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Will swtor ever go free to play?


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Okay fine.


STO is a pimple and SWTOR is a boil.


One is bigger but both are just putrid bags of pus.


STO still has much better ship combat and tighter ground control.


And not everyone looks the same with the same companion.


I guess my line of thinking at this point is I'd rather have a pimple.


I was thinking the same thing!

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SWTOR is passable. It's a solid B plus game. While it could be better, it's overall satisfactory.


STO, however, is a complete and utter train wreck. I still have no idea how it managed to get there. Solid story and an epic universe. Great idea for an MMO, right? Yet when it dropped, it was so AWFUL. It's like Batman games pre-Arkham.



Tell ya what. There is a whole heck of a lot more people partying and RPing on Earth spacedock in STO right now than there is on my server on SWTOR. Hundreds of people playing and having fun in just one part of the game.


Then if you leave spacedock you will see HUNDREDS of ships out in space. That is what a game that is growing looks like.


I don't understand all the hate ! Explain to me how SWTOR is better !


All the bugs and problems from the launch are gone and the game plays well and is much improved from 2 years ago. If you haven't played the game recently, and compare it with SWTOR you are doing yourself an extreme dis service.


All the complaints ans so called problems about STO are here in SWTOR yet people think its the best thing since sliced bread.

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Tell ya what. There is a whole heck of a lot more people partying and RPing on Earth spacedock in STO right now than there is on my server on SWTOR. Hundreds of people playing and having fun in just one part of the game.


Then if you leave spacedock you will see HUNDREDS of ships out in space. That is what a game that is growing looks like.


I don't understand all the hate ! Explain to me how SWTOR is better !


All the bugs and problems from the launch are gone and the game plays well and is much improved from 2 years ago. If you haven't played the game recently, and compare it with SWTOR you are doing yourself an extreme dis service.


All the complaints ans so called problems about STO are here in SWTOR yet people think its the best thing since sliced bread.


Dude, I played STO during the Star War launch due to lack of a time card and I was itching for some space action. I installed it, took a week to recover my old password from Perfect World from an old STO trial I never got to start and logged in. I played the beginning prologue up to the second star battle before I got frustrated and quit. The ship controls are awful. I could barely hit a single enemy unit without passing it and going out of range. And the phasers aim was far too clunky. I felt like I was firing a dang foam disc launcher from the 1970's. I have no idea how anyone is still playing. Maybe, like the Star Wars fanbase, they just love the game because it's Star Trek. It's honestly a far more believable scenario than "it plays better". Because it does not. SWTOR may have an on-the-rails ship, but it is leagues better than "Where the crap did my target go" STO.

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Okay fine.


STO is a pimple and SWTOR is a boil.


One is bigger but both are just putrid bags of pus.


STO still has much better ship combat and tighter ground control.


And not everyone looks the same with the same companion.


I guess my line of thinking at this point is I'd rather have a pimple.


sto is rubbish, you can play fed side or sit on the kdf side and be bored due to no content, the endgame is beyond none existant, the best ships cost a fortune, the foundry is just a cheat way to lvl. Anything worth getting you have to pay big time for with real cash. the space pvp is good but that it and end of.


And i know this cos i was in the top 10 of the best kdf pvp players on sto, my name was Blackheart.

Edited by Shingara
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Dude, I played STO during the Star War launch due to lack of a time card and I was itching for some space action. I installed it, took a week to recover my old password from Perfect World from an old STO trial I never got to start and logged in. I played the beginning prologue up to the second star battle before I got frustrated and quit. The ship controls are awful. I could barely hit a single enemy unit without passing it and going out of range. And the phasers aim was far too clunky. I felt like I was firing a dang foam disc launcher from the 1970's. I have no idea how anyone is still playing. Maybe, like the Star Wars fanbase, they just love the game because it's Star Trek. It's honestly a far more believable scenario than "it plays better". Because it does not. SWTOR may have an on-the-rails ship, but it is leagues better than "Where the crap did my target go" STO.





I think you might be confusing STO with EVE ship combat, because STO automatically slows you to combat speed as soon as you fire.


If you can't figure out STO ship combat.... Q = faster... E = slower and spacebar fires all phasers ! Its pretty simple and still miles beyond and better than what star wars has.



(If you can't do STO ship combat then I kinda feel bad for you as a gamer :)

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I think you might be confusing STO with EVE ship combat, because STO automatically slows you to combat speed as soon as you fire.


If you can't figure out STO ship combat.... Q = faster... E = slower and spacebar fires all phasers ! Its pretty simple and still miles beyond and better than what star wars has.


I'm not confusing anything. I overshot the dang Borg like six times, and those tooltips helped nothing. It was god awful. Star Fox had better ship combat than STO.

