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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow? + Proposed changes


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And when can we expect the other trees to be balanced to be better for group play.



There's a reason why 90% of the people playing Assassin/Shadow are now playing hybrid.


As mentioned before I think all Shadow/Assassin trees should have their own form of Harnessed Shadows.



Kinetic - Damage debuff to target attacked with Tele Throw : 5/10/15% /per stack. -20% Force/Melee Damage when in Combat Technique. Increase the heal in Combat Technique by 200 to help the actual tanks who were wanting to tank keep themselves up due to the loss of the heal from HS.


Infiltration - Increases Tele Throw damage by : 6/12/18% /per stack and reduced Force cost by 20/40/60%. +30% armor while in Shadow Technique. Switch the Kinetic Field (30% AoE Dmg Reducton) down to the tier 1 and replace Harnessed Shadows there for Infiltration. They no longer need the extra armor since Shadow technique automatically has the armor increase.


Balance - Each tick of Telekinetic Throw Heals the player by 2/3/4% max health . +20m range on Telekinetic Throw/Project while in Force Technique. Toss out Mind Ward and make that an innate ability for people in Force Technique and replace that tier with the Harnessed Shadows for Balance.

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Darkness might be overpowered but this is a good example of why people shouldn't come up with suggestions.


If you're serious about fixing the class, start by swapping Disjunction with something in Deception in the same tier and see what happens from there. It seems to me you're just someone who wanted to roll the other two specs but don't want to give up the OP of Darkness so you want other specs to be as overpowered.

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Darkness might be overpowered but this is a good example of why people shouldn't come up with suggestions.


If you're serious about fixing the class, start by swapping Disjunction with something in Deception in the same tier and see what happens from there. It seems to me you're just someone who wanted to roll the other two specs but don't want to give up the OP of Darkness so you want other specs to be as overpowered.



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44k and 46k in protection isnt tanking??????????????????????? Then what the f is....




Man not bad at all >.>


No, it's not tanking. It's dpsing while spamming Taunt. You're much easier to kill in that spec than in tank spec. Plus you need about double the protection and 4 times the healing to equal a tank spec Assassin.

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No, it's not tanking. It's dpsing while spamming Taunt. You're much easier to kill in that spec than in tank spec. Plus you need about double the protection and 4 times the healing to equal a tank spec Assassin.



I spam taunt all day and can't get those numbers from just taunt >.> guard yes taunt not so much my taunt is broken bw plz fix k thks. Plus generate 720k in damage while non stop banging taunt not bad at all eyesroll...

Edited by LordbishopX
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Balance - Each tick of Telekinetic Throw Heals the player by 2/3/4% max health . +20m range on Telekinetic Throw/Project while in Force Technique. Toss out Mind Ward and make that an innate ability for people in Force Technique and replace that tier with the Harnessed Shadows for Balance.


Am i reading that right?....


Lets make this melee class have incredibly high heals....

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44k and 46k in protection isnt tanking??????????????????????? Then what the f is....




Man not bad at all >.> if in dps u can get 44k protection and 700k damage I just salute that **** lol /bow to the juggy from darkness sin


You can get that much protection by just throwing Taunts around.


Tanking = Having a Guard on another player the majority of the match which will lead to 100k+ protection.

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You can get that much protection by just throwing Taunts around.


Tanking = Having a Guard on another player the majority of the match which will lead to 100k+ protection.


My taunt must be broken bw plz fix k thks.. So 2 juggs hit over 1 million damage and almost 100k in protection and sins needs the nerf I see how it is lol.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Shadows aren being touched because they aren't oP. they are strong 1on1 because of utility.



The only thing that needs fixing is for bads to stop being bad.




If you don't mind, I might want to quote that last part on my signature :D


Shadow tanks will not retain anywhere near their usefulness in ranked WZs, mainly because they are generalists. A Vanguard or Guardian in a decent premade will me marginally more useful...not gonna stop me from playing my Shadow, but that's the truth.


Also, can we please stop calling Shadow tanks with stalker gear "hybrids?" They are not hybrids. They are tanks in dps gear, because putting tanks in full tank gear is not very useful for PVP. The hybrid 23/0/18 spec died a long time ago.

Edited by trakata
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If you don't mind, I might want to quote that last part on my signature :D


Shadow tanks will not retain anywhere near their usefulness in ranked WZs, mainly because they are generalists. A Vanguard or Guardian in a decent premade will me marginally more useful...not gonna stop be from playing my Shadow, but that's the truth.


