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Stop Typing and Pay Attention!!!


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When some obvious things happen, players tend to dismiss other players as "Bad", but it really needs to stop because most of the time they are too enamered with their own leetness to even understand situational awareness. This is objective based PvP after all..


Example 1: Alderaan; we got two turrets, score 450-370..


1. Type: "4 imps middle.."

2. Action: Everyone except me run middle.

3. Type: "Hey guys I am by myself @ right, so."

4. Action: Two BM imps (one notorious Jugg imp too)come right

5. Action: Try to hold out until calvary comes.

6. Action: Death, but no calvary, lose right turret

7. Type: "Man you are bad."

8. Type: "Did I type in chinese when I said I was by myself?"

9. Type: "You got to ""call"" it out"

10. Type: "W.T.F., didn't I say I was by myself before anyone even showed up? Sorry I was too busy trying to stay alive until the calvary arrived"



Example 2: Alderaan: Start/At ship

1. Type: "Im going left"

2. Action: At speeder landing, see three imps going left.

3. Action: use force speed to cut them off, stuns/cc's to slow them down, in the HOPE that someone went left to cap.

4. Type: "You are a ******* idiot"

5. Type: "?????"

6. Type: "You ***** idiot, why didn't you cap the turret?"

7. Type: "I was trying to cut them off because you can't cap faster than they can get there, why didn't you cap since you were behind me and saw where I was going?"

8. Type: "blahh, blah, blah, you suck"

9. Type: "What took u so ****** long to get off the ship?"




Please players, PLEASE. Before you make deragatory statements towards players, look at your map, check your balance, ask him what his train of thought was, give feedback on why he should have done something, STOP THE ZERGFEST if it puts your team in a vulnurable position. This crap happens on a nightly basis and needs to stop.



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my favorite is a situation i was in last night (i was ops leader, and lvl 17)


some scrub-- they are rush left all go left

*im the only one who stays right*

me--- k guys im alone

me--- 1 inc right

me--- 2 inc right

me--- RIGHT

me--- 3 RIGHT

me--- RIGH RIGHT RIGHT *********** RIGHT!

*i die they plant on door*

5 minutes later.... we lose


some scrub --- good job leading, ops leader.

me--- try following my calls. l2read scrub.

some scrub--- ***** ur level 17 go level up

*ranks come up, im top of the whole match, both teams, with 7 medals noone else has more than 4*



Edited by radbass
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my favorite is a situation i was in last night (i was ops leader, and lvl 17)


some scrub-- they are rush left all go left

*im the only one who stays right*

me--- k guys im alone

me--- 1 inc right

me--- 2 inc right

me--- RIGHT

me--- 3 RIGHT

me--- RIGH RIGHT RIGHT *********** RIGHT!

*i die they plant on door*

5 minutes later.... we lose


some scrub --- good job leading, ops leader.

me--- try following my calls. l2read scrub.

some scrub--- ***** ur level 17 go level up

*ranks come up, im top of the whole match, both teams, with 7 medals noone else has more than 4*




You feel me man...... it unbelievable sometimes....

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When some obvious things happen, players tend to dismiss other players as "Bad", but it really needs to stop because most of the time they are too enamered with their own leetness to even understand situational awareness. This is objective based PvP after all..


Example 1: Alderaan; we got two turrets, score 450-370..


1. Type: "4 imps middle.."

2. Action: Everyone except me run middle.

3. Type: "Hey guys I am by myself @ right, so."

4. Action: Two BM imps (one notorious Jugg imp too)come right

5. Action: Try to hold out until calvary comes.

6. Action: Death, but no calvary, lose right turret

7. Type: "Man you are bad."

8. Type: "Did I type in chinese when I said I was by myself?"

9. Type: "You got to ""call"" it out"

10. Type: "W.T.F., didn't I say I was by myself before anyone even showed up? Sorry I was too busy trying to stay alive until the calvary arrived"



Example 2: Alderaan: Start/At ship

1. Type: "Im going left"

2. Action: At speeder landing, see three imps going left.

3. Action: use force speed to cut them off, stuns/cc's to slow them down, in the HOPE that someone went left to cap.

4. Type: "You are a ******* idiot"

5. Type: "?????"

6. Type: "You ***** idiot, why didn't you cap the turret?"

7. Type: "I was trying to cut them off because you can't cap faster than they can get there, why didn't you cap since you were behind me and saw where I was going?"

8. Type: "blahh, blah, blah, you suck"

9. Type: "What took u so ****** long to get off the ship?"




Please players, PLEASE. Before you make deragatory statements towards players, look at your map, check your balance, ask him what his train of thought was, give feedback on why he should have done something, STOP THE ZERGFEST if it puts your team in a vulnurable position. This crap happens on a nightly basis and needs to stop.



