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Where are the developers?!?!?


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Probably working their butts off and dreaming of the 4 hours of sleep they will be getting tonight before rocking up for another nightmare 18 hour day of trying to keep up with the issues the game currently faces?


That is where I think they are. Remember, you can't just click your fingers to bring a server online.

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Just a wee little "We hear you, we're doing stuff!" would be nice. Heck, even a "We apologize for the inconvenience"... @.@


Silence can be a killer for confidence.


apologize? ... their solution is to move to a light server till it becomes full and then wait in que again or the route i am taking ... not play. 40 min que and then stupid error pops up. I wouldn't be in a que either if it wasnt for a crash to desktop...


seriously FIX QUES & add the ability to log back in within 5 mins if your game crashes without having to wait in a que for 40 mins.


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What's worse is this isn't even launch yet...


Imagine what happens on the 20th.


Bioware is losing a ton of customers because of this. I've been following the game for several years and I'm pretty fed up with the waiting. They knew what they were getting into, and they had no plan in effect.


They should have had free server transfers ready from day 1 to prevent this...


I love the answer Bioware gave to queue times "reroll on another server"...what a laugh that was.


I can't play with any of my guildmates. I managed to get to level 10 in the brief time I was on yesterday. Today, 4+ hours of waiting...some guildmates already in the 30's and the entire leveling experience is ruined for me because I don't get to play with my friends.


I hate the whole "threatening to cancel" thing but the complete lack of response and communication from Bioware is making me think this is more frustration than is worth it...the game should be enjoyable and a release...not something to add more stress to the day.


- W.

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The developers are communicating very clearly through their community manager... who says roll on another server.


So quit ************ that they aren't saying anything - they told you what to do. Throw away your whole 3 days of work (SOOOOOOO MUCH WORK I KNOW! PRETTY MUCH A LIFE'S MASTERPIECE!), move your guild, move your friends, and move to a server with a lower que.





On a side note: Raising the server cap is not the issue. By raising the server cap, the servers become unstable and crash. Servers DO have physical limits, contrary to popular belief on these forums. Also contrary to belief, there is not a money slot on the server like a vending machine that you just throw a hundred dollar bill into and suddenly it holds 10 more people. It doesn't work that way.


They are asking people to spread out. Not unreasonable, just different than other companies, companies who usually have to deal with you same people complaining about ghost town servers in 3 months from now.


Note: This is in red in hopes that eventually I will stop seeing threads that I have to copy and paste this into.

Edited by Aurrelio
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What's worse is this isn't even launch yet...


Imagine what happens on the 20th.


Bioware is losing a ton of customers because of this. I've been following the game for several years and I'm pretty fed up with the waiting. They knew what they were getting into, and they had no plan in effect.


They should have had free server transfers ready from day 1 to prevent this...


I love the answer Bioware gave to queue times "reroll on another server"...what a laugh that was.


I can't play with any of my guildmates. I managed to get to level 10 in the brief time I was on yesterday. Today, 4+ hours of waiting...some guildmates already in the 30's and the entire leveling experience is ruined for me because I don't get to play with my friends.


I hate the whole "threatening to cancel" thing but the complete lack of response and communication from Bioware is making me think this is more frustration than is worth it...the game should be enjoyable and a release...not something to add more stress to the day.


- W.

+1 5-6 hr ques on launch day without server transfer = no subscription

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I think we as a community deserve a response. If for example, I KNEW for a FACT that they weren't getting better, I would simply re roll on a new server. But i have no idea if we're getting free xfers or bigger server capacities so I'm staying making the que bigger till i know. Tell us what to expect, please!
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The developers are communicating very clearly through their community manager... who says roll on another server.


So quit ************ that they aren't saying anything - they told you what to do. Throw away your whole 3 days of work (SOOOOOOO MUCH WORK I KNOW! PRETTY MUCH A LIFE'S MASTERPIECE!), move your guild, move your friends, and move to a server with a lower que.


meh i dont want to have to reroll a charicter on a new server and start from scratch every time a server becomes full and to move our guild with 172 poeple in it would be a pain in the butt.simple solution......give free charicter trasfers to lesser populated servers.this way the people who dont want to wait or arnt in a guild move on.

