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The number of bugs is mind boggling


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Well, I obviously don't have you guys' extensive MMO background, but I have played 3 games from release. Aion, Rift, SWTOR.


Neither Aion or Rift had any glaring bugs. If you are talking about tooltips or things like that, especially. From the get-go they ran extremely smooth. It was a rare occasion that you had to stop gameplay because of any bug.


SWTOR has had a plethora of them, all over the place. You cannot trust ANYthing to work in this game... and most likely something during your day of play will be broken. It was obviously not quite ready for release, but was released due to pressure from whomever.


Don't get me wrong. It has gotten a lot better since release, but honestly, please don't hide behind the "it's a new game" excuse and smack down anyone who points it out. Because It's true.

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I see posts like the one I've quoted and laugh. Did people fall through the world in the first six months of wow? yeah sometimes. Was it "barely playable" in its first six months?, hardly. Though I did play WoW in it's first six months, you wouldn't need to to know that they wouldn't be where they are today if the game were "barely playable" in its first six months. It would be offline instead.


Lol you were lucky then or have rose coloured glasses on, because WoW had many MASSIVE bugs at release and they were present for a LOOOOOONG time after release. Its easy now to sit here and say there were no issues but that is just not true.

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Well, I obviously don't have you guys' extensive MMO background, but I have played 3 games from release. Aion, Rift, SWTOR.


Neither Aion or Rift had any glaring bugs. If you are talking about tooltips or things like that, especially. From the get-go they ran extremely smooth. It was a rare occasion that you had to stop gameplay because of any bug.


SWTOR has had a plethora of them, all over the place. You cannot trust ANYthing to work in this game... and most likely something during your day of play will be broken. It was obviously not quite ready for release, but was released due to pressure from whomever.


Don't get me wrong. It has gotten a lot better since release, but honestly, please don't hide behind the "it's a new game" excuse and smack down anyone who points it out. Because It's true.


What you said about not being able to trust anything to work correctly in this game was another reason I cancelled. I said that exact same thing to a guildie. There is not one part of this game that I can honestly trust that its working correctly.

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Well, I obviously don't have you guys' extensive MMO background, but I have played 3 games from release. Aion, Rift, SWTOR.


Neither Aion or Rift had any glaring bugs. If you are talking about tooltips or things like that, especially. From the get-go they ran extremely smooth. It was a rare occasion that you had to stop gameplay because of any bug.


SWTOR has had a plethora of them, all over the place. You cannot trust ANYthing to work in this game... and most likely something during your day of play will be broken. It was obviously not quite ready for release, but was released due to pressure from whomever.


Don't get me wrong. It has gotten a lot better since release, but honestly, please don't hide behind the "it's a new game" excuse and smack down anyone who points it out. Because It's true.

Really? I've played the game pretty extensively (though I haven't done many operations or HM flashpoints) and I haven't encountered a game-breaking or even slightly annoying bug.


Okay, sometimes if I dismiss a companion I'll be unable to resummon them without summoning another companion from the companion screen (the N button by default), and if you log out in stealth the game thinks you're stealthed until you log out out-of-stealth, and it takes way too long for loading screens to, well, load (I run WoW on max and it loads in 30 seconds if that, in TOR it takes three or four minutes for Tatooine or the fleet.). Also the framerate is extremely low if you spam open/close your bag.


That's about it for my experience - four bugs, three of them being extremely minor ones.


I wouldn't say it's anything near bugged to hell.

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Really? I've played the game pretty extensively (though I haven't done many operations or HM flashpoints) and I haven't encountered a game-breaking or even slightly annoying bug.


Okay, sometimes if I dismiss a companion I'll be unable to resummon them without summoning another companion from the companion screen (the N button by default), and if you log out in stealth the game thinks you're stealthed until you log out out-of-stealth, and it takes way too long for loading screens to, well, load (I run WoW on max and it loads in 30 seconds if that, in TOR it takes three or four minutes for Tatooine or the fleet.). Also the framerate is extremely low if you spam open/close your bag.


That's about it for my experience - four bugs, three of them being extremely minor ones.


I wouldn't say it's anything near bugged to hell.


Shhhhh to the self entitled anything shy of perfection is bugged to hell. :rolleyes:

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What you said about not being able to trust anything to work correctly in this game was another reason I cancelled. I said that exact same thing to a guildie. There is not one part of this game that I can honestly trust that its working correctly.


Really? I guess that goes to show different people/PC's can have completely different experiences when it comes to games, because I have honestly not had many issues at all. I have had the occasional bug but not a single one has been game breaking. In other MMO's I have had constant crashes, quest glitches, falling through the world, unable to res and many more bugs that were actually game breaking.


My companions portrait going black is not game breaking and getting stuck is as simple as /stuck or QT. I feel bad that you guys had a bad experience but I do feel its a minority of people experiencing the issues, just like any game bugs are a matter of priority. If bug A affects everyone and bug B affects only a handful of people unfortunately bug B drops to the bottom of the list.

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I just came back after a months hiatus or so, and they still havent fixed "Defend the shipment" mission on Ilum (empire). Still a daily mission that cannot be completed. yay.


Ilum companion customization vendor still has nothing to sell


and Ashara Zavros still likes to have her lightsabers drawn all the time if I summon her with a stance (perforation or sanguinate) active, or activate the stance after summoning (she only sheathes her lightsabers after she kills something).


