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Resolve values for different CC effects


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Before I will start, I want to ask you, dear reader, to not change this topic into another discussion about resolve being good system or bad system, what should be part of resolve etc. We have a lot of threads to discuss that, this one is created to serve better purpose:)


I finally found some time with my friend to do actual testing of different CC abilities and we checked how many resolve points you get from them. Unfortunately, we dont have every single AC available, so our testing is limited. I encourage you, dear reader, to do your own tests and post results here.


Now, I have to admit that some results were a suprise for me and I must admit that my knowledge about resolve system was way worse than I thought. I hope that this findings will help you, dear reader, to better understand resolve system and how to use it in pvp.


No, straight to bussiness.




After more accurate testing, with both accounts logged on computers in the same room, I have found that resolve works this way:


1. Resolve when it is not white starts to drain immidiately when CC ends, about 25 points/sec. Usingg a CC breaker means that your resolve starts to drop.


2. When you get hit by CC effect, ending resolve is calculated basing on point value of CC used and your resolve in the moment of being hit by them. Point value of CC that increased your resolve to 1000 is multiplied by 1,5 and then added to your starting resolve.


My findings for knockbacks and pulls, worth 400 resolve:


Starting resolve - end resolve


650 - 1250


700 - 1300


800 - 1400


900 - 1500


995 - 1595


For mezzes and stuns, worth 800 resolve:


250 - 1450


300 - 1500


400 - 1600


500 - 1700


600 - 1800


700 - 1900


800 - 2000


900 - 2100


995 - 2195


I need to gather info for force choke (600 points worth stun) and tranquilizer/sleeping dart (I dont know what ot expect there)


Resolve, after turning white, starts to drop immidiately with about 100/sec speed. As long as resolve is white you are immune to stuns, mezzes, knockbacks, knockdowns and pulls. You still can be rooted, slowed or interrupted.


Now, values for specific abilities:




Electrocute (4sec stun) - 800 resolve


Dirty kick (4sec stun) - 800 resolve


Force choke (untalented, 3 sec channeled stun) - 600 resolve


Cryo granade (4sec stun) - 800 resolve


Force stun (4sec stun) - 800 resolve





Mind trap (8 sec mezz) - 800 resolve


Mind maze (8 sec mez) - 800 resolve


Flash grenade (8 sec aoe mezz) - 800 resolve


Whirlwind (8 sec mezz) - 800 resolve. Sorc we used was specced for stun after breaking mezz - it ends with target having 1400 resolve, so 2 sec stun here is worth 400 points


Force lift (8 sec mezz) - 800 resolve. When specced with 2 sec stun, breaking this with damage grants 1400 resolve


I tried to break talented force lift with force wave - I was knocked back and granted 1400 resolve, but not stunned. I tried force stun - I got 2000 resolve and got stunned for 4 sec. Looks like CC component on those skills is applied before damage component.


Tranquilizer - (1.2 UPDATE) 8 sec mezz, 800 resolve




Force pull - 400 resolve


Harpoon - 400 resolve


Force push - 400 resolve


Overload - 400 resolve


Force wave - 400 resolve


Shoot first, talented for knockdown - 400 resolve (yes, it was a suprise for us)


Spike - 400 resolve (not a big suprise, because we tested shoot first first;))




So, it looks like resolve point granted on CC abilities do follow formula (that was posted before ofc)


stun - 200/sec


mezz - 100/sec


other - 400


with exception of tranquilizer/probably sleeping dart too, but we dont have an operative to check that.


If you tested any other abilities and are willing to help create full list (mostly to check if all abilities follow formulas and if there are any differences between mirror classes) than please, post your values, I will put them in to this post.


PS. I know that I should make vids from testing and put links here, but since those results are very easy to duplicate I found it uneccesary.

Edited by Kaarsa
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So what you're saying is there's an ability that doesn't fit into your formulas, thus negating the formulas since you can't prove if it's the exception or the rule.


I think this is a good example of why we, the players, need BioWare to officially describe/explain how resolve works and the values assigned.

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I can second your observations with my experience and tests. I can atest to sleeping dart working the same way as you describe tranquilizers. Those abilities seem to be considered special, but I am under the impression that there are quite a number of "special" abilities in the game by design that work a bit different than the usual categories of abilities.


Nice to see some real information and not just the usual QQ.

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The problem with the resolve decay is that you can be cc'd and have a full resolve bar and an empy resolve bar by the time you are free of the cc. Not that this actually matters as you are usually dead before this happens anyway. And then you are using the bikes with a decaying resolve bar.


