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Favorite -> Least Favorite Companion?


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So on your characters, who are your favorite -> least favorite companions and why?


For my Smuggler, it'd have to be...


1. Risha- Godsend for my gunslinger, someone who does very good damage and isn't meant to be a tank!

2. Guss- At first, I detested Guss. I only kept him around because he was a healer, but he's grown on me. The whole thing with his lightsaber has started to make me laugh.

3. Bowdaar- He'd be #1, if only he wasn't all, "I die!" "Go on without me!" When he starts to die. Too melodramatic, but he's saved by the fact that he's a wookie.

4. Corso Riggs- He's just... Meh.

5. Akaavi- Not one flirt, not one suggestive comment, not even 1, and she goes over and assumes I am romancing her. *facepalm * Then gets ticked when I do it with Risha?

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for my agent it would have to be


  1. Ensign Raina Temple:
    i love that u technally get to train her in the agent ways and it really feels like im sticking it to the sith making her a agent when she is force senstative.
    she has a nice demaner to herself that makes me think that not all in the empire have to be *****.
  2. Doctor Lokin: he makes me laugth his dameaner its allmost like a farther son mentality, and he keeps me alive which is allways a bonus.
  3. Vector Hyllis: many dont like him but i find the idea of a joiner to be very intresting but his one downside is that as a dps i didnt need him at the time he was avaliable.
  4. Kaliyo Djannis: she has been with me from that start and she would be higher but game wise i got frustrated when she drops in skill about lvl 35+.
  5. Scorpio:thougth she has been useful at times i havent really gotten to know her well enougth to really like her, and her wanting to kill me is allways a downer.
  6. 2V-R8: if i could throw him out of an airlock i would.

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I have way too many characters, so this is going to be a long list of the companions I've collected so far.


1. Talos Drellik - He's just so adorably enthusiastic about archaeology.

2. Kira Carsen - I have a soft spot for sassy redheads.

3. Mako - Also adorable, and her backstory is pretty neat.

4. Khem Val - It's nice to have a dark side companion around. He got along well with my Inquisitor.

5. T7 - More entertaining than I expected.

6. Aric Jorgan - He was kind of a jerk at first, but he's growing on me.

7. Jaesa Wilsaam (DS) - A better romance option than Vette.

8. Qyzen Fess - Somewhat interesting.

9. Kaliyo Djannis - She'd be great for another character, just not the Agent.

10. Malavai Quinn - He gets along well with my SW, but he's otherwise boring.

11. Andronikos Revel - Meh.

12. Vette - I want to punch her in the mouth every time she says something "witty."

13. Ashara Zavros - I'm still a Jedi even though I agreed to be your apprentice! Wah!

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1. Kira because she's an Irish redhead and does pretty nice DPS. She honestly made my Knight playthrough easier and more interesting.

2. Vette because she's cute and old fashioned and a bit freaky with her "shock collar" comment after the SW marries her. She also does some sick DPS.

3. Mako. My BH's wifey and Healer. When she's caked out on gear and doesn't forget how to heal in the middle of a boss fight, she's awesome!

4. Blizz! He's a blast, and funny as hell! And by Blast, I mean literally. The first time I saw him pull out that HUMONGUS Rocket Launcher, I just about **** myself laughing! I would have put him up there already, but it's been over 2 months since I played my BH. And honestly, I didn't use him that often as I had Mako with me most of the time. lol

5. Pierce. My homie who keeps up with the barbs against Baras and other Sith Lords who deserve to be dissed and trolled.

6. Raina. Also a DPS machine and looks damn good while doing it! I keep her around for the Halle Berry vibe she's got going on and because she's down with being Smurfed. ;) 7. T7 because he's a straight up THUG when it comes to doing DPS AND Tanking.

8. Khem Val. In spite of the fact that he ALWAYS gets in the way when I go to loot the bodies, I've grown to like the big guy. He DOES have a sense of humor, but doesn't show it very often. Besides, HOW FREAKIN' COOL is it to have my very own Dashade?!?!

9. Ashara. She's useful if I tank her up with Guard and Dark Charge. She can put up some decent DPS, and she's givin' my Assassin some hot Togruty booty. :D

10. Corso. Good ranged Tank and a homie for my Gunslinger. As long as I disable Grapple Shot, no worries there.

11. Elara. Quite possibly the hottest healer in the game, and a dork to boot. Gotta love her. lol

12. SGT Jorgan. Kinda cool and kinda lame at the same time. I sidelined him when I got Elara, and haven't looked back. Decent DPS, though.

