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Best Pyrotech build (currently or for 1.2)


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Hey so i just want to know if the build im basing my Pyrotech off of is the best for right now or if 1.2 causes a slight change which means a change of builds. Im currently only lvl23 so id rather find a different build if there is one so i dont bave to reset later on as I get to higher levels.


Current build: 4/6/31



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1.2 should make more use of TD than what is on Live. Since right now it doesn't make much sense as you have potentially lose an PPA Proc.


Whereas come patch with ICD added it will be most likely a filler between abilities.


Haven't seen much actual PvP Testing done on PTS so can't say entirely for sure.

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im thinking of grabbing retractable blade for 1.2 since burnout is useless for me in pvp, ive never not killed a target that got under 30% life... i dont need more dmg at this point.


5/11/25, points are obvious, use retractable as the filler for when you cant get another PPA proc.


all the testing and i just cant think of a really good 1.2 spec, no matter how you look at it, this class is getting nerfed hugely. 1 tree is still useless and shieldtech dmg is just not my thing, i dont wanna use a shield generator... great for control tho. ironfist not getting any nerfs so it will probably be king come 1.2 if not already.

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im thinking of grabbing retractable blade for 1.2 since burnout is useless for me in pvp, ive never not killed a target that got under 30% life... i dont need more dmg at this point.


5/11/25, points are obvious, use retractable as the filler for when you cant get another PPA proc.


all the testing and i just cant think of a really good 1.2 spec, no matter how you look at it, this class is getting nerfed hugely. 1 tree is still useless and shieldtech dmg is just not my thing, i dont wanna use a shield generator... great for control tho. ironfist not getting any nerfs so it will probably be king come 1.2 if not already.


Taking 3/3 Steely Resolve is I think alot more worth it than RB. Why invest that many point to take an ability that can be mitigated by armor? Hec the only reason to take it as a deep AP is to proc RS. And now with 1.2 they added to top tear talent for the slow effect and applying Charged Gauntlets. Otherwise it is a very sub-par damaging ability.

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im thinking of grabbing retractable blade for 1.2 since burnout is useless for me in pvp, ive never not killed a target that got under 30% life... i dont need more dmg at this point.


5/11/25, points are obvious, use retractable as the filler for when you cant get another PPA proc.


all the testing and i just cant think of a really good 1.2 spec, no matter how you look at it, this class is getting nerfed hugely. 1 tree is still useless and shieldtech dmg is just not my thing, i dont wanna use a shield generator... great for control tho. ironfist not getting any nerfs so it will probably be king come 1.2 if not already.


AP is useless? Hell I"m spec'd into it now and love it. Not the burst of Pyro but in 1.2 I think with combat logs you'll see a close same Damage done over time, but pyro being a bit ahead in burst. With the 30%/70% snares and uninted FT, gonna like it even more. Just give me the 30% snare and I'd be happy.

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AP is useless? Hell I"m spec'd into it now and love it. Not the burst of Pyro but in 1.2 I think with combat logs you'll see a close same Damage done over time, but pyro being a bit ahead in burst. With the 30%/70% snares and uninted FT, gonna like it even more. Just give me the 30% snare and I'd be happy.


You are just a less damaging marauder without force leap and their defensive cooldowns. You also have a worse energy management system.


AP is subpar. You are also free 1 on 1 to every class, as it is really terrible 1v1.


As long as heat management is possible with pyro then it is still better even after nerf.

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why does nobody ever put the points into endurance?


Because Endurance is only required by tanks, as far as PvE goes. As a DPS and healer, not only should you not be getting hit while running Flashpoints and Ops, even if you are the 3% buff is going to do diddly squat for you. So you're always better off taking those points and putting them somewhere else.

Edited by Malles
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Taking 3/3 Steely Resolve is I think alot more worth it than RB. Why invest that many point to take an ability that can be mitigated by armor? Hec the only reason to take it as a deep AP is to proc RS. And now with 1.2 they added to top tear talent for the slow effect and applying Charged Gauntlets. Otherwise it is a very sub-par damaging ability.


