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Legacy a big dissapointment!


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Let me start off by saying, that my legacy lvl on the live servers is 50. I have 4 lvl 50 characters, 1 of each class with all the companions maxed out in affection (no life, I know).

So after grinding a character to lvl 30 on the test server, to see all the cool stuff bioware was going to throw my way, I was to say the least disappointed. I have no intentions of playing Empire as it forces me to leave my community and leaves me with a character that is totally useless to me. So after discovering that the things I planed on paying for with credits, is not purchasable, like unlocking companions and special ability's from the opposite faction. And the stuff I have opened up for, the so called perks of gaining a high lvl of legacy, turns out to be a credit dump like you wouldn't believe.


#1 reduced fleetpass cooldown, 3 ranks at 100k, 200k and 300k that lowers the cooldown with 6 hours, letting you use it every 12 hours. I can buy 600 1 hour cooldown fleetpasses for that investment, NO THANKS-

#2 same goes for quick travel, a total of 600k and a reduction of 6min.

#3 Ship upgrades, repair droid 1 mill for that. mailbox, OPS training dummy and pvp training dummy 500k each. and ofc the laughingstock of them all, the GTN a whopping 5mill for that, again no thanks ill just port in on the fleet.

#4 Rocket boosters, for those of you who thought that was something to look forward to, start saving up the credits. It consists of 3 ranks 1 ability and 2 upgrades. 2 mill for the ability, 1 mill for rank 2 and 1,5 mill for rank 3 and the upgrades is just a lowering of the CD.

#5 Species, all of them cost 1.5 mill to unlock except human you can get that for 500k.


Things that should have been here in patch 1.2 but have been pushed to the status "coming soon" and we all know what that means since the legacy page have had that title since launch.


#1 lvl 25 mounts at lvl 10.

#2 design the way you lvl, that was the words from bioware at the guild summit. so i can choose to increase my XP gain from space missions, PVP or Flashpoint. I'm a PVE kind of guy, so I would choose flashpoints, only problem with that is finding a grp at low lvl is like finding water in the dessert (not much difference at lvl 50).

#3 Increase crit chance when crafting. we need that now since you implement orange gear with augment slot. by the time your able to get these perks its gonna be to late, just like all the other stuff.

#4 Repair droids, mail box and the opportunity to respec (dual spec is what I want) on the fly. Just a thought, how about a cargo hold ship drop? I don't need a mailbox when my Inventory is full.


So here are some of the things I was hoping for when I opened up the legacy window.


#1 more materials per node.

#2 faster mission/crafting times

#3 increased mount speed

#4 cool titels

#5 a party summon


So in conclusion, if the new OPS don't rock my world with fun and amazing tactics. Not like the current OPS, which is just a gearcheck and lacks the ability to test peoples IQ. the only boss our guild have had troubles with is SOA and thats not couse it's hard but course it's a bug fest and the worst designed boss mechanics I have ever experienced. phase 1 is for idiots, phase 2 and 3 is where it all goes to hell. Not being able to heal the peeps that gets picked up and thrown around 1st fail, picking peeps up that have just been targeted by lighting 2nd fail, dropping peeps on lightning or over the edge if if phase is over 3rd fail, throwing the tank in the air 4th fail, pulling the tank in mind prison in the last phase is just one of the most retarded fails of all time as the window of opportunity to drag SOA to the pillars are short and you need to hit him every time. and then there is all the bugs OMG it's endgame contend, wake up bioware. things we have experienced in my raid grp, peeps getting stuck in mind prisons, lightning ball that don't die but end up at 5-10% HP, lightning balls that stop chasing after 2nd phase ends up on the first platform, SOA never comes down to the last phase he just hangs in the air, SOA not loosing his shield after hitting him with a pillar, SOA Disappearing just when he is about to die, platforms that haven't reset after a wipe, I'm sure there is more but those are the ones that come to mind.

Edited by hvalhajen
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So after grinding a character to lvl 30 on the test server


A lot of the things you just mentioned require legacy level to not have to pay the monetary fee for; i.e. a fresh 30 has 0 legacy points/level and your prices reflect that

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A lot of the things you just mentioned require legacy level to not have to pay the monetary fee for; i.e. a fresh 30 has 0 legacy points/level and your prices reflect that


I highly doubt It it, since it clearly stats what requirements are needed for unlocking and what is needed for purchace

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I highly doubt It it, since it clearly stats what requirements are needed for unlocking and what is needed for purchace


Most of the unlocks can either be purchased with credits or it is free with the appropriate legacy level/requirements reached.

Edited by Azzras
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And everyone knows that BW said 1.2 is all there will be for the legacy system.


They definitely didn't say that they will be expanding it further over the months to come.


