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Full Length Huttball Match


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This is my first go at a pvp video. Forewarning: the video has dubstep over it, so if you don't like dubstep I would suggest muting the video. I was valor rank 56 at the time of the video.

Thanks for watching and let me know what you guys think and any tips you want to give me. -Orangesky of Domination on Dreshdae Cantina


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my only tip is use music that doesnt suck


yea yea, you said it was going to be crappy music and to just mute it, but who wants to watch a muted pvp video?


pick music thats got more mass appeal next time and youll get more people willing to watch it

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Wasn't aware at the time that dubstep music was going to recieve as much hate as it has, in the process of making another video; however, I haven't decided if I wanted to do a "live" commentary or do a commentary explaining my actions and how I think in a WZ. Thoughts? -Orangesky of Domination on Dreshdae Cantina
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Dubstep is awesome, haters gonna hate.


Annihilation doesn't prove a damn thing. You wanna impress people? Do just as well, but with Carnage.


Pre-1.2, THAT is impressive.

Edited by Yescek
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I don't enjoy carnage, at all. Not because it's less "effective" than annihilation, but because I enjoy the play style of annihilation much more than carnage. If you enjoy by all means have at it. Come 1.2 I will most likely stay annihilation but i am definitely goin to give carnage a go pve wise.
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Annihilation doesn't prove a damn thing. You wanna impress people? Do just as well, but with Carnage.


I have to disagree based on my own vid in which I found carnage did very well, granted its a Q and A video to comments and mails, but if you just want to see carnage perform against everyone else in a match then feel free to check it out without the volume -


That being said i think you did very well op and it showed some solid play.

The music choice did ruin it quite a bit for me but thats not to say zomg dubstep, but more the actual choice of song. I don't think any song that repeats lyrics like *ginger - insert curse* would be in general well received, just my opinion and I'm well aware music is subjective, but that being said I'm also not sure what audience you were aiming at.

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The quality was good enough. Decent match, but it is more of the same. Tons of video like this one, ESPECIALLY annihilation specced.



that said, I do not enjoy full match videos.

Mostly because in these kind of videos usually only SOME of the fights are actually worth watching. And so there is too much "boring stuff."



Also you went a bit too much "im gonna use the music I LIKE". Yes, but you are making a video for others people too. Try to use something that a larger audience can find enjoyable...

Edited by atreyuz
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Wasn't aware at the time that dubstep music was going to recieve as much hate as it has, in the process of making another video; however, I haven't decided if I wanted to do a "live" commentary or do a commentary explaining my actions and how I think in a WZ. Thoughts? -Orangesky of Domination on Dreshdae Cantina


dubstep is very much "love it or hate it" music, and the people that hate it just wont watch


im not saying to you need to go full on main stream overused generic song #12 ... but something a bit closer to main stream should at least be tolerable to the people that arent actually fans of that type of music


as for the commentary idea ...


in a plain old pvp video, with the intention purely to entertain people, i would definitely stick to music instead of commentary, just something a bit more mainstream-ish


commentary should be for instructional videos, imo

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Dubstep is awesome, haters gonna hate.


Annihilation doesn't prove a damn thing. You wanna impress people? Do just as well, but with Carnage.


Pre-1.2, THAT is impressive.


its really not that impressive


carnage doesnt suck

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I have to disagree based on my own vid in which I found carnage did very well, granted its a Q and A video to comments and mails, but if you just want to see carnage perform against everyone else in a match then feel free to check it out without the volume -


That being said i think you did very well op and it showed some solid play.

The music choice did ruin it quite a bit for me but thats not to say zomg dubstep, but more the actual choice of song. I don't think any song that repeats lyrics like *ginger - insert curse* would be in general well received, just my opinion and I'm well aware music is subjective, but that being said I'm also not sure what audience you were aiming at.


You broke 300K in that vid with Champion gear. Right on. Thats what i'm talking about, THAT is impressive. Everyone posts huge numbers as Annihilation which is par for the course at this point. Carnage, even just due to the fact that not too many of us roll it, is far more impressive. On top of the fact that all those bleeds are Internal damage and thus don't get mitigated NEARLY as hard. Carnage's attacks are mostly kinetic and weapon based, thus heavier targets take far less damage from even our hardest crits. Best one I ever got was on a freshie in blues, nearly full BM and my Gore buffed FS hit for JUST over 5k.


Carnage DOES do very well, I know from experience. The fact remains though that it's MUCH more difficult that Annihilation.


its really not that impressive


carnage doesnt suck


I know that Carnage doesn't suck, but have you EVER seen a Carnage Marauder break 400k? I haven't. You may have, but you have to admit that it's damn rare compared to all the crazy-number Annihilation videos/screenshots.

