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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you care about the "looks" of the 1.2 armor?


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PvPers won't be wearing this armor. They'll be wearing Orange Crit Crafted augment gear. Don't expect to see any valid PvPer wearing any of these sets.


They're adding a way to add augment slots to any gear you want.


I'm personally going to be wearing whatever the eff I think looks good.


Odds are, that won't be the 1.2 PvP gear. : )

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The armor designer is just pathetic to be honest. The armor looks silly, has no purpose and there is no concept of form following function. Its just random stuff placed around and calling it a day. Lets make big blades stick out! "totally! thats such a great idea! But we should add blades to the blades as well"


Ive just honestly never seen such bad design good god! There is no feeling of "hey im getting better and looking more ****** as time goes on". Nope, instead you just look dumber and dumber and they utterly cheese the gear by just doing a texture swap. Its like really?? JUST a texture swap?


Agreed, looks like Star Trek, not Star Wars. More similar to an Asian MMO than to this game. I will not be wearing it at all.

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These really aren't that bad. Sith Inquisitor though is a tragedy.


And PvE Counselor also. Man I feel bad for you guys. Satele Shan has a pretty nice looking outfit. Why not just put that instead.

Edited by Arlanon
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A lot has been said about the "stats" of the new armor, and mods, etc... But what about the look?!?! I've bashed PvPers in the past by saying "if it was an actual circus clown suit they would wear it if it gave them the best stats". Now, more then ever, I hope I'm proved wrong.


I mean seriously, do these armor sets even remotely remind you of Star Wars?!?!:

1.2 New Armors: Looks and Stats


Ok, I understand that we WILL have to wear this, but I need to know, if only for my own sanity, do any of you want to wear this?


No, the bounty hunter is the only good one

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lets see; armor in the live game is not very good from a looks prespective. The legacy armors are not very good except for a few (exalted trooper, guardian and mara).


the War hereo and black hole gear. my first thought is, am I a sentinel that is killing stuff or a walking satilite dish?


WTH is up with these things on the shoulders of all this gear? at least I am no longer a iron man/space samuri wanna be.


gear design in this game are extremely poor.

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Even though it takes place "3000" years before ANH, there still has to be some artistic resemblance to Star Wars. I would maybe go with the "no, it doesn't have to resemble Star Wars" argument if not most of the art in the game already resembled SW.From the capital ships to the droids to the blasters and even the current armor, it all looks somewhat familiar.


IMO, these outfits look MORE futuristic then current SW gear, yet it's supposed to be 3000 years earlier.


Also, weren't armor-techs supposed to be able to craft gear better than anything in version 1.2? Hopefully it's NOT the gear we see here.

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The Trooper armor looks about the best, and that's not saying much... heh


I'll wear it though. I won't wear a piece of rated armor until i have the entire set though. Why run around with half blue and half red armor pieces :/

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I think claiming something doesn't "look StarWars" is over used and not really meaningful at all. The movies are separated from the time this game takes place by many thousands of years. As long as it's not generic fanstasy rips I don't think anyone can claim something isn't starwars especially since they started making starwars comics.


Then why did BW go out of their way to make the armor in the original and sequel KOTOR look like it belonged in the universe? The simple truth is the armor not only looks like sh*t, it doesn't even look like it has anything to do with the game setting.

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A lot has been said about the "stats" of the new armor, and mods, etc... But what about the look?!?! I've bashed PvPers in the past by saying "if it was an actual circus clown suit they would wear it if it gave them the best stats". Now, more then ever, I hope I'm proved wrong.


I mean seriously, do these armor sets even remotely remind you of Star Wars?!?!:

1.2 New Armors: Looks and Stats


Ok, I understand that we WILL have to wear this, but I need to know, if only for my own sanity, do any of you want to wear this?


in 1.2 any orange can be made equivalent to any purple. if you dont like the look just rip the mods out. problem solved.

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I actually like the look for my class. Even if I didn't, I would still wear it because I like showing off the latest tier of gear that I earned. The problem is I'll be gimping myself by wearing the hardest to achieve gear because of the backwards crafting system that's going into 1.2, so I'll have to wait until they patch in attachable augment slots to wear the gear I actually want to wear.
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A lot has been said about the "stats" of the new armor, and mods, etc... But what about the look?!?! I've bashed PvPers in the past by saying "if it was an actual circus clown suit they would wear it if it gave them the best stats". Now, more then ever, I hope I'm proved wrong.


I mean seriously, do these armor sets even remotely remind you of Star Wars?!?!:

1.2 New Armors: Looks and Stats


Ok, I understand that we WILL have to wear this, but I need to know, if only for my own sanity, do any of you want to wear this?


I care about looks of course. However, functionality is important too. The smuggler PvE set looks like a space Robin Hood ^_^

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I donno guys, take a look in a more properly lit environment. I may be alone here, but I think this gear looks awesome. I am a BM SI, personally I cannot wait for this gear...





Also, I have heard the same thing in WoW/Rift/AoC etc. "Oh, this is far and away the worst looking gear of any MMO in the history of MMO's, blah, blah, blah..."


I'm just saying, take a second and take a close look at the detail, it's actually quite nice.

Edited by Keblitis
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I'll wear it though. I won't wear a piece of rated armor until i have the entire set though. Why run around with half blue and half red armor pieces :/


You'll be able to color coordinate in 1.2 with the "match to chest" button.

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