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I think you might be confusing STO with EVE ship combat, because STO automatically slows you to combat speed as soon as you fire.


If you can't figure out STO ship combat.... Q = faster... E = slower and spacebar fires all phasers ! Its pretty simple and still miles beyond and better than what star wars has.



(If you can't do STO ship combat then I kinda feel bad for you as a gamer :)


Love how you told him that he doesnt know how to play sto space pvp/pve then say to just press space to fire all phasers, if you knew how to space pvp/pve in sto you would know not to fire all phasers or weps as it lowers your dps and fire power.

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Love how you told him that he doesnt know how to play sto space pvp/pve then say to just press space to fire all phasers, if you knew how to space pvp/pve in sto you would know not to fire all phasers or weps as it lowers your dps and fire power.


Never claimed to be an expert boss, just claimed its more fun.


Just my humble opinion.


If he couldn't beat the opening tutorial Borg ships he was most certainly doing something wrong.


I pretty much casualed several toons up to vice admiral, and don't even have a fleet.


I'm thninking someone got picked last in kickball if they have any difficulty with STO, as lack of difficulty was one of the main gripes. just like SWTOR !~ (look I stayed on topic!)~

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Never claimed to be an expert boss, just claimed its more fun.


Just my humble opinion.


If he couldn't beat the opening tutorial Borg ships he was most certainly doing something wrong.


I pretty much casualed several toons up to vice admiral, and don't even have a fleet.


I'm thninking someone got picked last in kickball if they have any difficulty with STO, as lack of difficulty was one of the main gripes. just like SWTOR !~ (look I stayed on topic!)~


Im not disputing the fact that sto space pvp is good, cos it is and thats the only thing going for that game, but next time you go in have a look at who the best are, you will find that they all have old custom things on there ships that you can no longer get, to get anywhere near them you need to spend some major cash in the store.


Now ye space in swtor aint no where near stos space but swtor is a land game with space slightly tabbed onto it at the mo, but dont think for one second thats how its going to stay, you just have to look at the space game in swtor to see what they can do with it. when they unhook our ships we will have real dog fights not spin around each other and fire in sequence and pop heals every chance you get.

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If he couldn't beat the opening tutorial Borg ships he was most certainly doing something wrong.


Yeah. I installed the game. That's where I went wrong. If it wasn't for J.J Abrams and Big Bang Theory and Star Trek: The Next Generation reruns on TNT, I would destroy my Starfleet Insignia and just freaking go outside.


Worst. Extended Universe. Ever.

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Well thanks guys for the entertaining evening.

This has been more fun than the actual game.


I still have yet to hear anyone explain why the "problems" with STO suddenly aren't "problems " in SWTOR.


I have yet to hear why cheesy on rails space missions are better than actual Spaceships that can PVP.


I have yet to hear why the EZ mode and Instancing in STO made it a terrible game, yet SWTOR has the same instancing, the same small group on small group combat, the same everything just about, including Leonard Nimoy voice overs. Yet STO is a Terribad game and SWTOR is so much better.


I mean everyone knows StarWars>StarTrek the mathematical eqaution is correct, but beyond that please tell me why SWTOR is so much better?

Edited by Lostkoss
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Well thanks guys for the entertaining evening.

This has been more fun than the actual game.


I still have yet to hear anyone explain why the "problems" with STO suddenly aren't "problems " in SWTOR.


I have yet to hear why cheesy on rails space missions are better than actual Spaceships that can PVP.


I have yet to hear why the EZ mode and INstancing ing STO made it a terrible game, yet SWTOR has the same instancing, the same small group on small group combat, the same everything just about, including Leonard Nimoy voice overs. Yet STO is a Terribad game and SWTOR is so much better.


I mean everyone knows StarWars>StarTrek the mathematical eqaution is correct, but beyond that please tell me why SWTOR is so much better?


Why are problems with sto not anything like problems in swtor, simple sto do not develope, they develope for c store and there idea of content is feature episodes that consist of a few quests.


The on rails isnt a problem because its not going to stay like that and the on rails isnt the main game.


The instancing on sto is rubbish cos you can go into a phase and be pawned because someone higher then you has been farming it, that its the same techniques used by most of the ships and the borgs having something a little different.


SWTOR has more scope, has more financial backing and way more development, ingame items are not dependant on how deep your wallets are in real life and when they add something its not just a few quests.

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Why are problems with sto not anything like problems in swtor, simple sto do not develope, they develope for c store and there idea of content is feature episodes that consist of a few quests.


The on rails isnt a problem because its not going to stay like that and the on rails isnt the main game.


