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Just some facts about female gamers


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Just because the title of the thread is "some facts about female gamers" doesn't mean that every post is supposed to be an all encompassing "truth" about "all females" in "every continent" who play video games. Some people have probably learned from this thread, others may feel more comfortable playing knowing there are others "like them". Personally I enjoy this sounding board where people talk about their experiences as a female gamer and with female gamers, as well as aspects of the thread that discuss females outside of gaming.


Conversations like this aren't meant to pigeon-hole anyone, it's actually the opposite. I personally have more respect for male gamers after participating in the thread, since so little of it has been colorful nonsense.


As for a thread about "the facts of male gamers", If you want one why not make one?

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This thread is not going to end well.


Mostly because the majority of the male population loses all sense and reason when confronted with interacting with a member of the opposite sex.


I'll have you know I've only lost all sense and reason twice. That's why there are divorce lawyers.

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I am a female gamer. I play a female toon and team with my husband.


I can't see myself playing a burly guy named Bubba....lol Although my husband was teamed with a macho man named M*** K** last week. Who turned out to be female so men and pimply teenage guys wouldn't hit on her.


We are still the minority though.


Oh, and I am a Mom and a Gramma.


I don't think we're a minority. My GF and I play, usually as a team. Sometimes one of my boys runs with us. We're out there, we just tend to stick with each other.

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Well me personally when I sign up to play an MMO I play an MMO.


I'm not signing up for an MMORPG (Might Masterbates Over Real Playing Girls)


I'm here to play a game and get to know the community who I'm playing with, if you're female well pat yourself on the back, you're part of the smaller population of gamers but do I care? no


I've dated online female gamers and as a pre warning to most guys reading this, sadly they kinda contradict themselves and usually turn out to have alot of mental issues.


*blinking* That must be an age thing, most of the female gamers I've met on the outside are normal folks. I run with the crowds that have teenage kids, not the crowd that is teenage kids, though. :)

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Ah, the ever popular Stereotypes.... Luckily, I threw stereotypes out the window a long time ago.




Now, get in the kitchen and make me a sammich, woman! :p j/k


But seriously, it's unfair to group someone in with what you think they SHOULD BE, as opposed to how they ACTUALLY ARE.

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Who really cares if your a male or female. It all comes down to simplest thing. Some people use things such as disease, psychological issues, sex, skin pigment to get attention. Some don't.


As for female gamers, who cares. It's same thing. Why not a thread on male gamers instead.


Well? Go start one. There are plenty of stereotypes about male gamers that could and should be debunked. It would be interesting to hear from the other side of the spectrum :)

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Well? Go start one. There are plenty of stereotypes about male gamers that could and should be debunked. It would be interesting to hear from the other side of the spectrum :)


Fun fact, guys never start any thread, discussion or anything really about male issues. They usually wait until a female issue crops up (breast cancer, etc) before banging on like "NAW BUT GUYZ GET CANCER TOO!" and then expect the women who try to raise awareness of issues that effect them to solve all the male issues before moving on to the female ones.

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Maybe I just don't like the fact that "fact" and "female gamers" is in the same sentence in the thread title. I'm sure most people (like myself) read the title, opened the thread to read the first post, noticed the number of pages, and skipped to the end to post. If they even did that much. I tend to like to know what's going on immediately before I post rather than just waltz into a random conversation.


Here's a fact about female gamers: They're female.


That's really the only fact you can have about us. Everything else is up in the air.

Edited by Brosephiine
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Just to state, if a girl tells everyone they're a girl then that person is a very sad individual...


Girl's who have boyfriends and a life will mostly keep to themselves and you won't know the difference between a female gamer and a male gamer.

Sometimes you can tell by the way someone writes in chat, but even then it's hard cause some boys write in an overly girly way lol.



But never trust a girl who goes, "HEY LOOK EVERYONE, I HAVE ****!" That person is surely going to make your MMO experience a nightmare (if you've ever played WoW in vanilla and BC, guild drama nudge nudge wink wink).

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The only girls I have problems with in gaming are the ones who constantly seek attention for the sole reason they are a girl playing games. I mean it REALLY gets to me.