13. Risha. I honestly can't use her as a Gunslinger. I'm the DPS and I need a tank or healer with me. She's hot, though.

14. SGT Rusk. No need for this guy as a Guardian. I'm the Tank. End of story. His DPS is garbage, and his Tanking ability is substandard.

15. M1-4X. Ok, he's cool, and reminds me of Liberty Prime from Fallout 3, but I have no need of him in battle.

16.... Ok, I'm just going to skip to dead last.


Dead Last: Quinn. Sucking up and brown nosing gets you nowhere with me. ONLY time I ever used him was in the Baras fight, and then after that was over, I pimpsmacked him for being a dingleberry. I also gave Vette her clothes back after washing the Quinn slime off.


Below Dead Last: Skadge and the ship droids. Worse than useless.

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vector: dem pheremones is given me a case of the fangirl. as kaleiyo said: she gets the rich ones; i get the smart ones. Hes like a jedi, but without the whole SW propeganda attached to him, if that makes sense. i don't care much about his..extended family, but as long as they stay out of my fridge and dont comment on what they witnessed me doing to vector in bed with thier hivemind, i'm fine. well, i guess if they comment something along the lines of " DAAYUUUUUUMMMMMM *grovel* "

lokin: never used him on the field, but hes awesome personality wise. he knows the ropes, knows the tricks, talks the talk, and walks the walk. also i love biology.

blizz: how does he NOT make it to the top of peoples favourites?

kaleiyo- i hate her. i love her. depends on the day

torian - just started on him with bh, he seems somewhat neutral to how i play my BH, exept when she shows honor. i'm still learning to adjust my playstyle as a merc healer to him. shouldnt be hard as my operative and vector fit together as a team very well now.

mako: yah her and my BH have a she-bromance going on. was thinking of letting her have torian, but dang im a sucker for the blondes. gotta add one more to my MANagerie. ;)

khem val: reminds me of FMA's gluttony " can i eaaaat iiiit????"

ones i dont like...

gault- yah no.

temple- she just reminds me of a quinn with a female body, and a backbone. at least she makes for a good minion.

quinn- i used to fangirl over him... then i saw TEH SEEKRET

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vector: dem pheremones is given me a case of the fangirl. as kaleiyo said: she gets the rich ones; i get the smart ones. Hes like a jedi, but without the whole SW propeganda attached to him, if that makes sense. i don't care much about his..extended family, but as long as they stay out of my fridge and dont comment on what they witnessed me doing to vector in bed with thier hivemind, i'm fine. well, i guess if they comment something along the lines of " DAAYUUUUUUMMMMMM *grovel* "

lokin: never used him on the field, but hes awesome personality wise. he knows the ropes, knows the tricks, talks the talk, and walks the walk. also i love biology.

blizz: how does he NOT make it to the top of peoples favourites?

kaleiyo- i hate her. i love her. depends on the day

torian - just started on him with bh, he seems somewhat neutral to how i play my BH, exept when she shows honor. i'm still learning to adjust my playstyle as a merc healer to him. shouldnt be hard as my operative and vector fit together as a team very well now.

mako: yah her and my BH have a she-bromance going on. was thinking of letting her have torian, but dang im a sucker for the blondes. gotta add one more to my MANagerie. ;)

khem val: reminds me of FMA's gluttony " can i eaaaat iiiit????"

ones i dont like...

gault- yah no.

temple- she just reminds me of a quinn with a female body, and a backbone. at least she makes for a good minion.

quinn- i used to fangirl over him... then i saw TEH SEEKRET


Vector definitely has the Zen thing going on. As a Sniper, I rarely use him since he can't hold aggro to save my life, but he's cool to talk to.

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1. Vector Vector Vector!!!! I love him, his zen personality, his cute killiky flirts...LOVE!

2.Kaliyo, she's my homegirl, yeah she's bat **** crazy but she's a nice counter to my agent, she's her best friend and almost like a sister at times.

3.Lokin, he makes me laugh, and I like the idea of a mentor. Being a heal specced operative myself, I almost never use him..but he's pretty cool.

4.Temple, bit of a brown noser, but has a good heart and does mad dps! So she can stick around....Tried bringing her along on one of Kaliyo and mine's girl nights, couldn't keep up.