The instancing on sto is rubbish cos you can go into a phase and be pawned because someone higher then you has been farming it, that its the same techniques used by most of the ships and the borgs having something a little different.


SWTOR has more scope, has more financial backing and way more development, ingame items are not dependant on how deep your wallets are in real life and when they add something its not just a few quests.


1) They develop for the c store because that is how the game now pays the bills. You don't work for free do you? It's FTP if you don't want to buy anything.


2) The on rails isn't a problem says you. The fact is you can wish in one hand and I can do something else in another and guess which will fill up first. Until I see something better with my own eyes, right now STO has WAY BETTER ship combat that includes PVP.


3) You can set the game setting to private instances or the natural grouping they do. Your choice.


4) SWTOR has more scope? They spent more money.What you are saying is SWTOR is better because they spent more money? They have hardly added more than a few instances and lots of promises in 4 months. Wishing spending more money made things better doesn't make it true.


Hey your mileage may vary ! But calling a skunk a black cat won't disguise the smell, and something sure stinks around here.

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I feel kind of bad about derailing the whole STO/SWTOR thing going on here, but the reality is that F2P model for SWTOR isn't completely out-there until they make some pretty big changes. It's a very casual game in terms of time investment and difficulty, and things that keep you playing in between content patches aren't there. Subbing and staying subbed while waiting with nothing to do isn't working. As James Ohlen said, he's shocked at the exit figures of people unsubbing, and so were other people he asked in the industry. Unless they rectify this, SWTOR will always be a game where players play then stop and many unsub, and resub (maybe, hopefully) when something that appeals to them comes into the game, get that done and unsub again. Making it so that not only do you need to activate your account for a month or 3 or 6 and on top of that setting up a subscription plan to be able to play then cancelling said subscription and sticking to the time originally intended and being able to achieve what there is to achieve in that time isn't too endearing to players.


So maybe not F2P, but definitely more flexible payment options wouldn't be too horrible for this game, I don't think. The big advantage of subscription-based games is the ability to consistently and fairly accurately predict incoming payments and being able to support constant development of content, but the game doesn't really match up to that expectation for as many players. From a player perspective a F2P model or flexible payment system suits this game better than a subsciber-based one.

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I feel kind of bad about derailing the whole STO/SWTOR thing going on here, but the reality is that F2P model for SWTOR isn't completely out-there until they make some pretty big changes. It's a very casual game in terms of time investment and difficulty, and things that keep you playing in between content patches aren't there. Subbing and staying subbed while waiting with nothing to do isn't working. As James Ohlen said, he's shocked at the exit figures of people unsubbing, and so were other people he asked in the industry. Unless they rectify this, SWTOR will always be a game where players play then stop and many unsub, and resub (maybe, hopefully) when something that appeals to them comes into the game, get that done and unsub again. Making it so that not only do you need to activate your account for a month or 3 or 6 and on top of that setting up a subscription plan to be able to play then cancelling said subscription and sticking to the time originally intended and being able to achieve what there is to achieve in that time isn't too endearing to players.


So maybe not F2P, but definitely more flexible payment options wouldn't be too horrible for this game, I don't think. The big advantage of subscription-based games is the ability to consistently and fairly accurately predict incoming payments and being able to support constant development of content, but the game doesn't really match up to that expectation for as many players. From a player perspective a F2P model or flexible payment system suits this game better than a subsciber-based one.



I'll stop with the "other game" stuff. I just don't accept Star Wars is better because its better. That is an answer an 8 year old would give.


Regarding the rest of your comment;


The damage is already occurring. Once people unsub once, it is just like a bad relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Yeah you might get back together after a break up in the relationship, but its never going to be the same. It is certainly easier to break up a second time or a third.


In a business sense, it is expensive to attract customers. Most business's would rather make a deal with you and cut you a break than lose you as a customer. The cost of attaining a new customer is much higher than a free month of cable or whatever.


Make no mistake these online video games are smack dab in the middle of the service industry.They may not miss me after I'm gone as an individual, but the will certainly miss my demographic that will most likely follow in my footsteps.


It's going to take a lot more than a family tree and a new battleground to get me to come back. If it ever happens at all at this point. Some of the raging fanboys here are just making me dislike this game more. <present quoted company excluded>

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I'll stop with the "other game" stuff.


oh :( didn't mean to do that. Anyway I'm off to check out this STO (or not) until Vampires The Masquerade comes out. Read all the books, it's made by EVE ppl so it can't be too terrible

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1) They develop for the c store because that is how the game now pays the bills. You don't work for free do you? It's FTP if you don't want to buy anything.


2) The on rails isn't a problem says you. The fact is you can wish in one hand and I can do something else in another and guess which will fill up first. Until I see something better with my own eyes, right now STO has WAY BETTER ship combat that includes PVP.


