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No informed choice for Founders?


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I dont think you understand how ridiculous that sounds, "i want a choice i made months ago" to affect something in a patch 4 months away. So say bioware does this for you, then every time they make a change that affects earlier character you made they have to appease people like you and give you exactly what you want every time. Its ridiculous.


Its a patch with NEW content, no one knew about it at launch and we are all in the same boat, you can buy a race from a couple of days of doing dailies or a day of crafting if you can craft something worthwhile. Its silly to say you would have chosen differently you made the character you wanted to make at the time and so you have to stick with it , make your family tree around the character you Wanted to make at launch not the character you want to make now because of the family tree. The family tree is supposed to compliment your choices and give you a variety of choices not dictate them.

That was simply an incorrect statement:


As the link proves, rumors about this feature existed in 2007 already. Some Bioware developers also gave some very obvious hints about the system in both 2010 and 2011, resulting in some pretty big flamefests between supporters and disbelievers who couldn't add up all the hints that were given. The hints were already there. Simply deciding back then that it would be rediculous or refusing to see them is no excuse for claiming that "you had no idea". Plenty of people here basically knew. Not officially, but they'd seen enough indications for it.

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I got 2 humans, a twi'lek, a miraluka, a chiss and leveling a mirialan. Would it be nice to be able to change one human into a Sith or a Rattataki? Sure but if I wanted to play rattataki or a sith pureblood, I would have done so. You don't really expect to be able to just pick a species form the opposite faction even if they allow this?
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It's not a big thing, if it's no problem to spend time to make money or reroll, then why do we need a respec for free? So to do what I want to do I should make more of an effort due to a change in the game but to get what you want it should be free. How about based on your current spec they choose what they think you should get in the new system. And repecs cost 1.5mill

You would be ok with that right?

That's what I see for the race unlocks.

I will have four 50s and still not have unlocked anything I want to play.

It's so bizarre to think that is wrong?

I'm not asking for the new combos for existing characters, just the choice of my legacy reward.

You're talking about two very different situations. The respec are free because significant changes are being made that can damage the functionality and playability of certain character builds. A character that relied heavily on the abilities that were changed can suddenly be unable to survive the game's difficulty curve when these massive alteration sweeps are pushed live. The free respec addresses that issue.


The Legacy System species unlocks has no impact on the playability of existing characters. As someone said, apples to shoes; it's a baseless argument with no commonality or validity.

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So they are free once a week, and you guys are saying you deserve another one . . . free.
Yes, because through no fault of the player the character may be unplayable due to changes made to the class. When the rules change part way through the game, there should be concessions for those already playing.


But to get a race unlock, which, by getting to 50 . . . I earned . . . I should have to put in about 2-4 days of play time to get the the cosmetic, non game affecting unlock I want, instead of the one I get because of some arbitrary choice by bioware to link it to something I choose months ago.
By getting to 50 with a character you still get the unlock you earned. You're talking about purchasing unlocks you haven't earned.


My case illustrates the situation well. I have wanted several Twi'lek characters since I was accepted into beta. That said, the class combos I wanted were not available for the species: Trooper, Bounty Hunter, and Sith Warrior. I didn't like the Twi'lek class options that the game offered at launch, so I haven't rolled a Twi'lek character yet. As such I haven't ''earned'' the unlock, no matter how many level 50 characters I have. If I want to make my Twi'lek character, which I am going to do, I have to buy the unlock because I ''haven't'' earned it.

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Wow, way to miss the point.

I will have four 50s and still not have unlocked anything I want to play.

It's so bizarre to think that is wrong?


This is the bit that hit me when reading this forum, how/why do you have 4 level 50s and not have a single character you want to play?? Are you telling me that you rolled and levelled 4 characters that you didn't want to play?

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I knew when I played the game at launch that features would be added to the game that would make my life simpler. I counted on it, in fact, that the game will get better. I realize that by playing now, I will go through difficult periods that will be simplified later. Its part of the game.


Thats like asking for free time or an xp bonus because I didnt have sprint at level 1 with my earlier characters and therefore would have leveled faster.

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since you have been playing since launch it is likely you have lots of money. just buy the race unlocks with credits


Seems like this is the most obvious solution just in general. It wouldn't be that hard to say the more legacy levels you have the cheaper certain features are with just credits to unlock anyway.


I have basically only logged in for raids for 6-7 weeks, and have two 50's, and am about legacy level 30, so my numbers might be completely off base here, but I'd figure anyone with two 50's is around mid 20's legacy level, so if prices for certain things start dropping around that point it might make sense.

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I've been here since beta and the first time I was accepted into early access, I joined the forums the day they came out when SWTOR was announced. I am a founder of this game like many others, yet I do not feel entitled to this.


Someone buys the first ever trilogy box set of star wars when it came out, did they demand they get the next trilogy boxset free because it has something new on it? NO :) samething here, just in a slightly different context.

Edited by Twaggy
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Honestly I think the legacy system needed to be in by launch or not at all.


I already have 4 50s. One of each class.


