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I don't like companions...


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Even before this game came out I disliked the idea of having to rely on companions in order to get things done, and now, three months later I STILL feel the same way. Especially when it comes to a role like healing- which needs absolute attention and precision, then giving it to an unpredictable AI. Bad things happen.


My level 47 Jedi Guardian is in great gear. I'm able to take things down within an acceptable amount of time. I'm fulfilling my role. Now my Doc, my healing companion, is also in level-appropriate gear and when he heals me he can actually help me out. The main subject there being when he heals me, meaning he doesn't do it all the time. Even if I had Doc decked out in all purples and the best gear available to me, it wouldn't make a damned difference if he doesn't actually do his job.


And I know exactly what I'm doing. I have him on Med Watch at all times, I don't have him on passive, he can use every one of his healing abilities... but he doesn't. A gold elite can be beating on me and he'll throw out a heal here and there, then stop. I'll be within an inch of health and he'll throw a kolto bomb at me, and stop. So unless I blow all my cooldowns and keep myself alive, that elite is gonna cut me to bits while Doc stands there watching.


So that's something I don't understand. You force these companions on us, you make it so that we cannot quest or fight or leave the safety of our ships unless we have one tagging along, but we can't rely on them with our lives. When this creature you gave us doesn't play along the way you need them to, then where does that leave us? I don't know if anyone else has problems with their companions, or maybe it's just because mine's made to be stupid. Regardless, none of it is giving me any reason to actually like playing with one.


Got a problem? Come running to the forums to complain. Nothing to see here.

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Perhaps he has burned through all his power/cooldowns healing you and has to stop?


Adding +presence gear can make his heals bigger, for the times that he does heal.


This ^^


They have cooldowns, just like players do. I've never had a problem with any healer companion healing UNLESS I got us into a situation where I was taking damage way faster then the healers cool downs could cope with OR if the healer was getting ganked and could not cast due to interrupts.


I like companions. I like them alot. Take care of them and they take care of you.


Soooooooo much better then pets for pet classes in other MMOs.

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One thing i found tonight while doing my class quest. i jump attacked and fought for a while, then i did the force throw and tossed the guy back and did a force jump again. i was now out of range of doc. he didnt move up to come to me, he just stood in the same spot. once i moved back into his range i got healed again.


i dont know if this happens all the time, because i dont normally do a toss and get out of range, but is it possible you are going out of his range?


also, if you move to where he cant see you, he wont heal you there either (like behind a pillar or something)

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I think it's more the fact that they constantly obstruct your view, block objects and loot that you're trying to interact with, and repeatedly spout the same catch phrases all the time.


Fortunately I only need to have him out for the dailies now, still a pain in the *** to have around though.

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You force these companions on us, you make it so that we cannot quest or fight or leave the safety of our ships unless we have one tagging along, but we can't rely on them with our lives.


Team up with someone (or a group) and don't use the companions at all.

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And yet, knowing full well the use of companions in not only this game but every BioWare game ever made, you bought the game.


Now you want to cry about it.


You'll pardon me if I have zero sympathy for your concern, an issue you fully created yourself.

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I think it's more the fact that they constantly obstruct your view, block objects and loot that you're trying to interact with, and repeatedly spout the same catch phrases all the time.


Fortunately I only need to have him out for the dailies now, still a pain in the *** to have around though.



Yeah I hate the fact we are all forced play pet classes, I hate pet classes, I never play pet classes, and yet here if you don't you are at a severe disadvantaged.


It was a very single player game design choice.

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And yet, knowing full well the use of companions in not only this game but every BioWare game ever made, you bought the game.


Now you want to cry about it.


You'll pardon me if I have zero sympathy for your concern, an issue you fully created yourself.


Such a silly thing to say. For a MMO to have long term playability it needs to not only have certain systems included but it needs to give people the ability to make a choice on how they play.

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Put him in his healing stance.


Turn on on all his healing abilities.


If that doesn't work out, then I'm lead to believe it's just you.


I use Quinn and Dorne. Never have a problem, unless I'm getting hit more then they can heal.

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The healing companions don't have a resource pool. They just work off of cooldowns. So don't expect a steady stream of heals, that's not how they work. It also helps if you turn off the CC ability they get because they seem to prioritize that a little to high over some heals. Other than that I have never had a problem with mine. Don't pull an entire room and expect your healer companion to keep you alive like a normal healer player would.
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Such a silly thing to say. For a MMO to have long term playability it needs to not only have certain systems included but it needs to give people the ability to make a choice on how they play.


Yes, you have the choice to play solo or in groups. Play melee or ranged. Play DPS, Healer or tank. Empire or Republic. Darkside/Lightside/somewhere in the middle.


Yeah I hate the fact we are all forced play pet classes, I hate pet classes, I never play pet classes, and yet here if you don't you are at a severe disadvantaged.


It was a very single player game design choice.


You hate pet classes, but are playing this game.




The other poster made a very valid statement, not some silly, fluff statement. Just because you don't like what he said doesn't make it silly.

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Such a silly thing to say. For a MMO to have long term playability it needs to not only have certain systems included but it needs to give people the ability to make a choice on how they play.


You do have choice to not use your companions. You have a choice as to which ones to use. You can always group and never see companions if that's your thing. You can even solo without them if you are a little cautious about how you approach it.

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Bioware is known for companion content, back as far as Baldurs Gate, My companions were cool, i have enjoyed them in all of Bioware games, I would be a sad panda if they did not have them here, I enjoy them and hope they add more companion stuff in the future..:)


People can even quote lines from some of those companions "Go for the eyes Boo" just a quick example..

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