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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow? + Proposed changes


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IIRC when you're in soresu stance on juggernaut, it gives you -5% damage, that should apply to assassin's dark charge stance as well and that may solve the doing too much damage as tanksin issue.


Err Soresu form gives you -1 rage on most rage generating abilities. That's what kills the DPS, not the fact that it doesn't have a +3% damage bonus some other forms get.


An equiavlent analogy would be Force regen is reduced by 33% while Dark Charge is active.

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The tanking tree isn't OP that isn't the problem. The problem is with the gear and the fact that the other assassin trees don't have enough incentive to ever spec in them.


I honestly don't see any easy fix to this issue as it is ultimately a question of why the gear influences damage to such a degree. I have the same spec as every other assassin tank, but with my endurance and defense tank gear I am at most getting like 150k damage in a warzone. Granted I'm not fully geared and don't use adrenals to boost damage at all, but it just seems crazy that stacking willpower has such a major influence on damage output and such a small impact on survival.


The only way for Bioware to solve this issue is to somehow redo the entire way stats and gear work or just somehow restrict certain gear to only tank specs or something.


Messing with the darkness tree is just going to gimp the people that actually want to play as a tank. If anything they should bother making the other 2 trees better so they can actually compete.

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The tanking tree isn't OP that isn't the problem. The problem is with the gear and the fact that the other assassin trees don't have enough incentive to ever spec in them.


I honestly don't see any easy fix to this issue as it is ultimately a question of why the gear influences damage to such a degree. I have the same spec as every other assassin tank, but with my endurance and defense tank gear I am at most getting like 150k damage in a warzone. Granted I'm not fully geared and don't use adrenals to boost damage at all, but it just seems crazy that stacking willpower has such a major influence on damage output and such a small impact on survival.


The only way for Bioware to solve this issue is to somehow redo the entire way stats and gear work or just somehow restrict certain gear to only tank specs or something.


Messing with the darkness tree is just going to gimp the people that actually want to play as a tank. If anything they should bother making the other 2 trees better so they can actually compete.


I couldn't agree more. The problem is not the tank tree or even the dps gear people where with it. Your damage with defensive gear is not that much less then mine with dps gear. The issue is the 2 other trees are not viable in pvp and those need to be looked at. I don't even think its a DPS issue with those trees but a survivability issue. Take for example a dps sorcer. They have bubble. An assassin has nothing in the other 2 trees so were forced to go into the tank tree. BW made this even worse when they messed with the stances a few months back. A simple fix to this is make our defensive stance more cohesive with the other 2 trees and you will see less tanksins. Less tanksins equals less nerf call because less bads complaining they got beat by xxx class.

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IIRC when you're in soresu stance on juggernaut, it gives you -5% damage, that should apply to assassin's dark charge stance as well and that may solve the doing too much damage as tanksin issue.

Dark Charge already has a penalty to DPS via a Power debuff aspect to it.

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The tanking tree isn't OP that isn't the problem. The problem is with the gear and the fact that the other assassin trees don't have enough incentive to ever spec in them.


Messing with the darkness tree is just going to gimp the people that actually want to play as a tank. If anything they should bother making the other 2 trees better so they can actually compete.


Can you see the problem with that? They would need to make the other two trees as powerful as KC to draw people away from it.

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44k and 46k in protection isnt tanking??????????????????????? Then what the f is....




Man not bad at all >.> if in dps u can get 44k protection and 700k damage I just salute that **** lol /bow to the juggy from darkness sin


*cough*retarded smash crit build *cough*

Edited by DarthVallik
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Just parse the numbers on the pvp practice dummy, its real simple. Note that gear quality isn't exactly comparable, but its close.


50 Shadow tank in tank gear - 625dps - full champion

50 shadow tank in DPS gear - 750dps - full champ with some BM

50 shadow DPS spec in DPS gear - 1275dps

50 Sent in champ gear - 1450dps!!!! Uh..yeah, so medium, vs light armor, and better DPS?


Umm....yeah. Those shadow tanks are way OP?