RB's dot is internal and goes thru armor. my goal is to dot ppl up and run away, who cares if the initial hit isnt? burnout and thermal detonator imo are just not worth it, you just lose too much dmg from the other 2 trees that could be going to railshot and your dots.


again this is for 1.2 where heat will be an issue, so running away while dot ticks is your heat management, im not discussing right now, everyone knows what to do now.

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RB's dot is internal and goes thru armor. my goal is to dot ppl up and run away, who cares if the initial hit isnt? burnout and thermal detonator imo are just not worth it, you just lose too much dmg from the other 2 trees that could be going to railshot and your dots.


again this is for 1.2 where heat will be an issue, so running away while dot ticks is your heat management, im not discussing right now, everyone knows what to do now.


What are the problems with heat management? I see people talking about it but haven't seen any posts saying what it is.

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RB's dot is internal and goes thru armor. my goal is to dot ppl up and run away, who cares if the initial hit isnt? burnout and thermal detonator imo are just not worth it, you just lose too much dmg from the other 2 trees that could be going to railshot and your dots.


again this is for 1.2 where heat will be an issue, so running away while dot ticks is your heat management, im not discussing right now, everyone knows what to do now.


Your "GOAL" is to DOT people up and run away? LOL omg that is the silliest thing I have ever heard. Ok so it would take you say hmmm 10-15 dots on ONE person to kill him? lol assuming he is not getting healed or completely cleansed the entire dot effect.


TD +Burnout makes you loose damage? seriously I am not sure if you are just pulling people's legs or being serious. TD can crit for 5k+ and burnout helps you finish off people quicker. 8/6/27 has the highest sustained damage. 4/6/31 has the highest burst. You want to dabble with AP, go ahead, but do so for the right reasons, like Quell, HO, or even Flame Throwing, but to make an argument to invest point to get RB dots on people, is just ridiculous. If you're going into PvP to dot people and running away, you're as effective as someone going afk in the WZ.

Edited by Agooz
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RB's dot is internal and goes thru armor. my goal is to dot ppl up and run away, who cares if the initial hit isnt? burnout and thermal detonator imo are just not worth it, you just lose too much dmg from the other 2 trees that could be going to railshot and your dots.


again this is for 1.2 where heat will be an issue, so running away while dot ticks is your heat management, im not discussing right now, everyone knows what to do now.


RB without the replacement for Kolto Vents is really, really lackluster. The dot does not benefit from Reign of Fire, and it's only benefit would be for PPA, but you already have CQC and the fire dots. So what are you gaining exactly? You get more damage if you just spam FB and RS to get the CQC slow and dot.


If you are going deep enough for RB than either go Iron fist or go deep AP for the slow.


In 1.2 I am thinking of trying out - 7/32/2 - you get 50 percent slow on RB, the speed increase, and if you find someone dumb enough to stand still for a Flame Thrower and it's 70 percent slow with a 50 percent bonus damage. You might be able to fry them. I was thinking about faster Quell, but I find I don't interrupt as much as I should now.

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RB without the replacement for Kolto Vents is really, really lackluster. The dot does not benefit from Reign of Fire, and it's only benefit would be for PPA, but you already have CQC and the fire dots. So what are you gaining exactly? You get more damage if you just spam FB and RS to get the CQC slow and dot.


If you are going deep enough for RB than either go Iron fist or go deep AP for the slow.


In 1.2 I am thinking of trying out - 7/32/2 - you get 50 percent slow on RB, the speed increase, and if you find someone dumb enough to stand still for a Flame Thrower and it's 70 percent slow with a 50 percent bonus damage. You might be able to fry them. I was thinking about faster Quell, but I find I don't interrupt as much as I should now.