Once the resolve bar is full, all cc effects etc should stop, and should not be able to be applied until this is emptied.

Edited by Yndras
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So what you're saying is there's an ability that doesn't fit into your formulas, thus negating the formulas since you can't prove if it's the exception or the rule.


I think this is a good example of why we, the players, need BioWare to officially describe/explain how resolve works and the values assigned.


Yes, I found an ability that is not fitting into formulas. Yes, it would be great if BW give us official info regarding this topic. Since they didnt give us such info yet, I decided to gather data myself.



First of all, thank you to OP for doing the research on this.


As for the tranquilizer, I believe it to be a hard coded value in order to avoid chain sapping in PvP, since it has no CD.


Yea, after a seconds thought I agree with you. Around 10 sec mezz fitting into formula mean that scoundrel would be able to perma CC someone.




The problem with the resolve decay is that you can be cc'd and have a full resolve bar and an empy resolve bar by the time you are free of the cc. Not that this actually matters as you are usually dead before this happens anyway. And then you are using the bikes with a decaying resolve bar.


Once the resolve bar is full, all cc effects etc should stop, and should not be able to be applied until this is emptied.


Actually, you cant have empty resolve bar when CC ends. It is mathematicaly impossible. In worst case scenario (you are hit with 8 sec mezz while having 200 resolve) you will have 2 sec of CC immunity left. Only ability that theoreticaly could be used for perma CC (when CC ends, you dont have resolve anymore) is tranqulizer/sleeping dart, but it looks like it is hard coded to not follow formula to avoid this problem.


In current implementation, if current CC would break after exceeding 1000 resolve points, casting any stun or mezz into a player with any visible resolve bar would have a risk of not working (since it is enough to have 200 resolve, around 20% of bar, to be immune to 4sec stuns and 8sec mezzes), thus making resolve system way less reliable (for attacker;)). Any change leading to CC breaking at white resolve would need a serious revamp of the system.


I am not saying it is impossible to do, it is just not so easy to do.

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So what you're saying is there's an ability that doesn't fit into your formulas, thus negating the formulas since you can't prove if it's the exception or the rule.


I think this is a good example of why we, the players, need BioWare to officially describe/explain how resolve works and the values assigned.








I'd also like to add, I use force stasis and force push and it gives people 1200 resolve if I use it immediately. According to your numbers shouldn't it only give 1000.



600 aND 400

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I'd also like to add, I use force push and force stasis and it gives people 1200 resolve if I use it immediately. According to your numbers shouldn't it only give 1000.



600 aND 400


Interesting finding, thank you. I will have to test that when I will be able to (maybe even today) and check if used in opposite sequence (force choke into force push) it gives the same results. Maybe if resolve hits exactly 1000 there is some added bonus?


PS. Yes, official post from BW would be very welcome.

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I don't think your unwind formula is correct as if what you are saying is correct you could get cced indefinitely by different people using 8second Mezzs (though it often feel like I am)


Actually, you could not. First mezz - 800 resolve. It will drop a bit before it ends (to around 700). Then another mezz - 2000 resolve. I actually tested that using mind trap, since it has no CD.


I meant choke into push, but either way.


Awe is not listed either.


You are right, we forgot about awe...I dont have jugg/marauder at sufficient level and my friend is not playing his jugg for a long time. I will try to get numbers for awe and test choke into push (and opposite) as soon as posible:)


PS. Those formulas are not mine, they were already posted by other people before (for example, Taugrim). I dont claim credit for them. I just did empirical testing to check and confirm them and I hope that we can gather info for every CC ability in game, to find any possible abnormalities/bugs/imbalances etc.

Edited by Kaarsa
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Perhaps I miss-understood your OP but didn't you say it ticked down at 100 a second (which is the number I am questioning). Thus since its starts ticking as the Mezz is applied it would tick to 0 if that number was correct or did you find it ticked at a different speed whilst the effect was active?
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Perhaps I miss-understood your OP but didn't you say it ticked down at 100 a second (which is the number I am questioning). Thus since its starts ticking as the Mezz is applied it would tick to 0 if that number was correct or did you find it ticked at a different speed whilst the effect was active?


It ticks down at 100/sec speed after bar turns white. Before that it drops down at slower speed (Taugrim at his blog http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/understanding-swtors-resolve-mechanic/ estimates it at 25/sec after 6 sec delay).


I didnt focus on that in my experiment but my observations confirm this theory more or less.

