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  1. I love PVP, but I hate warzones. I want open battles in a persistent world. Give me something to build and defend and give the Republic something to build so I can attack it. Without all of the above I’m done with TOR.
  2. Take 5 minutes to do the first daily quest or two involved with the rakghoul thing and you can earn free vaccine injectors instead of paying 2k credits. The vaccine itself actually persists on your character for an hour or so (not sure how long exactly but at least 1 hour) and you can avoid being killed by the infection that way. This set of quests worked wonders for open pvp on my server and it kind of rejuvenated a bit of participation from my friends who thought of quitting so I'm glad for it.
  3. I just want to say one thing in regards to this “surprise” feature in the 1.2 patch. BRAVO BIOWARE!!! Yes, I started another thread about how 1.2 came too soon, but that’s because this rakghoul thing wasn’t in the patch notes and I had no way of seeing it coming. Reasons this was the right decision: 1. The quest area was in a location of equal distance to both Republic and Empire players, which I have to say, sparked some of the BEST spontaneous open world pvp since launch. Better than Ilum. 2. People who like galaxy wide interaction get a reason to go around and infect people/stop the plague via pvp. The pvp was optional but highly encouraged by both factions working to get the same “assets” in the same location. Sure there was no base to take over or anything but I had fun running around killing infected Republic guys with my guild in an ops group today and it felt like it went along with the story. The use of the holonet to get people to Tatooine gave the RP-ers a reason to join in the fun and infecting people felt rewarding regardless of the quest involved. I don’t care that there are DNA tokens to buy things, but I know plenty of people like that goal to work towards things. However, I just wanted to express my appreciation for giving us a new reason to join in some very engaging and entertaining open pvp. Even if it wasn’t intentional, it worked. Five stars on this feature!!!!
  4. Thank you for understanding the point of this thread, I fear so few get it.
  5. Its well and all that you think you are being righteous for calling me a whiner for giving honest feedback. However, you missed the point of the post. BioWare is new at making an MMO and they need feedback in this form as well as public testing to be able to improve. I agree that ranked warzones need more development time to be implemented correctly. However, they claimed it would come in 1.2 and they made themselves look inexperienced with MMO development by waiting until patch day to tell us it isn’t ready and then accidentally boot the servers in patch 1.1.5 and shut them down for the day to fix it. Yes, they gave us a free month and a free day for these accidents. However, the importance of feedback is not to whine and get my way, but to help BioWare improve and make less mistakes in the future. Its about doing things right the first time and making a good impression with customers about the claims they make for the game.
  6. Because BioWare actually hired employees to listen to that feedback and communicate concerns of customers to the developers who can actually do something about it. I’m not an armchair developer, but I’m an armchair gamer and I know just as much about game mechanics as a developer does and they can alter the code on their own. Customers have the right to express feedback to those that listen. Stephen Reid and David Bass have been excellent at getting points across for me in the past. Also, Georg Zoeller takes time out of his own day to read about our concerns in the game has been making changes to the combat system to try and please as many players as possible and I have respect for the open communication. If you feel you have something useful to say to BioWare then go ahead and say it instead of fearing the resting of us judging you.
  7. I think that’s actually a bug. They tried to implement a system in 1.2 where the “afk-ers” in warzones would not get credit for just running around or hiding in the corner and not doing anything for free valor. However their logic for deciding who gets rewards seems really far off because it sounds like people who actually defend objectives and get in the middle of fights are not getting credit on a loss because they did not personally click on an objective item in the warzone to count them as participating. I know that it isn’t intentional because some people who lost warzones in 1.2 actually did get credit.
  8. I would rather have a clear message sent about what I should be hoping to see in an upcoming patch. At least 5 of the things in the list in the original post did not come with 1.2 and were supposed to. Everyone I know was going to quit before being promised the features of patch 1.2. Now that those features did not come with the patch they left.
  9. Because my friends play EVE and that is totally boring.
  10. I already did. But I'm hoping BioWare learns what MMO means and that one day I can come back and play a game that actually encourages people to play it together in large groups. I would not claim to speak on behalf of a large number of people if I had not been keeping track. I have watched 30 guilds each with a member base over 100+ active members quit player by player until its now just 7 people from my guild that was active at launch with 150.
  11. That’s great justification for why people should not complain about 8 single player games from BioWare. However it doesn’t justify a legitimate MMO with a subscription fee.
  12. I have watched 30 guilds that account for a huge population of the Jung-Ma server give up and quit one by one. No, I don’t have data, but thousands of people are large enough. This is in general discussion because I have an opinion and I’m going to give my feedback to BioWare. If you are happy with what you have then I’m happy for you but I don’t share the satisfaction with the state of the game.
  13. You guys sound like the PvE fans I mentioned that like single player. Of course there is plenty for you guys. This post is about the lack of support for content that requires community interaction and pvp. I’d play any crappy content if my friends were willing to stick through it with me. However all of my friends got bored and quit because the pvp and community options didn’t really exist outside of warzones. Its about having friends to play with and all of mine got bored and left.