I, Like you, run advance prototype spec. i find that the heat managment is way superior to pyro. I know that there are many ppl who will swear to pyro for the burst but i dont have a problem with burst as it is. they can get a 5k TD hit butother than that they rely heavily on prced railshots. this is boring an lame imho. as AP my Immo will hit 3.5-4.3k which is very decent. my RP will hit for 3.3-4k which is very good as well and that leaves me with 100 heat still.. i use Rb to get my 100 percent crit on RS if not already proced and railshot also hits for 3.6-4.5k easy. then i have flame burst for a filler but by then Immo is ready to go as is RP. The percs however outweigh pyro imo. immunity to cc. vent heat heals reduced cd on my cc and 6 sec interupts. however the spec u run i have to question... as a pt i find myself always moving so i never really use flamethrower so the 2 points for it should be put into finishing SA and the 2 percent mitigated dmg is about useless imho. 2 percent is nothing and would better suit u in a lower cd on ur cc. just my thoughts though. i run 8/31/2

Edit: I also dont use combust in the tank tree. i go for aim to increase my bonus dmg

Edited by Warlordomega
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I, Like you, run advance prototype spec. i find that the heat managment is way superior to pyro. I know that there are many ppl who will swear to pyro for the burst but i dont have a problem with burst as it is. they can get a 5k TD hit butother than that they rely heavily on prced railshots. this is boring an lame imho. as AP my Immo will hit 3.5-4.3k which is very decent. my RP will hit for 3.3-4k which is very good as well and that leaves me with 100 heat still.. i use Rb to get my 100 percent crit on RS if not already proced and railshot also hits for 3.6-4.5k easy. then i have flame burst for a filler but by then Immo is ready to go as is RP. The percs however outweigh pyro imo. immunity to cc. vent heat heals reduced cd on my cc and 6 sec interupts. however the spec u run i have to question... as a pt i find myself always moving so i never really use flamethrower so the 2 points for it should be put into finishing SA and the 2 percent mitigated dmg is about useless imho. 2 percent is nothing and would better suit u in a lower cd on ur cc. just my thoughts though. i run 8/31/2

Edit: I also dont use combust in the tank tree. i go for aim to increase my bonus dmg


I don't run AP live (I hope and pray that 1.2 fixes the lackluster output). I personally love Retractable Blade's Animation. However, the dps difference at this point is too significant for me to roll AP in pvp. A 3 proc rail shot will wipe out any class. The slow from CGC, and the dps of TD/IM/FB/RP/RS procs is too much for anyone to handle.


AP is better with heat, but I love facing AP specced PT/VG because I can drop them much faster than they can me, and they provide very little in terms of utility.


Pyro has instant CGC with FB, Improved Rail shot damage, Burnout, TD, and RP improved. AP has more crits, no slows, a really weak bleed. You are limited to the CD of Rail Shot.


I will put together a plus minus sheet later with the reasons for them.

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I don't run AP live (I hope and pray that 1.2 fixes the lackluster output). I personally love Retractable Blade's Animation. However, the dps difference at this point is too significant for me to roll AP in pvp. A 3 proc rail shot will wipe out any class. The slow from CGC, and the dps of TD/IM/FB/RP/RS procs is too much for anyone to handle.


AP is better with heat, but I love facing AP specced PT/VG because I can drop them much faster than they can me, and they provide very little in terms of utility.


Pyro has instant CGC with FB, Improved Rail shot damage, Burnout, TD, and RP improved. AP has more crits, no slows, a really weak bleed. You are limited to the CD of Rail Shot.


I will put together a plus minus sheet later with the reasons for them.


1. are you on the pts?

2. I am

3. Show me how pyro has more burst with your charts/meters...oh wait there isnt any

4. pyros burst is great but as soon as u get it you have over heated an rely too much on rapid shots.

5. ap burst is just fine. i could care less about railshots cd. i like how u name no-brainer percs to ap yet leave so many out. with my heatmanagment being better i can get 2 4-4.5k crits off with just Immo and RP and thats a total of 8 heat. yea my RP is free like your railshot. after that i have railshot which will auto crit meaning 65 percent more dmg to it pluss the dmg from tank talents pluss 60 armor pen. my RP has 30 percent more crit as well

6. i take 20 percent less dmg when stunned

7. i heal when i use vent heat which is all i use it for seeing as i rarely if ever need it

8.i have 10 seconds off my stun...