You have been fined 5 credits for excessive sarcasm:jawa_wink:

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well I guess it will just be an enigma to me that some skills are marked with both unlock requirements and purchase requirement. and others are just marked with purchase like the GTN and when pushed it sais insufficient level and not credits. Edited by hvalhajen
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Other than #5, you do have to pay for the rest don't you? Get to that legacy level and you gain the ability to purchase that perk. Its just the species you can unlock by leveling them.


I don't really have a problem with that as this game needs money sinks. But, some of you people aren't really expecting to get stuff like training dummies and GTN kiosks for free when they hit the appropriate legacy level are you?

Edited by Claymaniac
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pages of information and 1000 posts and people still don't understand how the new legacy system works.


I understand what I have been told about the legacy system, sadly that's not what I experience on the test server. But feel free to link me something about the evidence that all this stuff is free if you have the right legacy lvl, course as it is right now there are no purchase options only the information you don't have the right LEVEL to buy

Edited by hvalhajen
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Let me start off by saying, that my legacy lvl on the live servers is 50. I have 4 lvl 50 characters, 1 of each class with all the companions maxed out in affection (no life, I know).

So after grinding a character to lvl 30 on the test server, to see all the cool stuff bioware was going to throw my way, I was to say the least disappointed. I have no intentions of playing Empire as it forces me to leave my community and leaves me with a character that is totally useless to me. So after discovering that the things I planed on paying for with credits, is not purchasable, like unlocking companions and special ability's from the opposite faction. And the stuff I have opened up for, the so called perks of gaining a high lvl of legacy, turns out to be a credit dump like you wouldn't believe.


#1 reduced fleetpass cooldown, 3 ranks at 100k, 200k and 300k that lowers the cooldown with 6 hours, letting you use it every 12 hours. I can buy 600 1 hour cooldown fleetpasses for that investment, NO THANKS-

#2 same goes for quick travel, a total of 600k and a reduction of 6min.

#3 Ship upgrades, repair droid 1 mill for that. mailbox, OPS training dummy and pvp training dummy 500k each. and ofc the laughingstock of them all, the GTN a whopping 5mill for that, again no thanks ill just port in on the fleet.

#4 Rocket boosters, for those of you who thought that was something to look forward to, start saving up the credits. It consists of 3 ranks 1 ability and 2 upgrades. 2 mill for the ability, 1 mill for rank 2 and 1,5 mill for rank 3 and the upgrades is just a lowering of the CD.

#5 Species, all of them cost 1.5 mill to unlock except human you can get that for 500k.


Things that should have been here in patch 1.2 but have been pushed to the status "coming soon" and we all know what that means since the legacy page have had that title since launch.


#1 lvl 25 mounts at lvl 10.

#2 design the way you lvl, that was the words from bioware at the guild summit. so i can choose to increase my XP gain from space missions, PVP or Flashpoint. I'm a PVE kind of guy, so I would choose flashpoints, only problem with that is finding a grp at low lvl is like finding water in the dessert (not much difference at lvl 50).

#3 Increase crit chance when crafting. we need that now since you implement orange gear with augment slot. by the time your able to get these perks its gonna be to late, just like all the other stuff.

#4 Repair droids, mail box and the opportunity to respec (dual spec is what I want) on the fly. Just a thought, how about a cargo hold ship drop? I don't need a mailbox when my Inventory is full.


So here are some of the things I was hoping for when I opened up the legacy window.


#1 more materials per node.

#2 faster mission/crafting times

#3 increased mount speed

#4 cool titels

#5 a party summon


So in conclusion, if the new OPS don't rock my world with fun and amazing tactics. Not like the current OPS, which is just a gearcheck and lacks the ability to test peoples IQ. the only boss our guild have had troubles with is SOA and thats not couse it's hard but course it's a bug fest and the worst designed boss mechanics I have ever experienced. phase 1 is for idiots, phase 2 and 3 is where it all goes to hell. Not being able to heal the peeps that gets picked up and thrown around 1st fail, picking peeps up that have just been targeted by lighting 2nd fail, dropping peeps on lightning or over the edge if if phase is over 3rd fail, throwing the tank in the air 4th fail, pulling the tank in mind prison in the last phase is just one of the most retarded fails of all time as the window of opportunity to drag SOA to the pillars are short and you need to hit him every time. and then there is all the bugs OMG it's endgame contend, wake up bioware. things we have experienced in my raid grp, peeps getting stuck in mind prisons, lightning ball that don't die but end up at 5-10% HP, lightning balls that stop chasing after 2nd phase ends up on the first platform, SOA never comes down to the last phase he just hangs in the air, SOA not loosing his shield after hitting him with a pillar, SOA Disappearing just when he is about to die, platforms that haven't reset after a wipe, I'm sure there is more but those are the ones that come to mind.


wow really how it forces you to leave you friends .... Hey my guild plays both sides so i dont see the point in there.... If you dont like what they doing to the legacy let me say this you probly went maxed out toon and let me explain how i hate it yay for that one...I like the legacy like the star wars movie oh they going to add later on i read the legacy effects your story like darth vader and luke sky walker and we cant please every one ..Then again why do i have to spend credits on something i can just lvl empire toon ... I play both sides i ant fanboy of one or the other >.>

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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pages of information and 1000 posts and people still don't understand how the new legacy system works.


