. Instead they just censor anything they deem out of order including the price is right losing horn.

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and in terms of 1.2 keeping subs


id hope it does,but in reality.if you look at the communitys overal attitude of 1.2,there gonna lose more then gain in my opinion


and the subs gained,will probably go to the already overclogged high population servers.so it really screws over the people who didnt jump ship and dont wanna roll on other servers

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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You're bashing them for "delaying" content and then in the very next breath asking them to give you a definite release date. And people wonder why we are never given ETA's on content :rolleyes:




How does "give us a release date" equate to "give me the patch now"?



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and in terms of 1.2 keeping subs


id hope it does,but in reality.if you look at the communitys overal attitude of 1.2,there gonna lose more then gain in my opinion


and the subs gained,will probably go to the already overclogged high population servers.so it really screws over the people who didnt jump ship and dont wanna roll on other servers


It honestly cant get worse. The turnover for raiders is crazy, content was too easy and now there isnt any new content to keep people interested. BW didnt make the stick long enough so people got the carrot right away...

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It honestly cant get worse. The turnover for raiders is crazy, content was too easy and now there isnt any new content to keep people interested. BW didnt make the stick long enough so people got the carrot right away...


i think its funny


casuals complained about things being to hard in wow,now there complaining about things being to easy in sw tor?


i guess with casuals you just cant win

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man,i guess they really must think rolling alts is what end game in a mmo is


Of course that's what they think! The game is designed to encourage alt-rolling, yet the content you experience is designed to be played only once (linear story). This is where the game seems to disconnect for many--myself included.


It's hard to roll alts--which the game wants me to do--when I'm seeing the same content over and over again.

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If that doesn't scream this week, I don't know what does...


This, plus a giant, neon, flashing CLUE that the Tuesday maintenance will be WEB ONLY (I wonder if they're doing big maintenance so they can announce a long-awaited game update ...).

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what i got from the twitter post i saw,was 1.2 wasnt coming this week but next week


anyone who can read dates and comprehend could tell you this.so i guess the sw tor is more sad then i thought if they couldnt understand that


unless the guy has posted more since then.cuz the date was this week,and he said next week 1.2 was gonna be coming

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"According to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601 Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week."


ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday


I think that is standard enough


about 1.2 patch my money is on this thursday


Did you intentionally misquote that?


The international standard ISO 8601 for Representation of dates and times states that Monday is the first day of the week.

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"Ohlen: SWTOR, for 2012, we want players to feel like they are getting their moneys worth. Huge changes additions, 1.2 coming next week (slipped, corrected himself). Defiance, will be built around the tvshow and community. Curt: We will change MMOs with ours."


I won't feel like I'm getting my money's worth until the server population issues are fixed. I couldn't care less about anything in 1.2 because there's no point in playing a "massive multiplayer" online game when there is no massive or multiplayer. Nothing in 1.2 fixes this so the patch is completely meaningless to me.

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Did you intentionally misquote that?


The international standard ISO 8601 for Representation of dates and times states that Monday is the first day of the week.


According to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601 Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week.


And then about three sections later


The international standard ISO 8601 for Representation of dates and times states that Monday is the first day of the week.


What he quoted was exactly what it said. Note: neither statement conflicts with the other, and both statements can be found within his link, so what exactly is your problem?

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and in terms of 1.2 keeping subs


id hope it does,but in reality.if you look at the communitys overal attitude of 1.2,there gonna lose more then gain in my opinion


From what I've seen on the PTS forums we may not be able to transfer armor/barrels/hilts, mods and enhancements from the present ugly as a coyote's butt level 50 PvP and PvE gear to orange armor that we like the appearance of more, something that Bio told us we'd be able to do when they announced 1.2. This is a big deal since one of the most important features in any MMO is char customization.


If Bio does screw us over on that promise I have no doubt that they'll lose a lot of subscriptions because many paying customers aint going to put up with being lied to. And they certainly aint going to be happy about having to grind out 1.2 gear for who knows how long so that they can finally customize their char's appearance the way they want it.


If 1.2 dos'nt get released before the 19th I'm cancelling my sub until I find out if it's any good.

Edited by ReddNekk
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You can't expect a new MMO to have all the features of an 8 year old MMO. Wow has had 8 years to add on to their initial product. Even if SWTOR spent 14 years in development (Duke Nukem anyone), there would still be features that other MMOs have that they wouldn't have had time to include. Just because SWTOR is 8 years newer does not mean it takes less time to write the code. They may be able to purchase libraries to help with features. But unless Blizzard bought the code for a feature from someone else, the code they used is not going to be available to SWTOR. Obviously, you know nothing about game development and should stay silent.


Tera has all the features being added in this patch and more. It's also still in beta.

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