9. i have a 6 not 8 second interupt

10. the only burst you have on this class is you can get a 5k hit MAYBE of your TD for 25 heat while i can adrenal/relic a 5k easy with Immo which is 8 followed by a sick RP that is free.

Im not here to say pyro is bad. by all means it is good....but imho AP burst is on par with it with more utility to save your arse

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4. pyros burst is great but as soon as u get it you have over heated an rely too much on rapid shots.


You are playing it wrong if this is your problem. If you are bursting, you are venting every time you are using RS. I only run into heat issues when I accidentally change targets and don't get to RS when I need it.


5. ap burst is just fine. i could care less about railshots cd. i like how u name no-brainer percs to ap yet leave so many out. with my heatmanagment being better i can get 2 4-4.5k crits off with just Immo and RP and thats a total of 8 heat. yea my RP is free like your railshot. after that i have railshot which will auto crit meaning 65 percent more dmg to it pluss the dmg from tank talents pluss 60 armor pen. my RP has 30 percent more crit as well.


Rail shot has multiple procs and hits harder. Pyro get 30 percent more crit damage on CQC a running dot, IM (a running dot), Rail Shot (hardest hitter) and TD. This is way better than getting increased crit damage on RP, Immolate, FB. Way way better, mainly because Pyro has a higher chance of proccing them on a constant basis. We fire more RS than you do RP. Plus doesn't that make you more RNG and Crit dependant than Pyro?


6. i take 20 percent less dmg when stunned

7. i heal when i use vent heat which is all i use it for seeing as i rarely if ever need it

8.i have 10 seconds off my stun...


No one cares about 20 percent less dmg when stunned. It only matters in 1v1 and holding the ball. I kill things at least 20 percent faster. Your self heal is gone in 1.2.


10. the only burst you have on this class is you can get a 5k hit MAYBE of your TD for 25 heat while i can adrenal/relic a 5k easy with Immo which is 8 followed by a sick RP that is free.

Im not here to say pyro is bad. by all means it is good....but imho AP burst is on par with it with more utility to save your arse


Again, you are playing it wrong if TD is considered burst. The burst is the RS/RP/RS/FB/RS barrage that will level a healer in 6 seconds. You need an adrenal to get 5k on TD. I don't.


Your misunderstanding of the Pyro class is why you are confused with thinking you are on par with Pyro.

Edited by TheOpf
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I love comparison lists, and though it’s widely agreed that the two best PT specs are far and away Pyro and Shield tech. The Powertech is one of the few PVP trees that allow multiple Hybrid styles as well as a very versatile tanking/dps trees. The only downside is the complete lack of viability/competitiveness of the AP Tree. Most Powertech’s would widely agree that AP is severly lacking in dps out compared to the Pyro tree especially when it comes to PVP, but there are some serious pvp differences as well.


Pyro vs. AP – The reason Pyro is stronger using common sense


31 point talents

AP boasts Immolate. It hits for a base damage of 623 and it’s crit damage is buffed by Prototype Weapon systems.


Pyro boasts Thermal Detonator which hits for a base damage of 949 Damage. Is buffed by Automated defenses and Firebug.


Advantage: Pyro – greater baseline damage, and neither are spammable making TD an obvious winner.