5. Scorpio....meh...I just check her restraining bolt everyday then lock the engine room door again.




1. Zenith, he's bad ***, and I so wish he could have been romancable...probably the most interesting companion the consular gets

2. Iresso, Good tank, nice guy...I married him, just a little boring though, but that's ok when needing some down time from saving the galaxy

3. Theran, guy's a ******* for choosing holographic pixels over a real live human girl (or Miraluka girl) but he heals me and still makes me laugh.

4. Nadia Grell, She's growing on me..does really good dps, I just don't have much patience for teenagers.

5. Qyzen Fess. **** that lizard! Get off my ship.


^^Those are my 2 lvl 50 characters....So I can't say much for the rest of the companions..Although, companions of note:


Quinn...Love making this guy all flustered and blush when I flirt with him. It's adorable.


Pierce: So so wish he was fully romancable....I'd ditch Quinn in a heart beat...but I'm still planning on geting me some Pierce loving..not a bad tank either.


Corso: mmmmm Corso....


Risha: She's another homegirl, we go to the bars and pick up guys....then rob them blind while they sleep. She's awesome dps as well. <3 me some Risha


Bowdaar: crappy tank, but I love him anyways, just for the wookie factor. I always make sure I have lots of Bowdaar gifts, cause I love talking to him.

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Favorites huh.. Well I generaly like most of my SI companions though Khem Val is pretty much on top, a big hulk with a blade slaying & devouring you'r enemies..What's not to like there? :)


On the other hand we have my BH [dont have Skadge yet] and I find Gault simply hillariously witty & charismatic.

And Torian the honorable one always up for a challenge :)


On my SW the characters are bit..well I dont know.. Lt. Pierce is somewhat interesting..but with my Marauder im pretty must just tugging Malavai around so :(

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(1) Torian Cadera, pure Mandalorian, honorable and enticing. Loved the simplicity of his battle cries -- "Dead." Simple and to the point. And he's incredibly protective, very attractive.


(2) Blizz stole my blaster off my belt when we first met! He went to town fixing up my heap of crap ship, too (and why can't I steal another one, huh?). That, and the way he calls me "boss", is just pure awesome.


(3) Corso Riggs is just sweet as heck. He's like a bowl of warm honey you just want to lap up. Of all the companions, he's the one I'd label a "good guy" first.


(4) Khem Val is a bit of a sneak in the way he stole my heart. Seriously. If you'd asked me the first couple of times I tried leveling an SI, I would've said he was gosh-darn-awful. I mean, he always always gets in the dang way! But the truth is he's just a big lug, who kinda grows on you the way a fungus would. I gave him the green customization option off the CE vendor, so I'm convinced he's one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, all grown up.


(5) Malavi Quinn has something I can't quite put my finger on, that makes him pretty dang interesting. He's the one companion I've spent the most time trying to figure out. Plus he's absolutely adorable, the way he stumbles over the flirts you give him. I think the partnership he ends up making with a female SW is truly spectacular. They're amazing foils for each other.


(6) Arik Jorgan is a soldier. He talks like a soldier, walks like a soldier, thinks like a soldier...you get the point. He's just simple, neat, organized. I like him. The only reason I don't put him up higher on the list, mind you, is because I'm always surrounded by soldiers in RL. I had Jorgan figured out within the first couple levels, anyway.


(7) Bowdaar is a Wookie. 'Nuff said.


(8) Guss Tano makes me laugh, every time he opens his mouth. My smuggler is healer specced, so I don't pull him out very often. I end up doing so only when I'm looking for a good time and loads of laughs.


(9) Vette is a cutie-pie who dishes out dps like there's no tomorrow. She's the one person who ends up making my warrior stop long enough to wonder if killing the schmuck is really a good idea. Maybe better to keep him alive to use later on.


(10) Mako is the little sister my BH never had. She'd be the one who offered to do my hunter's hair and paint her toenails. The two of them together are unstoppable, once they march onto the field. And they look good doing it, to boot.


(11) Andronikus Revel gives my little sorcerer presents and calls her beautiful all the time. Plus, he took her on a date! Between that, and the way he shoots in the face all the bad guys, he's pretty cool.


(12) Lieutenant Pierce is loyal. He'd probably tear someone's arms off if they spoke badly of my warrior and offer the stumps to her. He's like a tank that just doesn't quit.


At the bottom of the list, those I don't neccessarily like:


(13) Broonmark doesn't make much sense to me. That's all.


(14) Jaesa Willsem needs therapy. Alot of it. I figure my warrior will just kill her eventually, before Jaesa decides to sneak into the warrior's quarters with a knife.


