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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow? + Proposed changes


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Until 1.2 a pyrotech especially hybrid, getting decent RNG on PPA can and will destroy a shadow tank. Bad luck he'll be absolutely smashed to be sure... But by that same hand when you get a few in a row... that shadow is done for.


No you use stuns and defensive cds to prevent rails shots, can't use rail shot while force shroud, deflection adds 50% chance to deflect rail shot, even vanish when he pops on energy shield.


This is a duel in a vacuum though, in a warzones these cd's are not always up and pyrotech has high sustained damage not reliant on cds.

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Honestly now that I have played both sides the reality is:


1. Mirror classes are the exact same with different skill names

2. One sides crap works better than the other...



Want a suggestion. Quit being lazy and actually make different classes k thx.

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Until 1.2 a pyrotech especially hybrid, getting decent RNG on PPA can and will destroy a shadow tank. Bad luck he'll be absolutely smashed to be sure... But by that same hand when you get a few in a row... that shadow is done for.


You either are not a good shadow/sin or you are playing verse very bad ones.

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can't use rail shot while force shroud, deflection adds 50% chance to deflect rail shot


I'm not going to get into the whole Shadow vs PT slapfight, but this part is wrong. Force Shroud only works against Force/Tech attacks, while those same Force/Tech attacks ignore Shield (which is what Deflection adds to). So any attack can only be affected by one of those cooldowns, not both. Rail Shot is Tech iirc, so Force Shroud will stop it but Deflection won't do anything to it.

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I'm not going to get into the whole Shadow vs PT slapfight, but this part is wrong. Force Shroud only works against Force/Tech attacks, while those same Force/Tech attacks ignore Shield (which is what Deflection adds to). So any attack can only be affected by one of those cooldowns, not both. Rail Shot is Tech iirc, so Force Shroud will stop it but Deflection won't do anything to it.


Rail shot is a range attack and can be deflected, it also requires you to either be dotted or stunned to use. Force shroud removes dots and you cannot be stunned so you cannot be hit by rail shot while it is active.

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Rail shot is a range attack and can be deflected, it also requires you to either be dotted or stunned to use. Force shroud removes dots and you cannot be stunned so you cannot be hit by rail shot while it is active.



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Rail shot is a range attack and can be deflected, it also requires you to either be dotted or stunned to use. Force shroud removes dots and you cannot be stunned so you cannot be hit by rail shot while it is active.


I stand corrected then. It's like Bioware threw darts on a board to code their attack types when an attack like Stockstrike is Tech but High Impact Bolt isn't.

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Did you know that Assassins/Shadows make excellent ball carriers in huttball, wear heavy armor, have HUGE AoE burst, and can hit over 1 million dmg per WZ if they got a pocket healer!!!


Just look at this SS and tell me Assassins/Shadows aren't OP now (!!!):



Oh wait...


Not sure if serious...


Were you actually tryin.g to say shadow/sins are op with a screenshot as proof, or were you fully aware that the person highlighted in the SS is actually a SW?


EDIT: After rereading your post, I'm fairly certain you are in fact being sarcastic. Although I could still be wrong.

Edited by Cowflab
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Not sure if serious...


Were you actually tryin.g to say shadow/sins are op with a screenshot as proof, or were you fully aware that the person highlighted in the SS is actually a SW?


EDIT: After rereading your post, I'm fairly certain you are in fact being sarcastic. Although I could still be wrong.


I thought the "Oh wait..." was obvious enough...

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This is why I don't take anyone seriously on these forums and neither should a lot of people.



You don't even know what spec I'm talking about and you're wrong on every level. And does my 40% innate crit chance and 77% surge rating only work every 2 minutes?


I'm still curious what spec this guy is talking about, tbh.


Not to mention what I was "wrong on every level" about, lol. Considering that he's countering w/ nonsense like "40% innate crit", I don't imagine he knows what he's talking about.

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The BM pieces have the highest possible Power or Crit for each slot unless you start getting the stuff that's high crit/power low endurance, which is a totally different kind of tradeoff. The Power/Accuracy piece on BM still has higher Power than a Power/Surge piece on Champion unless you're dealing with a Champion piece with low endurance, though if you really cared about that you could just pull extra low endurance high crit/power pieces from BM. I'm not even sure if that's a good idea since you actually give up a lot of HPs to do this.


I played my Assassin more in preparation for 1.2. I've come to this conclusion. If you do the secret handshake with the 3 other Assassins you're expect to see on the other side you're pretty much unstoppable. If you actually care about winning, the class's inherent overpowerness is neutralized by the fact that there are a ridiculously number of Assassins out there and Assassin survivality is nearly all passive. That is not to say the class isn't overpowered (it is), but in realistic WZs, because the class is so popular (and Marauders are quite close to us and a near equal), you pretty much have your overpower-ness get canceled out by the fact that everyone else is an Assassin too so you actually need to use your utilty to contribute.


