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IA Companion acquisition a joke


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Anyone else disappointed with our lack of choices in who we adventure with in the early game? We get all of 1 choice (no I'm not counting the useless and horrifically bugged ship droid) until we finish Aldreaan (the 6TH planet we visit). This is a joke.


While I can't speak for the other Sith Empire classes, I have played most of the Republic characters up to Alderaan and by and large most of the classes have 2 if not 3 choices by the time they finish Tatooine (Consular 2, Knight 2, Smuggler 2, Trooper 3). It looks like according to wiki data that other Imperial classes are the same (Inquisitor 2, Bounty Hunter 2, Warrior 2, Agent 1).


Sorry if this has been brought up before, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Bioware should know that people who play Agent are not happy.

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Yeah i dislike this too. After having a total blast with trooper companions and getting them all very early.. imperial agent is a pure disappointment in this compartment. We should have gotten at least one of them on either balmora or nar shadaa. And if we look at the companions, the first two are just plain horrible with a really disgusting personality.


By the time i was offered Ensign on Hoth, i didn't really need her..


Thank God we got Scopio, otherwise IA companion experience would be a complete utter failure.

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Yeah, IAs get their second companion late. It's odd that they made it that way... obviously for story reasons, but perhaps not well played out for convenience. Having said that, I really never had issues just sticking with Kaliyo until I got Lokin (Because I don't find Vector Useful).
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yes, this sucks. On the one hand, I love Kaliyo and her depth of character, so I am not complaining about her specifically vs. about the pacing of your companion acquisition.


I was frequently annoyed that all my non-IA friends had 2-3 companions more than I did for the first half of the game. Especially when it wasn't a walk in the park for an IA with first-time funds and gear.


I don't think this is something they can change very easily, but I wish that had designed for every class to have the same number of companions by the end of each planet.


I could not believe my trooper's acquisition rate... it was like I signed up for the companion-of-the-planet subscription. :)

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It's a tough slog from the time Kaliyo starts getting too squishy until you get Dr Lokin on Taris but, for story reasons, I can see why it unfolds like it does. Kaliyo, as basically a bounty hunter, fits Hutta. Vector had to be somewhere the Killiks could be - Nar Shadda is obviously out - Balmorra could have worked though - there *are* bugs there in the bonus series area. But the struggle between the Alderaan nobles and the "barbaric" Killiks was a better contrast story-wise IMO. Lokin, as a Rakghoul, could only be introduced on Taris. I suppose Temple could have come along anywhere, but hiding on Hoth makes more sense for her story. Scorpio, obviously had to be where she was.


In the end, though, it's not *that* hard and you end up with 5 companions at the end where you'll spend most of your life anyhow.

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Yeah, it always annoys me when classes get companions too late. IA and BH being the worst ones, BH getting their second after Tatooine. It's honestly that part of the IA that makes me not play one, because I honestly do not like Kaliyo's personality at all. Knowing that I'll be stuck with her until Alderaan is just a big "DO NOT PLAY" sign for me. My personal opinion, of course.
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It's a tough slog from the time Kaliyo starts getting too squishy until you get Dr Lokin on Taris but, for story reasons, I can see why it unfolds like it does. Kaliyo, as basically a bounty hunter, fits Hutta. Vector had to be somewhere the Killiks could be - Nar Shadda is obviously out - Balmorra could have worked though - there *are* bugs there in the bonus series area. But the struggle between the Alderaan nobles and the "barbaric" Killiks was a better contrast story-wise IMO.


Yeah. Vector is pretty useless in combat. So even when you do finally get him, he's just story fodder. But, he's here now so there's not much that can be done in that department.

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Yeah. Vector is pretty useless in combat. So even when you do finally get him, he's just story fodder. But, he's here now so there's not much that can be done in that department.


Just saying, but I used Vector from the moment I got him (I'd had my fill of Kaliyo by then), all the way until Belsavis. As a sniper, Vector had no problem grabbing agro by the scruff and holding onto it like a terrier. Meanwhile, I soaked the opposition in well placed damage. Even when I got Lokin on Taris, Vector was already so well equipped and we had our roles down so well, that it was easier to continue on with him than to change.


I finally converted to Lokin on Belsavis, only because I'd maxed out Vector's affection at that point, and didn't want to waste otherwise delicious affection. So out Lokin came. It was rough going, and there are still a notable number of very close figts where I think ''grrrr, if only Vector were here''. But we're working it out.


As far as the OP though, I completely agree that it was a rediculously long dry spell between Kaliyo and Vector.

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