(15) Ashara Zavros needs to figure out if she's a Jedi or a Sith, cause she seriously can't be both, sheesh.


(16) Kaliyo is a skank. I figure my agent would need to get checked out after he slept with her. Course, he's a skank, too, so it's not like either one of them deserves a prize, hehe. It's just I don't think Kaliyo has any real redeeming quality.


(17) Skadge is a waste of space with no purpose at all, ever. I would've liked to shoot him when he threatened that girl during the class quest line on Belsavis. Torian wanted to shoot him, too, so it's not like I'm off my rocker, here. What he's doing on my ship is simply beyond me. He offers absolutely nothing to my crew.

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I've got two "mains" hovering in the 40's:




1) Corso of course! He's my space cowboy. He's so enthusiastic and willing to charge head long into the craziest situations with me. He's genuine and he makes me laugh. He tries to be a bad boy but fails miserably because he's really just a sweetheart.


2) Gus. Gus is my #1 in the field. I can't believe I had to wait so long to get him! Now we kick butt and take names. And every conversation with him makes me laugh. He does sound like a muppet though. I love his: "Why do you keep looking at me? Don't you trust me yet?"


3) Akaavi - She's so dang seeeeerious. But I like her because she's honorable.


4) Bowdaar. Pretty cool guy but the roaring gets on my nerves sometimes and the droid complains about having to vacuum so much.


5) Risha - We've been in vaguely disguised cat fights ever since we met. I mean, her first words to me were, "Oh, I thought I was the only woman on this ship." Maybe she'll grow on me.




1) Vector! Got to be the most unusual and "acquired taste" companion ever created. But he keeps me guessing and scratching my head with all his incomprehensible poetic "song of the universe" stuff. He and my agent have both given body and soul to the empire in ways that would make any sane person squirm, so we can relate to each other on that score. And last night he told me he could "scent the pulse of my heart" - whatever that means! And that smooth, hypnotic voice....well, I think I'm smitten.


2) Dr. Lokin - still getting to know him, but his charm and cheerfulness make me think he's hiding even more than he lets on. I love giving him presents and hearing him say, "Agent! You shouldn't have!"


3) Kaliyo - she's a jerk but she sure makes me laugh. Some of the best lines out there. One of my favorite conversations went something like: Me: "I can't help it if men just fall at my feet." Kaliyo: "Well, I have to push 'em down there, but same thing."


4) Raina and Scorpio - don't know Raina very well yet and have barely met Scorpio, so we'll see.


Other companions:


Khem Val - is it just me or does he have a rather sexy voice? I think I'm a sucker for voices.

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For my SI

i like Ashara, nice story and good dps (even if the quest to get her is the dumbest i've seen)

I hate khem val, nice tank but pitiful story


For my SW

Love Vette, cute voice great dps, best romance so far

Hate Quin, lvl 47 at the moment and have 1200ish afection (and no idea how is it that high)


For my trooper

Love Elara good story and great healer

Hate Tannos Vik, doesn't fit my unit at all.


I just wished we had real companion quests with all companions, instead of just the first, and a full blown arc quest if you reached 10k affection (6-7 quests where the prize would be a full set of armour + weapon for that companion, maybe a couple more quests if your married with one)

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Trooper (Keep in mind 1-4 is hottly contested here)


1) Elara: Nice Character development over her arc, and she's my most useful companion by a long shot.

2) Yuun: Gand are awesome.

3) Jorgan: Rough around the edges, but he's a perfect foil for Mr. Nice Guy. A shoe-in for my XO

4) 4X: HAM FOR THE HAM GOD! He's got an ego, but his saving grace is he doesn't begrudge or put down other people.

5) Tanno Vik: The only companion I actually dislike. But then, I realize I'm supposed to dislike him. He represents the ugly side of the military; People who abuse their position and joined for the violence, not to protect others.



Sith Warrior


1) Vette: Fun, sassy, and generally a good match for my warrior. And for those who don't like her, there's a built in catharsis!

2) Quinn: Inexplicable out of character moments aside, he's the other good match for my warrior. Dutiful and devoted to the empire.

3) Lt. Pierce: I found him kind of bland. He's kind of funny, but playing a more Noble Sith Warrior led me to dislike his cavalier attitude at times.

4) Light Side Jaesa: Flat character. So. Very. Flat.