Also, can we please stop calling Shadow tanks with stalker gear "hybrids?" They are not hybrids. They are tanks in dps gear, because putting tanks in full tank gear is not very useful for PVP. The hybrid 23/0/18 spec died a long time ago.


Yeah and seeing the dps of these new tank jugs/guards in dps gear would be interesting http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=208529


all the immortal rage so to speak....

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Kinetic - Damage debuff to target attacked with Tele Throw : 5/10/15% /per stack. -20% Force/Melee Damage when in Combat Technique. Increase the heal in Combat Technique by 200 to help the actual tanks who were wanting to tank keep themselves up due to the loss of the heal from HS.


Infiltration - Increases Tele Throw damage by : 6/12/18% /per stack and reduced Force cost by 20/40/60%. +30% armor while in Shadow Technique. Switch the Kinetic Field (30% AoE Dmg Reducton) down to the tier 1 and replace Harnessed Shadows there for Infiltration. They no longer need the extra armor since Shadow technique automatically has the armor increase.


Balance - Each tick of Telekinetic Throw Heals the player by 2/3/4% max health . +20m range on Telekinetic Throw/Project while in Force Technique. Toss out Mind Ward and make that an innate ability for people in Force Technique and replace that tier with the Harnessed Shadows for Balance.


Agree with every one of these! This would make all 3 trees equal and people would actually have a reason to play a different spec.

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I would like to state something that should be obvious but total damage done on voidstar is not proof that someone has high DPS. Its highly dependent on your enemy, what classes you are fighting, if they are all squishy low geared folks your damage is obviously higher, if they all stand around on the door getting hit by AoEs, then yeah your numbers are going to be severely inflated.


Most Tank spec, DPS geared assassins are not as tough as the tank geared versions. I carry two sets of gear, one for huttball running with 22k HP, 45% block, 42% absorb, 25% deflect. This set has 15% crit and 0 surge. I hit like a wet noodle but my job is to take the ball across the line.


My DPS set is 18k HP, 35% crit, 77% surge, 0% block/absorb. This is my 1v1 set for all other maps. I have a feeling people think we can do both A and B at the same time. We cannot be tough and good dps at once, you are missing that we change out ALL of our gear depending on what is needed.


I think the big hitter people want to see nerfed isnt even a Tank talent its Deathfield in madness, bioware has already actively tried to kill hybrid specs but dont screw with my pve tanking talents, its bad enough that most attacks ignore my shield/absorb/deflect anyway, if anything they should make all attacks be subject to defenses.

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It's hard to kill a tank who's getting healed or using defensive CD's? No way!! :eek:

Brb, posting pics of a tanks spamming insignifcant aoe dmg in a voidstar turtle as evidence of OP-ness. :eek:





Posting in a "I got my feelings hurt" thread.

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I don't play the class at all so some of you might just toss away, immediately, what I'm about to suggest. BUT, the way I see it, the problem isn't the spec or the talents (yes, from what I've read, the actual stealth tree is problematic in slight DPS loss) but the fact that tank specced Assassins/Shadows are running around in DPS gear. So, while I'd love to suggest not allowing the use of Taunts in the DPS stances (and that should probably be the case), that doens't really fix it and causes the slippery slope of not allowing the DPS specs with healing to actually heal.


That being said, why not just disallow non-DPS mods to be used in tank sets? Do that and perhaps a slight adjustment or switching of some talents and I think you're fine. But until the mod swapping and hybridization issues are fixed, can you really make valid suggestions to talent changs?

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I've never played kinetic. I've played infiltration from 1-60 and balance from 60-77.


There are a few tank assassin/shadows on my server and I've never had an issue with them.


They don't seem overpowered to me at all. I don't get what all the fuss is about.

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I have a 50 Assassin with the spec you are referring to as being OP but wow. You have no idea. I also have a 50 Sentinel that imho..is by far the hardest nut to crack.


Sentinels now compared to Sentinels after 1.2...lol, if ur not a Sent/Mara then you might wanna roll one.


The tank spec'd dps wearing assassin/shadow comes nowhere close to being as effective at dishing out the damage or surivial as the sent/mara. It's not even a coin-flip. The gap will grow after 1.2. Sent/Mara will be way ahead of every other class its not even funny.


Some call them fixes for Sent/Mara...but we got buffed. Fixes or not, and imho..we needed tuned down some. 1v1 and in group play..just a bit op..

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