This. ^^^^^^


I'm a girl myself and i'm saying that in the most non-hypocrite way I possibly can after above statement :p But I have a few female friends who I can't stand playing MMOs with, they get into the kind of guilds with guys/maybe even other girls who would feed them the attention they seek. I even had a friend who logged onto the game for like 4 hours every day just to sit around idly while simply talking in guild chat about the things she does because she's a girl. I wanted to peel her face off.

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This. ^^^^^^


I'm a girl myself and i'm saying that in the most non-hypocrite way I possibly can after above statement :p But I have a few female friends who I can't stand playing MMOs with, they get into the kind of guilds with guys/maybe even other girls who would feed them the attention they seek. I even had a friend who logged onto the game for like 4 hours every day just to sit around idly while simply talking in guild chat about the things she does because she's a girl. I wanted to peel her face off.


What kinda stuff does she talking about doing because she's a girl?:D

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(...) I'm sure most people (like myself) read the title, opened the thread to read the first post, noticed the number of pages, and skipped to the end to post.(...)


Which would really be a shame since there is so much nice stuff in between! This of course is something that is true for most long threads.


I guess in the end it's about personal attitude - which will depend on how serious you take this "matter". When I read the title I though "this sounds fun". I honestly did not expect a dry essay about female gamers and being presented true facts.


To me there are four reasons why I participate or read the forum:


- having problems of a technical nature with the game

- seeking information gameplay wise or trying to help in return

- keeping up to date, things to come, dev tracker along with giving feedback on that

- "socialising" with the community


This thread for me falls into the last category, same as Fan Art, Short Stories or the Star Wars Lore section.


Poking a bit of fun and laughing in return at some of the hilarious answers you will be able to find here. If you are able to laugh at this matter, or yourself (not directed at anyone personally).


This is only one side though, which is sort of the best part - it might trigger a train of thought. Was it yesterday that the "marketing games" came up - anyways, I have two kids, a boy and a girl. It's great to see them grow up, develop their own personalities and I had actually written some stuff up here but then decided against it. Why? Because for me it is important to at least have a feeling that there is a certain consensus about how we communicate with each other. If it boils down to "this is all bollocks" - then I'm not in the mood to share.


This is neither good nor bad, I believe it simply takes time to grow a community - as such I am trying to do my part and I feel that the type of threads like this one are able to evolve this. It's something that we can all contribute to or have an opinion, maybe even experience about, we can play with it and establish a "getting to know" each other on a certain basis.


Look at me rambling, going way overboard here, oh sorry, yes, you can wake up again. I know, men are supposed to get straight to the point but I like to play the sneaky backstabbers! Alas my shadow is stronger as a tank *sigh*


Oh one more thing, a thread about guys? Come on, that would be the shortest thread ever. :D Boring!

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Oh one more thing, a thread about guys? Come on, that would be the shortest thread ever. :D Boring!


You have just won the interwebs! lol


I really enjoy reading your comments. Like you I took this thread with a humor side of things and have laughed at a number of comments. I like to think that I have learned a few things as well given the different opinions out there.


I hate to say this, as it means that I feel some people are this way, but I wish people were more open minded. Not to the degree of always liking or agreeing with everyone, but to a point where they really try and understand what is said. I think once that happens, not only will people get along more, or at least be more professional, but we would learn more from each other.


An good MMO needs a strong community. While our community here is not what I am used to, it is building just as much as the game is. Time will tell where all the cards fall. :D

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Oh one more thing, a thread about guys? Come on, that would be the shortest thread ever. :D Boring!

'tis true: The only reason guys do anything is because they think it will help them get laid. Done. Don't deny it, you know it to be true.

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'tis true: The only reason guys do anything is because they think it will help them get laid. Done. Don't deny it, you know it to be true.


Now wait just a minute,,,,uhh,,,,damnit you're right....:D

Edited by Angel_of_Cain
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'tis true: The only reason guys do anything is because they think it will help them get laid. Done. Don't deny it, you know it to be true.


Hey! I, er..... um... eeeehhh.... hmmm.....



.... B00bies!

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