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Operative PvP movies valor rank 80


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So how does sedatives work does any know is it only when it wears off after complete duration? or do ccbreaks work? I love ccing one person to have them break it and I cc the other and fight the first just thinking it would make it all the more easier? Also is the 4% endurance really that much better than compared to 4% crit?


This is what I have been running lately


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They're not mine :)


The thing I do like about the Conc vid is that it shows we're not the 1-trick pony that people make us out to be. Most of the vid she's not in stealth, and not using double-HS which is a once-every-2-mins trick which seems to be core to most other Operative videos I've found because it puts up some nice big numbers.


Edit: I also really like the opening sequence where she re-stealths between kills .. I do this all the time, often right next to my enemies that haven't thought to tag me, but I can't count the number of times I've seen other Ops/Scound's just running to the next target like Han chasing storm troopers in A New Hope lol


Also, I just like watching the way good players use Huttball geography to their advantage. On my sorc (my first lvl 50) I didn't really examine how to use the map to my advantage because it didn't feel all that important - on my Operative I really hated the Huttball map until I picked up a few tricks from other vids that are all on display in these ones as well.


Don't get me wrong, I think the video is nice for an instructional video to teach some players...but here are some things I didn't like about it.


As pointed out via to text, most of the fights are vs a non cc breaker victim displaying that we can kill people in a stun duration which is correct however, that is not real life.


Rarely uses stim boosts and has poor energy management


Didn't see an adrenaline probe one time, might of missed one.


The flashbang demonstration was a nice was to use it defensively, but there were no demonstrations on how to use one offensively. The 2v1 at 310 where she had the healer with her and chose to run away she had cooldowns up and could of easily killed those two players but it was a good defensive strategy.


She claims explosive probe is almost always better used for running away targets which is not true in my opinion. Explosive probe should be used whenever it is viable, which there are numerous situations. Highest burst potential comes from timing that skill. As in explosive probe acid blade cloaking screen hidden strike. Very big burst potential.


When she says to save the defib for when mars pop there 99% debuff, it could be used that way, however you get the same result from just rooting them with sever, kiting, dropping explo probe on them and hitting them with shiv/lacerate/backstab once it wears off... Using the defib early on maras seems to be the best strat I have found in many of my 1v1 duels. (I know its a wz video but the majority was 1v1)


The video is very good though, it is just not exceptional...but nonetheless a very good demonstration for people looking into the class.


Good use of tendon on the sorc at the end of the video.


I'll rewatch it and see if I can see anything else, I only watched it once.


EDIT: wasted CS, should of just switched to healer, used interrupts and defib and if needed used cloaking screen for another kill oppurtunity.

Edited by Cwild
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(snip a bunch of points and tips that don't really need quoting)


Thanks for the tips as always. I know I've seen a couple other Conc videos which have some things not covered in this one (I saw a particularly effective use of FB > OrbS once, but I've almost never needed to use it in this way), but I'm still waiting for the Cwild one ;)


I do use EP a lot more because as you say it helps pile on the pressure at the start of the fight.


Recently I've been starting with HS > Lac > Sever (while positioning for KB) > EP > BS > Shiv > etc.


I've been saving Deb for the inevitable 2nd opponent that comes in to help, and with the proper use of Sever, your target isn't getting away. On longer fights, if you let your target's resolve tick down a bit you can manage a full Deb later on without filling their resolve bar which is handy. I still tend to save Cloak for defensive use, or to force a kill when I know I'll need to deal with someone else soon (the guy I just Deb'd lol)


The sprint root was great and I must say a successful sprint root is one of the highlights of my day when I nail the timing.


I don't really know Mara's very well, so your tips and hers are both great infos for my pvp-noobing. Keep 'em coming!

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I rolled a scoundrel a ways back, and have been looking for something a little more ... shooty ...


("Hi, I'm Han Solo ... I'm going to put my shotgun to the back of your head then punch you to death." wasn't working for me.)


... that 11/0/30 lethality is pretty nifty, started playing with it last night.


Thanks! :)

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Thanks for the tips as always. I know I've seen a couple other Conc videos which have some things not covered in this one (I saw a particularly effective use of FB > OrbS once, but I've almost never needed to use it in this way), but I'm still waiting for the Cwild one ;)


I do use EP a lot more because as you say it helps pile on the pressure at the start of the fight.


Recently I've been starting with HS > Lac > Sever (while positioning for KB) > EP > BS > Shiv > etc.


