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Hood up/down toggle in 1.2 customization tool?


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Does anyone know if Bioware added the option to have your hood up or down in the new customization tool? I think my character looks stupid with no hair under his hood, so i'd rather have it down, but I don't want to wear a helmet.
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Just have to say: the game launched with a hide heads slot toggle. And practically every single JK chestpiece, particularly heavy armor, covers your head. Priceless. Truly priceless.


Right hand, meet left hand. Left hand, this is right hand's extension number. Figure it out and don't make us look silly before a global audience mmmmmmkk?

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It is so bizarre to me that one side gets mostly hoods-down, the other hoods-up and it's the reverse of what you would think (ie. hood-down to show a JEDI'S face and hood-up to hide a SITH'S face). Why wouldn't they just be the same if BW can't figure out how to toggle it? And it's just such an annoying oversight that every single robe my Jedi Sentinel comes across has the hood up when realistically she would be able to keep it down if she chose.


If nothing else, give Jedi characters some clothing options that are still "of the Order" but without a robe. Like the tunic/pants they wear underneath the robes. Provide us with those while you figure out the mechanics behind an actual hood toggle feature. I can't believe they aren't doing anything about this for the upcoming patch.

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Its not just the hoods but the tails as well. I mean seriously, can't the Jedi Knight actually look like something other than a monk. I get the old stereotypes but in this game it just goes way too far. I just spent like an age going though all the gear you can get and whilst I may be able to wear some medium without a hood if I want to swap strength for cunning, so having to wear smugglers stuff, I still have the bloody curtain tails. I mean the image you have of the Jedi in the opening shot shows you splendid in your armor encrusted gear. But guess what... WE SEE OUR CHARACTERS FROM THE BACK... all the time. And with the movement characteristics of the char its nice to see all the body, legs, arms movement when in action. Plus it would be nice to see something of what we are wearing. For me I would either add wardrobe slots like in Rift or let us hide hoods and tails... or those drapes and curtains that all Jedi wear. ...... Feel like I'm at a Druid get-together every time I see a Jedi in game.


I shall wear my Synth Vest till the bitter end I guess. Level 15 gear... Cool or what. But at least I can see my characters body when running and the head and hair etc. I mean what is the point of character customisation at the start. They don't mention in the guide that it really is unimportant cus you will be draped in a sack for most of the times.


And one last thing.. Can you please change the animation of the Jedi running with weapons out. I have seriously never seen anything more silly... I am like hitting the z key like mad every time I am out of combat to avoid it. Feels like I am playing an old Atari platform game.. The old vampire stance. The characters can appear quite liquid but the animation guys have created potato sacks with fleurescent tubes sticking out of them. Come on guys.. I'm trying to save the galaxy here... Not good.

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I don't get why MMOs don't learn from other MMOs.


Hood up and down was talking about for like 2 years straight in DaoC until they finally patched it to be a option. People in general like to see they toons head.



one of the reason they empire look better and are more popular. they get to not worry about hoods

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I also would like to cast my vote in the no hood committee. This is outrageous. Since the game launched we have waited... has a dev even responded to any of these?


Look at the weekly Q/A. They only answer questions that could be answered by 2 minutes of searching or, alternatively, by using your brain. This doesn't really even affect me, as I play a twi'lek as my main, but it's still unbelievable that such integral parts of the experience are ignored. Especially since in ALL the promo trailers you see Sith with masks and hoods on etc.

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I have that body piece lol. Took me a month to find tho. I wear the traditional jedi robes tho. And yes i vote for a hood down option. I love the hood but some times i wish i could toogle it. Like...... in the meeting of high royality or........ When in battle on tatooine!
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