3) You can set the game setting to private instances or the natural grouping they do. Your choice.


4) SWTOR has more scope? They spent more money.What you are saying is SWTOR is better because they spent more money? They have hardly added more than a few instances and lots of promises in 4 months. Wishing spending more money made things better doesn't make it true.


Hey your mileage may vary ! But calling a skunk a black cat won't disguise the smell, and something sure stinks around here.


1) They developed like that prior to it being f2p, now it just costs more to buy of the freaking thing.


2) SWTOR is a primery ground based game, the space is an add on. when they add more swtor will still be a ground based game, to that fact swtor still has more space and ground then sto would if they duplicated there content 100 times.


3) you can do exactly the same thing here, you can group with people to play in phased zones or you can do them by yourself. of which there is a hell of alot more todo in swtor.


4) are you daft, swtor has more scope because it has more dimension. It doesnt matter how much money they put into it compared to sto because the star wars universe has more things in it that can be translated into the game then star trek does.


And no idea *** your on about with calling this or that or the other a scunk, if it walks like a dog, barks like a dog and drops fleas like a dog its a bloody dog, and thats what sto is, a mangy dog that should have been taken to the vets, neutered and turned into a single player game with multi player options yonks ago.



The damage is already occurring. Once people unsub once, it is just like a bad relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Yeah you might get back together after a break up in the relationship, but its never going to be the same. It is certainly easier to break up a second time or a third.



And this just makes me laugh out loud, what damage, this game is holding the record for most subs within a set time from launch, it could lose 500k subs and still keep that record. So dream on thinking this is a sinking ship cos no matter how many times you say it in your head it aint happening.


And dont try the ow but all my friends left and the server is dead argument, cos the busy servers have been getting busier and the quiet ones quieter, you know why, cos people moved to the busy servers.


Just cos your 'mates' didnt tell you and just left you behind cos your always moaning. Cos you know what, if sto is so good why are you posting on the wrong forums hmm.

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  • 2 months later...
I know alot of newly released mmos that were supposed to be giant and went F2P after a while. Do you guys think swtor will go that route and when?

I think SWTOR is an amazingly successful game though however i do not think they should go free to play. I think they should have a one time pay only where you buy the game once and there are no additional charges. I think the game if this does go into affect should have an item shop where players can buy costumes, mounts, consumables, etc.

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I was starting to believe the mmo medias bs that f2p was the future of all mmos because i kept hearing about how great GW2 is.


Well i played GW2 this weekend and the only thing good i can say about that game is, its better than gw1. Dont get me wrong, it isnt total garbage but it is most definately not in the AAA mmo category.


And unless the majority of gamers are suddenly going to be happy with playing a AA mmo that is free and dumping their well made well run AAA mmos that dont nickle and dime you to death with costs tacked on to every little quality of life item like bank and bag space then i dont see the big boys going anywhere soon and i dont see swtor going f2p until it has officialy failed.

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I dont understand the fetish people have over asking or insisting any particular MMO will or is going to go FTP ... by such and such time. Its pretty silly. The only reason I can think of as to why people are this way is because a game going FTP somehow validates the "I told you the game sucked" attitude.


Some people think FTP is cheaper. Most FTP games end up being far more expensive in the long run. Pay for content ... get this dungeon now for only 4.99. Get this 2 hour story quest line for only 4.99. Add extra character slots for 2 bucks. Another quest series came about a week later get it for another 4.99. Need another storage slot? NP 2.99. Want to be able to have more the 50k credits... raise that another 50k per 1.99. The list goes on and on. Oh we released a new Op buy it now for 5 bucks. Most FTP games milk you far more then 15 bucks a month over the long haul. Dont think for 1 second that FTP = cheaper. Its not just cosmetic garbage that they sell you anymore.


I cant really believe that most players would want that. That leaves me to believe they hope for it just so they can say "I told you so". This leaves me to believe people are sick in the head. Why do people wish for an MMO to fail? Wouldnt it make more sense to hope it grows, succeeds and becomes the game youve been wanting to play?


ToR may not be the greatest MMO out there. However, it has a very solid foundation and with patience and support it could become one of the best. Imagine them implementing full 3d space... with space raids and space pvp. Imagine them adding lower level planets that allow you to take alts through different leveling paths. Imagine all kinds of mini games and customizable real housing with guild areas as well. All these things and more are possible. It could make for an awesome time....It wont happen without some support though.

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It's my guess that this game will go F2P in a few months and we'll have to pay for the increased leveling cap + other features.


They would have said something about an expansion if that's what it was, and I cannot see them increasing the leveling cap without asking for an extra charge, especially if the new leveling cap also continues our character stories.

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