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Interrupts need to count towards resolve


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Yeah no, being a ranged class is an advantage over being melee, so there needs to be some drawback. That drawback is that you have to cast abilities (grav round, heals, etc.) and those abilities can be interrupted. If you're being perma interrupted, there's more than one player attacking you, so get friends yourself.
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One solution is just put interrupts on the GCD (at least in PvP). That way DPS players have to make a choice rather than "LOLOL I CRIT U 3K/GCD AND INTERRUPT/STUN/KNOCKBACK/PULL EVERY TIME U CAST" cause thats pretty much what jugg/mara/sin/op can do right now. Having interrupts trigger GCD would make you decide is it worth interrupting a cast OR dishing out the damage - not both. Either that or give all healers a skill that makes them immune to interrupts for X seconds, a chance to resist interrupts, or block out another players interrupt for X seconds, etc...


Fortunately I play a class with more instacasts and I'm able to put out decent healing throughput without any casts but for the other two healers it really sucks. Literally all it takes is one good dps and I can't heal anyone but myself. If one dps > one healer, what is the point of playing a healer? You may as well reroll dps and faceroll your way to victory. And yes, I know I can kite 4-5 bads around in circles indefinitely, but I'm talking about players that understand how to time CC/interrupts. Healers have no defense against this at all, and its only getting worse in 1.2.


I know some would disagree, but in my opinion, heal balance should be such that (assuming equal gear/skill and no help for the healer from other players):

1 DPS vs. 1 healer --> fight lasts indefinitely - healer can out heal dps damage only when putting out such insignificant dps that dps player can self heal through healer damage.

2 DPS vs. 1 healer --> healer dies ~5-6 GCD (relatively quickly, but enough time for team mates to help if they're close - guard/taunt/peel can save the healer)

3 DPS vs. 1 healer --> healer dies ~2 GCD (you're toast immediately if you don't have someone watching your back)


If a healer cannot out heal a single dps, there is no point to playing a healer as you would help your team more by playing a dps. Thats how they're making this game.

Or the real solution is to just not change something that is already working as intended. It shouldn't be made even harder to kill the hardest-to-kill classes in the game.


I would say L2P, but it's pretty much implied.

Edited by Nangasaur
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One solution is just put interrupts on the GCD (at least in PvP). That way DPS players have to make a choice rather than "LOLOL I CRIT U 3K/GCD AND INTERRUPT/STUN/KNOCKBACK/PULL EVERY TIME U CAST" cause thats pretty much what jugg/mara/sin/op can do right now. Having interrupts trigger GCD would make you decide is it worth interrupting a cast OR dishing out the damage - not both. Either that or give all healers a skill that makes them immune to interrupts for X seconds, a chance to resist interrupts, or block out another players interrupt for X seconds, etc...


Fortunately I play a class with more instacasts and I'm able to put out decent healing throughput without any casts but for the other two healers it really sucks. Literally all it takes is one good dps and I can't heal anyone but myself. If one dps > one healer, what is the point of playing a healer? You may as well reroll dps and faceroll your way to victory. And yes, I know I can kite 4-5 bads around in circles indefinitely, but I'm talking about players that understand how to time CC/interrupts. Healers have no defense against this at all, and its only getting worse in 1.2.


I know some would disagree, but in my opinion, heal balance should be such that (assuming equal gear/skill and no help for the healer from other players):

1 DPS vs. 1 healer --> fight lasts indefinitely - healer can out heal dps damage only when putting out such insignificant dps that dps player can self heal through healer damage.

2 DPS vs. 1 healer --> healer dies ~5-6 GCD (relatively quickly, but enough time for team mates to help if they're close - guard/taunt/peel can save the healer)

3 DPS vs. 1 healer --> healer dies ~2 GCD (you're toast immediately if you don't have someone watching your back)


If a healer cannot out heal a single dps, there is no point to playing a healer as you would help your team more by playing a dps. Thats how they're making this game.

Find a tank friend. Have him put guard on you. Problem solved.


Warzones is a team game. Stop thinking in 1v1 terms.

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So you just said it's not true. Then you confirmed it is true. Confused much?


No. The question was: "I think you have an ability that makes you immune to all interrupts for a short duration, can anyone confirm this?".


I took that to mean that he was under the impression we can buy the ability as a class ability, implying everyone has access to it, which is not the case.


As I stated, we have an option to spec into a tree that DOES grant it, but by selecting to do that, we must hybrid or go full heals. If it were available below the 10 pt line, it would be a fine option. It's not.


Clearer for you?

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Unless that interrupt locked out the entire school for 4 seconds every 6 seconds it doesnt really apply. Cause that is basically the effect here. Commandos are given one reliable heal thats not on horrendous long timer. Shut that one down and its basically just struggling to survive. Its just too easy, and there should be some penalty to just spamming interrupts mindlessly around. Let it count towards resolve.