I will never actually be able to use any of the racial unlocks unless I want to make something I already have.


It would be kind of cool if legacy was game wide and not server wide, but oh well.

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I'm a Founder and I just fly blind.


Seriously, I got blitzed last night in the Narshadaa cantina and took home a Twi'lek dancer. Woke up the next morning: She was actually a Twi'lek dancer! Most guys would have woken to a Rodian or a Gungan, but not this guy!




*Jawa hits a large rhythm droid*

I'm sexy and I know it!


Girl, look at that body!


Girl, look at that body!


Girl, look at that body!


*Does the Cowgirl*

I'm partying with you!
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Honestly I think the legacy system needed to be in by launch or not at all.


I already have 4 50s. One of each class.


I will never actually be able to use any of the racial unlocks unless I want to make something I already have.


It would be kind of cool if legacy was game wide and not server wide, but oh well.


How is 4 characters one of each class? You have 2 factions to play that's 8 base classes...


The Legacy is an on going work in progress, they have said that what is going in now is not the end of it all it's something they are going to add to as time goes along. There will be new patches and new expansions, they will raise the level cap and add new species and classes.


I really don't see the problem to be honest.

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I've never seen a game that offers free race/species or faction changes.

Unless it was a feature of the game to begin with, of course...

I haven't seen every game in the history of existence though, so if you know more, share!


They might offer species changes down the road as microtransactions though.

But even then you won't get a freebie species change when new species/class combinations are unlocked,

or when they introduce entirely new playable species.

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This is the bit that hit me when reading this forum, how/why do you have 4 level 50s and not have a single character you want to play?? Are you telling me that you rolled and levelled 4 characters that you didn't want to play?


I like the characters that I have! I don't want to play any more of the same race though!


And I'm an altaholic, so I don't do dailies, PvP, end game raids. I play other alts.

I want to play through all the stories. Apparently bioware wants us to do this too, hence the legacy system.

I simply don't understand linking the unlock you get to the race you played.

It's a bad choice in my opinion.

Everyone seems to think to think their respecs are so important, even though they are free anyway . . . what if they chose your new spec based on your race? And it was a viable spec. And to change it costs 1.5 mill. You can still play, it's a viable spec, but for some reason, in a game full of choices you can make, Bioware has made this one for you.


Four 50s, one of them human, none of them unlocking something I want, that's 5mill of wasted credits worth of unlocks.

This is something they could easily give to us, it's not game breaking, any new players will have this option.


And yes I do think unlocking opposite faction races should be viable too, they don't cost any extra. For the race respec though, only the original combinations should be allowed.


The only think I am disagreeing with here is the part where Bioware decided that our reward is based on a decision we made months ago.

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This is the bit that hit me when reading this forum, how/why do you have 4 level 50s and not have a single character you want to play?? Are you telling me that you rolled and levelled 4 characters that you didn't want to play?


Absolutely agree....


OP lets imagine a SWTOR update with no Legacy Race Unlocks... what would you be complaining about then... nothing.... the respec. as many have already pointed out is purely a concession to assist in re-speccing after a forced nerf... race unlocks are an achievement based reward... if you chose to roll all humans etc, then something must have tempted you down that road. Be thankful you can purchase unlocks in game .. other MMO's would likely charge real money for this. This should be a costly change imo, very costly.

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Absolutely agree....


OP lets imagine a SWTOR update with no Legacy Race Unlocks... what would you be complaining about then... nothing.... the respec. as many have already pointed out is purely a concession to assist in re-speccing after a forced nerf... race unlocks are an achievement based reward... if you chose to roll all humans etc, then something must have tempted you down that road. Be thankful you can purchase unlocks in game .. other MMO's would likely charge real money for this. This should be a costly change imo, very costly.


That whole if it wasn't there argument kind of applies to anything.


I made a human because I had made everything else, altaholic, and that just happened to be the character I decided to play to 50 first. Not because it was human, but because I likes the smuggler story line. He would definable fall into the ally category in my legacy. After that I have a cyborg Trooper, the first to unlock my legacy, originally played to keep up with a guild mate. Also just an ally in my legacy. Next are 2 Mirailan. Because I liked their look. 2 is enough, not interested in playing an Imp Mirailan.


If I had known that the races I play would unlock the same race . . . an idea I really can't understand . . . I would have made them Mirailan, Zabrak, Miraluka and Twi'lek and bought the human unlock for 500k . . . at some point . . . after all the other unlocks for fast travel recharge, ships droid etc. Stuff that will will actually affect my game play positively and be a lot cheaper than the race unlock.


To me it's a reward that for some reason they made random, so only some people get what they want. And I can see no good reason for it.


When you finish a mission you get a choice of rewards, when you make your character you get to choose everything about him, when you get to ride a speeder you get to choose which colour/style you want. FPs and operations, yes, they are random rewards, but you know that before you start one, so you have the choice to do that with a chance of getting an item you want.


They even warn you during character creation if you back up to faction selection that's you'll lose the settings you have chosen!


I can't think of a game that gives you a reward like this that requires hours of play to compensate for.

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