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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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While I hate the entire concept of same faction warfields, as in my opinion it does little to help persaude people to balance the factions, removing them so that your guild doesnt play against their own members isnt grounds for removal.


I dread 1.2 with more same faction warfields, but when they get cross server warzones up and running this will be a thing of the past.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


It is just war games. Police and military commands improve by using non lethal versions of this.


How are you ever going to help your crew improve if you can't evaluate their performance in a cross setting? It's one of my toolsets for seeing if a player is performing correctly on a map.


This is one of my guild's favorite parts of the game. They get to kill the boss from time to time.


Perhaps you and your team needs to work on their sportsmanship and sense of humor. We call such situations practice and stress release.


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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.

You didn't lose two great members, you lost two very immature members.


Yesterday it took me 3 1/2 hours to get my daily done and 6 of those matches were same faction huttball. Without it, my daily probably would have taken me all day.


I played against a guild member a couple times. Was he singling me out and chasing me down? I'm pretty sure he was. Did I have a hissy fit and get butthurt over it? Of course not. You should be glad your guild has gotten rid of two immature cry babies.

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I thought PvP was made for drinking beer and laughing at buds falling in death traps, it's good times guaranteed (even funnier if you or they yanked you in to it).


This whole e-sport thing really has to die, it's no good for anyone.

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Stop recruiting cry baby children, seriously. I killed a co worker guildmate the other day and took his Huttball. We both laughed out azz off and it was fun teasing him at work. He was not upset in the least.


Same faction PVP also lets you see who the good and bad players are in your faction. I honestly wish there was FFA PVP in the open world. There's a few punks in my faction I would love to shut up.

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I kick people out who rage in warzones, they don't have to quit. I do not play this game or run a guild because I like to listen to people complain all the time. I really can't stand people like that. So I tell them to lighten up, have fun, or take a break if they are getting upset. If they continue to rage and get emotional, I kick them out. I don't want people like that around me or in my guild bringing everyone else down. I don't care how good they are either.
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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


Bro you're taking this way too seriously. We're a bunch of people sitting behind computers pushing buttons and clicking mice to control toons - Alderaan Civil War is not the American Civil War.

Edited by jayfourc
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wont happen because of population issues, and with rated warzones. That being said i do find it screwy i play a game where theres a galactic war and i spend more time fighting my same faction in space football, then engaging in war.
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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


I've had it happen a LOT. And we made a joke out of being against each other. Getting rid of same faction won't solve the problem of having players that are poor losers. Or poor winners for that matter, there's always going to be jerks no matter what.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


LOL @ ^


If they can't take the Whoopin you don't want them in your guild anyway.





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In my experience, PVPing against people you know/guildies is one of the best ways to get better at PVPing. A random opponent isn't going to tell you what you did wrong, they are just going to exploit your weaknesses. A guildie (or, at least a good one) who hands you your *** in PVP is teaching you something. Instead of getting all upset about losing, people should be taking these opportunities to improve their game. Yeah, it sucks to get steamrolled, but if your opponent is a guildie, when the match is over, you can find out how to make sure it doesn't happen again (as long as you act like a grown up and don't throw a temper tantrum). I really like that there is same faction PVP, and in the case of Huttball, it even makes sense to have it.


If your guild is PVPing, they should be PVPing against each other all the time. Those premades that devastate a warzone? Guess what.......they play against each other, probably more than they play against you.

Edited by strangelovebomb
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Only complaint I have is I don't know if it's an enemy or friendly aoe incoming from the insiginia! :D




I like playing against people I know, it is more fun and intense than some random person. I will also single out people I know, and I know they will do the same because it is fun. Your guild will be better off without people who can't handle PVP.

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Working As Intended..



In all serious though, Bioware has no clue what it's doing. I learned that the moment I saw a Lightsided Jedi impale another Lightsided Jedi for a ball.

Gameplay > realism (or in this case canon). I'm not saying it doesn't matter but an MMO will always be a bit more "free" with the IP because it needs to be. It's the same reason that COD, CS, MoH, etc let you take quite a few bullets before dieing instead of being shot in the shoulder once and collapsing in agony.

Same Faction PvP, will be the death of guilds as Warzone PvP will be the death of the game. Bioware needs to rethink the entire game. Open World PvP is the true pvp that PvPers were looking for when this game was announced 2 years ago. To see that all go down the tubes to mindlessly play Hutt Ball again and again and again is mind blowing.


What a waste of 300 million dollars.


It saddens me how many people who thought a game which has always been advertised as a storyline-driven MMO would be a completely open hardcore pvp game. How did you make the connection?


As for fighting a guildmate "killing guilds", no - just whiney little kids who can't take losing. It's 100% a problem with his guildmates, not with the pvp system.


World pvp - I certainly want more, as well as a vastly improved Ilum, but I still enjoy all 3 warzones and am looking forward to new ones.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match.


The actual issue here is that some players are bad at adulthood. No offense intended, they might actually just be kids (in which case it makes sense that they're bad at being adults, is what I'm trying to say). But this isn't a problem with PvP or game design. Nahmean?

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I feel for you Mr Xan OP, this is a pretty epic thread.


The fundamental issue is PvP is a load of huttball in SWTOR - someone mention immersion, realm pride and a war between Imperials and Republic - what ARE you on man?




SWTOR has failed so badly as a PVP MMO we're reduced to squabbling over Huttball Wars. So I think your request for matches that do not pitch guild v guild is way down the list of what should be changed about SWTOR to provide an interesting PvP experience.


If we had an interesting faction v faction PvP experience we wouldn't be discussing this, but we don't.


So for your guild members better listen to the Baron, he says it EVERY game...there are no rules in Huttball!

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Wow the amount of pure ******es here amazes me.


Everyone who has been ************ that our guild is a bunch of QQ'ers is wrong. Although not stated there were incidents before where guild members felt they were being singled out and farmed. I don't know about everyone else but I personally don't mind when I get killed ONCE or TWICE purely because a guildy 1v1'ed me. But when a guild member goes out of their way to farm someone that is something more personal to me.


The fact that everyone completely missed Xanthias' point here is a nice point too. READ everything in a post before you all go ************ that we are QQ'ers. We are not.


Incidents like this are stupid, and shouldn't happen. Especially when a Guildmaster states to the guild only days prior, that anyone who willingly seeks out and farms another player will be kicked out of the guild. When a player is verbally told POLITELY that he needs to stop and attacks the guild member for it then rage quits the guild, should never happen. Yes it was stupid of him, but in the first place it should have just been avoided.


I have your back Xanthias :)


So wait, who quit? The attacker or the attackee? Sounds like the aggressor just needed to be booted and your guild is FAR better off now that he is gone, right?

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Working As Intended..



In all serious though, Bioware has no clue what it's doing. I learned that the moment I saw a Lightsided Jedi impale another Lightsided Jedi for a ball.


Same Faction PvP, will be the death of guilds as Warzone PvP will be the death of the game. Bioware needs to rethink the entire game. Open World PvP is the true pvp that PvPers were looking for when this game was announced 2 years ago. To see that all go down the tubes to mindlessly play Hutt Ball again and again and again is mind blowing.


What a waste of 300 million dollars.


Open world pvp almost always blows unless the community is good. WZ is the way to go.

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