Inherent Baseline Trees



  1. Higher Dot damage with CQC and Rail Shot refreshing CQC
  2. Burnout - Improved damage once target is below 30 percent
  3. Improved damge to burning targets on the two hardest hitting attacks. (Rocket Punch and Rail shot)
  4. Extra 30 percent Armor Penetration on Railshot.
  5. 8 percent vented heat every free Rail Shot which currently can be quite a bit with no




  1. 8 percent increase to all damage through HEC.
  2. Retractable Blade – Only baseline dot and must be on to trigger Rail shot
  3. Free Rocket Punch
  4. 50 percent chance for a guaranteed crit with Rail Shot.
  5. Guaranteed venting
  6. 50 percent more damage to Flame Thrower


Advantage: Pyro – Everything AP uses hits for less damage except Flame Thrower. AP has weaker RP thanks to no Reign of Fire, a weaker 31 point talent, a weaker Dot, that does not gain a buff like Burnout. They lose 30 percent Armor Penetration to rail shot so their rail shot hits less often and for less.


So let’s knock this out.


AP needs more crit because they don’t get the bonus critical hit that Pyro gets, they need to stack more power to make up the minimum 10 percent less damage in RP, and at least 10 percent less damage to RP. Pyro gets Free Rail shot which hits harder than Rocket punch and costs the same. AP gets free Rocket Punch.

Advantage: Pyro


Pyro has no wasted points in a pure dps build. AP would need to put points in Imp Electrocute, or some other pvp space.

Advantage: Pyro




Pyro has a very dynamic rotation which requires weaving RP/FB around Rail shot procs while tossing TD and keeping IM up.


AP’s rotation is Immolate, RB, RP, RS, than weaving FB (our 2nd worst energy efficient attack) to get the 5 stack to use Flamethrower fully buffed. While tossing out free RP’s.


Advantage: Pyro offers more burst so advantage Pyro especially for pvp.


So please someone show me where AP wins out? Flame Thrower is awful energy wise, and it’s a channeled spell meaning in the time it’s channeled, I can deal out a few more attacks as Pyro.


Advantage: Pyro


I am sorry, I have yet to see where or how AP can be a better tree. If it hits for less damage, has fewer dots, has a weaker 31 point talent, and your biggest attack is flame thrower.


Look I don't hate AP. I just know it needs work. I want it to work. I want AP to be competitive. I love AP, but it's not even close in terms of pure utility and dps. Slows > Increased speed any time anywhere.


If RB had a better baseline damage and AP didn't lose a minimum of 1 percent damage, on RP and RS than you could say on live it's worth speccing AP. Currently it's not worth it even in the slightest. Pyro has more damage down it's tree than anything AP provides. I am not a Pyro lover, I am a realist who wishes they would improve the AP tree.


It's the dreamers who refuse to acknowledge the obvious weaknesses of this tree that are preventing the developers from seeing how bad it is. The improvements in 1.2 are a step in the right direction.

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You are playing it wrong if this is your problem. If you are bursting, you are venting every time you are using RS. I only run into heat issues when I accidentally change targets and don't get to RS when I need it.




Rail shot has multiple procs and hits harder. Pyro get 30 percent more crit damage on CQC a running dot, IM (a running dot), Rail Shot (hardest hitter) and TD. This is way better than getting increased crit damage on RP, Immolate, FB. Way way better, mainly because Pyro has a higher chance of proccing them on a constant basis. We fire more RS than you do RP. Plus doesn't that make you more RNG and Crit dependant than Pyro?




No one cares about 20 percent less dmg when stunned. It only matters in 1v1 and holding the ball. I kill things at least 20 percent faster. Your self heal is gone in 1.2.




Again, you are playing it wrong if TD is considered burst. The burst is the RS/RP/RS/FB/RS barrage that will level a healer in 6 seconds. You need an adrenal to get 5k on TD. I don't.


Your misunderstanding of the Pyro class is why you are confused with thinking you are on par with Pyro.

so you rely on the LUCK of rail shot procs. that is going away in 1.2 and most GOOD pvPers want reliability to luck burst or luck nothing.


When it comes to rated WZs the last thing your team will want to hear is "i didn't get any procs so we lost"

Edited by Hizoka
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You are playing it wrong if this is your problem. If you are bursting, you are venting every time you are using RS. I only run into heat issues when I accidentally change targets and don't get to RS when I need it.




