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Refuse Huttball


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I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead, Old Republic is the future.


So you lie to yourself and your friends? Then come to SWTOR forums to complain about SWTOR's one unique aspect to PvP? lol


Go back to WoW buddy

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Huttball favors certain classes heavily, anyone who can't see this is blind. Shadows, Vanguards, healing sage for mobility and defense. None of the other healers bring the utility and control of a healing sage, no DPS can compete with a firepit/acid pit after pull or simply drag them off the ledge if there's nobody else in scoring range. And of course no class compares to guardian for carrying. Edited by Haeso
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I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead, Old Republic is the future. However, there is one thing about Old Republic that I cannot stand. Huttball.


I love SWToR, but WoW isn't dead. SWTOR is the future? It still needs some work, but i'd like that as well. Anyways..


Everyone reading this thread should comment and pledge never to play Huttball, and to leave the warzone every time they try to force you to play Huttball.


I will do no such thing. I prefer huttball to any other WZ.


Huttball is the worst, most infuriating game I have ever played.


Thanks for sharing your feelings.


The teams are never balanced, so one team is always crushing the other.

Absolute statements are so easy to crush. A simple anecdote will contradict your idea. Obviously, I played more than one close huttball game (6-5, 1-0). I played more matches that ended 6-0, though, but not all matches are unbalanced and unfair.


It doesn't matter how good you are, because if you were unlucky enough to get on the bad team you will lose, and there is nothing you can do to change that. I can't stand the announcer's voice in the game. There is absolutely nothing fun in the slightest about it.


Well, this isn't any different from any other warzone. Try attacking and getting crushed in the first gate in voidstar. That's 10 mins of wipe for ya. Then it's their turn to go on the offensive and they can only destroy the first gate and farm you if they want and still win.

In civil war, there is no respawn door, so if you are queing solo, chances are when someone res, he will go his own way and get crushed alone. Also, it is almost too easy to defend the turrets so whoever gets 2 first is almost certain to win.


Huttball shouldn't even be considered a Warzone, since you are playing against other Imperial or Republic players. They should call it a gamezone, and separate it from the true warzones in which you fight the opposing faction. Or better yet, we should be allowed to choose which warzones we queue up for, since the only warzone that I consider fun is the control the turret warzone.


Huttball is PvP all right. Doesn't matter if I'm fighting Sith or Jedi or cubans, I only want to test my skills against other players. Thank goodness for huttball, playing against your own faction is actually fun imo.


While it is true that World of Warcraft is dead, there can be no way the Old Republic is the future as long as Huttball is forced down our throats every time we queue for PvP Warzones.


Your premise is false; the future of SWTOR doesn't depend on huttball. Whether they keep it or remove it won't change much, there aren't enough pvp fans. Some people are indifferent to huttball, others absolutely hate it and others (like me) think it's genius.


Also, WoW isn't dead, so it's not true.


If you get this WZ every time you queue and you mostly do in-faction fighting, get a clue. You're probably outnumbering the other faction by a bunch. Long queues ftl. Maybe xrealm WZ will fix it for you?

Edited by lpsmash
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I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead, Old Republic is the future. However, there is one thing about Old Republic that I cannot stand. Huttball.


Everyone reading this thread should comment and pledge never to play Huttball, and to leave the warzone every time they try to force you to play Huttball.


Huttball is the worst, most infuriating game I have ever played. The teams are never balanced, so one team is always crushing the other. It doesn't matter how good you are, because if you were unlucky enough to get on the bad team you will lose, and there is nothing you can do to change that. I can't stand the announcer's voice in the game. There is absolutely nothing fun in the slightest about it.


Huttball shouldn't even be considered a Warzone, since you are playing against other Imperial or Republic players. They should call it a gamezone, and separate it from the true warzones in which you fight the opposing faction. Or better yet, we should be allowed to choose which warzones we queue up for, since the only warzone that I consider fun is the control the turret warzone.


While it is true that World of Warcraft is dead, there can be no way the Old Republic is the future as long as Huttball is forced down our throats every time we queue for PvP Warzones.


What are you talking about..bet your the guy that leaves a WZ in the first sign of a loss..i would be valor rank warlord by now if i had a NVP vote for every mach i turned around in a WZ

Edited by mayjin
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As far as classes that are good in huttball you cant single any out any particular one..


1. marauders can force leap to players as well, and on top of that they have undying rage which make them literally untouchable for 6 seconds.. plus they have predation, or whatever that speed boost is as well.


