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Why I Love PvP In SWTOR


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The PvP in this game is fantastic. In those inferior games, like WOW for example requires you to:


1. Face Opponent

2. Click Tab


Tab is for scrubs.


Targeting between opponents in SWTOR is like a mini game in itself, it forces us to use a combination of the tab key while frantically trying to click on an adversary, which I think brings an extra dimension to our gaming experience. Although we don't have a linear system like wow it would probably look like this:


1. Find Opponent

2. Click Tab

3. Rotate Camera a little to the left spam click Tab

4. Spam mouse click while spamming Tab.

5. Curse at your monitor

6. Go back to step 1.


Finding a WZ is just cake. Today I logged in, queued up and got a match in less than 20 minutes. I actually played a total of 3 matches, and while they were all very memorable they were also similar.


For example the last WZ I did was Civil War, of course I came in to the match half way through and sadly we were losing, but as the match progressed a leader was born. His name was Hansulu, a level 10 Smuggler.


Han began to issue orders in a way that would make Stalin proud. He knew how to play every class, and was probably pro at them too. I'm certain of this because he started telling everyone how to play their AC with random precision. Naturally an argument broke out about who's better than who, and who knows more about x class. Long story short, did we win? No. Did we fight like Spartans till the very end? No.


But that's not the point. The point is you can't win them all; or one out of three.


I salute you Hansulu.

Edited by Blankchild
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I lose a lot of fights because I make the assumption that if there's only one person in my field of view I should target them if I hit tab. Instead I get not facing target error because I targeted someone behind me on the catwalk instead.
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ok ok i stopped laughing xD


yeah the tab target really does suck sometimes. not as bad for healers since i only target an enemy to CC them, but still!


and those level 10's know everything! dont even pretend they dont! lol!

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Targeting is broken. I click like a mother on a target -- it has red crosshairs, and still it's crap-shoot as to who gets shot at.


When I play my Sentinel alt, I've also found that sometimes I land in the general vicinity but out of hacking range of my target.


Love WZs, and maybe this is all some sort of user error, but it looks to me like some of the PvP mechanics could use a little work.

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The PvP in this game is fantastic. ...


...but as the match progressed a leader was born. His name was Hansulu a level 10 Smuggler.


Han began to issue orders in a way that would make Stalin proud. He knew how to play every class, and was probably pro at them too, I'm certain of this because he started telling everyone how to play their AC with random precision. Naturally an argument broke out about who's better than who, and who knows more about x class. Long story short, did we win? No. Did we fight like Spartans till the very end? No.


But that's not the point. The point is you can't win them all; or one out of three.


I salute you Hansulu.


OMG your post made me laugh so hard LMFAO will not do it justice...

thank you ... seriously...

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Nice post. Sad but true.


Yet, we still play.


I also notice on my first WZ of the night, my target is not outlined in red. So I'm not even sure who I'm targeting. So I:


Spam click TAB


Which would also be a great name for a guild come to think of it.

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I salute you, Blankchild. : )


I'm glad that someone agrees that tab-targeting is a better mini-game than the space combat. It's much more rewarding too.


Sometimes, I can target my opponent even before I die!

Edited by Varicite
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Keybindings are for noobs and make you lazy. The true pvpers click everything so their lightning fast reflexes on clicking people is just too uber for you. Learn to click noob!




Yeah, I don't need to EXPLOIT by clicking, cheater.


Real PvPers use keybinds just to use the bathroom in the morning, because it's so much more skillful doing things the harder way for no reason.

Edited by Varicite
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