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Live the Ship Droid Experience!


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Ok. Joking Aside. Who thinks that a mini-game of sorts IS something that this game needs?

Am I the only one?


You are absolutely NOT the only one. Mini-games like sabaac, pazaak, etc. are on Damion Schubert's "Wall of Crazy" to be implemented some day. I wish it was soon. Going to a cantina on my smuggler to play some multiplayer pazaak would be absolutely wonderful. I could use some credits. Specifically, your credits. :p


But, it is coming.


I think that space combat was a good idea, just poorly implemented. I really hope they change it like they have said they are going to.


They are currently working on it, actually. There's an entire team dedicated to totally revamping the space game.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Oh if the April Fool joke was true, the first thing I would fix would be to shut down his voicebox. I get tired of being told we are fat, stink, and are absolute slobs onboard our ships (of course not directly, but the implications are there)


Cheers to SWTOR for not failing to follow suit on April Fools day and entertain us.

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You are absolutely NOT the only one. Mini-games like sabaac, pazaak, etc. are on Damion Schubert's "Wall of Crazy" to be implemented some day. I wish it was soon. Going to a cantina on my smuggler to play some multiplayer pazaak would be absolutely wonderful. I could use some credits. Specifically, your credits. :p


But, it is coming.




They are currently working on it, actually. There's an entire team dedicated to totally revamping the space game.



Yep... I'm hoping this comes out good : P.

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this almost makes me want to quit finding out this is a huge fake. we have asked for more mini games and ship based content to only be told thats on the wall of crazy and they have no plans on giving us what we want anytime soon but they will have fun tuanting us with it.


i can already see next years prank they will say they are giving us space based pvp and it will be a joke.


we need stuf to do in this game besides pvping untill raid day or just making yet another alt.

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this almost makes me want to quit finding out this is a huge fake. we have asked for more mini games and ship based content to only be told thats on the wall of crazy and they have no plans on giving us what we want anytime soon but they will have fun tuanting us with it.


i can already see next years prank they will say they are giving us space based pvp and it will be a joke.


we need stuf to do in this game besides pvping untill raid day or just making yet another alt.


Yea.. I'm just hoping that if this is a joke, which it likely is, that they are just joking about this, but not about including other mini-game-esque things to do in game. The thing is here... if people pay $15 a month for a game, they expect to be able to kill a LOT of time. Namely almost all of their free time. We don't wanna waste it sitting at fleet because we are locked to OPS, and bored of PvP.

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This almost got me...you....you...scammers!!! ;)

But the my droid kissing SCORPIO...I laughed and cried for 10mins lolz...i have my tears all over my desk! just....cannot stop....till it hurts!!


Nice one guys! :D


-I like it that no-one noticed the imperial agent even though they are really the galaxy's best hero (IA my main) that not alot of people noticed :D -


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EV is now fixed!



Rattataki Leaders near ledges are fixed!



We've put in a true Flashpoint Group Finder tool!



The graphics have been updated to modern standards!



We now listen to player reports of bugs, glitches, and errors!

(APRIL FOOL'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


...I hate April Fool's Day.

Edited by HighPriestMikhal
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Almost believed it till I read the part about cleaning windows.


I dare you to actually implement this.


This would only work if your ship droid was a female. But then they would need to add a kitchen for it to stand in. ;) <This face means I am joking.

Edited by Zombee_Jezus
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