2. snipers are very usefull in huttball when positioned right and can get high crits on the huttball carriers as well as flash grenades and other tools to mess up the other team.


3 Healers- they are usefull as well in huttball to keep the ball carrier alive , or to heal the players pounding on the ball carrier .


4 . MErcs - control mid very well with thier tracer missle spams and high damage.


5 - imp agent / scoundrel- ablitily to stealth to end zone or area to catch the ball and score .


i didnt mention sins/shadows, or gaurdians/ juggs , because of thier obvious ability to do well in huttball..


point is .. Learn to use your class correctly and dont go fighting **** at places where the ball ISNT...

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I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead, Old Republic is the future. However, there is one thing about Old Republic that I cannot stand. Huttball.


Everyone reading this thread should comment and pledge never to play Huttball, and to leave the warzone every time they try to force you to play Huttball.


Huttball is the worst, most infuriating game I have ever played. The teams are never balanced, so one team is always crushing the other. It doesn't matter how good you are, because if you were unlucky enough to get on the bad team you will lose, and there is nothing you can do to change that. I can't stand the announcer's voice in the game. There is absolutely nothing fun in the slightest about it.


Huttball shouldn't even be considered a Warzone, since you are playing against other Imperial or Republic players. They should call it a gamezone, and separate it from the true warzones in which you fight the opposing faction. Or better yet, we should be allowed to choose which warzones we queue up for, since the only warzone that I consider fun is the control the turret warzone.


While it is true that World of Warcraft is dead, there can be no way the Old Republic is the future as long as Huttball is forced down our throats every time we queue for PvP Warzones.


Honestly I think its a matter of opinion and taste. I hate hutball on my scoundrel, kinda enjoy it as my gunslinger, but have a blast as a Vanguard. Each of the maps I feel differently depending on my class and spec. But personally the only one I really don't like to much of is the Voidstar. But that's MY opinion.


Either way, if you want to quit huttball go ahead, I want it and want to see more warzones with traps and such like it. Hopefully I will.


As for teams being balanced, what do you consider balanced? I find that people who actually play as a team win even against better geared players more then those who treat it as team deathmatch. (Hmm, maybe that can be a warzone.) My biggest gripe is the players who seem to be more concerned about topping the board then working as a team to win. Sadly that probably won't change.

Edited by Tetrablade
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As far as classes that are good in huttball you cant single any out any particular one..


1. marauders can force leap to players as well, and on top of that they have undying rage which make them literally untouchable for 5 seconds.. plus they have predation, or whatever that speed boost is as well.


2. snipers are very usefull in huttball when positioned right and can get high crits on the huttball carriers as well as flash grenades and other tools to mess up the other team.


3 Healers- they are usefull as well in huttball to keep the ball carrier alive , or to heal the players pounding on the ball carrier .


4 . MErcs - control mid very well with thier tracer missle spams and high damage.


5 - imp agent / scoundrel- ablitily to stealth to end zone or area to catch the ball and score .


i didnt mention sins/shadows, or gaurdians/ juggs , because of thier obvious ability to do well in huttball..


point is .. Learn to use your class correctly and dont go fighting **** at places where the ball ISNT...



get it right sonny jim

Edited by mayjin
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Originally Posted by DarthUlquiorra

I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead, Old Republic is the future. However, there is one thing about Old Republic that I cannot stand. Voidstar.


Everyone reading this thread should comment and pledge never to play Voidstar, and to leave the warzone every time they try to force you to play Voidstar.


Voidstar is the worst, most infuriating game I have ever played. The teams are never balanced, so one team is always crushing the other. It doesn't matter how good you are, because if you were unlucky enough to get on the bad team you will lose, and there is nothing you can do to change that. I can't stand the announcer's voice in the game. There is absolutely nothing fun in the slightest about it.


Voidstar shouldn't even be considered a Warzone, since you are playing against other Imperial or Republic players. They should call it a gamezone, and separate it from the true warzones in which you fight the opposing faction. Or better yet, we should be allowed to choose which warzones we queue up for, since the only warzone that I consider fun is the control the turret warzone.


While it is true that World of Warcraft is dead, there can be no way the Old Republic is the future as long as Voidstar is forced down our throats every time we queue for PvP Warzones.


loll luv it!