These are both your fault. Unless you can somehow manage to get all 7 of your teammates in vent/mumble/TS, which is pretty much impossible before 8-man queues, you have to communicate with people what you're doing. You can't just assume they can read your mind.


In your first example, your job is not to fight them. It's to hold them off until reinforcements come. As soon as you see red namplates, how difficult is it to type "inc right"? You did not do that, no one knew to come help. Even if they are beating on you, how difficult is it to pop a defensive cooldown and use that time to type 9 letters? Again, your job is not to beat them, it's to hold them off until reinforcements come. Saying you are the only one there is not calling for help. Yes, there should be two there if you hold two nodes, but you can still hold it solo as long as you call out inc.


Let's even assume a second one DID come help you. You did not call inc. What happens if the two inc take both of you down? They cap node and you lose it anyway. Saying you are the only one there is not good enough. The fact that you did not call inc is why you lost the turret.


In your second example, you don't stun/CC unless someone is already capping if they don't know what you're doing. For all they know, you were going for the cap and they have to hold off the incoming defenders. All you said was "I'm going left", you did not say "I'm going to hold off left, try to cap it".

Edited by hulkweazel
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These are both your fault. Unless you can somehow manage to get all 7 of your teammates in vent/mumble/TS, which is pretty much impossible before 8-man queues, you have to communicate with people what you're doing. You can't just assume they can read your mind.


In your first example, your job is not to fight them. It's to hold them off until reinforcements come. As soon as you see red namplates, how difficult is it to type "inc right"? You did not do that, no one knew to come help. Even if they are beating on you, how difficult is it to pop a defensive cooldown and use that time to type 9 letters? Again, your job is not to beat them, it's to hold them off until reinforcements come. Saying you are the only one there is not calling for help. Yes, there should be two there if you hold two nodes, but you can still hold it solo as long as you call out inc.


Let's even assume a second one DID come help you. You did not call inc. What happens if the two inc take both of you down? They cap node and you lose it anyway. Saying you are the only one there is not good enough. The fact that you did not call inc is why you lost the turret.


In your second example, you don't stun/CC unless someone is already capping if they don't know what you're doing. For all they know, you were going for the cap and they have to hold off the incoming defenders. All you said was "I'm going left", you did not say "I'm going to hold off left, try to cap it".




If Jedi can't read my mind, then they don't deserve to be Jedi or on my team!

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These are both your fault. Unless you can somehow manage to get all 7 of your teammates in vent/mumble/TS, which is pretty much impossible before 8-man queues, you have to communicate with people what you're doing. You can't just assume they can read your mind.


In your first example, your job is not to fight them. It's to hold them off until reinforcements come. As soon as you see red namplates, how difficult is it to type "inc right"? You did not do that, no one knew to come help. Even if they are beating on you, how difficult is it to pop a defensive cooldown and use that time to type 9 letters? Again, your job is not to beat them, it's to hold them off until reinforcements come. Saying you are the only one there is not calling for help. Yes, there should be two there if you hold two nodes, but you can still hold it solo as long as you call out inc.


Let's even assume a second one DID come help you. You did not call inc. What happens if the two inc take both of you down? They cap node and you lose it anyway. Saying you are the only one there is not good enough. The fact that you did not call inc is why you lost the turret.


In your second example, you don't stun/CC unless someone is already capping if they don't know what you're doing. For all they know, you were going for the cap and they have to hold off the incoming defenders. All you said was "I'm going left", you did not say "I'm going to hold off left, try to cap it".


If he is alone at a node and states it, then that is him asking for help. He shouldn't have to wait for the enemy team to actually be incoming before he calls for assistance. It is only a matter of time before they see him alone and take advantage of it. With two people there they can easily defend a node until help arrives. That situation was the rest of his team being greedy and trying to earn medals and leaving him to die.


As far as the second situation, if he was running towards the enemies side instead of the node, then common sense dictates that his goal was to slow them down. A perfect chance for the other to attempt the node. Sometimes a tactic like this works, sometimes it doesn't. But the guy with him should still be able to see what he was attempting to do and take advantage of the time.

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If he is alone at a node and states it, then that is him asking for help. He shouldn't have to wait for the enemy team to actually be incoming before he calls for assistance. It is only a matter of time before they see him alone and take advantage of it. With two people there they can easily defend a node until help arrives. That situation was the rest of his team being greedy and trying to earn medals and leaving him to die.


As far as the second situation, if he was running towards the enemies side instead of the node, then common sense dictates that his goal was to slow them down. A perfect chance for the other to attempt the node. Sometimes a tactic like this works, sometimes it doesn't. But the guy with him should still be able to see what he was attempting to do and take advantage of the time.