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Put up more servers NOW, bump the cap and or get decent damn server hardware that can handle it and not the amiga 500s they are prolly usin right now.


Normally I am calm...and rarely if ever swear but right now I am losing it and cussing like a sailor.


ETA to play...1 hour 30 mins. That's if the good old error 1003 dont' pop up which it will.


Worst launch ever, period. And I been in almost all the majors to date. Oh some had problems like lag and such but that cleared up after week or two...and one thing is for certain I never had to wait more then 10 mins to get in.


BW showin that they don't care; play at different times (ie. haha quit your job nubs) or re-roll (oh wait new server next day is full with same ques again whooo****!).



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The developers are communicating very clearly through their community manager... who says roll on another server.


So quit ************ that they aren't saying anything - they told you what to do. Throw away your whole 3 days of work (SOOOOOOO MUCH WORK I KNOW! PRETTY MUCH A LIFE'S MASTERPIECE!), move your guild, move your friends, and move to a server with a lower que.





On a side note: Raising the server cap is not the issue. By raising the server cap, the servers become unstable and crash. Servers DO have physical limits, contrary to popular belief on these forums. Also contrary to belief, there is not a money slot on the server like a vending machine that you just throw a hundred dollar bill into and suddenly it holds 10 more people. It doesn't work that way.


They are asking people to spread out. Not unreasonable, just different than other companies, companies who usually have to deal with you same people complaining about ghost town servers in 3 months from now.


Note: This is in red in hopes that eventually I will stop seeing threads that I have to copy and paste this into.


Did that yesterday. Rerolled on a light population server. Got to level 7 and had a server hiccup and got bumped to the server selection screen.


Guess what.




45 minutes wait.


So, what, I reroll on yet another light server until it goes to queues, then reroll again...? Rinse and repeat, like tis shampoo?

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Put up more servers NOW, bump the cap and or get decent damn server hardware that can handle it and not the amiga 500s they are prolly usin right now.
You have no idea what their server cap is currently. In this very thread, people are yelling for BW not to create new server, but to increase the cap. Don't you see how ridiculous it is to demand Bioware to take a specific action when you have no idea the ramifications of it?


Normally I am calm...and rarely if ever swear but right now I am losing it and cussing like a sailor.
If this has you "cussing like a sailor", then I doubt you rarely ever swear.


Worst launch ever, period. And I been in almost all the majors to date. Oh some had problems like lag and such but that cleared up after week or two...and one thing is for certain I never had to wait more then 10 mins to get in.
This is no where near the worst launch ever. I can say for sure you didn't play: WoW, SWG, AO, or EQ during their releases. And AO easily has the worst launch ever.
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hello fanboi,


can u guarantee that the new server won't get full ? how long will i reroll my character , months? reroll on another solution is a dumb idea. and you are even dumber for supporting it.


Dear fellow pre-order'er who is obviously also a fanboi, you just don't want to admit it when you have a bone to pick, because the lack of being a "fanboi" would mean you wouldn't be here on this server ************ about their game that you wish to play that you also dropped $60 on. Otherwise, it was not a very smart decision to drop $60 on something that you are not at least a little bit of a fan of. And a fanboi is in fact a fan... simply in a form that you use to degrade someone who makes an argument that you disagree with, hoping that they will give up in anger and go away. Luckily for me, I do not mind you calling me a "fanboi" as I am in fact a fan of the game, hence why I spent $60 of my hard earned money on it and am here supporting it at launch, just like you!


Now, onward to the real issue. There is no guarantee that the new server won't get full. And it probably will and there will probably be ques. The point is illustrated clearly below for those who do not understand.




Server 1 Population: ******** (full)

Server 2 Population: ****** (full but with a shorter que)


Players go from server 1 ---> server 2. Now they look like this.


Server 1 Population: ******* (full with short que)

Server 2 Population: ******* (full with short que)


Now, this is all common sense you say, what says the new server doesn't get full?


Well, there is a very good chance that the new server will get full. But with all servers having closer to equal populations, the behemoth servers will not draw more players, as very populated servers tend to do to avoid future ghost towns.


When the servers are equal in population, that is when they begin to open new servers. Until then, opening new servers just means that there will be a heavy balance of players on the popular servers, and the servers that are currently not bursting at the seems (while there are not many left like this) will become ghost towns as will the new servers.


