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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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That's not really what we're asking for in this particular thread, though.


We were talking about 4v4, which is a bit better balanced than WoW's 2v2 affairs (I used to play back then too).


The balancing issues were why we were requesting that there be no rewards, titles, etc, just a queue.


Basically exactly like the old Arena Skirmish system, not the actual Arena. I'm honestly afraid of them instating a ratings-based Arena at this point in time, but skirmishes would be fine.



I get why people want it, Yes it would be cool I agree. But you know the amount of QQ that will happen, even with there no rewords valor ect, people dont like there e-peen being damaged :rolleyes: I mean why not have duals were you can challenge 4 people if you have 4 people in a party or 2 people you get the idea.


Really am ok with them changing the duals like this.


Me and 4 mates in a party want to challenge 4 repub in a party to a fight Leader of party A challenges a member of party B then you have a scrap.


If you tell people there will be Areas people will want all the toys as well


Arena gear, Arena rankings and Arena balance its sad coz yeh it would be cool, but you add them in your on a path like WoW, why do you think not many people played Arenas coz of the crappy balance it will be no different in swtor then this forum will be filled with kids QQ about balance and the fact someone bent there e-peen :rolleyes:

Edited by WNxAbaddon
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Do you intend to just strike poses in this room or actually play? Cause this engine barely supports the number of people in a WZ. Oh nvm... you wold just DM with the same 8 people. Sounds... boring.


Sounds fun...I don't see the big attraction in capture the flag stuff.

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RTS I agree, but not really the PVP I was talking about...


BUT LOL @ FPS...and u ask if I'm a troll?


Best at what, best at playing a game that is largely considered a joke to anyone that plays professionally? You're one of the people who think being picked up for a few seasons on MLG had something to do with it being a good game not just having a ton of potential viewers aren't you.


Tab target MMOs have almost nil skillcap. The difference between two equally geared players one good and one great is nothing. There's a big difference between scrubs and good players sure, but there's no real differentiating in a tab target MMO at the top beyond team comp and teamwork, the game itself is simple and easy.

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NO WAY....


BW needs to concentrate on big scale PvP, forts to capture and that type of stuff, PvP that will keep you interested for hours with multiple warbands/ops working together to achieve objectives and create a great community like Warhammer did on my server Ironclaw.


That way warzones will settle into the right role, secondary and for variety and not be the main PvP, it's the fact we currently have to play them more than they should be, due to no working world PvP, that they have become too repetitive...


The main thing from WoW I would like is an Alterac Valley type Warzone, bigger map, participant size and objective type, to add more variety to warzones and get away from just 8 v 8 and to tide people over until World PvP/PvP lake is fixed.


I'm definitely not opposed to larger-scale PvP battles like you're talking about in your first paragraph, but I don't know that the game engine can handle that. <.<


I'd love to see large-scale world PvP, Warzones, and Thunderdome-style "Two teams enter, one team leaves!" type PvP all coexist happily in this game.


I don't think that's too much to ask for, given enough time. It doesn't have to be right now, but eventually it would be pretty awesome if they found a way to make them all work.


Then we can all be happy doing what we like, right? And people like me will be happy doing a bit of all 3. : )

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Best at what, best at playing a game that is largely considered a joke to anyone that plays professionally? You're one of the people who think being picked up for a few seasons on MLG had something to do with it being a good game not just having a ton of potential viewers aren't you.


Tab target MMOs have almost nil skillcap. The difference between two equally geared players one good and one great is nothing. There's a big difference between scrubs and good players sure, but there's no real differentiating in a tab target MMO at the top beyond team comp and teamwork, the game itself is simple and easy.


What if the tab targeting is really terrible? : D

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Arena would create a huge community that isn't strictly server based. Arenajunkies.com is an example, a huge arena community from World of Warcraft.


They can have arena while also having large scale pvp battles you know. They can balance the game around Arena for the more competitive people and have huge fun battles for the guys who just want to work as a huge team to beat another.


