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Bioware really? Tanks/guard/healers?


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if you dont think this is the most overpowered thing in this game you aint seen anything yet.


Wait tell 1.2 comes out





You really need to look into this Bioware its been REALLY bad for awhile now.




Oh, yea, that's really OP. How about tank, guard, DPS on the other hand? Is that fine? How about taunt and challenge when the DPS is getting focused? Is that OK as well?



You people are bunch of ******es.



I hope to god none of you ever get healed again.

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1. "Please BioWare, remove/nerf any abilities, classes, specs AND players that clearly have an unfair advantage over me, because..."


2. "I do everything perfect, but still can't kill that class/spec and..."


3. "Please make this game more like Hello Kitty, adventure Island, those devs know how to balance things!"

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Yeah its OP and it will have to be changed somehow. BW reduced tank health in Beta due to healer+tank domination and its already starting again.


Which only further proves that DPSers by and large are braindead facerollers incapable of any tactical thought. Of course we've known this for a long time throughout other MMO pvp history, but this game pretty much solidifies it.




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Dude, are you going in alone? It is a known fact and a normal thing in MMOs that 2 people vs 1 healer most of the time ends in a stall.

If you add one tank on the healer's side of the equation you get killed slowly by the tank in most cases.

I recommend bringing one extra DSP for the tank and you have 2 on tank and 1 on healer, this combo will get you to win with all 3 alive as long as you can actually use abilities and not spam one ability over and over again.


I am a vanguard and when I have a good healer 2 dps mean didly squat for us which might seem OP, but in reality makes sense to be able to hold your ground as a tank + healer against any combo without a healer. And when 3 dps come, usually we have to call for reinforcements, because as 1 damages the healer the tank takes damage from that and from the other 2 that are pounding on him.


But I guess people are too used to WoW **** mechanics where every fight is 3 sec if you are nuker and then move along; when confronted with a game mechanic that allows all players to form a strategy in the first vital seconds they come here and cry their eyes out.


I for one think that this game is the most balanced that there is at the moment (not talking about long gone MMOs that were the pinnacle of PvP) and most players are surprised when they come to SWTOR and see that their targets survive the original burst with 50% HP and usually get killed if that player is a good one.


Sadly BW follows the huge mass of players that have the power of constant complaint on their side and healers will have a hard time in 1.2, but I think the best of them will overcome the changes and rise up to shock the forum dwellers; I predict a huge amount of complaints that healers are still good even when they will be nerfed, as the skills will stand up and baddies will go in thinking the fight is already won.


P.S. Healers, whisper to tanks to guard you, I know I always help out the fellow support class when in warzones or Ilum skirmishes.

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Without the ability to heal, healers are squishy people who can`t do damage.

Without the ability to get healed, tanks are big health bars walking around who can`t do damage.

But the DPS doesn`t have to worry about anything except other DPS, forcing at least 2/3rds of the trinity out of the PvP picture.


what the **** are you thinking?

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There is a big difference between "being able to do your job" and 2-3 healers putting out 500k+ healing each and preventing anyone on their team from dyding, ever. This is what is occurring regularly. On new servers (e.g. the aussie pve one) you have repubic at lvl 50 being approximately 95% consular/trooper in class composition, with 3-4 healers in every match. Noone dies, because healing IS too good. This is a fact. Healing, coupled with guard and taunt is completely out of control.
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1. "Please BioWare, remove/nerf any abilities, classes, specs AND players that clearly have an unfair advantage over me, because..."


2. "I do everything perfect, but still can't kill that class/spec and..."


3. "Please make this game more like Hello Kitty, adventure Island, those devs know how to balance things!"




Ya thats it, im valor 85 on my Rage Jugg and I have top DPS/Protect/objective/medals every game. Even saying that my team is winning games just by running the huttball without even touching a combat button. Our games are boring anymore because you dont even need to fight to win the warfronts anymore. Guard/tank/healer by a door/node/carry a ball. If i put on all my BM tanking gear and ran with my crew id have 300k dps 250k protection and so on. Its overpowered and I use it every day on my teams. I have the highest protection most of the time and im RAGE spec so dont even give me that crap about getting owned by these classes.


Tank/guard/healing is overpowered - its needs LOOKED INTO the numbers dont add up.

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The real question is whether or not you are losing the warzones with the high healer composition, or if you're able to pull out a win. This isn't death race 2000. A deathmatch WZ is a different matter, but until they institute one of those you're playing wrong. Edited by Antipathize
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There is a big difference between "being able to do your job" and 2-3 healers putting out 500k+ healing each and preventing anyone on their team from dyding, ever. This is what is occurring regularly. On new servers (e.g. the aussie pve one) you have repubic at lvl 50 being approximately 95% consular/trooper in class composition, with 3-4 healers in every match. Noone dies, because healing IS too good. This is a fact. Healing, coupled with guard and taunt is completely out of control.


Sounds like you have awful DPS on your team.


Bad players will always be bad and complain about how "healing is so overpowered"


This game has some of the weakest healing in an MMO, and you still have nubs who think it's to much.

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so healers just want to sit trew 2 dps and only need support when a 3rd shows up? but yet they slowly kill the dps? thats taking 3 players out the game to kill one guy. silly you assume thats balanced?


i do agree i shouldnt be able to solo kill a healer as dps with just spamming auto shot but when i burn all my cds use interrupts, stuns and the healer dosnt even break a sweat (yes had it happen) that is just wrong


if i focus on a healer i want to give them a run for there money idc if i cant kill them but at least make them stop healing there team and run or focus on themself

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if you dont think this is the most overpowered thing in this game you aint seen anything yet.


Wait tell 1.2 comes out





You really need to look into this Bioware its been REALLY bad for awhile now.


the guard function on healers would be fine if the tanks guarding the healers wasnt doing the the damage if not more of actual dps class's.

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so healers just want to sit trew 2 dps and only need support when a 3rd shows up? but yet they slowly kill the dps? thats taking 3 players out the game to kill one guy. silly you assume thats balanced?


i do agree i shouldnt be able to solo kill a healer as dps with just spamming auto shot but when i burn all my cds use interrupts, stuns and the healer dosnt even break a sweat (yes had it happen) that is just wrong


if i focus on a healer i want to give them a run for there money idc if i cant kill them but at least make them stop healing there team and run or focus on themself


That is not a healing problem, that is ONLY a "I am a DPS, but don't know how to actually do DPS" problem.


2v1, with every DPS from my guild, we wreck a healer within seconds. Even if the healer does get any peels/help.


The amount of damage I see alot of people do in WZ's (not just the end-scoreboard), is pathetic. Combined with backpeddling, keyboardturning, clicking, mega slow reaction time, 0 situational awareness, makes crap DPS. No offense, but if you can't even 3v1 a healer, you are doing things horribly wrong and you might want to consider looking at your own performance first before claiming healers are OP.

Edited by Britneyfears
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