My Post ------> ~~~~~~~~~~(woosh)



Your head -------> ( o _ o )



Any questions?

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By killing them, instead of trying to solo 3 people at once. Which most healers can stay alive vs. 3 people attacking them, currently.


100% this!


Biggest problem right now that I see in war zones is that most of the time, healers are being ignored instead of being hunted down first. I have watched healers on the other teams heal from near death to full health in a matter of seconds while being the only one casting. This is after they use their immunity ability to give themselves some breathing room. I watched one healer, commando mind you, last night in civil war fend off 5 others while keeping himself and only one other player up.


No need for a change. It sounds like there is a lot to be learned with many when it comes to this game. So few have actually figured out what works in their advantage and made it work. The ones that have, are the ones that have no issues with the current way things are setup and working.


Making interrupts count towards resolve means that many will be immune during these matches for an insane amount of time. Mix in their immunity ability and you have non-killable players unless it is a full team versus one player. (although at times I see nearly this taking place as is without any other "gimmies" being added in)

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100% this!


Biggest problem right now that I see in war zones is that most of the time, healers are being ignored instead of being hunted down first. I have watched healers on the other teams heal from near death to full health in a matter of seconds while being the only one casting. This is after they use their immunity ability to give themselves some breathing room. I watched one healer, commando mind you, last night in civil war fend off 5 others while keeping himself and only one other player up.


No need for a change. It sounds like there is a lot to be learned with many when it comes to this game. So few have actually figured out what works in their advantage and made it work. The ones that have, are the ones that have no issues with the current way things are setup and working.


Making interrupts count towards resolve means that many will be immune during these matches for an insane amount of time. Mix in their immunity ability and you have non-killable players unless it is a full team versus one player. (although at times I see nearly this taking place as is without any other "gimmies" being added in)


If that was the case, your team and you included must be really horrible.


What do fighting scrubs have to do with anything? Shall you adapt the gameplay to the brainless, ungeared people, or for the highend players who actually knows what they are doing? Im telling you for a non-braindead DpS, ie. marauder it is no problem shutting a casttimedependent healer permanently.


I too have had my share of tanking 3-4 scrubplayers. But as soon as people reach an average level and they discover the very easily accessible interruptbuttons, healers become a breeze. And its just too easy. With ranked coming up they should really raise the skillcap on this game, ie. by making DpSers have to think by also putting all softCCs on the resolvetimer, not only knockback.

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2 marauders have no problems interrupting me 10 times in a row.


Even one marauder can shut down one skill completely. And since this is a very simplistic game and commando is a very simplistic class, we are only given 2 real healingskills to begin with, whereas one is on a 8 second timer.


Not saying one guy shouldnt be able to shut me down, just saying that if my knockback counts towards resolve, then so should their interrupts, cause the effected result is pretty much the same.


Wait wait wait... you're telling me that you survive long enough so that 2 marauders have the opportunity to interrupt you 10 times in a row? So much for marauders being overpowered. :rolleyes:


Funny as a sentinel, I have severe problems taking down just about any top end/geared level 50 healing class. I simply can't out-DPS their heals, even with interrupts. 99% of the time they just happily heal right through my damage.

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I don't think you'll get much sympathy here. When I see a healer I pursue them in a relentless way, I even bought the reduced interrupt refresh to help me. I will chase them the entire fight (except in force-ball) and I don't get any medals, but it helps us win. Here is a tip. If you don't want to get attacked then do dps instead of heal.
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If that was the case, your team and you included must be really horrible.


What do fighting scrubs have to do with anything? Shall you adapt the gameplay to the brainless, ungeared people, or for the highend players who actually knows what they are doing? Im telling you for a non-braindead DpS, ie. marauder it is no problem shutting a casttimedependent healer permanently.


I too have had my share of tanking 3-4 scrubplayers. But as soon as people reach an average level and they discover the very easily accessible interruptbuttons, healers become a breeze. And its just too easy. With ranked coming up they should really raise the skillcap on this game, ie. by making DpSers have to think by also putting all softCCs on the resolvetimer, not only knockback.


Love the response that started with an insulting tone. lol First off, you do not know me in game nor know my game play/style or what I know how to do or not know how to do. So you are in the wrong for making such assumptions.


Secondly, it IS an issue when people do not focus the healers to begin with. If people would realize that with a healing going ignored is counter productive to what they think they are actually doing, then your thread would be about something completely different.


Next, seeing as I usually am the one chasing these healers down since the team benefits from them not being there, that makes me one that understands how a team should be working together. If you have multiple Mara's on you and you sit back trying to "tank" them without asking for help, then that is your issue. Not anyone else on these boards.


Thirdly, for you to turn and claim that a properly played tanking class can not handle multiple players at once, otherwise the other side is nothing but "scrubs" then again, you are doing nothing more then insulting the community. Once again I will point out that you are making assumptions without knowing who the players are nor what their play style is.