The game could be completely unbalanced in 3v3/4v4 and you wouldn't even notice it in 100v100.


Arena would have little to no effect on world pvp.


Who knows after World PvP that could be looked at for variety, World PvP should be the priority, rated PvP is at least something for those that like arena and small organised teams, where as those that like the big scale team stuff have nothing with the failure that is Ilum and that is why my friends left TOR as it happens.


Myself, I ain't interested in who is the best individual or small team, that would play a part in my thinking of course, I like big scale stuff, having multiple warbands/ops working together for hours.

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I'm definitely not opposed to larger-scale PvP battles like you're talking about in your first paragraph, but I don't know that the game engine can handle that. <.<


I'd love to see large-scale world PvP, Warzones, and Thunderdome-style "Two teams enter, one team leaves!" type PvP all coexist happily in this game.


I don't think that's too much to ask for, given enough time. It doesn't have to be right now, but eventually it would be pretty awesome if they found a way to make them all work.


Then we can all be happy doing what we like, right? And people like me will be happy doing a bit of all 3. : )


Yeah the engine part is certainly something that worries me in big scale PvP


In the end it prob wouldn't hurt to have all forms of PvP, as long as the best stat gear isn't saved for arena, although they still need something, titles, appearance etc, but I still think World PvP should be the priority.

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Please add arenas/deathmatch pvp, some of us like deathmatch pvp and most good games offer multiple variations of pvp.


To the people saying no for no reason, you don't have to participate. I don't want any extra gear than what the ranked warzones would provide. You may like playing sabotage in cod, others like deathmatch.


To the people saying to go play in Outlaws Den, all it takes is one stealth class griefer to completely ruin tournaments. The one successful 3v3 tournament we had was probably the most fun I've had in this game.


p.s. This is an mmo, gladiators from WoW are going to be the best pvpers in this game. Sorry if you struggled for challenger titles each season :(

Edited by xChroniCx
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Deathmatching is for people with no brain.


So many people are bad at objective PVP because they are used to smashing their face against a keyboard to get wins in WOW. Now that they actually need to think about what they are doing it's the end of the world.


Actually most battlegrounds in WoW took way more co-ordination and were more complex than anything swtor currently offers sans huttball. And huttball is really just a modified capture the flag so no leaps and bounds there.


But yea, you either need competitive pvp or engaging open world pvp to keep pvpers around (and god knows engaging open world pvp is a LONG ways off). Rated battlegrounds are a start, arena's will help. I stopped playing around a month ago because I can only do the same 3 warzones so many times with no incentive. Sub ends in June if rated warzones don't cut it.

Edited by Pantheros
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I just think, with the engine that has performance issues with player models and large area rendering, small scale pvp wouldn't be game breaking, but an improvement for some. For those with "low end" machines could pvp, and not suffer from complete crap frames. With smaller maps, plus limiting the number of players/spell effects I don't see how it could be a bad thing.
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This ^


It has to be a balance issue, Because like you said....It only takes a room and the PVPers do the rest.


I don't understand why it's taking so long, Kind of annoying if you ask me.


But look how long it took BW to get ride of PASSIVE Dam stopping you from capping.


This could take them some time. I mean they have to CREAT a WHOLE ROOM!


Its taking so long because they arent going to add it and have no intentions on adding that POS.


There's a reason pretty much every mmo on the market doesnt have arenas. Because arena PVP is HORRIBLE lol. And before you tell me "How could it be horrible? wow has 500 million subscribers?" All I can say is...Justin Bieber has sold 500 million records...Does that mean he's good?


WOW is the Michael Jackson of mmo's. It sucks even though it sells millions. It mostly attracts little boys. And it's dead.



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I just think, with the engine that has performance issues with player models and large area rendering, small scale pvp wouldn't be game breaking, but an improvement for some. For those with "low end" machines could pvp, and not suffer from complete crap frames. With smaller maps, plus limiting the number of players/spell effects I don't see how it could be a bad thing.
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Its taking so long because they arent going to add it and have no intentions on adding that POS.


