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Everything posted by jwoll

  1. Play all the way through the Ilum storyline including The Battle of Ilum and the False Emperor flashpoint will make perfect sense.
  2. The first time i did this fight it was with my guardian tank and i killed her the first try without knowing the fight mechanic and I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about. When I tried my marauder it was a different story and soon realized that trying to go toe to toe with her in dps gear is a waste of time. After being killed a few times i tried a different tactic. I started with a ranged attack to get the green globs to start spawning, in this case a duel sabre throw, then I ran in circles around stairs, throne and I only used the green globs when I had to. As she chases you eventually she will run into 4-5 of the green globs and die. Not very heroic but it worked first time. She will catch you occasionally but just use your stun breaks when she does and keep moving. Hope this helps.
  3. I transfered from Hanharr, which is very dead to Jedi Covenant, which is very active and for the first week I felt I made a big mistake by coming to such an active server for the reasons mentioned by op, but really it was that I wasn't used to sharing and hated the idea of waiting for a re-spawn or not being able to take what I wanted because all the mobs were mine. I'm not saying op feels that way, but I'm a mostly solo player also and that was my attitude. I adjusted my play a little and now I enjoy all the activity going on around me. I still solo 99% of the time but I feel more connected to the community on JC and I get my dailys done just as quick because the trash is almost always cleared or if help is needed its right there. On Hanharr I felt I was one of 30 people that plays this game. Anyway op, just adjust a little and have fun with it, the game is not ruined.
  4. My problem here was the puzzle. I tried solving the puzzle using a machine with an amd 6770 and the puzzle was all erratic and basically unsolvable as I couldn't see what I was supposed to do. I switched to a machine with an Nvidia card and was able to solve it quickly. I hope other amd card users aren't having this problem as this makes it impossible to get the chest gear for t-7. I'm a vig spec guardian and didn't really have a problem with the emperor after being one shot the first try. Its very important to ignore the clones and just smack the crap out of the real emperor, and of course interrupt that one shot blast that will kill you. I had quite a bit of health left when it was done, but t-7 was toasted.
  5. I hit 50 with my Guardian a few days ago and I didn't do a single flashpoint, space mission or war zone, and I never had a problem staying level appropriate. When I would get to a new location I would start doing all the side quests I could find first and then do my class quests, then the wold bonus quests. ALL of them! Class quests have the toughest bosses, so doing the side quest first allows you to maximize your level before you face them, so do all of them. World bonus quests are a must too because they are bonus xp for your next level and give you a huge head start for your next world, so do ALL of them too. By doing this I was a level 50 long before I completed my class quest on Corellia. If you do this you won't have a problem. Good Luck
  6. Loved it!! Well done. I knew it was a fake when you showed C2 doing something that didn't involve him talking, but still, well done.
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