Now, please outline exactly the names of the abilities of which Mara's use, including their cooldown time, distance to target, length of ability and rotation being used, and perhaps form a correct base for a thread to be posted before asking for a mechanic to have a need to be placed into another mechanics system while excluding a couple classes over all. From that posting, also include pros and cons with the suggestion. Then take that thread and place it into the correct forum that would be called suggestion box. Not in the pvp area.


With the things outlined above, it seems that you do not like any response at all from any given player/poster that does not share your same views. Further more, it shows that you do not know where and how to post a correct suggestion outlining all possibilities including how it directly affects the game in all aspects and all classes.


The suggestion made earlier for abilities to be placed on a GCD, well what would you complain about then when you can only use one healing ability per x time? That would be over kill then wouldn't it? I would shut you down as a level 10 with one interrupt at that point knowing the GCD would hit and knowing when to use said ability. Most of the suggestion usually made by any gaming community, (including other titles not just this one) usually result in unwanted changes after they have been made due to the fact that most have no clue to what they are asking for when originally making the post.


Just saying, look at all aspects before posting something that includes change and stop posting insults towards people you have no clue about.

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I play Merc healer and I have to disagree with this idea.


I know it's irritating to be interupted when casting, but there's a lot of instant abilities I use to keep myself alive. Popping supercharged gas, then kolto bomb (instant 6 second CD) gives me a nice 10% dmg reduction shield and increased healing, then I pop the big shield (instant 2 min cooldown) no longer interuptable for duration of shield. If health gets low there's an ability we can pop that makes one of our cast-time abilities be an instant and on top of that there's another instant heal (21 second CD) to compliment. When you use your ablities like this, as long as DPS are doing their job then the tides turn very quickly.


There's more to it then just that, but that is how to survive as a Mercenary/Comando in a nutshell.


Now, if interupts effected reslove... I'd stop fake casting when possible and just let people fill me up, then pop the shield to make myself uninteruptable then spam like crazy. Rinse and repeat that process and you've basically made interupts useless.

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I play Merc healer and I have to disagree with this idea.


I know it's irritating to be interupted when casting, but there's a lot of instant abilities I use to keep myself alive. Popping supercharged gas, then kolto bomb (instant 6 second CD) gives me a nice 10% dmg reduction shield and increased healing, then I pop the big shield (instant 2 min cooldown) no longer interuptable for duration of shield. If health gets low there's an ability we can pop that makes one of our cast-time abilities be an instant and on top of that there's another instant heal (21 second CD) to compliment. When you use your ablities like this, as long as DPS are doing their job then the tides turn very quickly.


There's more to it then just that, but that is how to survive as a Mercenary/Comando in a nutshell.


Now, if interupts effected reslove... I'd stop fake casting when possible and just let people fill me up, then pop the shield to make myself uninteruptable then spam like crazy. Rinse and repeat that process and you've basically made interupts useless.


We really need a thumbs up emoticon. :p

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Being interrupted 10 times in a row isnt really all that fun. Interrupts for healers are just as devastating as knockbacks for melees. You cant separate between softCCs in this way. This needs to be fixed. And while youre at it, include snares and roots. Not that I really care about those since I neither have them or are all that affected by them, but still.


being locked out of one ability is somehow = being locked out of ALL melee moves?


if interupts locked all or most of your abilities out, you would have a point.

Edited by Ryotknife
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If that was the case, your team and you included must be really horrible.


What do fighting scrubs have to do with anything? Shall you adapt the gameplay to the brainless, ungeared people, or for the highend players who actually knows what they are doing? Im telling you for a non-braindead DpS, ie. marauder it is no problem shutting a casttimedependent healer permanently.


I too have had my share of tanking 3-4 scrubplayers. But as soon as people reach an average level and they discover the very easily accessible interruptbuttons, healers become a breeze. And its just too easy. With ranked coming up they should really raise the skillcap on this game, ie. by making DpSers have to think by also putting all softCCs on the resolvetimer, not only knockback.


You are 100% correct sir. I think everyone is basing there information on random regular WZ and should stop to think about how rated WZ will work. In rateds there will not be a team with 4 healers while the other team has none. PvP balance should be based on high end rated WZs not random regular WZs.

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I too have had my share of tanking 3-4 scrubplayers. But as soon as people reach an average level and they discover the very easily accessible interruptbuttons, healers become a breeze. And its just too easy. With ranked coming up they should really raise the skillcap on this game, ie. by making DpSers have to think by also putting all softCCs on the resolvetimer, not only knockback.


Uhm, so you want to have no trouble with 3-4 people beating on you all the time? There are not many classes who can kill a good healer 1on1- if you have more than 1 player on you you are supposed to be in trouble. There is no class that has no troubles with 2 people focussing on them.

And don't tell me that one player can interrupt-lock you. Besides what you are saying would lower the skillcap as healers would just do what someone already mentioned- get a full resolve bar than enter godmode for.

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