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Play now or wait til 1.2?


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Before anyone says anything, I realize that this question may sound incredibly dumb and I apologize.


I'm very hesitant to get into this game ATM because of the changes to crafting coming with 1.2. Mostly talking about increased drop rate of schematics. I really enjoy crafting in MMOs and I'm wondering whether its good to hold off and wait for 1.2 or just go ahead and really get into the game. I have played around with the classes and stories but the better chance however slim it may be to get increased drops for schematics is holding me back.


So the main question is, should I just start really getting into the game and find the schematics later on or wait until 1.2 to really get started?


I realize how dumb this question may be but it has been bugging me these past few weeks.

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I would say get into the game now. With the changes coming down the pike, I envision a revitalization (to some extent) of crafting. There will be price gouging. Best to get things squared away on one or more toons before that happens.
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Before anyone says anything, I realize that this question may sound incredibly dumb and I apologize.


I'm very hesitant to get into this game ATM because of the changes to crafting coming with 1.2. Mostly talking about increased drop rate of schematics. I really enjoy crafting in MMOs and I'm wondering whether its good to hold off and wait for 1.2 or just go ahead and really get into the game. I have played around with the classes and stories but the better chance however slim it may be to get increased drops for schematics is holding me back.


So the main question is, should I just start really getting into the game and find the schematics later on or wait until 1.2 to really get started?


I realize how dumb this question may be but it has been bugging me these past few weeks.


Now to stack both Legacy lvl to over 32 and tonne of Creds =D


PS: My suggestion is do not craft but gather (scavenge, artifact, biochem) while lvling and choose your crafting at lvl 50. I did that with 6 out of my 8 alts and I have so much mats its unbelievable.

Edited by IPaq
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Now to stack both Legacy lvl to over 32 and tonne of Creds =D


PS: My suggestion is do not craft but gather (scavenge, artifact, biochem) while lvling and choose your crafting at lvl 50. I did that with 6 out of my 8 alts and I have so much mats its unbelievable.

I'll be happy if I can get to Legacy 5 and 2.5 million before the patch; I rerolled, but I want to roll a Twi'lek Trooper right out of the gates. I'd also like to pick up one of the soon-to-be-removed speeders for him before hand, since he's going to be my main.
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Honestly (and sadly) if you really enjoy crafting and consider it a substantial part of your MMO experience you Will be dissapointed with this game 1.2 or not.




Honestly are you so bitter that you cannot give constructive advise without bringing venom to the table. The game is great, Myself and my family play 6 days a week, raid Wed and Saturday and absolutely love the crafting system. We left WoW, EQ2, EQ, Aion and AOC to play this game and we do not regret it. Perhaps you can take your bitter pills elsewhere?

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Honestly are you so bitter that you cannot give constructive advise without bringing venom to the table. The game is great, Myself and my family play 6 days a week, raid Wed and Saturday and absolutely love the crafting system. We left WoW, EQ2, EQ, Aion and AOC to play this game and we do not regret it. Perhaps you can take your bitter pills elsewhere?


There are two sides to every coin... just like everything isn't doom and gloom, everything isn't sunshine and puppy kisses either. The crafting system can use a lot of work, and thankfully they are beginning to address it.

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Honestly are you so bitter that you cannot give constructive advise without bringing venom to the table. The game is great, Myself and my family play 6 days a week, raid Wed and Saturday and absolutely love the crafting system. We left WoW, EQ2, EQ, Aion and AOC to play this game and we do not regret it. Perhaps you can take your bitter pills elsewhere?


I love this game also, but I am not blind to the fact that some parts of it need work.


The crafting system in SWTOR is bad. I have seen worse but there are a lot better systems out there.


Now OP, I would start now. Decide what crafting skill you wish to do and then just concentrate on building up mats for that skill. Do like a lot of people do and hold off actually crafting until you hit 50, just gather until then.

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My advice is not to get into the game at all. All but a handful of servers are dead or dying. People are leaving in droves, and for good reason. Stay very far away from this game.


^^^ Can you please provide data to back up this claim? Do you have data to show total subs for every server? How did you arrive at this conclusion that (All but a handful are dead or dying)?


Can you pick my winning lotto numbers for me? You seem to be on a roll....:rolleyes:

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