I've been saving Deb for the inevitable 2nd opponent that comes in to help, and with the proper use of Sever, your target isn't getting away. On longer fights, if you let your target's resolve tick down a bit you can manage a full Deb later on without filling their resolve bar which is handy. I still tend to save Cloak for defensive use, or to force a kill when I know I'll need to deal with someone else soon (the guy I just Deb'd lol)


The sprint root was great and I must say a successful sprint root is one of the highlights of my day when I nail the timing.


I don't really know Mara's very well, so your tips and hers are both great infos for my pvp-noobing. Keep 'em coming!


I have lost a lot of interest in this game, so I've played like 10 games over the last 2-3 weeks. Not so sure I'll keep playing, but since it is the only game I have played in a while, I still like to see whats going on while im at work at the forums.


I would like to make a video yes, I just don't know how to be honest. No idea how to edit, do the music, or any of that stuff.

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I'll try to expain why I prefer to not include EP in my standard rotation. We lack a gap-closer, we are very vulnerable to knockbacks or in any situation where we do not have melee range.


If I can stay in melee range without getting knocked the target will most likely die and the damage difference between EP and Lacerate is not significant, especially when you consider Collateral Strike.


My point is that we do not have a problem with dealing damage while in melee range, that is why we should use our melee attacks in melee and save our only high damage ranged attack for if/when we are unable to reach them with our melee attacks.


As for some other comments about the quality of the Acid blade video, I just want to say that I do know that I do mistakes, the material was gathered during 4-5 warzones and I had pretty much never played Concealment until then. And for the people commenting on that my opponents do not have the cc breaker up: It is true but in a WZ any individual who can play usually has the CC breaker on cooldown more then they have it ready.

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I am interested in finding out what gear your are using and prefer for concealment pvp. Rakata vs Battlemaster.


The gear I use in the movie is by far not optimal for Acid Blade since it is the same stuff that I use for healing.


I'd say that the optimal gear config would be 2-part enforcer and 2-part rakata, you could go 4-part rakata also if you really wanna push it but overall I'd say that the 2+2 set bonuses is the better gear setup.

Edited by Endusima
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AMAZING! love reading the commentary/tips! you know i come here to get information about my class on these forums but all i have found is comparisons of other classes/crying from a good number of threads. its good to see videos and people like you having fun on a "underpowered" class.


thank you!


Sigh.. we are not under powered.


There are some things that can be fixed but definitely "NOT" under powered by a long shot.

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Sigh.. we are not under powered.


There are some things that can be fixed but definitely "NOT" under powered by a long shot.


Reread my post please...

Do it slowly if needed

I didn't claim the class was underpowered lawl


Those little "" around underpowered are called QUOTATION MARKS bruh:eek:

Edited by crazyblackguy
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I'll try to expain why I prefer to not include EP in my standard rotation. We lack a gap-closer, we are very vulnerable to knockbacks or in any situation where we do not have melee range.


I used to do the same until I saw the actual numbers in this post. I'd seen others using it in video's, but didn't think it was necessary in melee range. I must say, using it has definitely improved my ability to burst people fast which is essential in any 2v1 scenario, but I also do miss it when I get a runner and it's on CD :)

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Hey, can you comment on the upcoming nerf in 1.2. Do you think it will destroy concealment?



It won't destroy it, but it's a nerf like the other 4 were.


Decreases our spike damage, and DPS.


While other classes will become borderline impossible to beat in a 1v1 situation regardless of skill level. They are basically making some classes stupid proof, while making this class require much more of a learning curve.

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Hey, can you comment on the upcoming nerf in 1.2. Do you think it will destroy concealment?



No it will not destroy Concealment, It will make our burst a bit lower though. If you know what you are doing and are commited to it you can make it work post 1.2 aswell.

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Hey, can you comment on the upcoming nerf in 1.2. Do you think it will destroy concealment?



I don't see it decreasing our spike/burst damage at all, unless you use the HS>CS>HS trick consistently.


Backstab damage has been buffed by 9%, but the cooldown increased and a small energy cost added (probably off-set by the decrease in energy spent on fewer AB's) - this means we will have bigger spikes, just spaced out a little more. Overall a nerf to Backstab damage over the course of a fight, but certainly not a levelling off of spikes...


It's hard to tell what the other changes do to our DPS ... we lose 2% damage on all abilities from Culling, and 10% on Lacerate, but gain 4% on Collateral Strike and 4% back on Lacerate (net loss to Lacerate around 6.4%). But we gain a whopping 33% energy reduction to Lacerate which makes our already fairly trivial energy management even more so.