You can solo defend a node. Saying you are the only one there is not telling people the situation. How difficult is it to type "inc right" as soon as you see them coming?


As for the second one, my bad, I misread it as Voidstar for some reason. In any case, why someone with Force Speed wouldn't go for the cap is beyond me. With Force Speed on left node and proper LoS, Imps can't stop you from capping.

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eh I see both sides being wrong here, more communication is needed from OP to his teammates, and his teammates need more awareness of what is going on.


when I'm running CW with my guild I will often times solo defend, or leave someone to solo defend, but I constantly check my ops frame to watch that person's health and am always keeping an eye on the other side of the map and listening to vent, and we are confident in leaving someone to solo defend because we KNOW he will call out "inc 1" "inc 3" or SOMETHING in vent or chat, if you're team doesn't get the "inc" call they think you're just complaining and don't need help


this was both sides fault and all of you are bads l2p

Edited by Romanticyde
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..How difficult is it to type "inc right" as soon as you see them coming?

Seemingly for me, really difficult. By the time I get the message out, I've been chain stunned and am about to die. :D


I think that the problem is the shift from normal typing to the hand position I use for "WASD" (shifted left one key). That and the stupid adrenaline.

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Seemingly for me, really difficult. By the time I get the message out, I've been chain stunned and am about to die. :D


I think that the problem is the shift from normal typing to the hand position I use for "WASD" (shifted left one key). That and the stupid adrenaline.


stop keyboard turning....

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When some obvious things happen, players tend to dismiss other players as "Bad", but it really needs to stop because most of the time they are too enamered with their own leetness to even understand situational awareness. This is objective based PvP after all..


Example 1: Alderaan; we got two turrets, score 450-370..


1. Type: "4 imps middle.."

2. Action: Everyone except me run middle.

3. Type: "Hey guys I am by myself @ right, so."

4. Action: Two BM imps (one notorious Jugg imp too)come right

5. Action: Try to hold out until calvary comes.

6. Action: Death, but no calvary, lose right turret

7. Type: "Man you are bad."

8. Type: "Did I type in chinese when I said I was by myself?"

9. Type: "You got to ""call"" it out"

10. Type: "W.T.F., didn't I say I was by myself before anyone even showed up? Sorry I was too busy trying to stay alive until the calvary arrived"



Example 2: Alderaan: Start/At ship

1. Type: "Im going left"

2. Action: At speeder landing, see three imps going left.

3. Action: use force speed to cut them off, stuns/cc's to slow them down, in the HOPE that someone went left to cap.

4. Type: "You are a ******* idiot"

5. Type: "?????"

6. Type: "You ***** idiot, why didn't you cap the turret?"

7. Type: "I was trying to cut them off because you can't cap faster than they can get there, why didn't you cap since you were behind me and saw where I was going?"

8. Type: "blahh, blah, blah, you suck"

9. Type: "What took u so ****** long to get off the ship?"




Please players, PLEASE. Before you make deragatory statements towards players, look at your map, check your balance, ask him what his train of thought was, give feedback on why he should have done something, STOP THE ZERGFEST if it puts your team in a vulnurable position. This crap happens on a nightly basis and needs to stop.




It's a PUG man, besides you just got 3 capped you guys wern't gonna win anyway.


There's always next time. And if someone says "Man your BAD" in a three cap then they need to look in the mirrior.


That said 2 is MIN on D....YOU HEAR THAT PEOPLE...2....Unless of course you only have 1 base, then 1 is ok...until about 2 min before GAME OVER then empty the base and go all out on trying to get second cap!


So easy a 8 year old could do it.

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It really boils down to a couple things...


1)Most players honestly expect to win every warzone.


2)Failing #1, it is obviously the fault of the rest of the team because there is no way the opposing team could possibly win with superior tactics and teamwork, that and most people who honestly believe #1, also believe that they never make mistakes and are superior in every way/shape and form to other players.

Edited by Nytak
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With vent, easy. Without vent...


Pugging is definitely a challenge to play as a team. Always was and always will be until in game voice chat is set up.

Pugging and vent / in game voice just don't go well together either anyway. There's a lot of folks that don't use a mic even if they have one.

It's fun to listen to a raging mr. know-it-all self-proclaimed ops leader though.

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If he is alone at a node and states it, then that is him asking for help. He shouldn't have to wait for the enemy team to actually be incoming before he calls for assistance. It is only a matter of time before they see him alone and take advantage of it. With two people there they can easily defend a node until help arrives. That situation was the rest of his team being greedy and trying to earn medals and leaving him to die.