5) Broonmark: Funny looking Pierce that isn't funny. Could be removed from the storyline without costing the narrative anything, and that's not a good thing.

6) DS Jaesa: Flat Puppy-kicking character. Manages to be flatter than LS Jaesa. How is that possible?

7) 2V-R8: If I could force choke him, I would never stop doing it.


NOTE: From here on out, things are incomplete.


Imperial Agent:

1) Vector: I actually find a lot of his lines interesting, in a sort of alien way.

2) Dr. Lokin: There's a mystery behind him, and I intend to find out what it is.

3) Temple: She's... Nice. Her high pitched voice would make me feel a little dirty romancing her, though.

4) Kaliyo: Where's the nearest Airlock?

5) 2V-R8: Can keep Kaliyo company when she takes a long walk out a short airlock.


Bounty Hunter:

1) Mako: Really curious about her past. Just generally a nice person.

2) Torio: I like the sort of mentor-student vibe I get from his arc at the moment. Need to see more of him, though.

3) Gault: He's got style, and I like that, but he's a bit slow on the uptake on the fact that I have principles

4) 2V-R8: I need to find a way of using him to catch a mark in an explosion


The rest of the classes I'm not far enough along in to judge the people.

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My least favorite is the Ship Droid. He won't shut up.


If there was an available option ingame I'd slice him up and make ash trays and hub caps


out of him. That's a lot of ash trays and hubcaps with 6 characters, so WE all H8 him.


The others are all good if a bit repetitive at times, Kira's funny as heck and so is Doc.


For-ex reminds me of Captain America and the Hulk wrapped up in one.


PS: Can't wait till 1.2 so I can blast off after I send him outside to wash the bugs off the


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Vector definitely has the Zen thing going on. As a Sniper, I rarely use him since he can't hold aggro to save my life, but he's cool to talk to.


you listen to some of his dialogue, its pretty obvious them killiks are tuned into the force in some sideways manner. like i think the convo was called " chrysalis" or something.


so hes my little jedi... minus all the cheezy SW iconery ... and more bedroom time allowance :D

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Out of who I know:


Ensign Temple

Running with her is a breath of fresh air, a lightsided Imperial. Her character seems deep though during her companion story, and it was good fun to 'train' her to be a better Agent. I also can't help but think she's fit for a cartoon character.


Khem Val

Even before the end of Act 1 I liked him, but his twin personality is pretty funky now and actually gives pretty good advice for my power-hungry devious Sith.


Qyzen Fess

Trandoshan bad***** who I've got a bit of a bromance with.




Andronikos Revel


Dr. Lokin



She wants to kill me, bit too Sith-like for my tastes.


Tharan Cedrax

Holiday is pretty funny, but the guy just comes off as a sleazy bum. He also seems to not approve of my bad***** moments, which just annoys me.



It's not that she's a bad character, in fact, I liked her at the end of the story and when she said we're a death machine. But for an entire act, she was constantly disapproving for my lightsided patriotism. Until the end, I hated her guts.

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best = Doc. Yes, he is incredibly doofy in his relentless persuit of hitting on me, but I found it funny instead of annoying, and I am a sucker for that sort of archetype in a romance anyway.


worst = Kira. I hate Sassy! Girl! Sidekicks! and that is what she is.




best = Tharan. Yes, he dumped me for his stupid hologirlfriend, but he was a pretty good sport about me making fun of him for it every chance I could afterwards. I also like that he is a huge nerd.


worst = Qyzen. So boring. Also gets all fussy when I don't tell orphans to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, which means he butts heads with my JC ALL THE TIME.




best = 4X, because I love ham. Elara is the runner up here, I really enjoy that character a lot, enough that I will give her a shout out during 4X's entry.


worst = Tanno Vik. He's not actually that bad, but someone has to be last, and he is the one I feel most "meh" towards.




best = Guss. Whee!


worst = Corso. I HATE his white knight crap. I know that is catnip for some ladies, but I hate it a lot.




best = Talos. He is so cute and such a nerd. My manquisitor wishes every day he could romance him. :(


worst = Xalek. You get him way too late, so it's hard to give a crap about him. For me, anyway.




best = Vector. My IA wishes he could romance him, but will instead settle for the epic bromance they have going.


worst = Ensign Temple. She creeps me out. There's being loyal to the Empire, and there's being a creepy zealot. She's a zealot. A hypocritical one, if you ask me.

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I HATE QYZEN. I hate hearing about the scorekeeper and his stupid zealotry that demands him to kill stuff. "MARVELOUS POINTS." shut the hell up!