Rail shot has multiple procs and hits harder. Pyro get 30 percent more crit damage on CQC a running dot, IM (a running dot), Rail Shot (hardest hitter) and TD. This is way better than getting increased crit damage on RP, Immolate, FB. Way way better, mainly because Pyro has a higher chance of proccing them on a constant basis. We fire more RS than you do RP. Plus doesn't that make you more RNG and Crit dependant than Pyro?




No one cares about 20 percent less dmg when stunned. It only matters in 1v1 and holding the ball. I kill things at least 20 percent faster. Your self heal is gone in 1.2.




Again, you are playing it wrong if TD is considered burst. The burst is the RS/RP/RS/FB/RS barrage that will level a healer in 6 seconds. You need an adrenal to get 5k on TD. I don't.


Your misunderstanding of the Pyro class is why you are confused with thinking you are on par with Pyro.


think before you speak are the words that come to mind... i never said i have heat issues as pyro.. i said it can occure more than AP. if your procs hit then yea youl be set but if not you have to have fillers which will overheat pyro in seconds. like you said if u think 5k is burst your wrong. ok lets go with that. then what does it matter if i need an adrenal or not im throwing steady avg of 3.8k-4.7ks out no adrenals and just keep spamming withj no worries to heat. you have to rely on those procs or you are useless and you think pyro is better? ok by all means... and in regard to your "I own every Ap easily as pyro". name the realm ill gladly coem show you whats up. like i said pyro is fine so dont twist my words. i never said which was better just which i prefered and its bennifits. Maybe its you who are playing AP like a monkey smashing his face on a keyboard that makes people think AP is bad?

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so you rely on the LUCK of rail shot procs. that is going away in 1.2 and most GOOD pvPers want reliability to luck burst or luck nothing.


When it comes to rated WZs the last thing your team will want to hear is "i didn't get any procs so we lost"


haha! hahaa! haha! haha!


That's hilarious. First off the burst on Pyro is so strong right now, I can get attack with half my health gone, and if I get the string of procs, I can drop just about anyone. The odds of me not getting any procs is almost nil which about the same odds of you competing with me in damage or dps as an AP on live.


We are talking about live. My goodness how do you function seriously? You scream about how competitive you are on live, and then use 1.2 and rated which isn't even up yet. Let me make this very clear so your limited capacity can catch it.




Is that clear enough or do we need to spell it out even more for you?


The burst is not going away in 1.2. It's just being reduced by one RS which will bring Pyro closer to AP. That's all, wow, you are so annoyingly all over the place. I have tried to be nice to you, but you constantly read only what you want, refuse to acknowledge that you are wrong and compare 1.2 to live.


In this above comment, it shows that you know Pyro is stronger that's why they are minimizing the burst so you can actually use AP and not get steamrolled.

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haha! hahaa! haha! haha!


That's hilarious. First off the burst on Pyro is so strong right now, I can get attack with half my health gone, and if I get the string of procs, I can drop just about anyone. The odds of me not getting any procs is almost nil which about the same odds of you competing with me in damage or dps as an AP on live.


We are talking about live. My goodness how do you function seriously? You scream about how competitive you are on live, and then use 1.2 and rated which isn't even up yet. Let me make this very clear so your limited capacity can catch it.




Is that clear enough or do we need to spell it out even more for you?


The burst is not going away in 1.2. It's just being reduced by one RS which will bring Pyro closer to AP. That's all, wow, you are so annoyingly all over the place. I have tried to be nice to you, but you constantly read only what you want, refuse to acknowledge that you are wrong and compare 1.2 to live.


In this above comment, it shows that you know Pyro is stronger that's why they are minimizing the burst so you can actually use AP and not get steamrolled.


And your a hypocrit if that is the case because you originaly brought 1.2 into this saying my self heal was gone.... but as of live its still here and kicking

and you have shown nothing to prove pyro is better... im sorry but you keep overlapping your previous posts

Edited by Warlordomega
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