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Really want to make a Merc Heals for PvP... but...


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There is so much whining about 1.2 healing nerfs to Mercs, that I am actually starting to believe the "Reroll Now!" chanters.


I finally got my first 50, and I said along the way I was going to make a Merc heals strictly for PvP...


I usually ignore forum chatter because people blow things completely out of proportion, but it seems like between the patch notes, and the excessive crying, I am actually being convinced by the whiners.


Should I go ahead and still do it? Am I digging myself a hole, I rather not use a lightstick character, and I already have an Operative (but don't enjoy him much anymore).

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Pre 1.2 I'd say go with it.


Post 1.2? Hell no. Bodyguards? They've tied us up, gelded us with a rusty spoon, fried up the remnants in trans saturated fat and MSG, and are now trying to make us eat the results while telling us that, "It's good for you."


Yeah. It's that bad.

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It's only bad for PVP Merc Healers, PVE players will adjust fine.


You have a strange concept of "bad", if someone were to cut off your legs would you say "ehh it's only bad if i want to dance" forgetting entirely that walking also requires legs?


Yes people will adjust to the changes, just as people can adjust to life without legs, but most people would view life without legs as very bad.... no matter if they choose to dance or not!

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I love playing my merc healer. So what if i have to shoot rapid shots a bit more often due to heat changes in 1.2, I find it a fun class to play. Changes to the BG were needed, as it really is a powerful healing class. I might not agree with all the changes, but I'm going to wait until I play post 1.2 to start making claims based on my own experience, rather than state that we are useless.


If you consistently roll with a tank who knows how to guard, a merc's heavy armor + guard makes the both of you immortal unless it is 5 or more people against the 2 of you.


I picked this class specifically because I shoot my allies with guns and missiles. And since I find it fun, the 1.2 changes are not a big deal for me.

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I'm not concerned about using Rapid Shots more often, I use it a ton already, practically after every heal.


It's the unnecessary reduction of healing and increasing of heat everywhere else that has me concerned, something easy to adjust to in PVE where everything can be seen, timed or otherwise planned around; a boss fight only goes one way and you beat the phase or you don't. There is only one right way to do it.


PVP is as you all know, entirely random and it's going to put us into a position where we're going to watch our teammates die around us more often than helping them now.

Edited by solitary
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Roll a class for it's play style not it's buff/nerf cycle. If you do the latter you will never find a class you want to play for an extended period of time.


That's my philosophy. I pick all my class/role combinations based on what I want to play. In the long run, every class will experience a time when they're at the bottom, or at the top. It's impossible to predict, and I rather just enjoy my class regardless of where on the ladder it is at the time.


Also, many times, changes/patches might make a class "weaker" than others, but rarely to the point of it being unplayable. Yes you might not be as strong or OP or whatever, you might struggle a bit more, but it's rarely to the point where you're so underpowered that people see you and cry right away.

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Post 1.2, if you queue solo as a healer, you're on your own, get another healer buddy or guildie and cross heal each other if you get focused on, you'll still be hard to kill. Other than that, there will be some heat management issues and a little less effective healing, like I said, roll with another healer if you want to heal pvp.


Multiple healers cross healing each other in pvp will be the FOTM, trust me, devs will then scramble to figure out how to nerf that. :)

Edited by Sookster
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They will, this entire "balance" is / was done because of PVE, they didn't even factor in the PVP.


The more I look at it the more I actually agree with this. This might actually be one of the first times I've seen a PvE orientated nerf kill PvP. Usually it's Visa Versa. You'd think they'd have made NMM harder instead of killing the class...

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I love my merc healer, I do both PvE and PvP. However, my first taste of 1.2 pvp is one big sad face. I really struggled.


In PvE, using more rapid shots to top off in lower dps phases, saving SCG and HS/RS etc for the higher DPS phases is fine. I'm not having too many issues there (I've only done HM FPs and Story Mode Op in 1.2 though).


But in PvP now, I just can't keep people alive, rapid shots doesn't do enough healing for the constant DPS that players can put out and if you don't use it heat management is a nightmare. I'm in 4 set Champ, 1 set BM, all non set is champ gear. I'm an average skilled player, probably like most out there and its just silly.


Think I'll focus to PvE and alts more for the legacy bonuses for now.

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