Chalk that up to poor marketing and public relations. If your player base is to stupid to understand whats going on, then you need to lower the bar a little to explain.


I'm one of those stupid people.

Edited by -Dench
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The reason they show the legacy requirement and the credit requirement is because you don't have the legacy level, so it shows you your options! Level up your legacy or pay this many credits, what a freaking mystery!
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i was so ready to read this thread and dismiss it as another little kid moaning they want this and that handed to them on a plate and never happy with anything their given... until i read this..



So here are some of the things I was hoping for when I opened up the legacy window.


#1 more materials per node.

#2 faster mission/crafting times

#3 increased mount speed

#4 cool titels

#5 a party summon



now THAT is something worth having!! i think those are superb ideas. all of them are brilliant ideas that would work very well as rewards in the legacy system. although id rename summon to 'shuttle' ;)


# your chars/family have plenty of experience gathering. it makes sense to be able to unlock richer yields.


# your team has been crafting for a while now, along with your other chars/families companions. they've improved their techniques and have gotten better/faster at crafting items. likewise on any missions, they are seasoned adepts by now and have found ways to complete their missions faster.


# highly skilled groups coming together will always have ways to improve various things on ships, upgrade parts etc. my sages companion Theran has been working on my speeder and has found a way to increase speed to 120/145/160% depending on how much money i have to given him to spend on parts.


# i would love it if the max legacy title was 'no lifer' :D


# we have our ships, we can send shuttles to pick us up to travel to fleet. seems perfectly reasonable to have the option to send said shuttle to pick up our party members and deliver them safely to the 'initiators' location. the shuttle will of course then need to refuel so will take some time to become available again. fuel is expensive as well so the shuttle would not pickup any less than 3 people, just to make it worth it. (prevents nubs asking for summons constantly)


i do hope this is read and taken on board by the powers that be.


personally i have no interest in other races and that, other class buffs and other 'useful' things do interest me however, and the ideas posted above are of definite interest :)

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The reason they show the legacy requirement and the credit requirement is because you don't have the legacy level, so it shows you your options! Level up your legacy or pay this many credits, what a freaking mystery!


hallelujah if that's true, but as stated earlier why don't I have an option to buy when I clearly dont have the lvl on the test servers. If you have the lvl as you say it will just open up automatically, so my point here is, when I push the skill the message I receive is insufficient level, not insufficient credit

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OP wants easy mode in a game where he already has legacy level 50. :confused:

EZ mode? far from it, I want a raid with a challenge (that is not coursed by bugs) I miss working on a boss for weeks and having the sensation of accomplishment.

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wow really how it forces you to leave you friends .... Hey my guild plays both sides so i dont see the point in there.... If you dont like what they doing to the legacy let me say this you probly went maxed out toon and let me explain how i hate it yay for that one...I like the legacy like the star wars movie oh they going to add later on i read the legacy effects your story like darth vader and luke sky walker and we cant please every one ..Then again why do i have to spend credits on something i can just lvl empire toon ... I play both sides i ant fanboy of one or the other >.>


Legacy will never have any effect on your storyline, ever. You have seen the current story lines and the dfiferences between lioght and dark right? This should give you a big clue and how legacy will never effect your story line.


And hate to break peoples bubbles but legacy is going to cost you credits. You legacy level simply unlocks the ability to buy that item. Theres only a very small selection of things you can unlock without credits.


This game is a fail, Bioware make good single player story game that you can sit through and sometimes be a part of but they suck big time at MMOs.

Edited by da_krall
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I'm not a MMO player and not really a so called "Gamer" but let me tell you what I loathe and despise about them.


They all all most down to the last one think that any other way than their pet vision is fail, they obsess over numbers percentages and stats....they could care less what genre the game is in (Fantasy Sci-fi Urban) they just want the math formula.


If developers want to know why thier games aren't growing that is the reason. Most people don't want a math class, they don't Slide rule time with the nerds they want to have fun and go on adventures.

Edited by faymar
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enjoy being a fanboy all you want, its not going to stop me from whining (your words) about how big a fail this legacy patch looks like its going to be. that said, I still have no clue about what incoherent jibberish you where trying to get across in your fist reply. If that makes me look like someone who thinks he is a ****** in your eyes, Ill just have to find a way to live with myself.

Ps. keep on trolling fanboy


If you read this in the Comic shop guys voice it's hilarious.


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