Edited by LordSerpentor
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My reaction to huttball depends largely on whichever class I'm on. I'm pvping atm mainly on marauder, operative and sorc. Tbh on the marauder my heart sinks when I see huttball pop up. Yes, you can force leap, but when you leap up to hit healers/range dps you either get knocked back or your face melted, especially early on. Stay low level and you get damage from all angles... the opening minute is usually a massacre of most of the non tanky melee players.


Some of that is me not really knowing what I'm doing yet, I know. Does seem the most difficult class to master, compared to the others, not lvl 50 yet either which doesn't help heh. Looking forward to the patch tho to see what they are like.


No preference on the sorc as healers seem to do well in all wzs, they're particularly good at scoring and at defence with their knockback/slowdown, and they can farm medals and mpvs just because so few can match their healing lvls. The op is a stealther so apart from being plain fun, also pretty good at scoring and slowing down the ball carrier, or can control wide portions of the mid area sniping.


Huttball comes up on our server seems around 80% of all wzs (I've had to mute all sounds as the commentator was driving me mad), and if you're repeatedly getting poor games, people just get more and more annoyed as the games progress. It is not helpful when server pop is so low you keep re-queuing and ending up on virtually the same team over and over. At one point the frequency was really starting to annoy and have to say, can agree with a lot of the negative comments. After playing other classes tho, I started to see it's probably more intricate than the other 2 wzs due to the obstacles, heights, objectives etc. Really starting to, if not enjoy it on all classes, at least appreciate it.


Huttball would be vastly improved if so many people didn't quit (after screaming "u are all noobs arrrgh") just because the other team scores early on. Obviously it's frustrating if it's in the first minute and you realise your team aren't great. But as other people have stated, only takes one person to swing the outcome of the match. I think there should *possibly* be a deserter cooldown on match requeuing. I know people will scream they need to WIN and don't have time, but after the patch that shouldn't be as relevant so... just a thought.

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Huttball is my favorite WZ, so no I will not support your little boycott. I play a Pyro Merc, mainly. I do not have an Assassin or whatever the Rep equivalent is.


On my server, the time of day you play greatly influences whether you will win or lose. Imps dominate VS/CW certain hour blocks, Reps dominate VS/CW certain hour blocks.


HB is the only WZ that is generally 50/50 regardless of the time of day.

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That's called playing the game. You're not good, you're just doing what you're supposed to. Nothing to "break to the masses" lol.


Point I was making is that there are thousands of people that are quite successfull at Hutball and still absolutely despise it. All I keep seeing anytime someone starts a thread complaining about this terrible warzone is "you just suck at hutball. l2p"


Bad is Bad. and 50% of the player base cannot stand this ridiculous warzone

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I love the Old Republic. I tell all of my friends to play it, and tell everyone that World of Warcraft is dead...


Stopped reading here. WoW currently has 10 times as many players (and that's going by EA's figures, which some say have been... well, fabricated). It has a new expansion coming up that's likely to raise that to 11-12 times as many in the next couple of months. Hardly "dead". I no longer play WoW, but it's a lot more polished than SWTOR, with a lot more to do - I just got bored of it after clearing all the raids I wanted to do, and burning out on the pvp/arena. The PVP in WoW is definitely more balanced, and more solid and faster. The fact it has a working DR system, and not the broken resolve ********, plus almost every class having far too many stuns, knockbacks, pulls, knockdowns, roots, slows, snares etc here is also a plus.


SWTOR is trading on the franchise. I'm playing it almost single-player - when I hit 50 that'll be the end of the game for me. Not going back to WoW, but D3 looks great, and I play a lot of SCII for a proper PVP fix (not just a random, mindless zergfest we have here). I had to write this, as the OP is just delusional.


Going by the title of this thread though - yes, HB is a terrible design - it's pretty much free kills for ranged classes as they can stand up top picking people off most of the time. I just AFK as soon as it pops, till the end of the game now and watch a movie on my other screen ;-) I play an SA, and it wasn't too bad in HB when I used to play it, but HB is so terrible and boring that I just don't bother now. Just leach the free XP.

Edited by Scerion
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Point I was making is that there are thousands of people that are quite successfull at Hutball and still absolutely despise it. All I keep seeing anytime someone starts a thread complaining about this terrible warzone is "you just suck at hutball. l2p"


Bad is Bad. and 50% of the player base cannot stand this ridiculous warzone


You have to remember that most forum posters will post anything to get attention. The idiots who just say "l2p" probably also hate it, but are bored in school and want to start an argument. There used to be a dungeon in WoW called Occulus that everyone I know hated with a passion - groups would just abandon as soon as it came up in the dungeon finder. In fact Blizzard had to add extra rewards to keep players in there. Even so, if you'd only gone by the forum threads you would think that 99% of the players loved it. Really, they didn't. It was crap. Blizzard themselves said it was a big mistake, and they wouldn't be doing it again.