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It's a 5% penalty to melee damage except Darkness doesn't really use melee attacks. Force attacks are completely unaffected.

Even so, melee damage plays a big role in the Force drain-intense Darkness specs (31/0/10, and 27/0/14). No Force, no dps.

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Endless QQs because some people aren't happy abou the fact that DPS burst specced players will take them down faster than any other classes.


So what ?


We do not have a tank's survivability nor their amazing cc abilities; we do not have the safety of ranged dps classes who can output a lot of damage while keeping themselves clear of danger; i could do that with any other types of classes.


Sure by going for a hybrid tree build we can increase our survivability WHEN there are other team mates around to support us. But alone we go down just as fast.


My defense guardian can hold a turret/ defend a door on its own against 4 players easily long enough for everyone to respawn/respond and come and help me out.


I would never be able to do what with my shadow, semi-tank specced or not.


So if you met a player who plays their class way better than you do yourself, then observe and learn, even ask them a few questions after the match (if they're in the same team as you).


Come on people, there will ALWAYS be those guys who always top the rank chart no matter the class they play.


Pvpers who believe the heal/damage output is all there is to a game to determine good/bad players.


My shadow DPS pure spec does roughly about 150-200k damage per match ( normal since im here to finish off half dead enemies as fast as possible to let my team move on to the next target) , I rarely go against someone one on one, only occasions are when I am defending OR when I when I go no other choice but to openly attack.


Despite being a DPS shadow, it does not stop me from putting guard on other team matesand sometimes i can get up to 20k of protection alongside my damage output WITHOUT even being tank specced. Obviously the latter depends on the type of warzone and how it plays out, but you don't need to be a tank to guard effectively. I often put guard on a half dead team-mate while being in stealth then helping said teammate to take down enemy.


It's all about opportunities with DPS burst classes.


And I know a hybrid shadow/sin could never burst down an enemy as fast as I could in a similar situation.


They might cause more overall damage, but burst classes will always beat that in 1vs1.


Stop QQing and face up to the fact somewhere someone plys better than you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How can you people not see this?! Shadow tank is an easy mode pvp. Tons of self heals, ridiculous amount of damage built into the tree, great defensive mechanics, a finishing move (a shadow tank can easily hit you for 3.5k with that). I'll say it again: finisher for a tank!

All types of white damage are nonexistent for tanks, which would've been fine, if not for 1 little thing - Resilience. 5 seconds of immortality, in which ALL the dots will drop, and any healer can bring you back up. run around for 45 seconds, repeat. Shadow tanks have probably the easiest dps rotation of all trees. Anyone can achieve greatness with that 4 button wonder. Pop force potency, relics and an adrenal - voila, you got a burst too.


Proposal changes:

-remove or nerf Spinning strike in tank spec

-leave resilience only as cleanse, not as a godmode cooldown

-lower the dps bonus of harnessed shadows

-increase cooldown on slow time

Remove some damage from the tree and there'll be no point wearing dps gear for shadow tanks anymore.

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  • 5 months later...
How can you people not see this?! Shadow tank is an easy mode pvp. Tons of self heals, ridiculous amount of damage built into the tree, great defensive mechanics, a finishing move (a shadow tank can easily hit you for 3.5k with that). I'll say it again: finisher for a tank!

All types of white damage are nonexistent for tanks, which would've been fine, if not for 1 little thing - Resilience. 5 seconds of immortality, in which ALL the dots will drop, and any healer can bring you back up. run around for 45 seconds, repeat. Shadow tanks have probably the easiest dps rotation of all trees. Anyone can achieve greatness with that 4 button wonder. Pop force potency, relics and an adrenal - voila, you got a burst too.


Proposal changes:

-remove or nerf Spinning strike in tank spec

-leave resilience only as cleanse, not as a godmode cooldown

-lower the dps bonus of harnessed shadows

-increase cooldown on slow time

Remove some damage from the tree and there'll be no point wearing dps gear for shadow tanks anymore.


The god mode? which sentinels have......... and juggers have something similar aswell as self healing.

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