I do think that this will raise the skill cap on Concealment spec though, since we're really going to have to make the most of our energy and abilities between Shiv and Backstab CD's ... Overload Shot / EP / Grenade will see a lot more action, and keeping 100% uptime on Corrosive Dart will be pretty essential, as will aligning trinkets / adrenals with Vanish+HS as our main damage cooldown.


The one thing that I am concerned of is that the reduction in AB damage / uptime might not have been taken into account when they adjusted the BS cooldown. IMO they should have increased the dot time and damage of AB to compensate.

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It is nice seeing what it looks like from a perspective of a concealment operative who doesn't have the whole server targeting them when they pop their head out of stealth. I also would like the comment the poster of the videos uses very cookie cutter rotations, that shouldn't be done every time. Stun locking should be reserved for instances it is needed like healers, because most of the time you can kill them no matter what, while saying that CD for backup for a situation you really need it for. Also stay away from the double KD as it is pointless and only baddies do it.


Overall informative for new players, but I would suggest developing personalized rotations for the classes and don't cookie cutter that.

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I'm now done with the movies for all three different specs, shot throughout my entire "career". I started out as Lethality with **** gear and enjoyed it alot, moved on to Medicine and found it to be very powerful and finally decided to try Concealment, which was just hilarious. You got any questions just go ahead and ask!



<--First Medicine movie

<--Second Medicine movie

<--Concealment movie



Most excellent works thanks op!!!

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Hey, you're obviously a more than capable player, but I can't help wondering why you'd pick 11/0/30 as a lethality op instead of a more classic 18/0/23 hybrid (which is what I run).


I mean, the main thing about going full lethality is getting Weakening Blast, the rest of the higher tiers isn't all that great (the only thing I regret is having to choose between License to Kill and Adhesive Corrosives). But you do get Medical Engineering, which means more Culls and Stim Boosts, and it really procs ALL the time (especially if you keep Kolto up on 1-2 more people).


This is what I am currently using, I have a hunch you may end up liking it as well.



You gave me a few very good tips, like using Explosive Probe for ranged burst (I never used that thing since lvl 9).


Good luck to ya!

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Hey, you're obviously a more than capable player, but I can't help wondering why you'd pick 11/0/30 as a lethality op instead of a more classic 18/0/23 hybrid (which is what I run).


I mean, the main thing about going full lethality is getting Weakening Blast, the rest of the higher tiers isn't all that great (the only thing I regret is having to choose between License to Kill and Adhesive Corrosives). But you do get Medical Engineering, which means more Culls and Stim Boosts, and it really procs ALL the time (especially if you keep Kolto up on 1-2 more people).


This is what I am currently using, I have a hunch you may end up liking it as well.



You gave me a few very good tips, like using Explosive Probe for ranged burst (I never used that thing since lvl 9).


Good luck to ya!


As I previously stated the 11/0/30 build was designed for me back when my gear was bad, back then I tried to hang back and lob grenades/corrosive darts as much as possible and just used Cull when cornered. When I play Lethality nowadays I go for a more conventional spec, I do not pick up Medical Engineering simply because I feel that the TA from Shiv/Hidden Strike is about as much I can handle with the current energy reg. I do however see the advantages of the hybrid build no doubt about that, it is probably a matter of taste and just getting used to it.

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Stun locking should be reserved for instances it is needed like healers, because most of the time you can kill them no matter what, while saying that CD for backup for a situation you really need it for.


If you don't use overlapping stunlock vs Sorc/Merc/Sniper/Assa you _will_ eat a knockback. There is no point in saving your stun CD if you get knocked out of range, one knockback and you can give up. If you give your opponent even a 0.5 second window to make their move, chances are very high that you will get ****ed.

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If you don't use overlapping stunlock vs Sorc/Merc/Sniper/Assa you _will_ eat a knockback. There is no point in saving your stun CD if you get knocked out of range, one knockback and you can give up. If you give your opponent even a 0.5 second window to make their move, chances are very high that you will get ****ed.


Not really, positioning is key to prevent this. A more likely scenario to happen is that you are fighting someone, and just as you finish another person shows up and now you're down a stun. Or while you're finishing them off a healer starts healing and you're done a stun to stop them etc.

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Not really, positioning is key to prevent this. A more likely scenario to happen is that you are fighting someone, and just as you finish another person shows up and now you're down a stun. Or while you're finishing them off a healer starts healing and you're done a stun to stop them etc.


Sure, I'm not gonna argue more about it.

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