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Okay I see what you are saying I guess the speed it ticks down while its not white is irrelevant because there is no diminishing return you can either be cced or not. Basically the white bar lasts a max of 10 seconds most of which is lost during the duration of the cc the maximum time you are un-ccable as far as I can tell from your calcs is 2 seconds, unless there is a 6 second cc I don't know about.


Or are you also suggesting there is a 6 second transition after white bar ends where you cannot be cced?

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The problem with the resolve decay is that you can be cc'd and have a full resolve bar and an empy resolve bar by the time you are free of the cc. Not that this actually matters as you are usually dead before this happens anyway. And then you are using the bikes with a decaying resolve bar.


Once the resolve bar is full, all cc effects etc should stop, and should not be able to be applied until this is emptied.


Ohh trust me, good players will sleep you when you are about to be full resolve. And if you used your CC breaker last time some one did this to you, you will be chilling out at the back while your full resolve bar is droping >.<


So nah, like Bioware say... This system is flawless...

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Okay I see what you are saying I guess the speed it ticks down while its not white is irrelevant because there is no diminishing return you can either be cced or not. Basically the white bar lasts a max of 10 seconds most of which is lost during the duration of the cc the maximum time you are un-ccable as far as I can tell from your calcs is 2 seconds, unless there is a 6 second cc I don't know about.


Or are you also suggesting there is a 6 second transition after white bar ends where you cannot be cced?


White bar lasts 20 seconds max. 2000 points is cap, which you usually reach after being hit by 2 standard stun/mezzes (4sec/8sec). If the second CC is a 8 sec mez, you will have to wait 8 seconds and then you will have 12 seconds of CC immunity.


Looks like only 2 sec of immunity is impossible to get - CC combination that should put you at 1000 resolve (force choke + force push) puts you at 1200 (not confirmed by myself yet). This would be in line with tranqulizer coding - 11 sec mez with 1500 resolve. In both situation you have exception from the formula that gives you 4 seconds of CC immunity, instead of 2 sec or none.


I start to think resolve system is better thought out than I previously thought;)

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If you keep finding "exceptions" then it's not a well thought out system.


You didn't account for animation graphics that add time to the CC without adding to the resolve bar. Example: If I'm knocked down and use a CC breaker, it still takes an additional second (or more) to regain my feet and begin action. I don't gain resolve for that ghost CC time.


A 4s stun with 1s of animations on both ends = 6s stun.

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Currently I think that resolve is capped from both sides, ie. you cannot have above 2000 resolve and you cannot have less than 1200 resolve (right after being hit with CC effect). I will try to check this today. It wont be easy and will require some coordination between me and test subject 2;), but I will try to get 1100 resolve by being hit with stun/mezz while having 250 resolve. I will share results when I will have them.


If this would be true, than only exception is tranquilizer/sleeping dart.


PS. I didnt account for server lag, latency, human error, animations etc. Diminishing returns or any other system would not too, so your problem is? If you have some suggestions how I can improve my testing technique, please tell me.

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Animations tied to a CC that increase the duration of the CC need to be accounted for in the testing. A 4s stun with 2s of animations = a 6s stun. If it's not adding 1200 resolve, it's another exception that doesn't fit into your formulas.


It's why, sadly, testing doesn't do much until/unless BioWare shares the details.

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Animations tied to a CC that increase the duration of the CC need to be accounted for in the testing. A 4s stun with 2s of animations = a 6s stun. If it's not adding 1200 resolve, it's another exception that doesn't fit into your formulas.


It's why, sadly, testing doesn't do much until/unless BioWare shares the details.


I think I know what you mean. I will try to check if I start to be unable to move in the same moment (ofc I cannot rule out latency and human error here) when I get hit with CC and if I can start moving in the same moment when my debuff icon disapear (which requires CC that gives me debuff icon;)).


Unfortunately I doubt that even BW took this into consideration when they tied resolve values to different abilities. It requires further testing, I hope me and my friend will be not alone doing this;)

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@Kaarsa. I've read somewhere that the cc value (towards resolve) that adds to 1000 points is doubled as a whole not just the value that goes over 1000.


Let's say you have 800 resolve and u get hit by another CC worth 200 points. The 200 value is doubled and then you get: 800+200*2=1200.

On the other hand if you have 200 and get hit by a 800 one then :200+800*2=1800


Can you please test and see if this is true? It may solve the errors you are getting.

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Animations tied to a CC that increase the duration of the CC need to be accounted for in the testing. A 4s stun with 2s of animations = a 6s stun. If it's not adding 1200 resolve, it's another exception that doesn't fit into your formulas.


It's why, sadly, testing doesn't do much until/unless BioWare shares the details.


Sorry, but what stun does anything like this?

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