  14. BioWare, You guys have been tossing around all these fancy ideas for things that will be in the game “in the future.” You seemingly gave the impression that many features would actually be included in patch 1.2 and built up the hype to a make or break level for subscribers. You inadvertently encouraged the remaining player base to make a decision with the release of 1.2 to either continue to play or cancel their subscription until the game is worth investing real time with a community of players. Here is a list of things that a large population of people thought was coming with 1.2 and it wasn’t there: 1. Ranked warzones 2. 8-man warzone group queues 3. Choosing which warzone you wanted to queue for 4. Medium and Heavy social gear 5. Pulling set bonuses attached to armoring mods 6. “Useful” legacy equipment for alt characters (the non-moddable token items are near worthless) 7. Useful crafting schematics (i.e. I craft something that someone actually wants to buy from me at level 50 that is an upgrade) 8. A reason for being in a guild. (The bank is great but there is no need for it without the need for crafting at end game) 9. A ton of legacy unlocks that you told us we could do that aren’t coming until 1.3. In fact, 90% of the legacy unlocks I was looking forward too are still not useable until 1.3. I really wanted the use of speeders at level 10 and the choice of increased XP through space missions/pvp/or pve by my choosing. All I feel like having right now is some race/class combinations and a mailbox on my ship. The rest is kind of useless based on everything else I wish I was doing at end game. Because these things did not come with 1.2 many of my best friends and guild mates are done with SW:TOR. These are the people that actually had the highest level of dedication and held strong until 1.2. We have been following this game since the first day that this website launched in 2008 and waited patiently for each Friday update lifting our spirits to bring back the fun MMO community we missed from SWG. I’m not saying you should abandon all you’ve done and go 100% sandbox. I’m not saying that story isn’t fun for a while. But what I really need to get off my chest is that you guys ****ed up. BioWare is phenomenal at making single player games. You guys made 8 single player games in one box. You continue to build great single player content but you forget that your game is an MMO. MMOs are about community. That doesn’t mean you tell us it takes 4 or 8 people to do single player content. That means that crafting, open world pvp, player ships and the planets themselves should have functional and supportive content to get people playing together. You recently mentioned having speeder racing, 3D space combat, guild capitol ships and better open pvp. I find it sad that you are only exploring this avenue because we hounded you for it. These are BASIC FOUNDATIONS for any long running MMO. You have successfully catered to a niche in your market that loves your single player games. You have immersed Star Wars fans in a believable universe. However, at the end of the day I don’t remember Darth Vader running in circles on a spacedock with nothing to do in between huttball matches against Han Solo. I don’t remember the part in the movies where Princess Leia told me to kill 10 droids instead of fight the Empire in open space/ground combat. I don’t see the point of level 50 in this game for pvp fans. There are people who only PvE, people who only PvP and people who do both. For the people who only pvp and the people who do both this game seems empty. 1.2 built our hopes and fed them to the Sarlacc to be digested until you guys realize how to build a well rounded MMO. Warzones should not be the soul focus of pvp. I have personally taken over Republic star ports on various planets with my guild hoping to get the Republic to respond in like-minded force to try and secure it because that’s the only open pvp we have. Nobody wants to fight over an empty piece of sand owned by tuskan raiders on Tatooine. There is no reason for being there. If we want to pvp we’ll do it in someone’s base or around the Sarlacc pit or somewhere that its actually fun where we can develop make-believe objectives such as escorting an enemy prisoner to some ship in the game or king of the hill or “capturing” an enemy starport and keeping them from using it until they get an army to drive us out. Every other MMO that claimed to care about open pvp actually puts objectives out in the open world like castles and gives players a reason to take them over and try and hold them and then fight over them. This game should have structures that I can attack/defend with space ships and AT-AT type vehicles and ion cannons/turrets and all the things that made the Wars in Star Wars cool in the movies. The movies were a story built around pvp in concept. Only they were not playing, they were risking their lives for control over the galaxy. I don’t feel like this game lives up to the label of “MMO” or puts the War in Star Wars. So far its Star Story with Huttball and I’m deeply saddened. I will be keeping my eye on this game and waiting as patiently as I have to for BioWare to understand how to make an MMO and when they finally get ready for “launch” I’ll be there. Nothing will replace a Star Wars MMO for me. Anything else I play while I wait are fillers because they aren’t Star Wars. You guys have access to the most important IP on the planet, make us proud.
  15. This quest is actually really simple. First of all, you have to realize that you get a blue injector thing to that makes you immune to 10 hits of the radiation damage from the blue liquid on the floor. All four buttons you click are guarded by droids. One when you first enter which is the one you probably found. 2 are down in the blue liquid area on the left wall guarded by a silver and normal droid. Kill the 2 droids on one side of the little platform, click the button behind them then walk along the platform and there is another little nook with an identical group of droids and a button behind them. Then you go up the opposite ramp and there is a group of 4 droids on the right and another button on the console overlooking the blue liquid area again.
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