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Huttball is one of my favorite WZs, but I can certainly understand why people would not like it - my main is a Gunslinger, and I didn't enjoy it as much with him, but then I rolled a Guardian and the gameplay dynamics are so vastly different. I love Huttball on my Guardian - I also have a Commando and a Vanguard, and again the gameplay is vastly different with them, namely the lack of mobility the Guardian has. You just have to know your role and play it. Classes like Consulars and Jedi Knights really shine in Huttball, and the rest are primarily support
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Huttball is one of my favorite WZs, but I can certainly understand why people would not like it - my main is a Gunslinger, and I didn't enjoy it as much with him, but then I rolled a Guardian and the gameplay dynamics are so vastly different. I love Huttball on my Guardian - I also have a Commando and a Vanguard, and again the gameplay is vastly different with them, namely the lack of mobility the Guardian has. You just have to know your role and play it. Classes like Consulars and Jedi Knights really shine in Huttball, and the rest are primarily support


My problem with Huttball is not the map or the gameplay. It's the fact that I am completely, irrevocably at my teammates mercy in it. No amount of either kills or heals will make up for the fact that my team thinks the proper place to play is behind the ball carrier, or that "side squabbles" are the primary purpose of the map. That a pass to me when I'm alone (and that is usually the case) simply prolongs the inevitable because I have no goldfis...errr...teammates to support me or to pass to myself in sight.


It's a team sport - and one that requires thought more like that of football than of basketball, although the playing field is more dynamic. The biggest difference is that the terrain varies greatly, unlike most team sports which are played on a large flat field, and knowledge of how to use each part of the map depending on vector is hard for people to get.


Much easier to just run around aimlessly trying to blow red nametags up. Unfortunately, I'm almost obsessed with tactics, strategy and objectives, so Huttball is a pretty miserable experience for me. One that I would opt out of completely if given the chance.

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My problem with Huttball is not the map or the gameplay. It's the fact that I am completely, irrevocably at my teammates mercy in it. No amount of either kills or heals will make up for the fact that my team thinks the proper place to play is behind the ball carrier, or that "side squabbles" are the primary purpose of the map. That a pass to me when I'm alone (and that is usually the case) simply prolongs the inevitable because I have no goldfis...errr...teammates to support me or to pass to myself in sight.


It's a team sport - and one that requires thought more like that of football than of basketball, although the playing field is more dynamic. The biggest difference is that the terrain varies greatly, unlike most team sports which are played on a large flat field, and knowledge of how to use each part of the map depending on vector is hard for people to get.


Much easier to just run around aimlessly trying to blow red nametags up. Unfortunately, I'm almost obsessed with tactics, strategy and objectives, so Huttball is a pretty miserable experience for me. One that I would opt out of completely if given the chance.


You are ALWAYS at the mercy of your teammates, but the problem is that the vast majority of Huttball haters don't bother to learn how to play the warzone.


If you have a team that doesn't watch the doors in Voidstar, you lose.


If you have a team that doesn't watch the nodes in Civil War, you lose.


These two are easy to pick up because they are basic, and are copies of WoW's battlegrounds.


If you have a team that doesn't play the ball in Huttball, you lose.


People have no clue how to play Huttball or they just don't care, or they think its a problem with their class. When you get a team that understands Huttball you can see how much fun that Warzone is and how much better it is than the other two crappy boring choices.


At least in Huttball you can score points by yourself. One player can easily turn the tides of a loss. Whereas in Civil War/Voidstar you COULD POSSIBLY cap something solo in a 1:1 or 1:2 situation, though it is far less likely, and it is just as likely that as soon as you do, it gets capped back.

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Bad is Bad. and 50% of the player base cannot stand this ridiculous warzone


84% of all stats are made on the spot.


Forums are mostly for complaints. You will rarely see someone who enjoys huttball simply post a thread and say "good job, bw." No, you will see someone crying their life out.

If you have a team that doesn't play the ball in Huttball, you lose.


Lol I remember this one time I gave up on the ball because I thought my teammates were all idiots who didn't go after the ball so I decided to simply kill players and not care about the ball. I got top damage of the warzone. The funny thing is, I got voted mvp! I was laughing my butt off.

Edited by lpsmash
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