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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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I agree. If a " none of the above" option was available I would picked that one.


So, what do you think the space team should work on? I would think "space", but I'm curious what you think...


So far, everything that everyone has mentioned "u shud b3 werkin on teh tings in the game NAO!!!11!1thirteen" are already being worked on by teams. Why do you people act like they're going to take away from those things to work on this?


No, they're not. They have several teams working on different things. BioWare does not have a "zero sum" dev team like you people seem to think they do.


Stop thinking that way. It's quite unproductive...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Oh come on! I REALLY want the huge land battles! Walkers, troop drops, pew pew lasers all over the place!


Space combat is the easy winner here though. If Space Combat was what we all want it to be, it would be a very good draw for the game.


I still want to relive the Battle of Hoth though.

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As for the new races? People have been pretty unhappy with the thought of having to unlock a race to play it. The idea that they would have to level a character to play the character they want to play is pretty not great.


They have already stated that upon reaching a certain legacy level you will be able to purchase unlocks with credits. So there is a distinct possibility you won't have to level a character of that race, and instead will be able to simply buy the ability to create what you want.


Credits are pretty easy to come by, so that system will at least be...not so bad. I'd still much rather get real, new races.


Also, Trandoshans...I can feel the emotion in their voice! Gimmie!

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They have already stated that upon reaching a certain legacy level you will be able to purchase unlocks with credits. So there is a distinct possibility you won't have to level a character of that race, and instead will be able to simply buy the ability to create what you want.



You'd still have to get to lv 32 with a character you dont want to play to unlock the character youd be playing.

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Oh come on! I REALLY want the huge land battles! Walkers, troop drops, pew pew lasers all over the place!


Space combat is the easy winner here though. If Space Combat was what we all want it to be, it would be a very good draw for the game.


I still want to relive the Battle of Hoth though.


If you want to relive the battle of Hoth, go play any number of games- Shadows of the empire, rogue squadron and more.


And the Hoth you are thinking of is thousands of years in the future from this games setting. So the battle of hoth would, and if it is made, should be a far different experience.

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You'd still have to get to lv 32 with a character you dont want to play to unlock the character youd be playing.


BioWare has never, EVER, glossed over the fact that the main activity in this MMO is alt-playing. Playing all 8 storylines. I've been following this game for years now, and not only have they not glossed over that fact, but they have highlighted it over and over and over again ad nauseum.


They have also acknowledged the fact that this is one reason this MMO will not be for everyone. Anyone coming here, with the fact that they've unabashedly pushed the fact that this MMO is tailored for alt-playing, and then demanding that single-character players get everything, too, is quite outside the realm of reality, and not just a little obtuse...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I went with Pod Racing. It be nice to have a non-combat based event that the community could get involved in. I am of course assuming it would be players racing players as opposed to it being single player instanced racing vs NPCs experience. Edited by Destronicus
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Um… we have to choose between space combat and capital star ships? Whats the difference?! I want capital ship battles in full three dimensional combat! Oh and AT-ATs on the ground fighting in the same battle as the ships in the sky both capital ships and single pilot fighters that work in tandem.


Speeder racing is better than pod racing so don’t do pods if you can help it.


The real answer is that your game needs ALL FOUR of the above. If one had to be cut and never put into the game I’d vote speeder racing in the hopes that you still bother to develop Dejarik, Pazaack/Sabaac and other games that I can do outside of fighting things.


This poll made me think I was voting on this:


Poll: Which of the four options is most important to you?


1) A key component of the game

2) Another key component of the game

3) A really awesome sounding game you could do instead of running in circles on the fleet that won’t be put into the game if you vote for the other 3 key components.

4) Another key component of the game


I am sad face at this poll.

Edited by Pawnbroker
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Um… we have to choose between space combat and capital star ships? Whats the difference?! I want capital ship battles in full three dimensional combat! Oh and AT-ATs on the ground fighting in the same battle as the ships in the sky both capital ships and single pilot fighters that work in tandem.


Speeder racing is better than pod racing so don’t do pods if you can help it.


The real answer is that your game needs ALL FOUR of the above. If one had to be cut and never put into the game I’d vote speeder racing in the hopes that you still bother to develop Dejarik, Pazaack/Sabaac and other games that I can do outside of fighting things.


This poll made me think I was voting on this:


Poll: Which of the four options is most important to you?


1) A key component of the game

2) Another key component of the game

3) Another key component of the game

4) A really awesome sounding game you could do instead of running in circles on the fleet that won’t be put into the game if you vote for the other 3 key components.


I am sad face at this poll.


So, I take you are assuming that they're asking us this because they're only going to do one? Ever think maybe they're asking just to see which we like most?


It's a foregone conclusion that we like them all. The devs are MMOers, too, have been for over a decade. There are devs here that helped create UO for goodness sake. They're not "out-of-touch" nor "idiots". They, themselves, like them all, too.


Nothing here says they'll do only one...

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So, I take you are assuming that they're asking us this because they're only going to do one? Ever think maybe they're asking just to see which we like most?


It's a foregone conclusion that we like them all. The devs are MMOers, too, have been for over a decade. There are devs here that helped create UO for goodness sake. They're not "out-of-touch" nor "idiots". They, themselves, like them all, too.


Nothing here says they'll do only one...


Better to be clear. You never know if or when something will be cut. They have brains and can think for themselves. If they just want to know which to do first they still have that answer from my post. But critcizing me doesn't help anyone.

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Apparently not very many people understand that CAPITAL SHIPS ARE ONLY ACQUIRED BY GUILDS

Sooo Capital Ship Battle = Guild Battle

There is already NPC PVE Capital Ship Battle ingame I believe it's called the Esseles? dur



A developer should clear this up, too many posts not knowing what Capital Ship Battle means.

Therefore the poll should be re-posted with an explanation besides each option.


Am I right? or do I eat my shoe?

Edited by mtsr
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I voted for 3D space battles.


I would also love to see Swoop Racing...


For nostalgia, here is Brejik's Run on Taris from KoToR:


(racing is at 4:35)


Not only would singles racing be fun (and make it ranked), but it'd be fun to have group racing as well.


Singles ought to be on a thin course like shown in the video. Whereas group racing would probably be on an "open" course, kinda like the podracing of the Boonta Eve Classic.


It would all be "on a rail" though, like the original swoop racing.


Maybe also have swoop "racing" where you can kill/eliminate your enemies by bumping and ramming them like in SotE:


Edited by Zekkau
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Apparently not very many people understand that CAPITAL SHIPS ARE ONLY ACQUIRED BY GUILDS

Sooo Capital Ship Battle = Guild Battle

There is already NPC PVE Capital Ship Battle ingame I believe it's called the Esseles? dur



A developer should clear this up, too many posts not knowing what Capital Ship Battle means.

Therefore the poll should be re-posted with an explanation besides each option.


Am I right? or do I eat my shoe?


Eat your shoe. Because none of this is in game yet, so they can easily make the capital ships in question not guild-only. After all, there are many different classes of capital ships. For example, the guild-only capital ship could be the "Dreadnought" classes, and the other smaller capital ships used in battles.


After all, watch Episode V. Vader's flagship saw very little battle, while the smaller Star Destroyers were battling all the time.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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For me...Pod/Speeder Racing. I just suck at space combat enough that I'd rather not have it be more complicated :p

With multiplayer ships you can jump into a turret and have much fun.


I've been doing that for friends in SWG, at first they thought they were bad then they found out they can be great at space combat too ;)

Edited by Deewe
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