There's a reason pretty much every mmo on the market doesnt have arenas. Because arena PVP is HORRIBLE lol. And before you tell me "How could it be horrible? wow has 500 million subscribers?" All I can say is...Justin Bieber has sold 500 million records...Does that mean he's good?


WOW is the Michael Jackson of mmo's. It sucks even though it sells millions. It mostly attracts little boys. And it's dead.




LOL I know it's coming....


My point is why it's taking so long.......


And when It does come I'm sorry you have to walk around with a bad rating I really am....

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Well I hope you're right, because right now I have yet to see a valid reason for not having smaller scale pvp battles other than some people don't care for them.. The only reasons for not having this option, mentioned by others are that it would ruin class balance, even though we already see people whining about balance in warzones. And worse, rated warzones aren't even out yet, so I know there is a flood of tears to come about balance.


The reason was stated many times, you just refuse to accept it. Arena is ALREADY available. Take your 3 buddies, and challenge any other 4 on tatooine. Search google, you will see plenty of videos of these swtor tournaments. You might even stumble on the 50+ pages threads that had already been up on the pvp forum with QQing galore about what classes needs to be nerfed, and how Sorc are so squishy and need a major buff, ALL as a result of some stupid arena tournament (3v3 AND 4v4) that showed ZERO skill level.

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The reason was stated many times, you just refuse to accept it. Arena is ALREADY available. Take your 3 buddies, and challenge any other 4 on tatooine. Search google, you will see plenty of videos of these swtor tournaments. You might even stumble on the 50+ pages threads that had already been up on the pvp forum with QQing galore about what classes needs to be nerfed, and how Sorc are so squishy and need a major buff, ALL as a result of some stupid arena tournament (3v3 AND 4v4) that showed ZERO skill level.


Well good, if there are that many people interested in small scale PVP, then that in itself is more then enough of reason to add an Arena type system. This isn't about who has SUPER SKILLZ, but having the option to pay how I would like to.

Edited by broganthomas
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Well good, if there are that many people interested in small scale PVP, then that in itself is more then enough of reason to add an Arena type system. This isn't about who has SUPER SKILLZ, but having the option to pay how I would like to.


Even if the entire forum population wanted arena, that's prob less than 5% of the 2mil+ subscribers. So how is a few threads by the same people over and over constitute "alot" of people?

Instead of wasting your time just arguing with me about something you havent seen yet, go look at the threads and videos that are already out there. Maybe you will see my point, regardless of whether you will agree with it or not.

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I am all for them creating a room and letting these "people" that want it, DM it out in there, make it seperate from regular WZ que's so that if you dont want to DM you dont have to.


That will get some of these noobs out of the WZ's that like to fight out in the middle ignoring the objectives then tell everyone how leet they are and how everyone else sucks cause they lost.


And those that are saying that DM arena's are more challenging PvP than objective based WZ's...well in DM arenas, you have to worry about killing the other team more than they kill you, no real strat, stick together, watch each others backs and try to assist train ftw. in objective based WZ's, you have to worry about all that plus completing the objective and preventing the other team from completing it.


Objective based WZ's just require one step of thought more than your average DM'r can manage, proof of this, watch when defending in voidstar, there is allways some glowstick wielding monkey out there fighting 50m or more away from the doors while the other team caps the door, thats your average DM'r right there.

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I am all for them creating a room and letting these "people" that want it, DM it out in there, make it seperate from regular WZ que's so that if you dont want to DM you dont have to.


That will get some of these noobs out of the WZ's that like to fight out in the middle ignoring the objectives then tell everyone how leet they are and how everyone else sucks cause they lost.


And those that are saying that DM arena's are more challenging PvP than objective based WZ's...well in DM arenas, you have to worry about killing the other team more than they kill you, no real strat, stick together, watch each others backs and try to assist train ftw. in objective based WZ's, you have to worry about all that plus completing the objective and preventing the other team from completing it.


