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Is StarWars the OldRepublic heading down the Hellgate london fate.


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First and foremost, I absolutely love the game.


However, it is ofter very hard to ignore the many flaws that really should have been picked up and fixed before launch - to say nothing of the horrendous performance problems many players experience. SWtoR is at a crucial point just now I think and if they don't start getting it right soon, people will walk away... and there are some very interesting distractions being released soon to turn their attention to.

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No we are saying that because of EA rushing them it is not the game it could have been if they had achieved open world game that allowed for proper space battles and traveling to worlds even and everything wasnt instanced as well and it had more content and wasnt totally focused on single player then it could been a mmo to rival WOW as it stands now it not even close. We are saying EA ruins companys and it has happened time and time again im suprised they not be sued for destroying these companys reputations.


And what if what you're wanting isn't the direction bioware wants to go with their design?


Let's look at what you've talked about in your post;


You seem to want a fully fleshed out space system, that's pretty much a whole game right there. SWG didn't have this at launch. WoW doesn't have it at all, even now. STO managed it but the space was basic without true 3D flight and the ground combat was atrocious.


Nothing instanced would require the entire game be rewritten from the foundation up. Even given more time this simply isn't the direction bioware was going so it wouldn't happen anyway.


Bioware focussed on the presentation of the story in their unique bioware way, extra time isn't going to fix this either. I for one enjoy this aspect of TOR.


No MMOG will ever rival WoW, there's far too many other MMOGs on the market for it to happen. Thinking it would rival WoW is a pipedream, something to strive for, sure, but not something that will ever happen.


As for EA being sued, EA owns Bioware, they'd be sueing themselves... As far as i'm concerned this is something all the big publishers do these days, EA isn't unique in it's lust for money and it's willingness to cut corners to get that money.

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I'm still having tons of fun with this game. *shrugs*



I seriously don't get why people get so up in arms and abusive over a game they don't enjoy. If you dislike it, want it to fail, hate Bioware/EA, think there's no hope in the future, etc.... why not just walk away? Cancel your account and go do something else? Why do you feel the need to come to the forums and doom and gloom?



Where did he say anything like that?



You do realize its possible to both like and have serious concerns about the future of this game, right?

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Short answer: no


Long answer: too much time and money and franchise put into this game for it to fall off. If anything they will fire the dev team and hire more to attempt to change things.


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Where did he say anything like that?



You do realize its possible to both like and have serious concerns about the future of this game, right?


Doomsaying and wringing your hands solves nothing.


There are things I'm concerned about; but I use the Feedback email to express those concerns and offer suggestions...and *GASP* what do you know three of my major concerns have already been addressed.

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Where did he say anything like that?



You do realize its possible to both like and have serious concerns about the future of this game, right?




He said in the first post that he hopes the game flops. And if you like this game, there's no reason to have serious concerns about it's future. It's been out for 4 months or so and it's second content patch is due out in a couple weeks. Bioware is obviously committed to the game and so far they've been great with responding to many of the concerns we've had. An MMO is always changing and evolving and new content takes time. All we can ask is that they work on the issues and give us some new content from time to time. They're doing those things and have been since launch. If you play 8 hours a day and have 5 level 50s and are bored out of your mind, GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. No company could keep up with your play style. If you're like me and play a few hours a night at most, you've still got plenty to do in this game.

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Where did he say anything like that?



You do realize its possible to both like and have serious concerns about the future of this game, right?


let fanboys and yesmen ruin games, they done it on every other mmo just kept telling it ok everything ok then games die and their like what happened...

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Hello everyone!


Since this thread is centered around discussion of EA versus Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, we are going to have to close this thread.


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


If you would like to discuss Patch 1.2 and your opinions on its impact to the game, we ask that you please continue your discussion in the following:



If you would like to discuss how you may feel bored, we ask that you please discuss that topic here:



If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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