As we can see, applying simple logic can be fun and easy, and can explain why these threads are repetitive and useless as Bioware uses logic too and understands how this "population" thing works better than the average Joe. Fanboi or not, please apply some brain power to the situation, and consider what they are trying to do to secure the future of the game and keep the server population healthy throughout the server spectrum.

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Wait times are totally messing up this game. Come on BW, I can't do

Tython again I've done it 3 times. Started with 6 players all together on Tomb of Freedom. Now have everyone on diff servers because 2 h wait time at 3.00pm is a bit of a joke.


Not one to moan, but information would at least help us decide a course of action. I want to get to play with my friends! That's not too much to ask is it?:mad:

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This is no where near the worst launch ever. I can say for sure you didn't play: WoW, SWG, AO, or EQ during their releases. And AO easily has the worst launch ever.


WoW, no more than 10 min ques to get in. Only problems I had was loot lag in barrens but that cleared up within a week or two after a few maintences.


SWG, no que at all. Only problems I had was a few rollbacks and missing harvesters: still could play anytime I wanted.


EQ didn't start day one so can't say. Never encountered que when I did play for bit.


AO, didn't bother.


AoC, no que. Lots of problems but still could play even though I was crashing every time I went to another area. no biggie, just restart...get back in in less than 2 mins.


Rift, no que. Picked one the smaller servers, absolutely zero isses...quite possible the best MMO launch I seen to date. And guess what? They offer free char transfers with a 7 day CD.


I can start listin the dozens of other MMOs I launched with, but I won't none them really had issues and certainly did not make the users wait 2 hours to get in.


But I get it, you don't have a que....YET. Wait till pissed off people re-roll on yours and you get to wait too.

Edited by fixit
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meh i dont want to have to reroll a charicter on a new server and start from scratch every time a server becomes full and to move our guild with 172 poeple in it would be a pain in the butt.simple solution......give free charicter trasfers to lesser populated servers.this way the people who dont want to wait or arnt in a guild move on.


I fully understand this, and I hope that the developers do as well. However you have to look at it beyond just a new server completely filling up and the same thing happening. Servers tend to snowball based on current population. As we can see, early PvP players decided that Fatman would be the most populated server, and they all rolled there. Soon, everyone wants to get in on the most populated server, so they roll Fatman too! As each new wave comes in, they sort by population, and pick the highest population server that fits their criteria (PvP/PvE, East/West Coast, RP, Etc).


What Bioware is trying to do, unsuccessfully unfortunately, is to get larger guilds to move to lower populated servers in order to boost those servers numbers to the point where new players will have an abundance of servers to choose from, and there will be no clear most populated server.


What Bioware SHOULD have done is simply put a guild on a server, and locked them to that server. Harsh, but it would have kept all of the guilds who got put on lesser population servers from immediately disbanding and restarting on one of the top 5 most populated.


In theory, the new servers that you are rolling on should not fill up as fast, as spreading out the population will slow the influx of players to each server by spreading them out as well. Then, and only then, once the players are equally distributed on servers, or close enough, they can begin to open new servers for newer players coming in. Until then, they want to jam pack them like sardines in a can, and in the process frustrate the playerbase, in order to save the player base from the inevitable need to reroll 3 months down the road, after much more work has been put into characters, when you realize that your server has become a ghost town because steps were not taken at launch to prevent it.



TL;DR: Think of it this way - would you rather lose 3-4 days of work and move to a new server, helping to keep healthy populations on all servers, or lose 3 months of work when you have to reroll because your server is dead down the road?

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Rockjaw Stephen Reid

Heading out for the night. Server queues are being monitored, but don't expect them to vanish; we're looking at them carefully though.



That was the last twitter so there is you answer they are monitoring them..they are not going to pull a Blizzard and open a hundred more servers than they need...and increasing a shard load means you have to take a server down...so it is what it is for the time being; you can deal or ragequit...The reason there are queues is this game kicks ***....so I'll be patent.

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I mentiond this in several other threads...ill tell you what I have been told to the legit complaint several times


You think they dont know about it? Why should they tell you they know about it or are going to do something about it?


Yeah, the person that said that to me isnt very bright.


Bioware needs to get on the ball and start talking to the community more fast before they lose even more people to a problem that is both common and avoidable.



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