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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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I think that letting pass 1-2 weeks with the same problem is tragic! Game have some bugs and we see fixxing them asap and cant fix a huge problem of letting ppl play?


We are not burned but even if we wanted we cant with this problems. Lots of days passed and the result is the same. 1000 peeps wating till they get in. Anything that you are doing there or you just see your bank account raising? Becoz with this problem at the end you will see 0 dollars or euros or anything...

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For those of us that work long shifts everyday & have lives and get little time to play the game, we cannot risk getting shoved into a 60 minute que because our internet crapped out for 8 seconds. I find this rather unacceptable that there is no grace period of at least 30 seconds to log back in.


Getting pushed to the back of a long que because of a momentary disconnect is rather disheartening, especially when every minute of play time is sacred due to having a long work schedule.


Please give people a grace period for disconnects, 30 seconds to one minute should be plenty. Don't put us back in a long que, it's not fun or starwarzy, not iconic or fun.


We paid our dues and waited patiently in the que, we shouldn't be penalized and have to do it twice or thrice.

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I suggest you give free transfers for people on servers affected by queues at peak times, and start to spread the load. Better to have every server at 75% capacity, than half your servers having people needing to queue and the other half being at 25%



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You guys think you have it bad? I'm sitting in 1200 queue line where I have my highest level character and estimated time is 1.5 hrs. I can only imagine when it's the full release.


Just seems odd that with so many servers there are so many that show FULL on early entry. :mad:


I'm in the SAME boat! I wouldn't mind if they'd make it so people can't join servers once they get to a certain amount, make them join a light server. They dont even HAVE to stay in that server, just till other servers are expanded a bit to accomodate people who're already higher levels and waiting to get in. I've been playing since day ONE of EGA and thanks to people who JUST joined my server I've got to wait over half an hour JUST to log back in. DEAR GOD should I afk for 5 minutes, then I get booted! This REALLY needs to be fixed.

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In flash point Cad... last boss... game freezes so i restart my computer and get stuck in 30 minute queue.


BW how is this fair to the group i was with? Without a grace period they are stuck wondering what happened to me and if i am coming back. After waiting for 5 minutes I hope that they boot and find someone else but seriously this is ruining the game for so many people.


Please fix.

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Seriously this is a pretty major oversight when combined with que's. I am an average player I think and it happens to me an average of once a day. Three times so far in flash points where I was the tank, and at least four or five times during space missions (mainly when leaving them the client just closes and quits to desktop in about 2 seconds time which is funny because when I quit the game legitimately it takes at least 2 minutes to close up and get me back to windows in the same state).


You should maybe consider greatly lowering the que caps until this gets solved. It completely jacks up gameplay for a large number of people.

Edited by BlakeAF
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i agree, somehow if you get disconnected while in queue when there is still like 10 people left, you are cool, but if you managed to get in and get disconnected have to redue queue again, this is terrible.


Was just in instance, now triying to log back in and i cant.



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I'm tired of having to deal with this issue. I see that connectivity problems have no mention at all in the patch notes.


This problem really messes up gameplay when I am tanking and holding up the entire group because I have to rejoin two queues. The second queue is longer during peak hours.

Edited by Potch
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Why hasn't this been addressed yet? Other games do it...why have you not implemented it Bioware? I just crashed and now in a queue to get back in when I was leading a group....


I'm already punished enough by bugs that crash the game...then the double whammy queue wait to get back in............

Edited by Decepto
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