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Anni, Carnage or Rage in 1.2???


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I heard that DOTs will be able to be cleansed by game update 1.2. That's pretty sad for the anni tree.


I'm currently a lvl 41 anni marauder. I can't say i have experienced 100% being an annihilation marauder coz yeah, coz of my level. But i'd really like some tips from the pros out there.


There are a lot of changes in the skill trees and im thinking on doing a respec for the 1.2 and leave the anni skill tree. Plus the DOT cleanse - im actually almost 100% sure im leaving the anni tree. haha!


What can you guys suggest? Stay with anni? or transfer to rage/carnage? PVP is my main goal. :D


Please help! :D Thanks in advance!!! :D

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DoTs can be cleansed now, but it's not super common. The major gripe is for ranked warzones where there will be competent healers who will be cleansing your DoTs.


Personally, I'm probably going to go Carnage since it's getting boosted up in performance and suits my playstyle better than Anni for PvP. However, Rage seems like a good way to go as well, so it's really just a matter of preference / play style:



Still going to be awesome for solo queuing as well as dueling. DoTs will be cured if you're on a healer the entire time in ranked most likely, but a higher possibility of them staying on if you're not on the healer the entire time or a class that can cure.



Will be alright for solo queuing, not the same survivability as Anni, but not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. Will be the spec that will be focused on taking out key enemy targets in a fast manner. Dueling probably won't be as strong as Anni's, but we'll have to see how the changes have effected its burst.



Alright / Good for solo queuing. Lacking the survivability of anni, but has a bit better survivability than Carnage. Will be the spec that will be dropping smash bombs that will make the healer(s) choose between what they want to heal and will make the enemy team lose members due to healers having to pick and choose.


Someone else that thinks they know better or have more feedback, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in an area. I've played all 3 specs on live, although Anni a lot more than rage and carnage.

Edited by Giladd
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Considering our dots are only 6s duration I doubt they will be cleansed as much as people make out, especially to the point where they contribute nothing. With expertise damage increases outweighing defense and healing competent assist trains probably wont suffer as much dot cleansing as the healing will be required much more suddenly, remember if a team has stacked deathblow dps, letting a player drop under 30% means death, heals will come before cleanses.


Anni wont be useless I just don't think it will bring the same effect to a group as the other specs might post 1.2. Although the damage output of anni aswell as the survivability will be very useful regardless, you won't hinder you're team playing that spec.


Carnage may not have the survivability but that's where guard switching, competent healers and not playing like a retard will come in. The multiple roots to stop healers, keep focus targets in los and on hand burst with perma trans will not be great utility but also increase dps of the group as ranged wont have to move to maintain los/range and melee wont have a problem keeping on a target.


Rage will offer much higher burst damage, and while you look at it as aoe, even if it hits a single target remember 5-6k crits is a huge chunk of damage in an assist train and will make healing difficult especially if you catch other players within range. Depending on group makeup, especially with 4dps capable of a <30% hp finisher, all you need is that initial burst to get them below that line, finishers fly and target dies, this is where rage will shine more.


Personally I see all 3 specs being very viable and it's up to the player to assess his class makeup and decide which spec will benefit/mesh best within his team.

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I'm going to stay anni even though our dots will be cleansable.Like said above that wont be the first matter of concern for healers it will be keeping other people alive as our dots are a small portion of the dmg going out from our team.and with the 30% dmg increase for smash going to the bottom of the rage tree I will be able to test that out as anni to see if it makes a big difference in my damage output for those annoying squishy guys that tickle my marauder while im laying into someone.
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thanks so much for your opinions. really helped me a lot in thinking about what spec im getting in 1.2.


right now im in rage spec. **** im really enjoying this. hahaha! the buff for smash in 1.2 (decimate) really "smashes" my enemies' faces off! haha. im still in mixed BM, Recruit and Champ gear but damn the least i can do with my smash is at 3.5k. Usually if im able to smash in an enemy's group of 5, they'll all get 3.5-5k damage each!


this is actually really helpful in getting damage medals very easily early game. haha.


now im kinda curious with the carnage spec. but oh well, i think im gonna enjoy rage first for a couple of weeks. :))

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