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How about some humor in this game?


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It cracked me up the first time my companion Riggs blurted out, "Now you're dumb, ugly AND dead!"


There are lots of funny moments in this game. Too bad there isn't some good end-game to play. :/

Edited by Musezy
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The BH has some pretty good snarky lines


Upon entering the melee for great hunt entry one of them says something about writing songs about his exploits to sing after his death and your response is 'just make sure its something i can dance to'


And of course the trailer one of 'you will drop your weapons and surrender' BH waves his hand ala jedi mind trick 'you will realise what a complete idiot you are'

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"Wheeee!" (in the voice of admiral Ahckbar) ... there is no better battle cry. Makes me smile every time.


As Guss shoots his pistol at random npc12846, "Yeah thats right, im a meeean Jedi!"... poor Corso hasnt seen any action since.

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A few scattered Star Wars allusions exist. That's all that's needed. A certain other game breaks the fourth wall so much and alludes to the real world that it has become a parody of its former self with no artistic integrity. I do not want SW:TOR to become like that game. Edited by CelCawdro
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It just occurred to me that there is very little levity in this game. Wouldn't it be nice if your companion occasionally said something like, "I'm really getting sick of killing sand grubs, can't we find a beach somewhere and relax?" Even if a mob said, "Ouch! That hurts! I thought Jedi were supposed to be nice!" Just once, I'd like to see an NPC say, "Yeah, now you have to save the galaxy like those forty other guys ahead of you did earlier today." "Thank you for saving the lives of countless people, here's enough credits to count for about a nickel for each one." Even if your companion said, "OMG, look at this hat you gave me. I look like a drum major in a St. Patrick's Day parade."


So please post your suggestions. Keep it clean, or the thread will get closed. If nothing else, it will make for amusing reading while we are standing around on Fleet.


Play a smuggler The Mon Cal Healer has some funny things he says like.... YOUR NOT USING ME AS BAIT... NOPE NOT THIS TIME..

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I think they need to add some pop culture references and puns.


There's another game that is now composed entirely of those. I prefer the exact opposite of you. Keep a little integrity to the world that has been built.

Edited by CelCawdro
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He's the only companion that doesn't annoy me while fighting of any of the classes I've tried. He freakin' cracks me up.


"No! No way! I'm not being bait! Not this time!"


I think they need to add some pop culture references and puns.


No. Just... no. I hated this in WoW.

Edited by DarkDiva
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Some of the things that Kira comes out with crack me up. Sometimes I forget that she's a former street kid. And some other stuff that falls into spoiler territory.


You think if we mashed Hoth and Tattoine together it would make one decent planet?


As posters above have said, the humour fits the setting. I would hate to see TOR being silly. Let That Other Game™ have all the silliness.

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I've seen plenty of humorous elements in the game... Though some areas are dry ( 75% of all Jedi responses are pretty dry... as they should be really.)


My Imp Sniper has some pretty entertaining responses, especially if you're a fan of sarcasm.


My main Shadow though... has some good stuff too, with the proper companion.


A 'Certain' Sith: "You don't understand, I've already won!"

Tharan Cedrax: "That's strange... I'm pretty sure I still feel alive."

Holiday: *blips in* "If you ever need my help reminding you, I'm always here..."


I don't remember how exact that scene was... but it's something to that effect.


That's just how the game is... Certain companions/classes are dull and dry, and others have their fair share of wit.

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The BH story had me cracking up from the start- right when I dropped that head off to that widow then wondered why she didn't want it.


I find it depends on who you partner with too- some companions aren't funny, some are hilarious. Some classes are also funnier than others- jedi knight is feeling very dry, whereas BH and smuggler are both full of laughs, and agent has some pretty good dark humour, as does SI from time to time.




SW makes better laughs in a group, cracking jokes with the guild about what Darth Baras is going to eat next.

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The BH story had me cracking up from the start- right when I dropped that head off to that widow then wondered why she didn't want it.


I find it depends on who you partner with too- some companions aren't funny, some are hilarious. Some classes are also funnier than others- jedi knight is feeling very dry, whereas BH and smuggler are both full of laughs, and agent has some pretty good dark humour, as does SI from time to time.




SW makes better laughs in a group, cracking jokes with the guild about what Darth Baras is going to eat next.


The Knight story has its chuckles too. Mostly from Orgus Din. The guy has arguably the best line in the game: "If that thing eats us, you're fired!" and the way he says it is priceless. :D


Oh, and Lord Neffarid: "I enjoy the simple things in life. Don't judge me." after you accuse him of being a monster. :D

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It just occurred to me that there is very little levity in this game. Wouldn't it be nice if your companion occasionally said something like, "I'm really getting sick of killing sand grubs, can't we find a beach somewhere and relax?" Even if a mob said, "Ouch! That hurts! I thought Jedi were supposed to be nice!" Just once, I'd like to see an NPC say, "Yeah, now you have to save the galaxy like those forty other guys ahead of you did earlier today." "Thank you for saving the lives of countless people, here's enough credits to count for about a nickel for each one." Even if your companion said, "OMG, look at this hat you gave me. I look like a drum major in a St. Patrick's Day parade."


So please post your suggestions. Keep it clean, or the thread will get closed. If nothing else, it will make for amusing reading while we are standing around on Fleet.


Stop asking for "4th wall" breaches.

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It just occurred to me that there is very little levity in this game. Wouldn't it be nice if your companion occasionally said something like, "I'm really getting sick of killing sand grubs, can't we find a beach somewhere and relax?" Even if a mob said, "Ouch! That hurts! I thought Jedi were supposed to be nice!" Just once, I'd like to see an NPC say, "Yeah, now you have to save the galaxy like those forty other guys ahead of you did earlier today." "Thank you for saving the lives of countless people, here's enough credits to count for about a nickel for each one." Even if your companion said, "OMG, look at this hat you gave me. I look like a drum major in a St. Patrick's Day parade."


So please post your suggestions. Keep it clean, or the thread will get closed. If nothing else, it will make for amusing reading while we are standing around on Fleet.


I had a similar idea two months ago, but now all I can think about is server population. I hate everything and will continue to hate everything until there are more than 300 people on my server.

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Try playing a darkside jedi knight and I'm sure you'll have a laugh.


I imagine it's similar to playing a LS Sith Warrior. After mocking Lord Baras at every turn, I'd be doubled over my keyboard in laughter at his reaction. It still brings a smile to my face remembering his impotent rage.

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I imagine it's similar to playing a LS Sith Warrior. After mocking Lord Baras at every turn, I'd be doubled over my keyboard in laughter at his reaction. It still brings a smile to my face remembering his impotent rage.


His rage isn't the only thing that's impotent about him, if you know what I mean.....



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I imagine it's similar to playing a LS Sith Warrior. After mocking Lord Baras at every turn, I'd be doubled over my keyboard in laughter at his reaction. It still brings a smile to my face remembering his impotent rage.


LS SW is quite possibly the funniest story in the entire game. Either that or the completely unexpected humor in the SI story.


For the SW, there's SOME dead spots in the comedy, but that all changes when Darth Vowrawn shows up and dishes out some Epic Lulz. :D

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"If at first you don't succeed, reload."


*Chooses "I'm a monster (intimidate)" option*

"I'm going to kill you and eat you all raw"


Yes, there are some pretty funny lines in this game. And it is not that the lines themselves are funny. It is the delivery of those lines that make them that way.


There is indeed plenty of humor. If you have not encountered anything, either we are not playing the same game, or you just do not have much in terms of a sense of humor.

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