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How about some humor in this game?


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Fascinating responses. Currently I have two Republic toons: a Jedi Consular (Sage) and a Trooper (Vanguard.) My only female companions are a mall rat (Nadia) and an uptight librarian (Elara.) All the humor and sex appeal of a road accident. Clearly I have to go to the dark side. OMW. See you there.


I don't know if you are playing male or female Jedi Sage but the male is the most boring voice actor of them all, with no personality. I can understand you getting the wrong idea about the game playing that char.

Edited by System_TOR
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You should play Sith Inq. Their whole storyline is hilariously bad. I've been laughing hard since I started playing it.


I honestly believe it was meant to be a comedy, a really black comedy. Some of the dialogue, the situations, and the characters are straight out of a saturday morning cartoon

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Play a smuggler. Obviously you have never been around Guss.


I like the smuggler for a similar reason...it has less gravitas in its class quests than the saving/destroying the galaxy theme that it seems every other class has. Don't get me wrong, I like these other quests, but it's fun to just be sort of the light-hearted Indiana Jones of the galaxy...where it's more about the adventure than the cause.

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Imperial side on Balmorra- Surveillance Officer Trecht, "There's not a finer sight in the galaxy than gassed rebels running out of cave into the waiting blasters of your own battallion. Well-perhaps sunrises But for those you have to wake up early."
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I've found plenty of humor.


First experience was with the Smuggler in the very start. Trying to hack a computer, unsuccessfully, looking at the camera, then shooting the computer. I laughed my *** off.


My female sith warrior has a delivery and lines that are constantly making me chuckle.

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The smuggler gets into so many funny situations and has some great lines. I remember the first time I ran up to a smuggler trainer and the trainer gasps, throws up his arms and drops a pile of credits on the ground.

All through the smuggler story line there a many hilarious moments and conversations, starting on Ord Mantel and never stops.

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It just occurred to me that there is very little levity in this game. Wouldn't it be nice if your companion occasionally said something like, "I'm really getting sick of killing sand grubs, can't we find a beach somewhere and relax?" Even if a mob said, "Ouch! That hurts! I thought Jedi were supposed to be nice!" Just once, I'd like to see an NPC say, "Yeah, now you have to save the galaxy like those forty other guys ahead of you did earlier today." "Thank you for saving the lives of countless people, here's enough credits to count for about a nickel for each one." Even if your companion said, "OMG, look at this hat you gave me. I look like a drum major in a St. Patrick's Day parade."


So please post your suggestions. Keep it clean, or the thread will get closed. If nothing else, it will make for amusing reading while we are standing around on Fleet.


The humor depends on your convo choices sometimes, and hearing the other character's reaction. I agree with several other posters about the Sith Inquisitor story. It's a comedic romp during chapter 1 especially. :D


Also, Sith Warrior and be obnoxious to any Sith Lord you meet. Baras is an easy trolling target, and so are a few others. Some much needed proactive comic relief shows up late in the game, but when you can basically tell a Sith Lord to go **** him or herself, it's a riot! Thana Vesh on Taris is also a good source of chuckles depending on which character you're playing. I noticed the Agent outmatches her on wits, while I enjoyed threatening her with my Inquisitor (much to the applause of Khem Val, who gained a LOT of aff during those convos) At the risk of spoiling things a bit if you're playing a Warrior, be NICE to Darth Vowrawn when you meet him. Just trust me on this. :)

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Imperial side on Balmorra- Surveillance Officer Trecht, "There's not a finer sight in the galaxy than gassed rebels running out of cave into the waiting blasters of your own battallion. Well-perhaps sunrises But for those you have to wake up early."


That really made me laugh when I heard it. Also, as stated already, the SI storyline is pure comedic gold. I can't fathom what they were going for with it but, if it was anything other than hilarity, they failed miserably. Mine is female and it's like playing as Morrigan from DA:O as the main character, WITH Oghren as a companion! The same dude does Andronikos that did Oghren and there are similarities with they way they approach violence, women and life in general.

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first of all, there is humor in this game. its good "orignal trilogy" or "c2po" style of subelty.


be careful what you wish for or you might get the "jar jar binks" "humor"


There is nothing subtle about the Inquisitor storyline, trust me. :D It's electrocuting kittens and drowning bunnies from the get-go coupled with hilarious commentary.

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One line my SI had when learning about a Darth who went AWOL and took over a planet for his own:


"What a fantastic idea! Note to self: Find a planet and conquer it."

Edited by ghique
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Darth Baras screams in rage as he can't break the Republic fella after hours of work.


Vette is scared.


Sith Warrior ask flatly "Is there a problem"


Baras facepalms...


Yes... he's easily trollable. :D

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Darth Baras screams in rage as he can't break the Republic fella after hours of work.


Vette is scared.


Sith Warrior ask flatly "Is there a problem"


Baras facepalms...


Yes... he's easily trollable. :D


Loved every minute of it. All 60 of them.


Yes I spent an hour trolling Baras. Worth it.

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There is nothing subtle about the Inquisitor storyline, trust me. :D It's electrocuting kittens and drowning bunnies from the get-go coupled with hilarious commentary.


I agree the SI story is probably one of the best I've played so far and it's none warm and fuzzy. I remember doing a mission and having a guildie help me only to ask *** is going on with your story. Response, I've got a monster with a split personality for a companion, various ghosts living inside me, (who later tell me I'm too dark) and another companion who still believes she's a jedi while learning to love the dark side..... It's definitely a very interesting and amusing (dark humor) story.


Kira has lots of funny (sarcastic) comments about all sorts of places and things. Bad Sith fashion designers, taking two bad planets and mashing them together to make a decent one, the Jawa's compensating for something with the size of their crawlers, and many more.


As for other humor, as has been said it really depends on the dialog options you choose, You can keep it very straight and narrow or go in a different direction. As for baiting Baras, yes it can be a lot of fun and very funny.

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