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Please consider voting your top healers as MVP in war zones.


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Please start checking the top healers as well & considering them for MVP.


I work hard healing my faction like a madman and I top nearly every single war zone I am in by a significant margin in the healing bracket. Yet for some odd reason, even if the top damage dealer on my faction is trumped by 4-5 members of the opposite faction they get all of the MVP votes. So in the end, even though they were 5th overall in damage, trumped by the faction by a large margin & I am the only reason they even survived long enough to do any of that damage in the first place they still keep getting all of the MVP votes.


Some people seem to notice, I have received a few MVP votes but honestly, only about 3 times out of maybe 100 war zones where I topped nearly all of them in heals.


Just saying, damage isn't the only deciding factor & most times the top damage dealer on your faction is usually backed by a strong healer. Not saying that damage dealers should not be MVP's but I would like to see a bit more consideration taken into looking at stats and if you see the healer is top overall between both factions and the damage dealer is maybe 5th overall or something then you should place your vote with the healer.


Just my two cents.

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Please start checking the top healers as well & considering them for MVP.


I work hard healing my faction like a madman and I top nearly every single war zone I am in by a significant margin in the healing bracket. Yet for some odd reason, even if the top damage dealer on my faction is trumped by 4-5 members of the opposite faction they get all of the MVP votes. So in the end, even though they were 5th overall in damage, trumped by the faction by a large margin & I am the only reason they even survived long enough to do any of that damage in the first place they still keep getting all of the MVP votes.


Some people seem to notice, I have received a few MVP votes but honestly, only about 3 times out of maybe 100 war zones where I topped nearly all of them in heals.


Just saying, damage isn't the only deciding factor & most times the top damage dealer on your faction is usually backed by a strong healer. Not saying that damage dealers should not be MVP's but I would like to see a bit more consideration taken into looking at stats and if you see the healer is top overall between both factions and the damage dealer is maybe 5th overall or something then you should place your vote with the healer.


Just my two cents.


I usually do highest damage in the game so I always vote the highest healer! :)

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I usually do highest damage in the game so I always vote the highest healer! :)


Good to hear.


Though of course some players who do not top damage or healing should still be considered as well. A player that constantly CC's during Huttball at the perfect times, etc. should also be a prime candidate. Though chances of team members noticing stuff like this is less.


Overall though I think the system could use some sort of revision so that players vote fairly and they are also not forced to do a crap load of research in checking through stats to make their decision.

Edited by Nowhere
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But, while stuff like Healing and Tanking are nice, they dont WIN the games. Objectives people, then the fun stuff of heals and tanking!


Objectives can not be accomplished without a strong healer ;)


You might have a character who is quite bad that can only survive because of a strong healer or a tank clearing the way or even somebody with excellent CC tactics. So in that case, who deserves the MVP vote?

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Good to hear.


Though of course some players who do not top damage or healing should still be considered as well. A player that constantly CC's during Huttball at the perfect times, etc. should also be a prime candidate. Though chances of team members noticing stuff like this is less.

Overall though I think the system could use some sort of revision so that players vote fairly and they are also not forced to do a crap load of research in checking through stats to make their decision.


If the current PvPers noticed things like that I'd be surprised, half the people you end up grouped with don't even watch group chat :/

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Would like to mention! MVP votes for tanks who absorb 100,000's of thousands of damage from "Strong Healers," never, ever, get votes. Just saying. QQ elsewhere. Healers are great and all, but no one votes for tanks. Ever. Just saying.


I always vote for tanks no matter how bad they do just to encourage more people to try tanking.


But anyways, MVP votes don't mean anything, i consistently top BOTH healing and damage and i always play to win, not to farm kills (ie, i do objectives), and i rarely get the majority of the votes.

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Voting healers as MVP is great except when they ONLY heal themselves. 9 out of 10 healers I've seen in war zones just start dpsing, take dmg and heal themselves. So far healers are not healing other people. Generally the people who heal the highest are also the top dmg, meaning they are healing themselves with no concern for others (Sith Sorcs for example). Tanking on the other hand is completely different because these people are choosing to use prot moves in order to help their teammates INSTEAD of dps spamming. So, for now I say vote tanks and objective achievers.
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So, for now I say vote tanks and objective achievers.


This is what makes the system entirely unfair. I have been strictly healing my team with the occasional self-heal to keep myself alive when an Assassin pops out on me or I am being focused by an operative, etc. I heal other healers on my team when they are being focused, etc.


My entire deal with war zones is to ensure that every one of my team members is topped up on health as I follow them around ensuring that they can survive and achieve objectives.


Yet you just stated in your post that you only vote tanks and objective achievers.


This system should be revised and it would probably be smarter to have the MVP automatically selected based on numbers regarding who absorbed most damage, who healed most, who achieved most objectives, who dealt most damage, etc. and then the system should just do a bit of internal math and choose the most effective player that contributed to ALL of the factors involved in the teams success. Either that or just abandon the system altogether, which would be fine with me.

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Voting healers as MVP is great except when they ONLY heal themselves. 9 out of 10 healers I've seen in war zones just start dpsing, take dmg and heal themselves. So far healers are not healing other people. Generally the people who heal the highest are also the top dmg, meaning they are healing themselves with no concern for others (Sith Sorcs for example). Tanking on the other hand is completely different because these people are choosing to use prot moves in order to help their teammates INSTEAD of dps spamming. So, for now I say vote tanks and objective achievers.


Healing done is healing done though. The enemy is putting damage into that player instead of you and then they heal themselves through it. Sure, it would be better if they healed other people too (and they should), but it's not a complete waste. It would be a different story though if they're just standing way off somewhere with one guy hitting him and then spamming heals through it.