Thats just after about 15 minutes in the game after my return.

Edited by Karkais
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Games buggy as hell, without a doubt,


Complete lack of






err, hang on, what did they do during Beta then.......



Drink Coffee



To all the folk who say - Awwwwwwwww, dont be mean, give them time,




I am a paying customer, SWTOR is the product I am paying for,


You get your bugs sorted out in Beta,


Dont charge me for playing bugs,



Edited by Tsaritsin
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Honestly the little bugs and even some of the big ones do not bother me at all. Not one little tiny bit. Getting stuck in a wall for days would make me upset but that one never happened to me.


I was actually hoping that some of the Republic agents were only 12 inches tall. When I first saw it I was all like, Ohh finally something cool. I want to learn more about these 12 inch tall people. I was bummed to find out it was just a bug.



The bugs don't bother me like I said. The soul crushing boredom I fell while playing does bother me.


Maybe it is just me. Maybe I can't do <WOWstyleMMO> anymore. Maybe I am out of sync with what the mainstream gamer wants.


Or Maybe SWTOR just isn't quite as good as hyped.

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...Or Maybe SWTOR just isn't quite as good as hyped.


A game can be hyped a great deal and be either good or bad, depending upon a player's preferences. It sounds like this game is not to your preference.


I paid utterly NO attention to the hype. In fact, I never intended to play this game being sci-fi and all.


And yet I enjoy it, a lot.


Other games that were also hugely hyped I ended up finding out were not to my enjoyment. It's not the hype, it's the preference. Can't blame a company for talking up their product. It's marketing and they all do it. Some just have bigger budgets than others.

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Even the almighty World of Warcraft had bugs from release that weren't fixed 3 years in the game.


Anyone remember the loot-bug where you got stuck in the pose until you relogged?

It was present at release and was STILL in the game when wotlk got released.

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Back before 2004, a game might have had years to "get it's stuff together." Not anymore. Things change, the world changes, and with it changes the expectations of video games. No one is asking for perfection. I'm sorry, but you seem to think it would take an exorbitant amount of time and coding to fix text errors. It would not. These things have been known about since beta, and they're STILL in the game. Bioware pumps out more content while the existing content continues to have problems.


Everyone is looking forward to patch 1.2. Look at 1.1, and the absolute disasters that it caused. Do you really think 1.2 is going to be any different?



The year doesn't matter. People for some reason now expect perfection instantly and that will NEVER happen. There will always be bugs and quite honestly I prefer little text bugs to huge "I can't play my class" bugs.


I have not ever had a bug so big in SWTOR that I couldn't play a character. I HAVE had those bugs in every single other MMO I've played up to and including WoW. The amount of polish SWTOR's launch has had is far beyond any other MMO's launch.


Bug teams have a finite amount of time. There are not huge amounts of people totally determine to remove every bug, there are instead defined teams with lists of things they have to do and those lists go from game breaking to inconvenient and text bugs are nothing more than an inconvenience.


If you define the success of an MMO by something so trivial as a text bug, you need to find another hobby.

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The year doesn't matter.
nice try

People for some reason now expect perfection instantly
i expect that game would not freeze when i open a window with inventory or character info but it does…

and minor stuff like this happens all the time

someone gave this situation good name: "death by thousand paper cuts"

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People for some reason now expect perfection instantly


I have given them months to fix the daily mission ("defend the shipment") on Ilum. It has yet to happen. Whats your definition of "instant"?

Edited by Karkais
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At what point will it become unacceptable to pay to play a game that is still in beta? Will it take 6 months? A year? How much longer will you guys defend this trainwreck by comparing it to bad games that released years ago, or repeating ad nauseum that it just needs more time?


And yet your still here.

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The ability delay is killing the game for me. This may be the most unresponsive game I've ever played.


Really threw me off at first...I mean...REALLY. I spent more time yelling at my monitor than actually killing anything. Then I started getting a sense for how it was happening and adjusted. I wonder how other games will feel now. Heh.

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And yet your still here.
worry not

"You have 3 days of play time remaining"


/wave at time card's


I wonder how other games will feel now. Heh.
lightning speed fast Edited by navarh
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I too wonder exactly how many MMOs the OP has played from launch. Most games these days are released with no changes from well before beta to release. Swtor was one of the more polished ones I always thought.


All I can say about bugs though is to report them all. /bug ftw.


You either report the bugs, or you live with them, or you quit the game because of them.


I report every one I see...


The biggest issue are people refusing to acknowledge the situation.


You don't have to go far. Lookup DCUO, Rift, AoC, WoW Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, Cata, any major patch, etc. Their answers to bug are within days.


It is clear that EA/BW do not have the full control over their MMO and they have too many sub-contractor that add additional lag to the time it takes to fix bugs.


Heck I still have Class Bonus Mission still stuck and Ivory hanging in my ship. Evading mobs in most Class Missions (which kill the mood btw when it takes you 45m to get out of a crashing ship because of it).


And we've been reporting those bugs since pre-public Beta 1.


But keep lying to yourself.


PS: The definition of trolling is:


Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors


And that's what people like you are doing.

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Compared to any other MMO Ive ever played, this was the best launch by far. Normaly you wouldn't expect an MMO to be this complete for a couple of years after release.
you right bro

"give it time"



10years, i give them ten years to fix eveading mob's at belsavis and my fullauto, and another 3 year to fix mortar volley

and ofc i would not maintain active sub

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