Or you can just never attack another Marauder or Assassin like some people do and put up absolutely crazy numbers that makes any other class look weak, but it's not unusual to see 50% of the WZ being one of those 2 classes. The only time an Assassin can easily pile up good numbers is if the enemy is very heal heavy since mashing healers give you great numbers but is of course always a good idea anyway, so you get great screenshots and still contribute. Most of the time in a WZ I end up fighting another Assassin and both of us ends up with very unimpressive numbers and at least you've some kind of superficial balance.


Case in point, my last Alderran had 4 Asssassins (3 Darkness, 1 Deception) and 3 Shadows on the enemy side (presumably Darkness counterpart, but can't say for sure). In that game, the Assassins were pretty much fighting each other the whole time and generally unable to do any really exciting numbers because Assassin's defense is arguably more overpowered their offense, so Assassin vs Assassin ends up with very unimpressive numbers where a 500 Shock is considered a good hit (on another Assassin).

Edited by Astarica
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This +1


Also, when can we see an end to people calling the tank spec a "hybrid" spec?


This +1000. A spec that encompasses a 31 pt talent is definitely NOT a hybrid just because you're wearing dps gear. Once again, normal people with a functioning brain call them "tanks in dps gear."

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  • 2 weeks later...
This +1000. A spec that encompasses a 31 pt talent is definitely NOT a hybrid just because you're wearing dps gear. Once again, normal people with a functioning brain call them "tanks in dps gear."



It's hybrid I tell you.

Basically anything out of the ordinary that requires a little imagination is hybrid and has to be nerfed.;)

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And when can we expect the other trees to be balanced to be better for group play.



There's a reason why 90% of the people playing Assassin/Shadow are now playing hybrid.


As mentioned before I think all Shadow/Assassin trees should have their own form of Harnessed Shadows.



Kinetic - Damage debuff to target attacked with Tele Throw : 5/10/15% /per stack. -20% Force/Melee Damage when in Combat Technique. Increase the heal in Combat Technique by 200 to help the actual tanks who were wanting to tank keep themselves up due to the loss of the heal from HS.


Infiltration - Increases Tele Throw damage by : 6/12/18% /per stack and reduced Force cost by 20/40/60%. +30% armor while in Shadow Technique. Switch the Kinetic Field (30% AoE Dmg Reducton) down to the tier 1 and replace Harnessed Shadows there for Infiltration. They no longer need the extra armor since Shadow technique automatically has the armor increase.


Balance - Each tick of Telekinetic Throw Heals the player by 2/3/4% max health . +20m range on Telekinetic Throw/Project while in Force Technique. Toss out Mind Ward and make that an innate ability for people in Force Technique and replace that tier with the Harnessed Shadows for Balance.


Why would the extremely squishy and yet highly mobile Infiltration spec want to stand still to get murdered casting the magic spells?


Enlighten me.

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Why would the extremely squishy and yet highly mobile Infiltration spec want to stand still to get murdered casting the magic spells?


Enlighten me.


Because it really wanted to be a tank but never had the time.(it's a very romantic story)

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  • 2 weeks later...

For ages we have been considered a dead-end class for pvp and nobody cared about us, now that some other classes have been nerfed you're swtiching your QQ rage towards our class.


I'm sorry to break it to you but every single class in the game has the ability to push things in its favor to increase it's survivability IF that's the way the player wants to play his class.


Should I start crying about juggernauts/guardians who hybrid in def and dps because they are hard to kill while still being able to hurt me ? :(



If a player knows his class and his own style well, he will find a way to achieve what he wants. Period.


Stop hating and start learning.

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I have to say this post is just laughable. The ideology that some of you have is so simple minded and self-centered. Where this is coming from? Well I'm just going to assume its how bad you are or just egotistical.


First off the OP is calling a tanksin spec a hybrid spec. Well its not, 31 points in darkness is not hybrid.


Some of the damage numbers you guys are throwing out there is just crazy. I'm valor rank 75 running a 31/0/9 spec and consider myself a good player. The most damage I have ever done is 350k in voidstar against a under geared group.


On average I do about 180k-220k dmg against a decent grp with all BM's. This is right on par with the other tanksin's on my server who I know and know are decent players. People claiming 400k plus dmg is just not true. No question I'm sure it has been done but the conditions have to be perfect and no tanksin is doing this on a regular basis.


It's all ready been shown on the PTS that we have the lowest DPS compared to the other 2 spec trees. I'm not sure what you nerf criers are trying to get accomplished here when BW has access to these numbers that clearly shows tanksin dmg is the lowest of the 3 trees.

Edited by fatburn
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