Healing is quite weak in this game though without tanks. Tanks are pretty much required to keep people alive. So without tanks, it's usually better to just wipe the other team as quickly as possible and then have everyone that survived use OOC heals. So, do as little healing as possible just to survive the encounter and do damage the rest of the time.

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Healing is quite weak in this game though without tanks. Tanks are pretty much required to keep people alive. So without tanks, it's usually better to just wipe the other team as quickly as possible and then have everyone that survived use OOC heals. So, do as little healing as possible just to survive the encounter and do damage the rest of the time.


As a Sage I find the heals quite adequate. I can keep anyone alive even while focused at least for a bit. Unless the damage from the opposing faction is seriously sustained then I can usually deter my teams death. If I have an adequate team putting out the damage then we can usually overcome the opposition through focused healing and some tanks/dps that have a clue.


Regarding the little healing as possible and damage the rest of the time, that really won't fair well for a dedicated healer such as a Sage. If I did what you say then I wouldn't top out the healing list or the damage list becoming further disconnected from the MVP consideration. As I said earlier also, healing in war zones is a full time job. If I wasn't healing like an insane madman then most of the times my team would crumble. So "healing as little as possible to survive the encounter" in my experience typically means healing for the entire war zone like as if your life depends on it...which it usually does.

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My issue is no one ever votes at all. Most of the time i 3 or 4 votes go out. Rest of the team doesn't vote.


There's a bug where if you join late you can't even vote. A lot of the time about 1/3 of the people in each warzone join after it has started because people are afk when their queue pops.

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I usually vote healers if they have a clue of what they're doing and not just spamming heals while not paying attention to the flow of the match. When I'm protecting the ball carrier/bomber/dpser/whatever and we're both dropping low while healers are off healing some **** duelling a random opponent in the middle of the map I don't really feel like voting them. I vote people who helps us complete the match objectives. And sometimes I get tired of the "vote healers to encourage them" crowd when I complete objectives, is the only person guarding others as well as consistent top 3 dps and highest medal hoarding bastard in the team and still people vote for some average healer who spent most of his heals on himself.
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The amount of commendations/xp/valor you get from an MVP point is almost negligible. There is really not much of a benefit to getting MVP votes unless you get 4+ in one round. Regardless, almost every WZ I play, healers tend to get the most commendations and are usually at the top of the charts. Even if someone is at the top of the charts, with tons of objective points and protection or damage or whatever, people will still vote for the healer, no matter how good/bad they were. Maybe you should think about changing servers. ;)
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This is what makes the system entirely unfair. I have been strictly healing my team with the occasional self-heal to keep myself alive when an Assassin pops out on me or I am being focused by an operative, etc. I heal other healers on my team when they are being focused, etc.


My entire deal with war zones is to ensure that every one of my team members is topped up on health as I follow them around ensuring that they can survive and achieve objectives.


Yet you just stated in your post that you only vote tanks and objective achievers.


This system should be revised and it would probably be smarter to have the MVP automatically selected based on numbers regarding who absorbed most damage, who healed most, who achieved most objectives, who dealt most damage, etc. and then the system should just do a bit of internal math and choose the most effective player that contributed to ALL of the factors involved in the teams success. Either that or just abandon the system altogether, which would be fine with me.


I will give you a tip: Throw in a single 15% dmg buff pvp adrenal, cast a single chain lightning or whatever yours is called and reap the 2.5k single hit medal every game from now on and you just made more medals then the average MVP votes would actually net you.


Do you even realize that a single vote only gives 1 commendation? I get 90-100 per warzone why the hell would I even care for another 2 or 3?


Fact is, that you can wni game completely without healers your sense of self entitlement is out of order. There is a huge amount of stuff that you can't even see in those dipsy stats at the end. Crucial ball takeovers, singlehandedly taking a turret 2vs1 etc.


You aren't a special snowflake because you are healing. Sure healers are nice but most of you guys aren't playing strong enough to even get serious heals off. Any half decent assassin eats you for lunch anyway.


If I can chose between a healer and a tank being with me to the goal line I would take the tank everytime, because 80% dmg reduce for a short amount of time going with overdose for insane amounts is something you healers cannot bring to the table.


Enjoy your gaming.

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Actually it seems like 80% of the players don't know that MVP voting is even there.


Haha, no doubt.


OT: I'm a healer, so I usually try to access who was most helpful to the team winning during the match. The end of match board doesn't give the whole picture. If a healer is just going to where the conflict is and not worrying about the objectives, s/he can top the meters but not really contribute to winning a match.


Same with dps who stay in mid and just do as much damage as possible. I usually vote for those who do the best teamwork, not for those who get points.

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I instantly vote MVP on any dedicated healer. The only time I don't is if they're just tearing it up with a buddy somewhere and not trying to complete objectives.


If I haven't really noticed what other players on my team have been doing for some reason, I vote MVP in this order:


Most Healing (if it's a good amount)

Most Damage


I think most people vote this way. It's too bad for me, because I'm a Vanguard and I've protected more damage than the healers put out in healing during a game and haven't gotten a single vote. Or I've sat around guarding a node or ran around planting bombs and someone just blowing people up gets all the votes.


Still, I don't mind. It's still nice when you get that one MVP vote and you just know it was from the healer whose back you were watching. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Edited by Saberdance
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They should just implement a tiering system.


Each player gets to mark every other member of the team as "having done a good job" or not having done a good job.


How much your 'vote' counts for depends on your own score of some kind.


Player who is voted the (weighted) most as 'having done a good job' should be MPV.


System would need to be carefully tweaked to avoid people farming up the 'score', but it would be better because it means

- You can officially mark several people as having done a good job

- People who do a good job get a better say in future games


I guess this is similar to other PVP tiering suggestions, not sure if we have enough PVPers yet for such a thing to be worthwhile.

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