As far as the second situation, if he was running towards the enemies side instead of the node, then common sense dictates that his goal was to slow them down. A perfect chance for the other to attempt the node. Sometimes a tactic like this works, sometimes it doesn't. But the guy with him should still be able to see what he was attempting to do and take advantage of the time.


Thank you for coming to my defense on this. It is not "my fault" for not calling it out. Every second I waste typing is a sec lost defending, buffing, etc...

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People just need to constantly hit map to see where their teammates are. If you see one side has 1 or nobody guarding, quickly run there! Ninja will get it. Also when call inc, say how many. You don't need 5 people to zerg 1 inc while the other turret is lefted under-guarded.


Also even if you get drawn out, spin your camera around so you can see the door!


I guess quite number of people just want to relax in warzone so they don't care, just want to smash smash smash!

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Thank you for coming to my defense on this. It is not "my fault" for not calling it out. Every second I waste typing is a sec lost defending, buffing, etc...


WRONG...in a pug u have to call it out B4 they get to you. a jugg has no stealth a GOOD player would have seen it coming.


That said I did Def you in an earlier post...


But this is WRONG!

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Pugging and vent / in game voice just don't go well together either anyway. There's a lot of folks that don't use a mic even if they have one.

It's fun to listen to a raging mr. know-it-all self-proclaimed ops leader though.


I used in game voice chat in EQ2 pug groups constantly, even in their battlegroups, we used in game voice chat.


Speaking of EQ2, I miss that game lol.


Maybe SWtOR should have in game voice chat.

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I used in game voice chat in EQ2 pug groups constantly, even in their battlegroups, we used in game voice chat.


Speaking of EQ2, I miss that game lol.


Maybe SWtOR should have in game voice chat.

It doesn't solve the problem though, folks inability to listen is about as strong as inability to read.

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You can solo defend a node. Saying you are the only one there is not telling people the situation. How difficult is it to type "inc right" as soon as you see them coming?


As for the second one, my bad, I misread it as Voidstar for some reason. In any case, why someone with Force Speed wouldn't go for the cap is beyond me. With Force Speed on left node and proper LoS, Imps can't stop you from capping.


Yes you can solo defend a node, but for how long and how many people? The jugg came, I was ok, then a stealth sin came. My stuns/cc's got broke, I could only break one of theirs, and they wrecked me in like 10 or 11 GCD. If I would have started typing, it would have been 8 GCD. Does it take others that long to realize I am getting smoked like that? especially in a middle zergfest. And even if it did, saying "you suck" is just tardo.



Imps got force speed too. I have used that tactic MANY times, done it as first off the ship, only to be stopped by the imps @ 6-7.9sec. If no one goes and slows them down, YOU WONT CAP IT, trust me. There are also MANY players who "follow" me to cap when they should be trying to cut down the angle and slow them down.



IMO warzone balance and teamwork is secondary to grudges and zerging.

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Thank you for coming to my defense on this. It is not "my fault" for not calling it out. Every second I waste typing is a sec lost defending, buffing, etc...
Sigh. When do people learn...


Defending a node, your job IS NOT TO BEAT THEM. Your job is to let your team know people are coming and to hold them off until reinforcements come. As soon as you see ANYONE heading your way, you call "left/right inc". They are a good 50-60 meters off at this point and not in range. If you can't type that in the 5-10 seconds it takes for them to get to you, then you really need help typing. You DONT call inc AFTER you are being attacked. You call it as soon as you see them heading your way. This is not hard to do.


Again, what happens if you DID have a second guy here? If you don't call inc, then you'd STILL GET OVERRUN AND LOSE THE NODE. Don't scapegoat the rest of the team because there wasn't a second defender. It was your fault you didn't call inc.

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WRONG...in a pug u have to call it out B4 they get to you. a jugg has no stealth a GOOD player would have seen it coming.


That said I did Def you in an earlier post...


But this is WRONG!



Why call out one right? So the whole team can come zerg right for one guy and leave middle open? I can handle 1 Jugg, can't when someone unseen comes in.



Why call out anything for that matter? You should not have too because I should have not been alone in the first place right after we beat the imps to cap said node.. If you look at your map and see a teammate alone, STOP ZERGING, start going to that spot and wait to see where the other chips fall. If you die, go to the spot(capped) where the least amount of teammates are, etc...



Does typing "XXXXX" really make you a "good player"? I just can't believe that me trying to hold off enemies to makeup for team imbalance is EVER considered "bad". I also hate the fact that they can't understand that maybe, just maybe I was getting my *** handed to me and unable to type, before they put me on blast in ops..


I guess this boils down to: Die sooner and type, or hold out as long as possible and hope your teammates are paying attention.

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