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Interrupts need to count towards resolve


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Being interrupted 10 times in a row isnt really all that fun. Interrupts for healers are just as devastating as knockbacks for melees. You cant separate between softCCs in this way. This needs to be fixed. And while youre at it, include snares and roots. Not that I really care about those since I neither have them or are all that affected by them, but still.
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Being interrupted 10 times in a row isnt really all that fun. Interrupts for healers are just as devastating as knockbacks for melees. You cant separate between softCCs in this way. This needs to be fixed. And while youre at it, include snares and roots. Not that I really care about those since I neither have them or are all that affected by them, but still.


imagine if there was a game where an interrupt locked out your entire skill tree leaving you unable to use any abilities at all, that would be ridiculous!

Edited by VertisReaper
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Being interrupted 10 times in a row isnt really all that fun. Interrupts for healers are just as devastating as knockbacks for melees. You cant separate between softCCs in this way. This needs to be fixed. And while youre at it, include snares and roots. Not that I really care about those since I neither have them or are all that affected by them, but still.


commandos and sages don't have snares and roots...

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Being interrupted 10 times in a row isnt really all that fun. Interrupts for healers are just as devastating as knockbacks for melees. You cant separate between softCCs in this way. This needs to be fixed. And while youre at it, include snares and roots. Not that I really care about those since I neither have them or are all that affected by them, but still.


If you are being interrupted 10 times in a row then you have at least 10 players attacking you (kind of hard in 8v8, but I digress). Of course if you are lumping CCs into "interrupts" then you are looking at a more realistic number of at least 5 players attacking you.


In either case, being able to free cast is not only not a reasonable expectation, nor does it have any point. You are about to die very quickly and getting a cast off won't help you in the least.


I suggest you try having 4 friends to correct this 5v1 situation.

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If you are being interrupted 10 times in a row then you have at least 10 players attacking you (kind of hard in 8v8, but I digress). Of course if you are lumping CCs into "interrupts" then you are looking at a more realistic number of at least 5 players attacking you.


In either case, being able to free cast is not only not a reasonable expectation, nor does it have any point. You are about to die very quickly and getting a cast off won't help you in the least.


I suggest you try having 4 friends to correct this 5v1 situation.


2 marauders have no problems interrupting me 10 times in a row.


Even one marauder can shut down one skill completely. And since this is a very simplistic game and commando is a very simplistic class, we are only given 2 real healingskills to begin with, whereas one is on a 8 second timer.


Not saying one guy shouldnt be able to shut me down, just saying that if my knockback counts towards resolve, then so should their interrupts, cause the effected result is pretty much the same.

Edited by Niconogood
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I have hit people with interrupts and other moves , that some seem to completely be able to ignore and keep going like the skills were never used on them even with them having a low to none resolve. I am in Champion gear and before someone says it , one person I hit like that is not even in PvP gear at all . Nor in any endgame PvE gear !
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imagine if there was a game where an interrupt locked out your entire skill tree leaving you unable to use any abilities at all, that would be ridiculous!


I know dude! Imagine if that game had a skill that when used against an enemy who is casting something, that school of abilities/magic is locked out.


They could call it "Counter-Spell" and it would allow interrupts to be actually useful! This could come at the price of making interrupts longer cooldowns of course since an entire school of skills is temporarily locked.


But alas, this is only a pipe dream...I guess no other game has any "Counter-Spell" type of interrupts. :rolleyes:

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I know dude! Imagine if that game had a skill that when used against an enemy who is casting something, that school of abilities/magic is locked out.


They could call it "Counter-Spell" and it would allow interrupts to be actually useful! This could come at the price of making interrupts longer cooldowns of course since an entire school of skills is temporarily locked.


But alas, this is only a pipe dream...I guess no other game has any "Counter-Spell" type of interrupts. :rolleyes:


Unless that interrupt locked out the entire school for 4 seconds every 6 seconds it doesnt really apply. Cause that is basically the effect here. Commandos are given one reliable heal thats not on horrendous long timer. Shut that one down and its basically just struggling to survive. Its just too easy, and there should be some penalty to just spamming interrupts mindlessly around. Let it count towards resolve.

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Hell no.


You know how much BS that would be? Maybe the healer gets smart, and spams some completely different casting spells for you to interrupt. Maybe that Merc tricks you with a Power Shot and Unload. Suddenly we have a healer with a full resolve bar that can heal with impunity. One stun later, Merc is in the clear for a while.


And this is speaking as a guy who plays a healer. No. Way to easy to abuse, and literally nothing anyone can do about it.

Edited by Malles
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Hell no.


You know how much BS that would be? Maybe the healer gets smart, and spams some completely different casting spells for you to interrupt. Maybe that Merc tricks you with a Power Shot and Unload. Suddenly we have a healer with a full resolve bar that can heal with impunity. One stun later, Merc is in the clear for a while.


And this is speaking as a guy who plays a healer. No. Way to easy to abuse, and literally nothing anyone can do about it.


Thats exactly what Im talking about. Maybe then the DpS would actually have to think about what skills to interrupt, instead of mindlessly ruptbotting all the skills they see with their 3+ interrupts. It would definitely evolve the metagame, cause currently this is the most DpS centric game I have ever played. Never played a game before where my DpS output is about the same as my healing output.


gravround for 2-3,5k with 1,5 sec casttime or adv med probe for 2-3,5k with 1,5 sec casttime. Full auto with 3-6k with 3 sec casttime or med probe for 2,5-5k with 2 sec casttime. Pretty much same *****.