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I know that Carnage doesn't suck, but have you EVER seen a Carnage Marauder break 400k? I haven't. You may have, but you have to admit that it's damn rare compared to all the crazy-number Annihilation videos/screenshots.


my personal best for carnage is 512k, solo queue voidstar, pug v pug


i break 400k in huttball on a regular basis as carnage as well


the only reason its rare is because most players are bad, and most of the ones that arent bad spec annihilation (it is a better spec after all)


its really only a matter of there being far fewer quality marauders that play as carnage


my guild has 2 other marauders that ive seen top 400k as carnage, and there are about a half dozen other marauders/sents on my server that ive seen do it

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my personal best for carnage is 512k, solo queue voidstar, pug v pug


i break 400k in huttball on a regular basis as carnage as well


the only reason its rare is because most players are bad, and most of the ones that arent bad spec annihilation (it is a better spec after all)


its really only a matter of there being far fewer quality marauders that play as carnage


my guild has 2 other marauders that ive seen top 400k as carnage, and there are about a half dozen other marauders/sents on my server that ive seen do it

And by "on a regular basis" you mean "once a week", right? Or is every Huttball game you play a 5-5 nail-biter that takes up the entire timer? I'm not saying you can't hit 400k, I am just saying you don't do it regularly in Huttball. The games simply don't last long enough to constantly score 400k. Every now and then? THAT, I believe.

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And by "on a regular basis" you mean "once a week", right? Or is every Huttball game you play a 5-5 nail-biter that takes up the entire timer? I'm not saying you can't hit 400k, I am just saying you don't do it regularly in Huttball. The games simply don't last long enough to constantly score 400k. Every now and then? THAT, I believe.


That was exactly my point. It's uncommon for me to break 200k as Carnage, let alone 400k, but that's because of a few facts.


1. I spend more time doing the objective and trying to WIN the Warzone than DPS'ing, thus lower numbers.


2. Almost the entire Republic faction on Vornskr is in solid Battlemaster.


3. The Sage/Shadow/Trooper plague is RAMPANT, though that's true on most servers


4. Faction imbalance forces a metric ton of Huttball, again felt on most servers but still an important point.


5. Voidstar is the only warzone where doing nothing but damage is even remotely practical.

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Larger audiences like Lady Gaga... I'd much rather have dubstep..


Loved the first score.


You went a bit too far there.


But yeah Lady Gaga VS Dubstep... I dunno what I would choose actually, probably a Lady Gaga Dubstep remix.

Edited by atreyuz
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I enjoyed it but as most people have said, regardless of how amazing it is Annihilation videos are a dime a dozen at the moment.


Don't get me wrong I love the Ann playstyle but I respec'd to Carnage and am actually really enjoying it, especially in PVE with Gore + Ravage :o

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my personal best for carnage is 512k, solo queue voidstar, pug v pug


i break 400k in huttball on a regular basis as carnage as well


the only reason its rare is because most players are bad, and most of the ones that arent bad spec annihilation (it is a better spec after all)


its really only a matter of there being far fewer quality marauders that play as carnage


my guild has 2 other marauders that ive seen top 400k as carnage, and there are about a half dozen other marauders/sents on my server that ive seen do it


are those numbers possible - yea i can't say it itsn't. ive only seen 1, i say again ONE, marauder on my server in all my pvping to break 400. And he was rage spec.


The typical spreads on my server for BM Maras is like 200-300k during a game. even on voidstars.


IDK perhaps my server is just more objective focused than others.


my best with carnage is ~ 340k. and that was with a 57:1 KD and awesome healing in a VS match.



idk - i'm valor 67 and i've never seen Marauders on my server put up the kind of damage that ppl on here say they do.

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are those numbers possible - yea i can't say it itsn't. ive only seen 1, i say again ONE, marauder on my server in all my pvping to break 400. And he was rage spec.


The typical spreads on my server for BM Maras is like 200-300k during a game. even on voidstars.


IDK perhaps my server is just more objective focused than others.


my best with carnage is ~ 340k. and that was with a 57:1 KD and awesome healing in a VS match.



idk - i'm valor 67 and i've never seen Marauders on my server put up the kind of damage that ppl on here say they do.

Perhaps it is your server. My server has some very good Marauders who put up some very scary numbers. I find the biggest factor in my damage is usually the amount of healers on the other side. My damage is pretty constant, and if people aren't getting heals, and die quickly, my numbers won't be as high. However, if the team I am going against has 3+ healers, this tends to happen...



(LoL @455k and only 12 kills)



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