I HATE BOWDAAR also. He's a wookie, a wookie who nearly WETS HIMSELF with negative affection if I ever act confident about taking on a Sith. He's no Chewbacca, that's for sure.

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1.Khem val I love the guy he is so evil and cool at the same time plus people think he is a brute but he is not he is actually quite smart and gives advice on how to be a devious sith and how to deal with a certain presence inside his body. I say he was the one who taught my SI on how to be a sith not zash.


2.Jaesa(DS) She is evil and loves it nuff said. Having two companions that cry soon as you force choke someone makes ds jaesa a god send.



3.Broonmark I love the guy he loves violence I love violence sometimes I wonder if my SW hugs him behind closed doors.





Ashara. The fact that we cannot convert her to the dark side after we spent majority of our time on the planet trying to convert her seems like a cop out. Lets not forget she is delusional and won't marry you because she needs to ask the jedi council for permission. >_>


Xalek. He is a brick nuff said.

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I dont really have a top 10 or anything but I will tell you who is cool and whi stays on the ship...forever!




T7-Love this cute little dude but he stays on the ship because I am a tank. After hitting level cap though I take him with me in low level flashpoints and bonus series I skipped. He's the astromech I always wanted.


Kira- Firey padawan with a past. Thus far my favorite romantic option of all my toons (though this could change after some of my other toons warm the icy hearts of other romance options on other toons) Her backstory and charm make the knight story enjoyable. I took her with me everywhere and only subbed her with Doc on tough boss fights.


Doc-He's my broseph. Take him with me on tough fights that I need a healer. Some great dialog has been exchanged between us.


Sarge- Hes actually a pretty great DPS option for a guardian provided you get him decent gear. After Kiras affection was maxxed out I started running with him after he was geared. Not bad and he has some decent war stories.


Scourge- He seems like he may have some great dialog, but unless I keep feeding him trophies ill never find out. Hes a mirror of my character in ability so he stays in the cargo hold, brooding.



Jorgan- He was a bit p r i c k l ey at first but becomes your best friend in no time. Awesome DPS. I switch between him and Dorne the same way I switch between Kira and Doc stated above.


Dorne- Dorky but cute. Her story is interesting and fun.


4X- He also makes me think of a TOR version of liberty prime from FO3. He is so energetic and aptriotic. I rarley use him but feed him gifts to unlock fun dialog.


have yet to unlock any others




Corso- he is a very interesting and fun character but I dont like him as a tank I take him with me to perform conversations but then switch to someone else after the talking is done.


Bowdarr- Love the big lug. I laugh my *** off when he picks up and throws droids and other baddies.


Risha- Yet to play with her but she has a snobby snarky streak about her thats fun to spar with.


have yet to unlock any others





Kaliyo: She's a great tank but she's too underworld for my taste. My IA is a true patriot, on par with jack bauer so her p r i c k l ey personal doesnt mesh well.


Mako- such a sweetie, I will make her my wife!


Vette- A bit goody too shoes when it comes to moral decisions but I will make her my wife and put her in a bikini.


Kem- A big hulk who is looking to eat/break any force user he comes by. he is a good pet with tendencies of thinking to bite the hand that feeds him.

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Torian - he's just so dreamy, he can follow my Bounty Hunter anytime.

Blizz - this little guy just has me in stitches; his little doozering about my ship, fixing this and that and calling me boss. What puts the cherry on top for me is it really annoys my marauder mate that I have a jawa and he doesn't! :D

Kaliyo - She's just so darn dirty, blood thirsty and downright devious. I bet she can show my agent a thing or two.

Gault - Hated him at first, but his wise cracking quips have won me over.

Kira - Sassy girl side kick, who gets herself into scrapes just so I can come rescue her. What's there to dislike?



Skadge - This guy would be first in line for a one way trip out of my airlock. He's a waste of space on my ship and I would not have taken him with me if BW had given me the option.

Khem Val - This guy is just so big, and so dull, and so hungry! The only thing that slightly makes him ok to deal with is how he calls me "little sith" but even then, I tend to send him off crafting just to be rid of him.

Quinn - After the stunt he pulled, he would be second in line for a one way trip out of my airlock. Deserved way more than a force choke that one! :mad:

Qyzen fess - ok, only had this one in beta, so have no idea where his story arc takes you but he annoyed me enough to stick him on my hate list.

R2-V8 - Where is his mute button?...

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