Objective based WZ's just require one step of thought more than your average DM'r can manage, proof of this, watch when defending in voidstar, there is allways some glowstick wielding monkey out there fighting 50m or more away from the doors while the other team caps the door, thats your average DM'r right there.


I would be for it, if everyone of these "people" that wanted arena be banned from ever posting anything on the forum.

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I would be for it, if everyone of these "people" that wanted arena be banned from ever posting anything on the forum.


Again, only people I see calling for nerfs are war zone related.. And not the results of some small tournament no one has even heard of.

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Again, only people I see calling for nerfs are war zone related.. And not the results of some small tournament no one has even heard of.


Most of those WZ related nerf crys mention at some point their "experience" in 1v1 situation vs the class in question. So yea the cry for nerf originates from something that happens in a WZ, but the basis for it is still the same 1v1 balance mentality that this game just isnt built on.


It was designed as a team based, team balanced game, if they meant it to be a 1v1 balanced game then every class would have access to some form of in combat heal.

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I am all for them creating a room and letting these "people" that want it, DM it out in there, make it seperate from regular WZ que's so that if you dont want to DM you dont have to.


That will get some of these noobs out of the WZ's that like to fight out in the middle ignoring the objectives then tell everyone how leet they are and how everyone else sucks cause they lost.


And those that are saying that DM arena's are more challenging PvP than objective based WZ's...well in DM arenas, you have to worry about killing the other team more than they kill you, no real strat, stick together, watch each others backs and try to assist train ftw. in objective based WZ's, you have to worry about all that plus completing the objective and preventing the other team from completing it.


Objective based WZ's just require one step of thought more than your average DM'r can manage, proof of this, watch when defending in voidstar, there is allways some glowstick wielding monkey out there fighting 50m or more away from the doors while the other team caps the door, thats your average DM'r right there.


No, the guy who fights in the middle of nowhere is the average idiot.


I wish people would stop comparing a WZ to arena when they have no idea what they are talking about. Small scale pvp and WZ emphasize different skillsets but in a large fight, the individual's ability to affect the outcome of the match is limited, which is why you can carry a few bad players in your group as long as they can listen to instructions.


Small scale deathmatch is to an extent quite the opposite. You have to be able to play well individually because you don't have 4 to 5 other people zerging one target with you or supporting you and dying matters a lot because it almost guarantees a loss. You also have to consider the fact that not everyone has a great computer to run WZ with respectable fps and other players certainly do not like playing with randoms in a group so they would much rather arena.


I think they should add arena eventually, but they need to consider how to implement it well. If people want to make arguments against arena, at least have some valid points like Knockerz instead of nonsensical bashing. I'm not trying to talk down on the skills of people who rather do WZ type pvp rather than arena, but that's just my observations.

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Most of those WZ related nerf crys mention at some point their "experience" in 1v1 situation vs the class in question. So yea the cry for nerf originates from something that happens in a WZ, but the basis for it is still the same 1v1 balance mentality that this game just isnt built on.


It was designed as a team based, team balanced game, if they meant it to be a 1v1 balanced game then every class would have access to some form of in combat heal.


So blame dueling and remove it from the game, but on a serious note, even in WZ you'll have a moment or two where you'll find yourself in a 1v1, and they'll still come here and cry.

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Most of those WZ related nerf crys mention at some point their "experience" in 1v1 situation vs the class in question. So yea the cry for nerf originates from something that happens in a WZ, but the basis for it is still the same 1v1 balance mentality that this game just isnt built on.


It was designed as a team based, team balanced game, if they meant it to be a 1v1 balanced game then every class would have access to some form of in combat heal.


You think that people would not cry nerf even w/out an Arena? Of course they would; they do right now.


No, you obviously acknowledge this happens whether they exist or not, so how does having an Arena setup make this any different whatsoever?

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