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Playing Windowed - Anyone else have 'issues'?


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I like to play my mmos in a window, so I can play Football Manager at the same time.

Never had any problems with any mmo, until ToR.


With the server population issues, I have kinda gone back to the 'retro' mmo anyway as I have no problems playing that in a window.


With ToR, everything slows down and becomes lag like.

Making it unenjoyable to play in a window.


Any suggestions?

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No problems with running the game in a window, per say, but I have noticed that if I also have videos or other visual media SWTOR seems to instigate a tug-of-war for system resources that can slow things down fairly dramatically. Since you're running an actual game in addition to SWTOR, then perhaps this is the issue you're suffering as well.
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I play in windowed mode all the time, and have no problem alt all.


What kind of machine are you using?


Custom built Dell XPS 8100

i7 @ 2.80 HZ

8gig ram

nvidia GeFroce GTX 260

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I used to play WoW windowed, and had about 0 performance drop.

However, with SWTOR it's around 20% performance drop in windowed mode.

Unfortunately, enough to force me to use fullscreen mode.

Edited by Sillenna
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