DpS got it way too easy in this game as it is, and its becoming pretty mindless imo. This needs to be done to avoid the DpS' brains from rotting away due to underusage.

Edited by Niconogood
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So you are surprised when you are just standing there, facing your opponent and casting your heals he is interrupting you?


Stun him, knock him back, run toward the nearest dps so he can peel for you. This game is already easy enough, if its to hard for you that you can't stand around and cast whatever you want, well... Someone already mentioned WoWs Counterspell, it was natural there for highend PvP to do fakecasts to bring the interrupt out etc- imagine that!


You play sage and commando- commando can get interrupt immunity for a short duration and sages are so mobile and have a *****load of cc to gain distance since most interrupts are melee range.

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Look at all the threads of people QQing that they're great DPSers (lol) but they can't kill a healer. What are you complaining about? If you're getting interrupted it's probably by the 10% of the player base that is smart enough to kill healers apparently.


Just suck it up and go back to beating on the 90% that can't do it. Healers are getting nerfed in 1.2 so it will get worse.

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As a sawbones scoundrel I would not mind if it filled your resolve bar by a very little amount, but you can always fake cast, stun, mez, or what I do most of the time is cast diagnostic scan so they interrupt that. I also cast kolto probe to be interrupted, then I can cast my main heal.


Like I said I would not mind if it did fill up resolve by a very little amount, but if they didn't change it to do so, no big deal.


Also your team should helping you out with knock backs and CCing people.

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Being interrupted 10 times in a row isnt really all that fun. Interrupts for healers are just as devastating as knockbacks for melees. You cant separate between softCCs in this way. This needs to be fixed. And while youre at it, include snares and roots. Not that I really care about those since I neither have them or are all that affected by them, but still.


Please make the game easier for me, because my skill learning curve is extremely steep.

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Jukecasting isnt really an option in this game. Most non-braindead DpSers will wait til the end of your cast to interrupt to maximise dps, and if you juke and they DONT interrupt, you gimp yourself almost as much as if they were interrupting you.


I have no problems being interrupted 1 times, 2 times, 3 times, 4, even 5 times. Its the interrupting of every freakkin ability all the time that should have some DR on it. If they decide to keep this much CC and interrupts in the game they also need to expand what counts towards resolve, cause spending half the game wo being able to do anything is just ridiculous. Either that or give ALOT more instacasts.


But i recognize most people play DpS and wont have anything ruin their braindead buttonspamorgy. This is by far the least skilldependent game Ive played from a DpS perspective. God forbid you would actually have to think somewhere in between spamming your rotations.

Edited by Niconogood
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I think you have an ability that makes you immune to all interrupts for a short duration, can anyone confirm this?


12 seconds every 2 min. Still being interrupted by stuns, knockbacks, mez etc. which is for which good DpSers are saving all their hardCCs. So basically not all that good at a competetive level.

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I think you have an ability that makes you immune to all interrupts for a short duration, can anyone confirm this?


Not true (for Commando at least). It needs to be spec'd in a tree that requires more than 10 points before it's available.

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I would rather my interrupts that are necessary to kill some classes actually worked more effectively, like not being able to be used when the player is not actually activating an ability. A slight delay and my instant interrupt seems to take effect a tad too late, or several of us will interrupt the same target meaning all but one of us wasted our ability.


Multiple healers are hard enough to take down with several different abilities to heal and survive, I would rather not make them impossible to kill with resolve immunity to interruptions.

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Not true (for Commando at least). It needs to be spec'd in a tree that requires more than 10 points before it's available.
So you just said it's not true. Then you confirmed it is true. Confused much? Edited by Nangasaur
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One solution is just put interrupts on the GCD (at least in PvP). That way DPS players have to make a choice rather than "LOLOL I CRIT U 3K/GCD AND INTERRUPT/STUN/KNOCKBACK/PULL EVERY TIME U CAST" cause thats pretty much what jugg/mara/sin/op can do right now. Having interrupts trigger GCD would make you decide is it worth interrupting a cast OR dishing out the damage - not both. Either that or give all healers a skill that makes them immune to interrupts for X seconds, a chance to resist interrupts, or block out another players interrupt for X seconds, etc...


Fortunately I play a class with more instacasts and I'm able to put out decent healing throughput without any casts but for the other two healers it really sucks. Literally all it takes is one good dps and I can't heal anyone but myself. If one dps > one healer, what is the point of playing a healer? You may as well reroll dps and faceroll your way to victory. And yes, I know I can kite 4-5 bads around in circles indefinitely, but I'm talking about players that understand how to time CC/interrupts. Healers have no defense against this at all, and its only getting worse in 1.2.


I know some would disagree, but in my opinion, heal balance should be such that (assuming equal gear/skill and no help for the healer from other players):

1 DPS vs. 1 healer --> fight lasts indefinitely - healer can out heal dps damage only when putting out such insignificant dps that dps player can self heal through healer damage.

2 DPS vs. 1 healer --> healer dies ~5-6 GCD (relatively quickly, but enough time for team mates to help if they're close - guard/taunt/peel can save the healer)

3 DPS vs. 1 healer --> healer dies ~2 GCD (you're toast immediately if you don't have someone watching your back)


If a healer cannot out heal a single dps, there is no point to playing a healer as you would help your team more by playing a dps. Thats how they're making this game.

Edited by Egelwolf
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